New American Daily | "The Great Taking": A Conversation With David Webb
The New AmericanDavid Webb has written one of the most talked about, terrifying books in red-pilled circles. David believes we are approaching a global financial collapse in which people will lose all their securities, thanks to a series of regulations implemented over the last three decades. He discusses in detail how and why this will happen, who’s behind it, why it will lead to complete economic serfdom, and how it can be stopped. This is an interview you cannot afford to miss. @ 5:20 | Regulatory changes implemented over the last few decades paved the way for the great taking. @ 22:15 | After the bust following the creation of the Federal Reserve, the international banksters put their competitors out of business, part of a “regime-shifting strategy." @ 26:05 | Webb addresses criticism and rebukes. @ 52:40 | What can average people do to stop this from happening? RELATED Read "The Fed: America’s Boom & Bust Machine." https://thenewamerican.com/print/the-fed-americas-boom-and-bust-machine/ Watch "Fed to Blame for Economic Pain as Big Banks Win: Top Economist." https://thenewamerican.com/video/fed-to-blame-for-economic-pain-as-big-banks-win-top-economist/ Watch "Dave Brat on the State of the Economy." https://thenewamerican.com/video/dave-bratt-on-the-state-of-the-economy/ Get a copy of The Creature from Jekyll Island, originally published by The John Birch Society, HERE. https://shopjbs.org/product/the-creature-from-jekyll-island/ Learn more at thegreattaking.com.7.45K views 6 comments -
Ep. 213: SHUTTING DOWN ALEX JONES? Biden Regime War in FULL FORCE! Viva & Barnes Live!
vivafreiSPONSOR! https://www.twc.health/VIVA promo code Viva for 10% off your Contagion Kit & FREE SHIPPING!277K views 607 comments -
Now It’s Bad Enough. Revenge. (Ep. 2261) - 05/31/2024
VINCEFor show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-2261-now-its-bad-enough-revenge Check out our Clips channel for video highlights https://rumble.com/BonginoClips Sign up to receive Dan's daily newsletter at https://bongino.com/newsletter/ Summary: In this episode, I address the stunning verdict of Trump's sham trial and react to his live press conference. The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy-to-read format to assist the public in getting accurate information. https://bonginoreport.com/ Please subscribe to the podcast at: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dan-bongino Join Dan on Twitter @dbongino Truth Social @dbongino Follow him at: Facebook @dan.bongino Instagram @dbongino Locals @dbongino Email us at info@bongino.com1.74M views 6.5K comments