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Stacy Berman: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 25]

7 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Sexuality and medicinal journeys with psychedelics may seem like touchy subjects, but should they be? And if used properly, are they really healing? We turn to an icon in the fitness industry who holds a PhD in Natural Medicine, is a Shaman following the Native American Hopi tradition, a Reiki Master, and has studied under the likes of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and many more. This is the Story of Sexuality and Psychedelics with Dr. Stacy Berman.
  1. The Story of Sexuality and Psychedelics with Stacy Berman
  2. What Happens During A Medicinal Journey
  3. The Symbolism In Psychedelic Journeys
  4. Why Your Shaman is Just As Important As the Psychedelic
  5. Can Medicinal Journeys Help Improve Disease?
  6. How to Break Free from Sexual Trauma
  7. Why We Feel Guilt & Shame Around Sexuality