SHOCK CLAIM: Dental Anesthetic POISONED With Nano Tech: Graphene Oxide & Hydro Gel Used In Dentistry
Stew Peters NetworkFrom the Stew Peters Network, the producer of the World-Changing Documentary Died Suddenly, comes what will be yet another EXPLOSIVE documentary that will change the way you think about Taxes and the American government! Watch Slave Nation at: https://stewpeters.com/watch-slave-nation-now/ Dr. Diane Kazer is here to talk about the dangerous nanotechnology found in botox and dental anesthetics. https://dianekazer.com Watch this new segment NOW at https://StewPeters.com Keep The Stew Peters Show FREE and ON THE AIR! SUPPORT THE SPONSORS Below! Protect your retirement and wealth, get up to $10k in FREE SILVER using this link: http://stewlikesgold.com From the Stew Peters Network, the producer of the World-Changing Documentary Died Suddenly, comes what will be yet another EXPLOSIVE documentary that will change the way you think about Taxes and the American government! Watch Slave Nation at: https://stewpeters.com/watch-slave-nation-now/ 100 million Americans suffer from fatty liver, it's time to stop it! Go to http://www.getliverhelp.com/STEW to claim your special offer & receive a FREE gift - bottle of Blood Sugar Formula Parasites are the hidden enemy of your health and wellness. Get PURGE to cleanse your gut from the infestation preventing your health at: https://www.purgestore.com Take Control of Your Communication: Experience true freedom and unmatched security with Connecta mobile. Visit Phone123.com/STEW by clicking: http://www.phone123.com/stew 70 Ingenious DIY Projects to Survive a World Without Electricity: https://nogridprojects.com/stew/ Bioptimizers can help YOU feel great! Control your blood sugar levels and energy with Blood Sugar Breakthrough buy clicking the link and using code stewpeters10 at checkout: http://bioptimizers.com/sp Gun Holsters, BIG SALE! Just go to http://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF! Health resolutions can be made easy with Field of Greens! Get started on their super-fruit and vegetable supplements to support your whole body by going to http://www.fieldofgreens.com/ and use promo code STEW for 15% off! The U.S. power grid is on the brink of collapse, prepare for the future with Survival Scoop https://survivalistscoop.com/stewpeters Jumpstart your body with the world's strongest IGF-1 at http://www.getigf1.com/. Use code STEW & Save 50% with autoship. Stay up-to-date with Stew by following him on all socials! Twitter: https://twitter.com/realstewpeters Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stewpetersofficial/ Telegram: https://t.me/stewpeters Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters41.7K views 156 comments