[MIRROR] Nov 13 2023 - Deep State > Part 1: War Prophecy (From Near Death to Reversal Of Fortune)
Juan O Savin SITREP* Trey Smith + Kim Clement > The 'War Prophecy' * It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn * Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming * Keep The Faith * No Fear * Trey Smith > God In A Nutshell https://www.godinanutshell.com Kim Clement > House of Destiny https://www.houseofdestiny.org Show Notes From Trey: The one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. > I Corinthians 14:3 Deep State > Part 1: War Prophecy is the first of a two-part in-depth dive and analysis of the prophecies of Kim Clement. These documentary examinations are intended to, firstly, establish the credibility of the prophecies Kim Clement gave, and to demonstrate no one could have guessed these events, with precision, in advance. Secondly, and most important, to piece together what Kim Clement saw coming in the future for you as you watch these two films. Part 1: War Prophecy deals greatly with Russia, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia taking aim as nations at both the United States and Israel. Part 2: The Fall examines coming events with respect to the United States, including the rise of terrorism, food shortages, blackouts, and extreme weather events — culminating with the grand finale of what is likely commonly being referred to as the “Great Reset”. This film is dedicated to Jesus Christ. May God give us all grace, discernment and courage in these troubled times. God Bless You ~ Trey Smith60.8K views 187 comments