PART 1: Mike King: Coming Q Disclosures Will "Shock the World"
NewsTreasonMike King returns to Channel 17 to discuss current events and present his take on the Trump comms and Q posts that point towards the massive disclosures that will change the world. Find Us: www.LinkTree.com/NewsTreason Find Mike King: www.RealNewsAndHistory.com98.5K views 307 comments -
PART 2! Mike King - Coming Q Disclosures Will "Shock the World"
NewsTreasonThe continuation of our blockbuster discussion from June 7th! Mike King returns to Channel 17 to discuss current events and present his take on the Trump comms and Q posts that point towards the massive disclosures that will change the world. Find Us: www.LinkTree.com/NewsTreason Find Mike King: www.RealNewsAndHistory.com96.7K views 257 comments -
You are Watching a Movie You Can’t Possibly Understand ~ So Don’t Judge, Just Enjoy!
FreakSense TVYou are Watching a Movie You Can’t Possibly Understand ~ So Don’t Judge, Just Enjoy! 5:00pm PST, 7:00pm CST, 8:00pm EST, 1:00am UK Time, 2:00am SAST, Noon Sydney Australia, 2pm Wellington NZ Get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, February 3rd, at 7pm CST, we will be LIVE with a MIND BLOWING Show where it is Time…the Moment has Arrived...and I will Fully Explain the Parameters of the Q Operation, Code Name: You are Watching a Movie, to most exacting Degree… I won’t go into great details here about the Show, but we will start tonight with the MILITARY GRADE, CODED SONG, What’s The Frequency Kenneth?, by the Band REM, and their Singer/Lyricist, Michael Stipe, where the Song goes over the BIZARRE Circumstances of the Attack on CBS News Anchor, and White Hat, Dan Rather, and how this Attack was set up by the White Hats, as it was designed to take the FOCUS and put it Squarely on Dan Rather’s Shoulders, so that it would be taken away from what the Q Team wanted kept Under the Radar, which was Scientist and Inventor, Kenneth Schaffer, and his Mind Boggling Abilities to Tap into the Aether, thru Frequencies, and UNSCRAMBLE anyone’s TV, Radio and even Morse Code Transmissions, including the SOVIETS…and remember, the Attack on Dan Rather occurred in New York City, in October of 1986, which was Right after the Takedown of the Five Mafia Families in New York, and the BEGINNING of the Takedown of the Soviets in Afghanistan, where being ABEL to INTERCEPT All of their Transmissions, would give the White Hats a MASSIVE edge against the Soviet Forces that were steadily destroying Afghanistan… Here is the Over-riding Theme for Tonight’s UBER Important Show…the Movie that we are Watching is Predominately a Military Operation, that intercedes with ALL Aspects of Society, including the Creation, Transfer and Release of Information to the General Public, which means that ALL Information that is True and Valuable is DEEPLY CODED and Hidden, while False Leads and and Useless Information are widely distrubuted by the Mainstream Media, which has been CONTROLLED by the White Hats (NOT the Black Hats), and all Part of this Military Take Down of the Cabal…thus, this Movie is the MOST COMPLEX PLAN ever dreamt of and executed, so for ANY of us to even begin to try and make Full Sense of it, is IMPOSSIBLE…this is why it is ESSENTIAL for ALL of us to Stop Talking OVER this Movie, to calmly Eat our Popcorn, become Silent and Aware, and OBSERVE EVERYTHING that is being Released, when it is released and by whom, and then SLOWLY we will be ABEL to Decifer Key aspects to what is actually Happening... As I said above, this show will truly BLOW YOU AWAY by what is actually going on, and by whom; so, Join us Tonight, sans Ego, for this Brilliant Show, where we Decode the Greatest Movie Ever Told and SHINE some much Needed LIGHT upon what is Truly Happening...See you Tonight... With Love, CF and Collywog Make sure you pay a visit to the Brand New Website for our Animals, https://theshireanimalsanctuary.com And enjoy ALL of the great information that Colleen, Aaron and Sionade, with the incredible help of Alan and Alyssa, have created for you, so that you can Learn More about our Animal Rescue Sanctuary here in Mexico, and come to know more about ALL of our 80+ Animals...also, make sure you visit our On-Line Store, where Colleen and Co. have created so many wonderful products that you will Love... Be sure to Subscribe to Charlie's Page on Odysee.com, so that you can Watch our brand new Series entitled, The Deep Dive with Charlie Freak, where we explore Subjects that other platforms simply will NOT allow, with Episode #1, The Truth about Adolf Hitler's Germany... https://odysee.com/@FreakSenseTV To help us Secure the 2 Properties where we House our precious Animals, please donate to: Givesendgo Campaign Link: https://www.givesendgo.com/theshireanimalsanctuary So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this Live Show, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom... So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page... For a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals, www.PayPal.me/TheShire777 For a monthly PayPal Donation for our Animals, https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=6FVR5X94CYR7E For a Monthly or a one time Donation for our Animals on Givesendgo, https://www.givesendgo.com/theshireanimalsanctuary Charlie's books: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/charli... A FreakSense World on Telegram: https://t.me/afreaksenseworld Charlie Freak and Colleen: https://linktr.ee/ShireRescue Aaron X Jesse: https://linktr.ee/axj777 Enjoy, Love, CF34.1K views 152 comments -
10 Videos That Prove ‘You Are Watching A Movie’ - A Channel 17 Special
NewsTreasonLooking Back: From the ridiculous to the insane... Beginning with the 2021 fake inauguration, we go back to revisit some of the most absurd anomalies that show us Anons that we are, in fact, watching a movie. Find us: www.LinkTree.com/NewsTreason175K views 1.21K comments