il Donaldo TrumpoSubscribe to il Presidento's rumble channel here: https://rumble.com/c/ilDonaldoTrumpo Join our Amazing Patrioto Familia at http://www.ildonaldo.com23.7K views 12 comments -
LIVE Sunday 6:30pm EST - The Gospel is the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ!
Bible Prophecy videosToday we'll have a short chat about the sacrifice of Christ, and who He is, what He did for us, and His ascension!254 views -
BREAKING: Unveiling of the AntiCHRIST /Mystery Babylon? Interview of Saudi Prince Mohamed bin Salman
Pastor Steve Cioccolanti Christian Prophecy News🍀❤️🍀 Pastor Steve Cioccolanti gives a prophetic commentary of FoxNews Brett Baier’s interview of MBS. Was the Anti-Christ or Mystery Babylon just revealed this week? IT’S UNFINISHED… The NEW HARDCOVER Edition! 🇺🇸TRUMP’S UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 10 PROPHECIES TO SAVE AMERICA (374 pages) 🇺🇸 📚 Hardcover - https://amzn.to/3QDKpEL 📚Paperback https://amzn.to/339yUgc 📚Ebook https://amzn.to/2IC7iXj 🚀 SCAM PROOF YOUR LIFE (100 pages) 🚀 Paperback 📚 https://amzn.to/3u3Q6Ag Kindle 📚 https://amzn.to/3u01ywS 🇺🇸 TRUMP'S PRO-CHRISTIAN ACCOMPLISHMENTS (230 pages) 🇺🇸 Paperback: https://amzn.to/35DsTvc Kindle: https://amzn.to/2Rjjq3R Apple ebook: https://books.apple.com/us/book/presi... 🇮🇱 THE DIVINE CODE: A PROPHETIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NUMBERS 🇮🇱 📚Paperback VOLUME I (1 to 25) https://amzn.to/39E9tpe 📚Paperback VOLUME II (26 to 1000) https://amzn.to/2Q0vzdR 📚 Ebook VOLUME I https://amzn.to/2TMJ0zj 📚 Ebook VOLUME II https://amzn.to/2Ixy2sc 🔵ALL BOOKS https://amazon.com/author/newyorktime... ------------------------------- ❤️ SOCIAL MEDIA (sub some alternatives) 🔔 RUMBLE https://www.rumble.com/c/cioccolanti 🔔 TELEGRAM https://t.me/cioccolanti 🔔 YOUTUBE Backup https://www.youtube.com/DiscoverMinistriesTV 🔔 FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/discovermini... 🔔 TWITTER https://twitter.com/cioccolanti 🔔 PATREON https://www.patreon.com/cioccolanti -------------------------------- 🎹 MUSIC CREDIT 🎹 Original music made exclusively for Discover Ministries by world-class composer Tom Hanke. Check him out! http://www.tomhankemusic.com -------------------------------- ❤️ 4 STEPS TO JOIN DISCOVER CHURCH ONLINE: ✝️ 1) There are now 2 ways to join: directly via our new website or Patreon. Both function similarly based on monthly subscriptions. Patreon deducts up to 20% of your donation. Our website will not and will allow you to post photos and audios. a) Save this website to your mobile home screen & choose "online church" or "inner circle": https://discoverchurch.online/ b) Become a Patron at: https://www.patreon.com/cioccolanti You will get audios, videos, posts and photos not shared on any other social media. ✝️ 2) Tithe to your home church and give offerings on DiscoverChurch.Online. Some Christians have been mistaught that tithing is not found in the New Testament, which is false doctrine: read Luke 11:42 and Hebrews 7:8. God teaches that the tithe (10% of income) is His and must be returned to the place that feeds you spiritually. If you reside in a geographical location without a Bible-teaching church, you may treat us as your online church. ✝️ 3) Pray with and for Discover Ministries (Colossians 4:3, 2 Corinthians 1:11) Here are some model prayers you can start with: http://www.discover.org.au/pray (There is a prayer group where you can send prayer requests and pray for others inside www.DiscoverChurch.Online) ✝️ 4) Spread Jesus, the Word of God, to your family and friends. Invite friends and the unchurched to discover the online church community where they can connect, grow and belong. Giving books and DVDs is another way to spread the Good News. Before giving Christian books or videos, first pray in faith for those people you want to be saved. For help refer to a model prayer from Pastor Cioccolanti's life called “6 Steps” and use it right away! ✅ BE PART of an END-TIME NETWORK of like-minded believers and collaborators.. ✝️ JOIN DISCOVER CHURCH ONLINE today! https://discoverchurch.online/ -------------------------------- ✝️ BROWSE Christian books, DVDs, CDs, MP4s, MP3s, Gifts: http://www.discover.org.au/bookshop ------------------------------- ✅ YES, I'd like to be part of reaching souls and preparing people for the LORD’s Return. Here's my gift towards the work of Discover Ministries: 🌷DONATE via PayPal, your credit card or bank transfer: www.discover.org.au/give 🌷TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS now available to US residents only: https://www.USAChurch.Online ✅ Your SUPPORT of this Christian ministry is GREATLY appreciated. (c) 2023 Steve Cioccolanti. All rights reserved.8.55K views 30 comments -
Has The Antichrist ALREADY come?
Bible Prophecy videosIs it a possibility that we're past the prophecies of the Antichrist or maybe even past the time of the Millennial Reign of Christ? Documentation: https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/canItEvenBePossible052222.html Three point five years! https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/threePointFiveYears102221.html148 views 4 comments -
The Mystery of Human DNA (Science Uprising EP3)
Center for Science and CultureIs the software that runs life the result of accumulated copying errors? Or does it require a programmer? This episode of Science Uprising examines how Microsoft founder Bill Gates, geneticist and entrepreneur Craig Venter, and even evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins all acknowledge that DNA is like software. But how was that software created? Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. People featured in this episode include Stephen Meyer, PhD, Director of the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute and author of Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design; and Douglas Axe, Maxwell Visiting Professor of Molecular Biology at Biola University and author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition that Life Is Designed. Check out our other videos: Information Enigma: Where does information come from? Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? https://youtu.be/aA-FcnLsF1g Science Uprising Episode 1 - Reality: Real vs. Material Has science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? https://youtu.be/Fv3c7DWuqpM Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw Check out other videos from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.90 views -
Stephen Meyer Shatters the Myth of the Multiverse (Science Uprising EP4)
Center for Science and CultureIs our universe just an accident? Or does it display exquisite evidence of fine-tuning and intelligent design? This episode of Science Uprising investigates claims by scientific atheists like Lawrence Krauss and Bill Nye that our universe is nothing special and that the fine-tuning scientists observe can be explained away by the existence of multiple universes. In his latest book, Stephen Meyer demonstrates how discoveries in cosmology and physics coupled with those in biology help to establish the identity of the designing intelligence behind life and the universe. Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. Featured experts include Bijan Nemati, Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama, Huntsville, and former long-time researcher at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab; Frank Tipler, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Tulane University, and co-author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle; and Stephen Meyer, PhD, Director, Center for Science and Culture, Discovery Institute and author, The Return of the God Hypothesis. Check out our other videos: Information Enigma: Where does information come from? Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? https://youtu.be/aA-FcnLsF1g Science Uprising Episode 1 - Reality: Real vs. Material Has science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? https://youtu.be/Fv3c7DWuqpM Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw Check out other videos from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.449 views 1 comment -
And God said Let There Be Information, Part 34 the Complete Creation 3rd ed
ianjubyIn this episode, we take a close look at the origin and continuation of information.133 views 2 comments