Shows to Keep
4 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Shows I think are important, or ones I want to rewatch
Thursday Night LIVE - All Things Freedom Corner
MagAmericansChampion of Truth & Integrity ~ Patriotic Christian Husband & Father of 5 ~ Writer/Author exposing the Left's tactics | Frontline fighter for freedom & liberty Find our links here! https://linktr.ee/magamericans Check out Mags book! “Freedom Isn’t Free” Available on Amazon here https://a.co/d/f3yDHnf Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH4M1794 Read Mags Writings here. https://magamericans.substack.com/319 views -
Retired FBI Agent Speaks at J6 Vigil Dec. 30,2022 On Storm Trooper's Stream
Darth Trader1Retired FBI Agent speaks the the J6 Vigil on December 30, 2022 and is very informative in his information and speaks of his career at the FBI. Originally streamed on "1791 Storm Trooper" on YouTube. https://rumble.com/user/1791stormtrooper https://www.youtube.com/@user-nr7no1vm1u/featured ***PLEASE DO NOT SUB. I DO NOT UPLOAD VIDEOS (NORMALLY)*** -
Agenda47: President Trump on Making America Energy Independent Again
Donald J. TrumpPresident Donald J. Trump released a new policy video highlighting the need to unleash American energy by lowering energy costs for middle class families that have skyrocketed under Joe Biden’s failed leadership and slashing energy-killing regulations installed by the radical Biden administration. During his State of the Union speech Biden said, “We’re going to need oil for at least another decade,” which proves he is completely short-sighted and disconnected from reality about the importance of American energy. “When I am back in the White House, I will bring back a pro-American energy policy at long last.” www.DonaldJTrump.com Text TRUMP to 88022236K views 788 comments -
🛡️🔥 Liberty Under Fire: Josh Bernstein's Fight for America's Freedom🗽🔔
The Patriots Prayer Podcast🛡️🔥 Liberty Under Fire: Josh Bernstein's Fight for America's Freedom🗽🔔 📅 Date: 09/19/2024 ⏰ Time: 9:00 pm EST 🔗 https://rumble.com/v5fkxii--liberty-under-fire-josh-bernsteins-fight-for-americas-freedom.html 🚨 America’s liberty is under siege, but there’s hope! 🇺🇸 In his powerful new book, "Preserving Liberty: Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom," Josh Bernstein outlines a path to reclaim and protect the freedoms we hold dear. 🗽 Join us on The Raising Cain Show as we dive into his actionable solutions and explore what it will take to secure permanent liberty for future generations. Don’t miss this critical conversation! 💪 Josh Bernstein: Josh Bernstein, author of Preserving Liberty: Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom, is a talk show host, political analyst, commentator, and professional speaker, and is one of America’s most sought-after television and radio guests in media today. Josh has been called a “political savant” by the late legendary Hall of Fame broadcaster Barry Farber due to his almost encyclopedic breakdown on many of the important issues of our times. Josh was the former national spokesman for The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC.US), which is one of America’s leading seniors’ health advocacy groups—with over two million members. As a highly in-demand guest, Josh delivers a unique and original perspective that is thought provoking, engaging, truthful, and well sourced. His main areas of expertise include but are not limited to: world affairs, globalism, nationalism, healthcare, current events, social media, political trends, media bias, academia, immigration, and national security. PUBLIUS SPECIAL GUEST: Josh Bernstein, author of Preserving Liberty: Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom. In order to show the potentialities of a brighter future, we must first resuscitate the visions of a better past. In Josh Bernstein's long awaited debut book, Preserving Liberty, he transforms himself from a daily news commentator into a political surgeon ready to dissect piece by piece every policy, politician, and propaganda in this written autopsy of what is killing our great nation. Josh tackles all the hard issues with wit, humor, and cold hard facts. In Preserving Liberty, you will learn: • How to restore voter integrity and confidence • How to balance the electorate to give every American a voice • How to end the class warfare argument • How to rein in Washington permanently • How to finally solve our immigration issues • How to control spending • How to restore accuracy in media, and much more What sets Josh apart from many others is he doesn't just point out our problems and complain about them; he offers sound achievable solutions. How do we solve our nation’s problems and permanently preserve liberty for current and future generations? Find out in Preserving Liberty. BOOK: Preserving Liberty: Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom https://www.amazon.com/Preserving-Liberty-Solutions-America-Permanent/dp/1510782192/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DC2M0V00PBQ1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yaRrFoMQtuMOG8a4Ve_JuA.P_4y42fL9h3NYZs2xCsfdFMoWKPNfwsY3Kl43PDYG94&dib_tag=se&keywords=josh+bernstein+preserving+liberty+book&qid=1726781997&sprefix=%2Caps%2C344&sr=8-1 www.jbushow.com Josh Bernstein is the Host of the Top Rated Josh Bernstein Show, a TV Analyst and Political Commentator, and the National Spokesman for AMAC. FIND HIS WEBSITE HERE: https://joshbernsteinuncensored.com #PreservingLiberty, #SaveAmerica, #BoldSolutions, #JoshBernstein, #PermanentFreedom, #ConservativeVoice, #LibertyAndJustice, #FreedomFighter, #RestoreAmerica, #Patriotism Nate Cain: Nate Cain, Host of The Raising Cain Show, is the FBI Whistleblower on Hillary Clinton, Uranium One, and their coverup of her crimes related to Money Laundering, Public Corruption & Terrorism Financing. Nate is a military veteran & an expert in cybersecurity for over 27 years and has worked extensively on election integrity, having been called on as an expert witness and cyber forensic investigator by the Trump White House after the 2020 election debacle. @realDonaldTrump https://x.com/realdonaldtrump Endorsed by @GenFlynn https://www.flynnmovie.com His military service for the last 27 years: · U.S. Army 307th Signal Battalion, HHC, Camp Carol, South Korea (Enlisted) · U.S. Army 1111th Signal Battalion, Company A, Raven Rock (Enlisted) · U.S. Navy TACTRAGRUPAC, Detachment Yokosuka, Japan (Civil Service) · U.S. Navy PHNSY & IMF, JBPHH, Hawaii (Civil Service) · U.S. Marines MARFORCYBER, CPT #83, Fort Meade, MD (Civil Service) @NateCain4WV @Cain_Nate @MCPOTA www.deepstategangsters.com The Raising Cain Show with host, Nate Cain! The Raising Cain Show covers crucial topics including cybersecurity, election integrity, national security, veterans’ issues, sanctity of life, constitutional rights, energy, economic issues, lawfare, technology and more. www.TheRaisingCainShow.com @NateCain4WV @Cain_Nate @MCPOTA @nathancain Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/natecain4wv Facebook: http://facebook.com/NateCain4WV Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@NateCain4WV Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@MCPOTA Twitter: https://X.com/NateCain4WV Twitter: https://X.com/Cain_Nate Parler: https://app.parler.com/natecain Gab: https://gab.com/NateCain4WV Telegram: https://t.me/NateCain4WV Substack: https://mcpota.substack.com TikTok: http://tictok.com/@natecain4wv Gettr: http://gettr.com/@natecain4wv Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natecain4wv/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/NateCain4WV Movie: www.deepstategangsters.com #TheRaisingCainShow, #NateCain, #Whistleblower #DeepStateExposed, #TruthMatters, #FreedomFighter, #AmericanValues, #MediaCensorship, #TruthSeekers, #Patriotism, #FreedomOfSpeech, #TransparencyMatters, #PatriotMovement, #DefendTheConstitution, #FederalWhistleblower, #GeneralFlynn, #PresidentDonaldJTrump, #UraniumOne, #ElectionIntegrity, #Cybersecurity, #CybersecurityExpert, #ExpertWitness, #MilitaryVeteran, #NationalSecurity, #ConstitutionalRights, #CyberForensics, #SanctityOfLife, #EconomicIssues, #Lawfare, #Technology, #CyberSecurity, #Energy, #Energypolicy, #TrumpExpertWitness, #Election2020, #CyberDefense #Patriot #Truth #Liberty #Justice #CurrentEvents #TrendingNow Sponsored By My Patriot Supply Operation Blackout https://internalblackout.com/?a=678&c=434&s1=Final Famine https://finalfoodprepper.com/?a=678&c=433&s1=Famine Fighter https://foodforthesoul.co/?a=678&c=407&s1= Devils Dollar https://dbhtrkg.com/?a=678&c=468&s1= Go To Smokin Gun Coffee @ https://smokinguncoffee.com/collections/tribe-of-patriots-gear Discount Code = Cain Visit http://redemptionshield.com and Use Code Patriot for an Additional 10% Off Redemption Shield Visit http://redemptionshield.com and Use Code Patriot for an Additional 10% Off We are crowdfunded @ https://patron.podbean.com/thepatriotsprayer Subscribe today and never miss an episode! Follow us on Podbean @ http://thepatriotsprayer.podbean.com Follow us on Spotify @ https://open.spotify.com/show/2TQKlyPUepSC9ro4011HOO Follow us on Youtube @ https://www.youtube.com/@thepatriotsprayer Follow us on Facebook @ http://facebook.com/thepatriotsprayer Follow us on Truth Social @ https://truthsocial.com/@ThePatriotsPrayer Follow Eddie on Twitter @ https://X.com/ThePatriotsPray Follow Maurice AKA The Native Patriot om Twitter @ http://x.com/LaNativePatriot319 views