A-Frame Bushcraft Shelter - Part 1 - Campfire Steak with a Friend
burnwoodbushcraftI have been trying to decide what type of #bushcraft shelter I want to build in this beautiful forest for quite some time now. When I pictured a shelter on the spot I have chosen for a new #camp the only type of shelter that came to mind was the #AFrame. I am super excited to get into this build. My friend, John, a co-worker, joins me on the first installment of this mini series. It was very nice to have him along. He brought two big steaks that we pan seared on the campfire. This shelter is going to big. This shelter is going to be spectacular! By building it to last, it will be a great option for a bug out shelter. I have have many ideas that I will try to implement into this camp and I look forward to the coming weeks ahead. Thank you for watching! Burnwood MUSIC Title: A Hand In The Dark Artist: Underbelly And Ty Myer (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwood.bushcraft/161 views -
Building an A-Frame Shelter - Part 2 - Repurposing Junk Metal
burnwoodbushcraft#bushcraft #scrapmetal #aframe Getting down to business in this one. On the way to Fernbark Forest I find and repurpose a nice piece of junk scrap metal that worked out nicely as a fire pit. It will be much safer to have a good campfire in the pine forest. Right in the middle of adding rib poles to the main supports a heavy rain storm hit giving me no choice but to seek cover as best I could. After the rain passed I fired up the metal firepit and had a nice fire to break it in. Looking back at footage from this day I see how flawed the tarp position is. I will be adjusting the tarp to utilize its full size. It doesn't need to go all the way down to the ground because of the slightly raised floor that will go inside the shelter. I will center the tarp on both sides and suspend it below the shelter supports in order to fully extend the length of it giving me more covered space. I will have to re-do all the rib poles with more length. I can not wait to get back out there and fix the issue and continue work on the A-frame shelter. Thank you for watching! MUSIC Title: Danger Snow Artist: Dan Henig (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) Title: Curb Stomp Artist: Underbelly (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ Check out BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.85 views 1 comment -
A-Frame Shelter Build - Part 3 - Overnighter - Cold and Frustration
burnwoodbushcraftThis overnight adventure turned out to be a long cold night. I slept in my hammock with a 40 degree under quilt, wool blanket and a woobie. The temperature got down to 43 degrees and I was #COLD. That's not freezing but I was still chilled to the bone. Up and at 'em at 4:30 and all I wanted was a hot fire. My plans of working on the A-frame #bushcraft shelter got off to a bumpy start. This project has taken a turn down a slow road. I pretty slow anyway but I like to take my time when building something that I want to last and reuse often. I am not in a race nor do I have the time to complete a build in one outing. I realize that I am straying away from the vision of what I initially intended for this shelter to be. This time out was filled with #frustration. I will not let it get me down and I always learn from my mistakes. I will get this bushcraft shelter to my liking, one way or another. Not everything works out the way you think it will but with determination it will all fall into place. Thank you for watching! Burnwood MUSIC Title: Peanuts Artist: Cyberlink Power Director Title: Contact Artist: Caustic (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) GEAR Coyote Pack Hammock, Ugly Quilt, Pillow, Tarp, Fire Pouch: Hemlock Mountain Outdoors https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUyj5DmSddY60mUPf3lymQ https://hemlockmountainoutdoors.com/ CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ Check out BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.96 views 1 comment -
Bushcraft Camp in the Woods - A-Frame Shelter Part 4
burnwoodbushcraft#silentnature I am back at the new #camp to continue work on the a-frame #bushcraft shelter. Things are very busy for me and my family right now and It is hard to find time to spend in the woods. It is good to see that the shelter is holding up perfectly. I spent some time off camera getting the tarp situation straightened out and now it's time to add walls to the outside. This is proving to be a long process which involves a lot of work. Finding downed pine trees and delimbing them is going to take some time. I need to find the thicker poles first for the shelter then add smaller ones to fill in the gaps. It is like piecing together a puzzle but I initially thought it would go a lot quicker. Also, I am having to make sure that the poles are not too rotten in order for the shelter to be solid for a long period of time. I am cutting them extra long to allow for any rot that may occur at the base. This may be something that I have to maintain for the lifespan of the structure. After all is said and done, this bush camp is going to be awesome! Thank you for watching! MUSIC Title: Once A Freak Always A Freak Artist: Iliaque Title: Cattle Artist: Delicate Steve (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ Check out BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.191 views 5 comments -
Removing a Dead Fall Tree Threat - A-Frame Shelter Part 5
burnwoodbushcraftWe are back at the #bushcraft #camp in the #woods. My buddy, John, joins us to help me take down a dead fall pine tree that is a threat to the shelter. He brought his Fiskars pole saw to, hopefully, make things a little easier. We cook up some bacon in a castiron skillet before getting to work. We managed to take down the tree without any damage to the shelter. I was very pleased. Afterwards, it was show and tell time. John, a crystal collector and a rockhound, showed off a few pieces of smokey Amethyst that he recently dug up at a local mining location. It's nice knowing that the tree threat has been taken care of. I hope you enjoy this episode of the a-frame shelter build. Thank you for watching! MUSIC Title: Once A Freak Always A Freak Artist: Iliaque Title: The Colonel Artist: Zachariah Hickman (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) CONTACT INFO burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ Check out my 2nd channel BURNWOOD CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.84 views 2 comments -
Day Hike Through an Abandoned Trailer Park to Visit an Old Friend - AFS6
burnwoodbushcraftToday, I am on a day hike through a sketchy abandoned trailer park. I've known about this place all my life but never have walked through it and checked it out. The mission is to visit an old friend (bushcraft camp) by checking out unfamiliar territory while on the way before entering the woodland. I am pretty good with sense of direction and I knew that I would be able to navigate my way to the A-Frame shelter. It has been quite a while since I have been there and I was curious as to what kind of shape it would be in. Everything looked just fine to me. I built it solid. A couple poles on the inside of the shelter had fallen due to a rodent or small animal chewing the bank line into. I have a different plan for this shelter and you will see it unfold in the near future. I hope you enjoy this day hike. Thank you for watching! Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD'S CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.52 views -
Camping Overnight in a Canvas Tarp Shelter - AFS7
burnwoodbushcraftCamping Overnight in a Canvas Tarp Shelter - AFS7 In this overnight adventure we are headed to the A-frame shelter to do some modifications and get it fitted for a canvas tarp. Pulling an ice fishing sled with gear on it was a first for me and I have to say that it worked pretty well. I decided to go in a different direction for this bushcraft shelter by simplifying it down to just a framed structure. My goal is to turn this camp into a really cool and fun place for camping and for just hanging out. This bushcraft camp needs to not only be fun but it needs to be functional as well. I have many ideas that you will see develop in the coming months. After the work is done and the tarp is up I test out the Mossberg 590 Shockwave 12 gauge shotgun. I purchased the firearm for home defense but it might bring me a squirrel or two. It is going to take some getting used to and I definitely need to learn how to hold on to it haha. At nightfall i sit down with a Ready Wise meal and enjoy the campfire before bed. It took a while for the temperature to drop but through the course of the night it got very cold with temps in the upper twenties Fahrenheit. A hot fire was the first priority of the morning before having a canteen cup of coffee. It was so good to be back in the woods! I appreciate all of you and thank you so much for watching and for all your support. If you like what you see here, please like, comment and subscribe if you haven't already. I always appreciate your feedback. Share this video and my channel with all your friends and family. Once again, thank you for watching! Stay prepared, stay vigilant, stay safe, Burnwood I am not an Amazon affiliate. Gear: WHITEDUCK Canvas Tarp 18 oz. Heavy Duty Waterproof UV Resistant, Rustproof Grommets, Industrial & Commercial Use Cloth Tarp (Cut Size: 8'x14', Finished Size: 7'6"x136, Brown) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085MCRV5Q/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_0S13PRTV9CN3PTMHYJ53?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Shappell Jet Ice Fishing Sled https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWBPQM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_10Z10H0SN5X5Y600ASQ3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Valtcan 1000ml Titanium Kettle Pot Camping Water with Tight Lid Handle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CNYX1SD/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_8D6R4J8BY8XX8XCNG7MW The most AWSOME military surplus store I know! Robby's of Mount Airy NC. https://shoprobbys.com/ Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD'S CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.126 views -
Bushcraft Camp in the Woods - AFS8
burnwoodbushcraftThe 8th installment of the A-Frame shelter series. Best viewed with headphones....volume way up. Honestly, the shovel review I filmed while out here took the majority of my time. Later on I realized that the rest of the footage really wasn't that great and there was a lack of content for a big "overnighter" video. I made do with what footage I had and this is the end result. And, quite frankly, I don't always feel like talking when I'm out there and just want to get some camping in. Sometimes, less is more in my opinion. I hope you enjoy this bushcraft overnighter in the woods at the A-Frame shelter. There will be many more episodes to come. I'm just getting started. A-Frame Shelter Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSOEfynTV_kgCXeH1ZiW3ET9O0z9OxUv1 This song is what brought this video to life. Music: Track: Born A Rockstar (Instrumental) Artist: NEFFEX (YouTube Creator Studio Audio Library) I AM NOT AN AMAZON AFFILIATE Gear in this video: Sharvol Tiktok Survival Shovel Multitool with Instant Switch - Tactical Shovel for Camping, Survival Gear, Prepper Gear, Offroading - Lightweight and Compact Shovel for EDC in Vehicle or Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Y6LQDHB/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_HN6TNBAY1QRX7ZNEN4R7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Morakniv Garberg Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with Sandvik Stainless Steel Blade, 4.3-Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I1GITMA/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_81RQFKH805G18ZKA3G4E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Agawa Canyon Boreal 21 folding buck saw https://agawagear.com/collections/boreal21/products/boreal21?variant=35621125685304 Gerber 17.5-Inch Freescape Hatchet [31-002536] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HO02TYY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_TJ3PKDRKXQHXXKWB2MAM Coyote Pack Hammock https://hemlockmountainoutdoors.com/products/coyotepack?variant=42483233095914 Hammock Under Quilt 50 degree https://hemlockmountainoutdoors.com/products/uglyquilt-under-quilt-50 Hammock Tarp https://hemlockmountainoutdoors.com/products/09tarps-silpoly?variant=36103401275560 Get Out Gear Down Camping Blanket - Puffy, Packable, Lightweight and Warm | Ideal for Outdoors, Travel, Stadium, Festivals, Beach, Hammock | 650 Fill Power Water-Resistant Backpacking Quilt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VZLB1HL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_V5JB4AKYFBVP01MPGD0M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Valtcan 900ml Titanium Pot Backpacking Mug 34 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G9WL347/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_6K2F423F5MHPE1HZ3C1Q Valtcan Titanium Canteen Military Mess Kit 1100ml 37oz Capacity with 750ml and 400ml cookware Cups https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08W89XGY4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_RZ5XTF81KEKXZ0D6K7QV Cnoc Outdoors Vecto 3L water bag https://www.garagegrowngear.com/products/copy-of-vecto-3l-water-container-by-cnoc-outdoors?variant=15382019244106¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2019-09-21&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign Sawyer Products MINI Water Filtration System https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FA2RLX2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_CVRVMYY66A7BCH0W6DEF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Mechanix Wear: Material4X M-Pact Synthetic Leather Work Gloves - Impact Protection, Absorbs Vibration, Abrasion Resistant (Large, Brown/Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GFTAM62/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_6NZ0H2V9WF47PW80FZKQ Danner Men's GI USMC RAT Boot, 8", Vibram 360, Made in USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006JUYS26/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_0AJ94Z1KPNM9TJH7HGVR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Contact Info: burnwoodbushcraft@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burnwoodbushcraft/ My 2nd channel: BURNWOOD'S CHRONICLES https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmgtXgRHfHPH0bsir9UEcRQ for behind the scenes/deleted footage, family camping, road trips and more.275 views 2 comments