AUDIO FIX People are SLEEPING on archery! Dominions 6 guide
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper NOTE: This is a re-upload with a different audio balance for those of you who prefer the background music be a bit lower! Let me know which is better! Upon further discussion in the comments, we've found a few new ways to test archery out! Turns out... way better than expected in some cases, and WAAAY worse in others! ORIGINAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ModuJDaweYU Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Discussion and first test (strength buffed crossbows into 31 protection knights!) 4:36 - Second test: Ctis poison slingers against super buffed knights 6:11 - Third test: Caelum frost bows with vitriolic weapons against buffed knights in the cold 8:45 - Fourth Test: Caelum frost bows with thunder weapons against buffed knights in the cold 11:34 - Fourth Test (second attempt): Caelum frost bows with thunder weapons against buffed knights 14:46 - Most ultimate super secret tech, players hate him for revealing this secret! 16:42 - The forbidden bless.... 17:12 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio5 views 1 comment -
Shoutout to DarkSideCookies
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Full video the conversation via comments happened in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ModuJDaweYU Follow up on a request/question from Darksidecookies: one of the Dominions greats!4 views 1 comment -
People are SLEEPING on archery! Dominions 6 guide
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Upon further discussion in the comments, we've found a few new ways to test archery out! Turns out... way better than expected in some cases, and WAAAY worse in others! UPDATED AUDIO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiehkBwQxAM Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Discussion and first test (strength buffed crossbows into 31 protection knights!) 4:36 - Second test: Ctis poison slingers against super buffed knights 6:11 - Third test: Caelum frost bows with vitriolic weapons against buffed knights in the cold 8:45 - Fourth Test: Caelum frost bows with thunder weapons against buffed knights in the cold 11:34 - Fourth Test (second attempt): Caelum frost bows with thunder weapons against buffed knights 14:46 - Most ultimate super secret tech, players hate him for revealing this secret! 16:42 - The forbidden bless.... 17:12 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio5 views 1 comment -
Pretender Creation 3 Blesses how to get overzealous employees to slaughter your enemies
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Today, we're going over the basics of "thinking" about blesses. Nothing super specific to a particular nation here, but we utilize EA Mictlan as an example, and go through some testing as well. Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:16 - Topic for Today 0:20 - Discussion about blesses 0:55 - Misconceptions about the differences between the ages 1:47 - Picking Arcoscephale to show the way to approach a nation's sacred 5:40 - Comparing Arcoscephale's sacred to a cheaper Abysian sacred 10:01 - Nations we would go more heavily sacred focused with 11:08 - Testing just how effective White Centaur javelins CAN be if you actually use them 13:33 - Its HOW you use your sacreds, not just their stats! 13:58 - Extreme bless nation: EA Mictlan 32:30 - Testing our discussed "bless build" against a varied grouping of enemies in pitched battle 38:54 - Discussion about the results 39:11 - How would we structure a bless differently for Middle or Late Ages? 44:20 - My opinion on the ACTUAL difference between ages 47:16 - Traps to avoid 49:37 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio3 views 1 comment -
Pretender Creation 2 Chassis Selection, the how and the why
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper In the second episode of our Pretender Creation series, we're going to be discussing Chassis selections for our Pretenders. Why do we select a certain chassis? Is there one "best" selection for a nation? We're going to discuss the how and the why in today's episode! Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:16 - Topic for today's video, Chassis selection, what to pick, when and why! Also the nation we're discussing today: Middle Aged Ind! 5:37 - Basic chassis "type" discussion 6:37 - First example - Sacred abuse for Ind 16:10 - Second example - Early Expanding Snake 20:31 - Third example - Immobile Mage focused global controller 25:06 - Discussion about when and why to select each of the three, as well as how to "modify" them 29:14 - Discussion about next week's topic, comment down below what you want to see! 32:01 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio11 views 1 comment -
Pretender Creation 1 General Discussion about the series
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper In our new Pretender Creation series, we're going to be first discussing the general idea for the series, and what we hope to get out of it for everybody. Tag along, and see where things are heading! Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:16 - Topic for today's video, discussion about the series 1:04 - LA Ulm quick example 17:05 - My general mindset crafting a Pretender w/Marignon as an example 39:29 - Next video idea discussion (make sure you comment ideas!) 39:56 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio4 views 1 comment -
Dominions 6 MA Ulm Simplified: How to DOMINATE as a beginner!
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Happy fourth of July! The first video in our new format, turns out the advanced editing is much more difficult, but hopefully leads to much more enjoyable videos, and easier to take in bite-size chunks with the new 15 minute timeframe. These are new, simplified guides, designed for brand new players (or relatively new) to be able to leap into a game, and have a few on hand strategies to get a "feel" for the nation. Enjoy, and the advanced guides later to come will go into all sorts of deeper detail. Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:06 - Is MA Ulm for you? 0:23 - Pretender Creation 1:06 - Basic Researcher setup 1:29 - Expansion 3:20 - Point and battlefield Buffing 9:28 - Global spells 9:59 - Assassinations 10:34 - Late game combat/Bringing it all together 14:40 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio6 views 1 comment -
Dominions 6 EA Fomoria Simplified Part 2
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Today is our last video in our old format! We're going to touch on some late game strategies, and spell usage, as well as showing players how to set them up. Once we're done with that, we'll show some destructive results of these spells and tactics when used properly (even a bit of stealthy raiding!), and we'll finish it out chatting about the new format of our following videos. Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:13 - Alternate Pretender idea and explanation 3:38 - Why the change to our bless? 5:07 - How to survive strong units like Vanheres with a huge bless? 6:22 - Slings no longer help against glamour 10:20 - Problem solving against tough opponents like hellblessed sacreds 19:46 - Other late game tricks with Fomoria 26:44 - Raiding with Nemedian Sorceress 28:24 - Game ending tactic 31:14 - Fireside chat 32:31 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio6 views 1 comment -
Dominions 6 Grand Communions, are they worth it SIMPLIFIED
AOReaperWant to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Grand Communions, added as the latest 6.15 patch for Dominions 6. Are they worth it? Better for any particular nations? Let's check and see! Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:05 - General discussion about Grand Communions 0:49 - How we THOUGHT it would work, initially 2:08 - How they ACTUALLY work... 3:45 - Potential Problems 7:06 - Summary and Key points 10:03 - Random battle 10:31 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio3 views 1 comment -
Dominions 6 EA Fomoria Simplified Part 1
AOReaperDiving into the Early Age nation of Fomoria, thanks to a recommendation from a very helpful viewer, we're jumping aboard the "Giants plus Elves" train, and seeing what we can make happen. We're very comfortable with Fomoria from Dominions 5, but now we get to see what's changed for us in Dominions 6! Want to support the channel? Feel free to buy me a coffee and help me make more videos! https://linktr.ee/AOReaper Timecodes: 0:00 - EA Fomoria Nation Overview 5:50 - Pretender Creation and Discussion 10:02 - National Heroes 12:24 - Expansion 1 (first attempt) 19:22 - Expansion 2 (multiplayer/realistic expansion and strategy) 29:30 - First year recap and spell discussion 42:20 - Explanation 42:24 - Outro Outro music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio4 views 1 comment