Song of Songs / Song of Solomon
7 videos
Updated 4 days ago
This is a remarkable book of the Bible. Please enjoy this series.
Song of Songs 1:1-3 (The Kisses of His Mouth)
The Superior WordBeginning the most incredible song ever recorded. Why is it so? Stay tuned through this series, and you will discover the answer. Please enjoy this sermon. For a downloadable PDF copy of this sermon, please refer to this link: https://cloud.sermonaudio.com/media/pdf/high/22251523475830.pdf?ts=1738519977&language=eng&stats=false625 views 1 comment -
Song of Songs 1.4-6 (Draw Me!)
The Superior WordAnother amazing passage filled with doctrine, beauty, and above all... JESUS! Please enjoy this sermon. If you would like a downloadable PDF copy of this sermon, please go to this link: https://storage.sermonaudio.com/com-sermonaudio-text/29251759545790.pdf?ts=1739130196&stats=false633 views 3 comments -
Song of Songs 1:7-11 (A Mystery Resolved)
The Superior WordFiguring out the Hebrew words for this sermon was a doozy, but we got it done. We hope this sermon will bless you beyond measure. For a downloadable PDF copy of this sermon, please go to this link: https://storage.sermonaudio.com/com-sermonaudio-text/216251813467088.pdf?ts=1739729677&stats=false685 views 1 comment -
Song of Songs 1.12-17 (Behold You! Beautiful!)
The Superior WordThis really is a wonderful passage. It is so filled with beauty. We hope you will enjoy this sermon. If you would like a downloadable PDF of this sermon, please go to this link: https://storage.sermonaudio.com/com-sermonaudio-text/223251634122851.pdf?ts=1740334025&stats=false521 views 1 comment -
Song of Songs 2:1-7 (His Banner Upon Me - Love)
The Superior WordIt is a beautiful passage from God's wonderful word. Please enjoy. For a downloadable PDF copy of this sermon, please go to this link: https://cloud.sermonaudio.net/media/pdf/high/32251528512015.pdf?ts=1741307073&language=eng&stats=false563 views 2 comments -
Song of Songs 2:8-17 (Cause Me to Hear Your Voice)
The Superior WordThis is an amazingly beautiful passage about the goodness of God, His love, as it is expressed towards His people. We do hope that this sermon will bless you. For a downloadable PDF copy of this sermon, please go to this link: https://cloud.sermonaudio.net/media/pdf/high/3925144734938.pdf?ts=1741542540&language=eng&stats=false520 views 1 comment -
Song of Songs 3:1-5 (I Shall Seek Whom Loved, My Soul)
The Superior WordWhat a beautiful part of this most beautiful of songs. We hope this sermon will really bless you. PDF copt of sermon: https://cloud.sermonaudio.net/media/pdf/high/3142594201880.pdf?ts=1742144630&language=eng&stats=false462 views 2 comments