Int 741 with ManKinder ~ Founder Michael 'ManKinder' Wisnieux and the 'MKN Inner Circle'
TheMissingLinkLiveManKinder ~ Kinder Communities for ManKind: Networking and Collaboration for Mutual Thriving. Strategies to Strengthen ManKind: Content Creation and Business Development, Reclaiming the JOY and MUSIC of LIFE. The ManKinder Network builds and supports Interdependent Communities and Ventures by empowering Resourceful, Strong Souls to Thrive, while Balancing both Independence and Service with Responsibility and Accountability. “MKN” creates networking and marketing systems to connect and build empowered communities. ManKinder Also Offers Referrals and Coaching re.: Health; Law, Republics and Constitutions; Unincorporated, Private Member Associations; Land Patents, Status Declarations, Trust Structures, Alternative Currencies ManKinder began as StopCaliforniaFires.com in Fall 2018, based on 3 months of geoengineering and biotech research in Fall 2017, responding to California government’s commitment to the "new normal, fire season." ManKinder and affiliates have provided Branding, Media and Event Production, Consulting and Networking Services for individuals and groups, reaching audiences up to 12,000. Being donation-supported, ManKinder’s “sliding-scale service pricing” prioritizes Community Service over financial gain, with much work being performed on a volunteer basis. A war by dark energy forces seems committed to destroy ManKind. In their matrix, greed for resources is a prime motivator. Kindness guides ManKinder to assist the material and spiritual needs of fellow strong souls. The ManKinder Mission requires vast coordinated collaboration. YOU are hearing your own story right now. Can you help ManKind to Reclaim the Joy and Music of Life? JOIN: https://SendFox.com/ManKinder INFO: https://About.me/ManKinder aka ManKinder.net https://Rumble.com/ManKinder https://YouTube.com/@ManKinder https://SubscribeStar.com/ManKinder https://T.me/ManKinder https://T.me/FreedomCellsCA https://FreedomCells.org/cells/California-Freedom-Cells-MKN https://FreedomCells.org/series/califreedom-friday-freedomcells-mkn-san-diego/ Michael ManKinder Wisnieux The Missing Link support is welcome at PayPal.me/HVLT, in Canada by etransfer to webcore8@gmail.com, or by sending stars and/or subscribing to our monthly Facebook Page. You can also purchase any of these products below to also help support us. IWantMyHealthBack.com/TML Get 10% off Cardio Miracle here: https://cardiomiracle.com/discount/TML www.teamalkaviva.com/HealthEworld AC50 brown gas hydrogen water machine @ http://eagle-research.com/product/ac50 by entering the code TMLS5 to give a $125 discount AND a free $500 Water Lovers Distiller. And you can order AllicinV at http://www.allicinv.com put Jesse1 in the comments to add 1 ml to your order. #TheMissingLink #TheMissingLinkLive #TheMissingLinkLivePodcast1.97K views 17 comments