Holocaust Revisionism For Beginners - DOCUMENTARY FULL
MoonShroomsDavid McCalden lays out the facts for us plain and simple regarding the "Holocaust" in this 1987 film. A great introductory documentary for those just familiarizing themselves with Holocaust revisionism, the Truth, and the many layers of lies we've been fed.391 views -
The "Holocaust" 101 (BIG LIE) Where to Begin... Aug 2, 2023
AlvinB59The "Holocaust" 101 (BIG LIE) Where to Begin... Aug 2, 2023 Source: RizoliTV @RizoliTV https://odysee.com/@RizoliTV:d/The-Holocaust-101-(BIG-LIE)-Where-to-Begin...-Aug-2,-2023:e?r=AY5DdZrLeTUiqxQ1UZ2XhFDDC6DJAMbf Some basic Holocaust facts and excellent resource material below. JIM RIZOLI'S RECOMMENDED REVISIONIST BOOKLIST 1) EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY, Reed, T. Sainsbury https://www.moneytreepublishing.com 2) THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY, Benton L. Bradberry (Available through target.com and walmart.com) THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY, TMOGV - BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/eZvN9tTcudZh/ The Myth Of German Villainy - PDF https://archive.org/details/myth-of-german-villainy-benton-l.-bradberry-293 The Myth of German Villainy - Audio https://archive.org/details/MRTAPMAN_gmail_MGV 3) DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE, Richard Harwood (9 parts) (Expunged from IHR site. Contact us for EMAIL COPY) 4) THE BAD WAR: THE TRUTH NEVER TAUGHT ABOUT WORLD WAR 2, M.S. King https://barnesreview.org/product/bad-war-truth-never-taught-world-war-2/ The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2 - Barnes Review By Mike King. 2nd Edition (PDF) https://archive.org/details/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/page/n8 5) THE SIX MILLION, FACT OR FICTION, Peter Winter PDF - https://ia601601.us.archive.org/7/items/TheSixMillion-FactOrFiction/The%20Six%20Million%20%E2%80%93%20Fact%20or%20Fiction.pdf 6) DISSECTING THE HOLOCAUST, Germar Rudolf PDF - https://ia802909.us.archive.org/29/items/DissectingTheHolocaust_288/dissecting-the-holocaust-germar-rudolf-2003-Revisionism.pdf(https://shop.codoh.com/book/38/38 ) Codoh.com | Dissecting the Holocaust 7) LECTURES ON THE HOLOCAUST, Germar Rudolf https://shop.codoh.com/search/?q=lectures+on+the+holocaust (also has free PDFs) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lectures-on-the-holocaust-germar-rudolf/1126721233 8) THE TRUTH ABOUT GERMANY AND THE WORLD WARS, Terence Smart https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-truth-about-germany-and-the-world-wars-terence-smart/1127244880?ean=9781538082607 The Truth about Germany and the World Wars by Terence Smart, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® www.barnesandnoble.com 9) GERMANY'S WAR, John Wear https://www.amazon.com/GERMANYS-WAR-Origins-Aftermath-Atrocities/dp/0982344899 10) TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL, Gerard Menuhin https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tell-the-truth-and-shame-the-devil-gerard-menuhin/1124235793 ADOLF HITLER AND THE THIRD REICH 1) GERMANY'S HITLER, Heinz A. Heinz, $12.68, free shipping, Prime https://www.amazon.com/Germanys-Hitler-Heinz/dp/1366820304 2) MEIN KAMPF, Ford Translation - Available at BARNES AND NOBLE https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mein-kampf-adolf-hitler/1129385328?ean=9780984158423 Mein Kampf: The New Ford Translation by Adolf Hitler, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® For the first time in 65 years, a modern, easy-to-understand, truly complete and uncensored edition of Mein Kampf has been released which reveals more than any past translation. www.barnesandnoble.com 3) HITLER DEMOCRAT, Leon DeGrelle (Outrageous price on Amazon - to ward off the interested, but available in PDF here https://vdoc.pub/documents/hitler-democrat-777deqqvnlq0 https://archive.org/details/hdbld ➕PLEASE NOTE These videos are my personal opinion and only that. You may have a different opinion. If you don't like hearing my opinion on the matter, don't watch. If you make a comment and it doesn't show up, it was most likely deleted because of one of the following reasons: ☑️ It was useless ☑️ It was a personal attack or name calling or about my family ☑️ It was an appeal to authority or a straw man argument ☑️ It contained excessive profanity or unrelated nonsense ☑️ You have no avatar or channel history ☑️ You have a fake account ☑️ You dropped a link with no explanation of what it is to ☑️ You are spamming the same comment on other videos DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHTS TO THIS VIDEO/DOCUMENTARY BUT POST IT UNDER THE FAIR USE ACT. "Fair Use" guidelines: https://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html7.08K views 24 comments -
Page ChroniclesErnst Zündel's 'Another Voice of Freedom' program #5 - (1992) | Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017) and Jewish revisionist David Cole investigated Auschwitz in 1992. | (Revisionism: The Revising of History) "David Cole, a colleague and comrade in arms in the struggle to free the Germans and the Jews from the monkey on their back, 'Revisionism' is the same for Jews as it is for Germans - this young man proves it." - Ernst Zündel ———About David Cole:———— David Christopher Cole, also known as David Stein (born c. 1968), is an American film director. In the 1990s, he gained publicity as a Holocaust denier. Much of the controversy Cole attracted resulted from the fact that he is Jewish. After changing his name to David Stein following death threats, he became known for his activism on behalf of the Republican Party. He is the author of the book Republican Party Animal, published by Feral House in 2014. ——About Ernst Zündel:———— (To me, an honorable man who was a 'History Revisionist', someone who asked questions. The small hat tribe would have you believe otherwise.) Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (April 24, 1939 – August 5, 2017) was a German publisher and pamphleteer (known for promoting Holocaust denial). He was jailed several times: in Canada for publishing literature ("likely to incite hatred against an identifiable group"), and on charges of being a threat to national security; in the United States, for overstaying his visa; and in Germany for charges of "inciting racial hatred". Zündel died at his home in Germany, of a suspected heart attack, on August 5, 2017. ——My Tidbit:——— TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION! Imagine a world where we all treated each other with kindness and respect. A world where we take responsibility for our actions and strive to make positive changes. It's time to leave behind negativity and embrace humility. So let's commit to changing our ways and creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. Because if we don't, the consequences could be severe. ——The Logos G.U.Y.S (Government Upon You Shoulders) Constitution—— 📌 Universal Law Trumps all others... Preamble: The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to protect those conditions that let all individuals achieve prosperity and happiness. Those conditions can be delivered by a constitution that prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual: The Constitution: Article 1.: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud against the person or property of any individual. Article 2. Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those who violate Article 1. Article 3. No exception shall ever exist to Articles 1 & 2. ——💊 Quotes...———— ▸"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” – Søren Kierkegaard ▸ “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War ▸"Control language and you control thought; control thought and you control action; control action and you control the world." Peter Kreeft (1937) ▸"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana ———source:———————————————————— • Mirror: 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/QzYBDP7FLh2i/ ——— ➤✝️ "Page Chronicles" Channel & Operator |▸⚠️ COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMERS——— 📌 I do not own the ©️ Copyright / Licensing to this content - but it's posted Under: ► Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” ☕️ Buy me a coffee: 👉 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/pagechronicles 🐦Page Chronicles X/Twitter: 👉 https://twitter.com/HelperPage Community Guidelines Disclaimer: This video's point of view and purpose is not to bully or harass anybody but to share opinions and thoughts with like-minded individuals curious about this subject to encourage conversation and awareness.1.04K views 1 comment -
Page ChroniclesAVOF Nr. 169 - Truth is No Defence - "The Truth in some absolute sense plays no role. Rather it is the social context..." - Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (WTF?!) An interesting episode of 'Another Voice of Freedom' - Doug Christie(Zündel's Lawyer), Ernst Zündel, and Dr. Robert Countess(American Scholar) all give commentary on Zündel's situation and the anti-Logos of it all. It seems, to me, that they have been interested in the Internet for a while. Unbridled totalitarian influence over this means of communication should have caused more alarm among the populace, at the time. ————About Doug Christie:———— Douglas Hewson Christie, Jr. (April 24, 1946 – March 11, 2013) was a Canadian lawyer and political activist based in Victoria, British Columbia, who was known nationally for his defense of clients such as Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel, former Nazi prison guard Michael Seifert and neo-Nazi Paul Fromm among others. ————About Ernst Zündel :———— Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017) | AVOF | "There is No Business lie 'SHOAH-Business." - Ernst Zündel Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (April 24, 1939 – August 5, 2017) was a German publisher and pamphleteer (known for promoting Holocaust Denial). He was jailed several times: in Canada for publishing literature ("likely to incite hatred against an identifiable group"), and on charges of being a threat to national security; in the United States, for overstaying his visa; and in Germany for charges of "inciting racial hatred". Zündel died at his home in Germany, of a suspected heart attack, on August 5, 2017. ————About Robert Countess :———— Robert H. Countess (1937-2005) was a college professor, lecturer, author and pastor. He was born in August 26, 1937, in Memphis, Tennesse. He graduated from Huntsville (Alabama) High School in 1955.He earned a B.A. degree in Religion and English, an M.A. degree in Religion, and a Ph.D. in New Testament Greek, as well as a Master of Liberal Studies degree in Humanities and Philosophy from Georgetown University. He continued graduate studies at several other universities. Dr. Countess was Instructor in Greek and Chairman of the Foreign Languages Department of Covenant College, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Tennessee State University, and Instructor in Greek at the University of Tennessee at Nashville. He also held teaching posts at Northern Virginia Community College, and at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. ————My Tidbit:———— (Note: To me, the Court has lost its Jurisdiction (become null and void) as it waives from the TRUTH and is nothing but another front for a snaky clique of Mercantile Pirate Banksters with powerful influence. "To me, these types of guys are giants in truth-seeking, there are many like them, honorable folk who wish for 'History Revision' based on evidence and primal facts. Is it a crime to ask questions? They say the TRUTH is no defense, I say the TRUTH will prevail. Canon: All Law is first Auricular. (Spoken into being) ——Holocaust Revisionists:—— 'Holocaust Revisionists' do not deny the Jews were persecuted, expelled, put into concentration and labor camps, and suffered and perished in large numbers during World War 2. Holocaust Revisionists primarily espouse 3 points of contention with the official Holocaust story 1. That there was no German plan or order to exterminate every Jew in the world. 2. That 6,000,000 dead figure is a propaganda figure with no basis in the actual number of Jewish dead during World War 2. 3. There were no homicidal gas chambers disguised as shower rooms. Revisionists provide convincing evidence that what we are told served as homicidal gas chambers either served as morgues, clothing fumigation rooms or were just shower rooms. TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION! Imagine a world where we all treated each other with kindness and respect. A world where we take responsibility for our actions and strive to make positive changes. It's time to leave behind negativity and embrace humility. So let's commit to changing our ways and creating a better world for ourselves and future generations. Because if we don't, the consequences could be severe. ——The Logos G.U.Y.S (Government Upon You Shoulders) Constitution—— 📌 Universal Law Trumps all others... Preamble: The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to protect those conditions that let all individuals achieve prosperity and happiness. Those conditions can be delivered by a constitution that prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual: The Constitution: Article 1.: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud against the person or property of any individual. Article 2. Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those who violate Article 1. Article 3. No exception shall ever exist to Articles 1 & 2.537 views 1 comment -
Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017) – Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) – Best Interview of all Time
WWaking the World upThis interview goes over the German – Jew feud. Ernst Zundel is known for his two trials in Canada (1985 and 1988) in which he completely debunked the Holocaust (The Holohoax of the 20th Century). *This video does not necessarily reflect the views of this channel. You decide and form your own opinions. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel (24 April 1939 – 5 August 2017) was a German(Canadian) publisher and pamphleteer of (Holocaust denial) literature. He was jailed several times: in Canada for publishing literature "likely to incite hatred against an identifiable group", and on charges of being a threat to national security; in the United States, for overstaying his visa; and in Germany for charges of "inciting racial hatred". He lived in Canada from 1958 to 2000. In 1977, Zündel founded a small press publishing house called Samisdat Publishers, which issued such (neo-Nazi) pamphlets as his co-authored The Hitler We Loved and Why and Richard Verrall's Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last, which were both significant documents to the Holocaust denial movement. Verrall's pamphlet should not be confused with Barbara Kulaszka's book Did Six Million Really Die? Report on the Evidence in the Canadian "False News" Trial of Ernst Zündel, 1988. On 5 February 2003, Ernst Zündel was detained by local police in the U.S. and deported to Canada, where he was detained for two years on a security certificate for being a foreign national considered a threat to national security pending a court decision on the validity of the certificate. Once the certificate was upheld, he was deported to Germany and tried in the state court of Mannheim on outstanding charges of incitement of Holocaust denial dating from the early 1990s. On February 15, 2007, he was convicted and sentenced to the maximum term of five years in prison. All these imprisonments and prosecutions were for inciting hatred against an identifiable group. He was released on March 1, 2010. Ernst Christof Friedrich Zundel (1939-2017) was a leading Holocaust denier and major distributor of neo-Nazi propaganda. In fact, in 1981 West German investigators named Zundel as one of the biggest suppliers of banned Nazi propaganda seized during hundreds of raids on homes of neo-Nazis in West Germany. He founded an antisemitic publishing company, Samisdat Publishing, responsible for distributing works such as Did 6 Million Really Die? and his own book, The Hitler We Loved and Why. He wrote for two neo-Nazi publications, White Power Report and Liberty Bell. He also served as the inspiration for and key content provider of Zundelsite, a leading online repository of Holocaust denial propaganda since 1995. During an interview with an Israeli journalist in 1996, he described Jews as having a “parasitic nature.” Zundel moved to the United States from Canada in 2000 after years of legal troubles over his antisemitic and neo-Nazi propaganda distribution but was deported from the United States back to Canada in 2003. In 2005, Canadian authorities deported Zundel back to Germany, where he was born, given his relations with white supremacist organizations. Once in Germany, he was arrested, tried and convicted for Holocaust denial and inciting racial hatred. He was released from prison after serving a five-year sentence. In his words: “Over the years, the numbers of ‘dead’ in Auschwitz have changed drastically. Hardly anyone can keep the lie straight any more…Pick your favourite number - facts don't matter, truth does not matter, death certificates don't matter to the Holocaust-promoters and -liars! Anti-German propaganda is the only thing that seems to matter in this racket!” – Ernst Zundel, Zundelsite “The final solution that people talk about that the Germans had envisioned was a Europe without Jews through immigration...to say that Hitler had this idea of the final solution...Why should he be afraid not to have an order to do the most important thing? If that's what the Jews say was the most important thing that he could get rid of the Jews, he should have proudly made the proclamation, framed it, and had it in every German government office. Why did he care for history not to record that he wanted to exterminate the Jews? But there is no such order to this day, all these holocaust hypocrites, to the contrary, not a single funeral order has been found.” - Interview with Israeli Journalist, 1996 “The Zionist movement only got its tremendous influence, power in the Jewish community, thanks to the role that they played in collaborating with Adolf Hitler” - Interview with Israeli Journalist, 1996 “How many Jews died at Auschwitz? Less than 20,000 in all these satellite camps, including Auschwitz. And they died not of gassing. There was not a single gas chamber in all of national socialist dominated Europe.” - Interview with Israeli Journalist, 1996 Sources: https://altcensored.com/user/ https://altcensored.com/playlist/ACelmgx66pMz6vpBrVq9PAJa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Z%C3%BCndel https://www.adl.org/glossary/ernst-zundel Video Source: Page Chronicles -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/q4f2WbsJ9GjA/8.46K views 8 comments