This Litter Of Puppies Has Learned To Pee On Command
ViralHogHaving a dog is a massive responsibility; after all, we (almost always) get them as babies and we have to teach them basic domestic manners to keep them, and ourselves, happy. But who would have thought that <a href="https://rumble.com/v37bml-potty-training-from-a-puppers-perspective.html" target="_blank">potty training</a> could be so cute? These 8-week-old Waypoint Weimaraner puppies are getting an early start on their <a href="https://rumble.com/v341lu-hilarious-puppy-training-2.html" target="_blank">training</a>. Not only are they very smart, but they're also great listeners and when their human dad tells them "go pee" they do...except for that one straggler. But we are more than certain that he will get the hang of it in no time! It is hilarious to watch these adorable puppies rush their way down the stairs only to come to a nice green lawn and take a leak! Their owner is giving them the command 'go pee-pee' and all the pooches kneel down, ready to water the grass! Watching these dogs pee in unison has brightened our day and reminded us of teenage girls going together in the restroom! Whether you have a puppy or an adult dog, learn to recognize his signal for needing to go to the bathroom. One thing we know about pretty much all dogs and puppies is that they need to go after eating or drinking, after sleeping or being in a crate for a few hours, and usually after playing. Get your dog on a schedule of taking him out after these events occur, and look for signals that he may need to go – going to the door, sniffing a certain area, going in a tight circle, or starting to squat or lift his leg.723K views 7 comments -
Golden Retriever puppies adorably try to settle for nap time
WildCreaturesPuppies are among the cutest animals on earth. Many resemble small, stuffed toys more than they do living creatures. Their perfect little faces and soft, furry coats make them irresistible to anyone. Even watching them try to walk or run on their adorably clumsy legs never gets tired. We could watch them for hours, or simply pick them up and snuggle with them. Puppies melt the hearts of even the most stoic individuals among us. These new puppies are just two weeks old. Born to a beautifully dispositioned mother, Charlotte, and a handsome father named Kevin, they are bound to be some of the most good-natured puppies possible. The breeder who cares for these dogs and their litters is a wonderful woman who treats all her animals like they were her own children. The dogs have free run of the house and a huge country property where they can explore and play. Frisbee and ball throwing is an everyday occurrence here and the dogs have no doubt that they are loved well. A separate room for new mothers and their litters allows them the peace and quiet they need to feed their babies and to get the extra sleep that they all need during the demanding weeks after birth. When the mothers return from a short break, the puppies swarm her, crying for milk and attention, and the mothers dutifully provide all that they need. Breeders like this one can be found with a little research and a few careful questions. Veterinarians are an excellent source of information as they have a very good idea which breeder is equally concerned with the health of the dogs as they are with their business. It is not difficult to find the breeders who will carefully match healthy adults to produce strong litters. The same breeders will make sure that their canine mothers are not overburdened with frequent breeding or chronic health problems that go untreated. A visit to the facility where the pups are raised will also answer a lot of questions for those wishing to buy a puppy. The dogs will have clean and roomy living quarters, lots of stimulation, quality food, and they will respond well to people. Watching how a breeder interacts with the animals will also provide a lot of information. Speaking to past clients will tell a new buyer how a breeder deals with problems and how they prioritize animal care and after purchase support. A good breeder will be committed to making sure their animals go to good homes and that hey receive excellent care. A proper breeder will also ask a lot of questions about the clients and their ability to care for the animals. If a breeder is sincerely concerned about their puppies, clients should expect to be interviewed and evaluated just as the breeder should be. These adorable little puppies already their forever families lined up and waiting for them. Most have already met their new parents and the children in the family. Part of the fun of getting a new dog is to watch it grow right from the first moments. A puppy is a commitment for life. It is also likely to be one of the most loyal and memorable friendships that a person can ever have.41.8K views 15 comments -
Golden Retriever Puppy Falls Asleep In His Own Water Bowl
aalfiethegoldenxHave you ever thought that there could be something more adorable than a sleeping puppy? Maybe this adorable puppy that falls asleep in its own bowl of water! People who have puppies as a pet know that they like to sleep a lot. In fact, puppies spend most of the day sleeping. Some puppies are more careful than others and know where to lie down to sleep, others just <a href="https://rumble.com/v91yx9-tired-pup-falls-asleep-in-food-bowl.html" target="_blank">fall asleep anywhere</a>, even over a bowl of water. This adorable Golden Retriever puppy falls asleep in its own container of water. Obviously, this puppy is very tired and just thought it was bedtime. The fun part is when it starts to bubble in the water. Puppies are the most adorable animals in the world! When you adopt a puppy, everything changes. You know you should take care of it and pay attention to everything that happens. If it is very small, you cannot take it out of the house until the end of the first series of vaccinations and you are aware that your little dog is very delicate. It is possible that everything scares you at first, since you have no experience with these little ones. But when your puppy comes home, you notice that it eats little and sleeps a lot. It surprises you, since you expected to have a mischievous and playful little boy or girl running around all day. However, what happens is that your new friend spends the day sleeping. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. Puppies sleep a lot, this is totally normal. During the first twelve weeks of life, they can sleep between eighteen and twenty hours a day, waking up only <a href="https://rumble.com/v6sjfz-westie-dog-sleeping-on-set.html" target="_blank">to eat</a> and falling asleep again right away. This is so because their body is developing. Starting at twelve weeks, the puppy begins to have longer and longer periods of activity. It is convenient that you do not wake up your puppy when he sleeps, since it needs those hours of sleep to develop properly. Be patient, starting from three months of age it will begin to be more playful. It is important to control the weight of the puppies. After birth the pups gain between two and three grams a day. At ten or twelve days they double the weight they had at birth. If the puppy does not gain weight, you should go to the vet to find the reason and take the necessary actions. It is necessary to supply them with several small feedings a day so that they feed properly. If your puppy gains weight, you should not worry, he is feeding properly. However, if you notice that it loses or does not gain weight, moans continuously, shows apathy or decreases its temperature, go to the vet. Up to six months of age, you should give it a minimum of three meals a day with the recommended daily amounts. It is advisable that you consult your vet to adjust the dose to your little one, since in the feed bags the amounts correspond to general guidelines. From six months of age, you can give it two meals a day. Alfie is so tired, fell asleep in the water bowl. The best part was when he started blowing bubbles! @alfiethegoldenx174K views 16 comments -
Homeless Dog Kisses Her Puppies One By One As Rescuers Pull Them To Safety
HopeForPawsDuring the worst storm of the year in Southern California, Hope For Paws received an urgent call about a homeless Pit Bull who had just given birth 48 hours ago. So they got in the car and drove 3.5 hours to find her. Luckily, they were able to get the mama and all of her eight puppies to safety. Neighbors had been trying to save this <a href="https://rumble.com/v38m0t-who-rescued-who.html" target="_blank">stray Pit Bull</a> for the past 3 months, but she just kept running away from them. However, when this rescue team approached her, she didn’t run away perhaps because her instinct to stay with her pups was too strong. In order to save <a href="https://rumble.com/v325ie-the-story-of-norah-and-her-pups.html" target="_blank">her and her puppies</a> , the rescue team had to break through the bushes and crawl into her den. The dog was clearly scared and unsure of what was going on, but Hope for Paws reassured her there was nothing to worry about. First, they befriended her by feeding her and petting her, while speaking very softly to her and allowing her to take her time. After a while, they gently put a leash on her, so she couldn’t run away. In fact, she was determined to stay with her puppies. The rescuers started to take the babies first, by allowing her to lick each of them before they were taken from her. After the puppies were safe, they had to get the mom out of the den and put her in a cage. They reunited the puppies with their mama and the mom. It turns there were eight puppies! They named the mom Rainbow and the babies Thunder, Breezy, Misty, Raindrop, Flash, Bolt, Stormy and Droplet, which are all water and storm themed. How fitting! If you’d like to adopt one of the pups or Rainbow, visit http://www.TheLittleRedDog.com. Also, please consider donating to Hope for Paws and help us save more lives: http://www.HopeForPaws.org1.07M views 4 comments -
Dog Meets Her Mom For The First Time Since She Was A Puppy
RileyRWhat a heart melting video! This mother and daughter duo can't stay away from each other for long. Harper was 11-weeks-old when she was adopted. That was the last time she had seen her mom. Now three months later, Harper finally gets to see her mom again! It's the first time they have seen each other since she was a puppy. This is one emotional reunion. You can tell these two have missed each other very much and are happy to see one another. Harper can't wait to get out of the car and see her mom. As soon as they see one another, they give each other a very warm welcoming. They can't get enough of each other, their bond is so special. What a beautiful day to go on a walk! This mother and daughter duo love to play around with each other as they take a fun walk in the sun. They run through the trees free and happy, what a beautiful sight to see. It is amazing that Harper was able to reconnect with her mom. Displaying her curious nature, Harper is all over the adult pooch. Eager to play, she jumps all around her <a href="https://rumble.com/v3z1u7-jack-russell-fathers-met-his-puppies-after-his-first-outing..html" target="_blank">parent</a>, inviting her to have some fun and make up for lost time. Distance didn't set these blood related pooches apart, if anything, it brought them closer together, making them long for their <a href="https://rumble.com/v441z7-dog-family-have-emotional-reunion-after-fire-damages-condo-in-suburban-delr.html" target="_blank">reunion</a>. How adorable! The little pup becomes ecstatic to cuddle with his mom, and cannot contain her happiness! This video is proof that animals too cherish the blood relations and never forget! What a heartwarming reunion! Puppies are really bundles of joy. To keep you in the same spirit, we linked yet another video of these bundles of love. Watch what happens after an <a href="https://rumble.com/v65eoh-heartwarming-moment-terrified-puppies-are-rescued-from-a-plastic-bag.html" target="_blank">Italian rescuer finds newborn puppies in a plastic bag</a>. This is the heartwarming moment three terrified puppies are rescued from a bag hidden in a bush, in Norma, Italy. The puppies, one black and two white, can be seen quivering and were visibly shaken up by the traumatic incident. Susanna Bergamaschi, an animal rescue volunteer, found the petrified little pups while she was out walking. They were left stranded next to a path and their cries could be heard through the bag. After giving them a few comforting hugs and pets, she took them home to feed them and the rest was history. They had a momma dog to take care of them and continued to grow into quite the devious trio. We’re just so glad that they managed to get their happily ever after. In ancient times, dogs helped our ancestors hunt for mammoth and toothed tigers. Dog teams bare the credit naturalists, geologists, and other adventure-seekers ventured into expeditions and conquest of the Arctic and Antarctic. In the world of today, many dogs live a comfortable couch life next to their beloved owners and we are grateful to them for the company. The only way to repay them for standing next to us all this time is to make sure we stand up for them whenever possible and make sure that these kinds of horrific things never happen again. What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!6.79M views 33 comments -
Labrador Father Teaches Puppies To Swim
kellyblackwell372A loving Labrador dad took it upon himself to teach his precious little puppies how to swim, and by the looks of it, it was a very successful first lesson! The puppies follow him wherever he goes, and when he jumps into the water, they follow him. Then, he takes them to explore the beautiful surroundings and dry of a bit before having another go at the swimming part! Teaching young puppies the essential stuff in life is a crucial part of their upbringing, and without a doubt these puppies will never be afraid of the water. We can just imagine how they'll react when it's time to go to the beach - a much bigger pond, plus rolling around in the warm sand. This heartwarming moment just made our day! They are all so happy and excited to be learning something new and interesting like swimming. But the most important part is that all the puppies are very obedient and none of them strays to explore the nature by itself. Talk about a happy dog family! Labradors are one of the most sought after dog breeds, and by watching this video, we can understand why it is so. Very smart dogs, indeed.9.92M views 22 comments