Now That You Know
9 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Now That You Know: Truth is unstoppable! Study, Research, Grow Spiritually, Discern, Mature in Christ Mindset!!
WATCH: Now that you know by Pillars and Strategies | Bless Israel (Part 1) #nowthatyouknow #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesNew video and series with a Bold and Clear message for the Sons of God awakening in this hour for the coming forth of Judah!!! #nowthatyouknow #NTYK Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.10 views -
WATCH: Now That You Know by Pillars and Strategies | Bless Israel (Part 2) #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesNow that you Know series with a Bold and Clear message for the Sons of God awakening in this hour for the coming forth of Judah in this hour!!! Free book giveaway!!! #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.12 views -
WATCH: Now That You Know by Pillars and Strategies | Bless Israel (Part 3) #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesNow that you Know series with a Bold and Clear message for the Sons of God awakening in this hour for the coming forth of Judah!!! Free book giveaway!!! #nowthatyouknow #NTYK Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.15 views -
Don't be Anti-Shemitic, Racist, or Prideful: Start Blessing the Ancient Israel Descendants! #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesNow That You Know: Truth is unstoppable! Study, Research, Grow Spiritually, Discern, Mature in Christ Mindset!! The Bible Is clear In Genesis chapter 10. Moreover, it’s time to repent, and get your heart right with our creator. In order to discern those around you, and understand who is jew and gentile, you must grow in relationship with the Holy God of Israel. Know His voice, follow His instructions! Like & Share - It’s not about the views - it’s about waking up the #12tribesofisrael #endtimes #prophecy Credit: @Gadawan @raphayahgadawan Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sulivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.15 views -
Exposing Connections | Ancient Egypt & Greece "Black Boulé" Shadow Operations #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesThis video was primarily created for the benefit of the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel's awareness. It is our hope that people of all creeds and color (both Jew and Gentile) will convert to Christ and receive salvation (reborn experience), power and authority through Yeshua, baptism by the Holy Spirit + renewed mindset. This video series is not intended to discriminate or offend anyone. Keynote: The Ptolemaic Kingdom or Ptolemaic Empire was an Ancient Greek polity based in Egypt during the Hellenistic period. The house of Judah is not the same as the House of Pharaohs descendant's, Black Nubians or Black Grecians. However there is a correlation to the house of Judah concerning Ancient Egypt (Black Nubians) and Ancient Greece (when blacks ruled those regions) that still effects Hebrews to this day. This video was intended to show proof of how Black dynasty practices migrated from Egypt to Greece and then to the U.S. and contains a bold and clear message for the awakening of Judah!!! #nowthatyouknow Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice. Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You.32 views -
Evidence of Egyptians That were Black | Pillars & Strategies #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesDisclaimer: The house of Judah is not the same as the House of Pharaoh. However there is a correlation to the house of Judah concerning Egypt that effects Israelites to this day. Stay tuned to the next episode to find out the connection between both houses and how it still impacts us today. This video was intended to show proof that Egyptians were black and provides a Bold and Clear message for the Sons of God awakening in this hour for the coming forth of Judah!!! #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.15 views -
Judah Awakening: Bold claim by Pastor Matthew Nolan about Who Blacks in America Really Are! #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesBOLD claim by Pastor Matthew Nolan of True Historical Origin of Blacks in America #nowthatyouknow #Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sulivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. The views and opinions expressed in the materials covered are those of Matthew Nolan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. Pillars & Strategies is a Kingdom focused platform and advocate of truth. Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos45 views -
Russian Artwork in America Museum actually showcasing Black Jesus #NTYK #NowThatYouKnow
Pillars & StrategiesNow That You Know by Pillars & Strategies Part 4: Russia's Correlation in Exposing Shemetic Proofs! Credits to Black Authentic Truth. Watch till the very end to see the shocking reverential bow from the Pope himself (They know the truth). Like/Share and Subscribe. Now That You Know is a new video series with a Bold and Clear message for the coming forth of Judah in this hour!!! #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK #nowthatyouknow Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.27 views -
NTYK Part 5: World Renowned Rabbi professes Hebraic Roots in Africa #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK
Pillars & StrategiesCredits to Rabbi Itzhak Shapira founding Rabbi of Ahavat Ammi Ministries (They know the truth). This is nothing new for many of them. We do advocate all the views expressed in this clip. Like/Share and Subscribe. Now That You Know is a new video series with a Bold and Clear message for the coming forth of Judah in this hour!!! #NowThatYouKnow #NTYK #nowthatyouknow Join this channel to get access to perks: Join Link: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos Message to Viewer(s): If you've found this channel then you've been led here. We are not called to the many but the few who would desire to take God's precious word to apply it into their lives on their journey of sonship unto the Lord Jesus Christ. We encourage you to track with us on www.PillarsAndStrategies.net as this platform is only one avenue and is a seasonal platform for us. Thank You. Disclaimer: This video is protected by the United States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sullivan Act in reporting. It is not intended to bully or harass anyone or to incite violence or hatred of any kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer. The points of view and purposes of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like minded individuals curious about the subject to encourage conversation and awareness. This video does not claim to give medical advice.11 views