Postmodern Gender Confusion
5 videos
Updated 1 year ago
In this era of transgender confusion, we examine this difficulty in its various aspects, employing the Word of God as our final and infallible source of authority.
Trans-Ideology & the Corruption of Medicine
Pastor Terry ReeseIn this message, we discuss the enormous disservice that the political, cultural, medical, and psychiatric establishments have done to those unfortunate individuals who suffer from gender identity disorder in the name of a cynical political agenda and in some cases even for selfish commercial purposes. We would also encourage our listeners to checkout Tucker Carlson's extraordinary interview on X with Chris Moritz, which will further arm the viewer with a deeper treatment of the jaw-dropping facts; this interview can also be accessed on Rumble at (https://rumble.com/v3nktwd-tucker-on-x-ep.-28-chris-moritz.html).9 views -
Trans Ideology: The Cultural Background (pt. 2)-Reese
Pastor Terry ReeseIn this message we discuss "Queer Theory"--a branch of Critical Theory that is being promoted by Postmodern Cultural Marxists that seeks to normalize both homosexuality and transgenderism. We also discuss the unbiblical concept of a gender “continuum,” which allows for a potentially unlimited number of genders (112+, according to Tumblr)--in direct opposition to the Biblical binary concept of gender (Gen. 1:27, 5:2).12 views -
Trans Ideology: The Cultural Background (pt. 1)-Reese
Pastor Terry ReeseThis is an introductory message to our ninefold Biblical response to postmodern Trans-Ideology. Postmodernism, progressivism, radical individualism, humanism, and self-directed religious pragmatism--all of these factors have effectively set the stage for the extraordinary explosion of gender confusion that we have witnessed in our culture over the past several years.12 views -
Postmodern Gender Confusion & the Bible (Pt. 2) - T. Reese
Pastor Terry ReeseWe are engaging in a general overview of where we are as a culture with regard to the issue of modern gender confusion. How DID we come to the point where an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court denies being able to define what a "woman" is? How DID we come to a place where literature is tailored to 4-year-olds, advising them to consider rejecting their assigned gender? And how DID we come to the moment where official White House events feature out-of-control trans activists mug and strip for the cameras, while the Pride Flag takes precedence over the American Flag?12 views -
Postmodern Gender Confusion & the Bible (Pt. 1) - T. Reese
Pastor Terry ReeseIn this strange & unique era, both the general culture and the Church are struggling with a variety of issues pertaining to GENDER, including the various the roles that men & women appropriately occupy within both the home and in the Church. Also, we will be looking at the modern controversy over gender fluidity and the so-called "trans" movement. What does God's Word have to say on these matters?5 views