Mandela Effect, Holographic Universe & Time Travel – Chris Anatra on “Open Your Reality”
WWaking the World upChad from Open Your Reality interviews Chris Anatra. Christopher Anatra – the “Quantum Businessman” is president and founder of a computer software company called NECS. NECS creates a specialized line of software called entree which was created for the specialized needs of the Food Distribution sector. He helps the food distributing industry deliver more efficiently. SUMMARY of this video with Chris Anatra: Chris Anatra explains some of the Mandela Effects that he has experienced like the JFK Assassination Footage, Bible Verses changing – the lion laying down with the lamb to the wolf laying down with the lamb, Wizard of Oz “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore” is now “Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.” What is causing the Mandela Effect? Timeline Insertions, Time Travel and the Collapsing and Merging of Timelines. Time Travel – China turned into democratic country in the 1970’s when one man made a difference when the Tank ran him over, but in the 2000’s now the man didn’t get ran over which changed history and communism still in effect. Did China go back in history and tell them not to run over the man? From the movie Star Wars – C3PO – didn’t have the Silver Leg in my timeline experience. One thing is that we can change our personal timelines by changing what we do now. What we do now changes our future and past. Are we in a Hologram? When we so call “touch” something, we are not actually touching it it is the electromagnetic resistance. Everyone is here for their own experience and timelines intertwine all the time which inserts different memories. Akashic Records – it is a hall of records which holds the data to all your lives, it is your soul data, it is like the internet to search your past and future lives. Everything is happening now as time is an illusion. Which is why the mandela effect exists in the first place. We are multidimensional beings which means we can go forward in “time” and backwards in “time” and it is Non- Linear, but in our view everything appears to be linear. Space Shuttle Challenger – it exploded a couple minutes into liftoff and then about 5 to 10 years ago about 5 of these astronauts were found alive today and working, same names, almost identical birthdays, they appear the same with age progression – it is just indisputable that this was them just by looking at them, their names and their birthdays, some being a day or two apart. This indicates a multidimensional state in which there are multiple, infinite timelines and we can go into them or they come into us, regardless we jump them constantly. Chris Antara said it is like we are in a quantum computer holographic world. Chris thinks that from another timeline these astronauts did not die and they were MERGED into this timeline. Q – has previously mentioned that they have Time Changing Technology in which they literally can Copy and Paste Time. Q has said that we are in a “Time War.” Many don’t know this about Q, the Q that said this is there big white hat deal going on, well, I don’t know about that but I do know that Q has time travel technologies. I know, that’s all I can say. Chris says we are totally in a Holograph. We are in a simulation and anything is possible. We all are in our own Bubble of Reality. We are in a veiled hologram in which we cannot see 99% of what is around us. Our physical body is not our “Natural” state, our natural state is in the spirit world as a conscious energy called a Soul. What is Chris’s opinion on hell? He says there are many realms of both heaven and hell. Whatever you can imagine, can be there. Near Death Experiences – NDE’s – people come close to death and leave the body into the spirit realm and they come back to the body with memories from the spirit world. Chris says that the old way of the world is breaking apart. I agree with this as it will separate and some of us will go one way and others another way, all depending our vibrational state. Chad mentions the book “Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs” – a chapter deals with humans on Marrs and the martians want to work with us to make Earth a better place, but they say our consciousness is not at a high enough place yet as we are still a bit “war minded.” Can Download this book here → https://ia601809.us.archive.org/10/items/alien-agenda-investigating-the-jim-marrs/Alien%20Agenda_%20Investigating%20the%20-%20Jim%20Marrs.pdf Other Related Videos: If you liked this, you may like these: 1. ***Dimensions and Timelines Explained – Channeling Erik -- https://rumble.com/v4gwxzx-dimensions-and-timelines-explained-channeling-erik.html 2. ***How to shift to the 5th Dimension – The Mandela Effect explained – ET Contact – BASHAR – Darryl Anka -- https://rumble.com/v4h1v1w-how-to-shift-to-the-5th-dimension-the-mandela-effect-explained-et-contact-b.html 3. ***Kryon – Can Anyone Really Tell the Future? https://rumble.com/v4hdsru-kryon-can-anyone-really-tell-the-future.html ================================================ SOURCES: WEin5DTarot -- https://rumble.com/v4gwomu-march-3-2024.html Chad at “Open Your Reality” -- https://www.youtube.com/@OpenYourReality Chris Antara Website: https://www.quantumbusinessman.com Christ Antara Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@QuantumBusinessman Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs -- https://ia601809.us.archive.org/10/items/alien-agenda-investigating-the-jim-marrs/Alien%20Agenda_%20Investigating%20the%20-%20Jim%20Marrs.pdf ================================================ PROTECT YOURSELF: ***EMF Protection Products: Check out the Special Offers on all the EMF PROTECTION Products – including: 1. 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