VSRF Live #162: Planet Lockdown with Catherine Austin Fitts
Vaccine Safety Research FoundationThis Thursday on VSRF LIVE, Steve sits down with outspoken medical freedom fighter and global investment expert, Catherine Austin Fitts! Catherine is an American investment banker, former public official, and former managing director at Dillon, Read & Co. She also served as U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President George H.W. Bush. With years of experience in finance and government, Catherine has become a leading voice in exposing large-scale government fraud and mismanagement. Her groundbreaking 2004 study in World Affairs revealed troubling evidence of massive financial corruption and the illegal diversion of wealth into secretive, unaccountable channels. Catherine has long been a critic of the unchecked power of shadowy groups manipulating public institutions for private gain at the expense of the public good. She was also a central figure in the controversial documentary Planet Lockdown where she aired her views on the connection between the COVID 19 pandemic and government fraud she has been studying for decades. Don't miss this compelling interview and as always, please share this link and bring some friends! Support the work of VSRF at https://VacSafety.org/donate Donations are tax deductible and we need your support to continue our work into 2024. Or to text-to-donate, text LIBERTY to 5355531.1K views 88 comments -
NEWSMAX2 LIVE | Real News for Real People
NEWSMAXWatch NEWSMAX anytime at http://NewsmaxTV.com. Don't have cable/satellite? Watch NEWSMAX online by subscribing to NEWSMAX+ with a free trial at http://NEWSMAXPlus.com. Listen to NEWSMAX from anywhere or subscribe to podcasts: https://newsmax.com/listen/ Shop Newsmax Logo Gear at http://nws.mx/shop SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: http://nws.mx/FB Twitter: http://nws.mx/twitter Instagram: http://nws.mx/IG YouTube: https://youtube.com/NewsmaxTV Threads: http://threads.net/@NEWSMAX Telegram: http://t.me/newsmax TRUTH Social: https://truthsocial.com/@NEWSMAX GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/newsmax Get NEWSMAX streamed live on your computer, phone or TV for less than a $1 a week with NEWSMAX+. More: http://NEWSMAXplus.com89.9M views 9.43K comments -
BIDEN IS ALIVE?! Is he Resigning?!+ Secret Service Tells Trump NO MORE RALLIES?!
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Conspiracy Streams | Redpill Project
Redpill ProjectConspiracy Streams | Redpill Project Ben Stewart - Creator of Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica https://www.benjosephstewart.com/ Support Links https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/redpillstv https://www.givesendgo.com/redpills https://cash.app/$redpillproject https://www.redpillprojectmedia.com/crypto Visit Josh https://redpills.tv redpillproject.substack.com t.me/redpillstv x.com/@realjoshuareid https://redpills.tv/mushroom https://redpills.tv/pets https://redpills.tv/coffee Mushrooms https://redpills.tv/mushroom PTG Gold and Silver www.getgoldtoday.com www.redpills.tv/mypillow My Patriot Supply Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes redpills.tv/patriot The Redpill Project.. Find Us and Subscribe! Web https://redpills.tv Telegram http://t.me/RedpillsTV Rumble https://rumble.com/c/RedpillProject CloutHub https://clouthub.com/redpills GETTR https://gettr.com/user/redpill TikTok https://tiktok.com/@realjoshreid Foxhole App: https://pilled.net/#/profile/127862 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redpillproject DLive: https://dlive.tv/RedpillProject32.1K views 9 comments -
Infowars Network Feed: LIVE 24/7
Infowars - BANNED.videoTune in to the #AlexJonesShow LIVE M-F 11am-3pm & Sundays 4pm-6pm CST, #AmricanJournal with Harrison Smith LIVE M-F 8am-11am & the Infowars #WarRoomShow with Owen Shroyer LIVE M-F 3pm-6pm, plus catch #InfowarsSNL LIVE Sundays 6pm-8pm CST #SupportIndependentMedia https://thealexjonesstore.com https://drjonesnaturals.com https://AlexJones.Live https://infowarsstore.com49.4M views 15.6K comments -
Final Days Worldwide Premiere
Stew Peters NetworkFrom the Directors of Died Suddenly’: Final Days’ Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come. Final Days would not have been made possible without our Sponsors: Protect your wealth and retirement by investing in precious metals with this EXCLUSIVE offer for ‘Final Days' viewers. Get up to $10k in Free Silver by using this link to receive your FREE IRS Loophole Kit: http://goldco.com/FinalDays Protect you and your family from the effects of mRNA vaccine shedding with this special discount for ‘Final Day’s Viewers: https://FinalDaysProtocol.com The Stew Peters Show is a national conservative news outlet that delivers uncensored truths directly to your homes. Tune in and watch every Monday-Friday at 8pm ET https://stewpeters.com Keep the Stew Peters Show FREE and On The Air by supporting the Sponsors! Stop Swollen feet with this Secret Cure From Antartica: https://swollenfeet.com Get High Quality Prepper Food, NOW with $100 Buckets! Use Promocode STEW for Big Discounts at https://HeavensHarvest.com Taxation is THEFT! Never again voluntarily pay the Washington D.C. Swamp, legally and safely, GUARANTEED when you attend Freedom Law School! Visit: https://FreedomLawSchool.org Gun Holsters BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF! Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/ Support anti-vax activism, free clinic care, and MANLY products like IGF1 visit: https://Vaccine-Police.com Check out https://nootopia.com/StewPeters for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans! Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters Check out: https://kuribl.com/ STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD! Protect yourself from spike proteins, vaccine exemptions, and prescription refills at https://spikeprotocol.com Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/ Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com https://www.givesendgo.com/defendlauren1.13M views 922 comments