Debt Discharge
24 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Debt Discharge Information
Who is responsible for paying debts
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you who is responsible for paying debts. Especially public debt https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/31/3123 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information4 comments -
Is this HJR 192? United States government has to pay public debts
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you the code that states the government can pay public debts. Enjoy this video. Read it for yourself: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/31/5118 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information1 comment -
What is a negotiable instrument?
JoeLusticaIn this video I give you the UCC meaning of negotiable instrument. This of course is not a simple subject to wrap your head around but I'm going to make a few videos regarding this and help you guys to make your own negotiable instruments. https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/3/3-104#Note This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information -
The law that says you do not have to pay taxes
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you the US code that says that you do not have to pay taxes and how they trick you into paying taxes. Also once you revoke your taxpayer status you are no longer able to join back into the taxpayer status. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/6013 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information2.3K views 5 comments -
The United States government has to pay you?
JoeLusticaThis is a well hidden public law that might be of interest to you. The law states that the United states government has an obligation to the promissory notes of individuals https://catalog.archives.gov/id/2998291.8K views 6 comments -
Don't cite HJR 192 when trying to pay taxes with a negotiable instrument
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you that the IRS is well aware of HJR 192 and they do not like the fact that people are using it to pay their taxes. https://www.irs.gov/irm/part21/irm_21-001-007r#idm140539908315840 https://www.irs.gov/compliance/criminal-investigation/program-and-emphasis-areas-for-irs-criminal-investigation Here's the video that explains why they should be able to accept any of these forms of payment. https://rumble.com/v13i9l3-when-a-business-refuses-your-payment.html This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information2.31K views 6 comments -
The power of your signature
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you the power of your signature. I'm not even being hyperbolic just watch the video and see for yourself. https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/8/8-102 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information4 comments -
Cestui que trust and taxes
JoeLusticaIn this video I go over how the cestui que trust is the taxpayer. Not you. But I go over a few definitions as well to clarify what that really means. https://cite.case.law/wis/148/456/ This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information1.96K views 5 comments -
United States government debt obligations
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you the law that states the United States government has an obligation to discharge debts from any person. https://law.justia.com/codes/us/2000/title12/chap2/subchapiv/sec95a This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information1.36K views 2 comments -
A rejected payment is still a payment
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you the UCC that states that a rejected payment is still a payment. Use this to your advantage! The banks are taking advantage of your ignorance! A negotiable instrument can be made and used by you! You've done it before, you just didn't know. https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/3/3-603 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information3.01K views 9 comments