![playlist thumnail](https://1a-1791.com/video/s8/1/G/0/a/9/G0a9n.oq1b.2-small-Creep-Sam-Seder-is-worried-.jpg)
The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder DEBUNKED
38 videos
Updated 4 days ago
This playlist will focus on debunking some of the many lies, omissions, half-truths, mischaracterizations, deviations & bad logic spewed forth by a narcissistic, bipolar divorcee name Sam Seder.
#samseder #majorityreport Sam never would've gotten his job at Err America if it were not for daddy (if his dad was doing tax returns for Joe Six Pack in Armonk, Sam Seder would be working for a shady non-profit dedicated to getting drug addicts & transients registered to vote) & even then his show went through several iterations & each time fewer people listened.
Sitting on your fat ass & whining for 3 hours a day takes little talent & I think Sam's modus operandi is to just yell over the opposition & that's why censorship if a cornerstone of the Pedocrat Party.
Sam makes a lot of mistakes & when you are imprisoned by narcissism, you become your own biggest fan.
This playlist exposes some of this for all to see. Enjoy & pass it on if you find it worthy.
PS Sam enjoys trying to get his underemployed/unemployed crew to harass his political enemies, but doesn't like a dose of his own medicine.
He blocked me after I exposed some of lies on firearms, the bizarre fantasy he had about his own daughter & Roman Polanski, as well as his bad logic.
Creep Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part I
UTubekookdetectorThe Creepy divorcee Sam Seder is worried about guns, but his voters are the problem. #samseder #majorityreport ***ALL screenshots related to this can be found at https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Nr6ACnSP68DceYZ2Vsqp6vENhDnL1S1tnYAp2CpzLaCeRf13Lzq1PNo5nwVLuQ2Ml&id=100004109170994 Enjoy!*** The bi-polar divorcee & creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns & mainly worried about them from law-abiding citizens because genocide against your enemies cannot commence if your opponents are armed. Lenin knew that, Hitler knew that, the corrupt genocidal government of Cameroon understands that – all dictatorial regimes realize that if their opponents are armed, they cannot engage in wanton & gratuitous genocide. The creepy divorcee Sam Seder won’t do anything aside from sitting on his fat ass (he spent more time worrying about Rush Limbaugh than he did his own father, kids & now ex-wife), he’s looking for others to do this & he needs to disarm (mainly) white, rural Americans to create a society that mimics the one in China. This is why he defends murderous regimes in China, he wants that type of society here. I am not sure what he thinks he’s going to gain from it, he will likely still live in a small apartment, separate from his children & will never own any real property. He will continue to be a social media vegetable. Perhaps he’s exhibiting Stockholm Syndrome symptoms, where he casts his lot w/ genocidal maniacs, hoping to obtain a few shekels. He is mentally-ill, by his own admission, nothing really surprises me. He also had a fantasy involving his own kid & Roman Polanski https://rumble.com/vcj22f-face-bloat-stan-seder-i-mean-sam-seder-vs.-face-bloat-stan-seder.html & also became so obsessed w/ Donald Trump he barely noticed his wife – until she served him w/ divorce papers. Let’s get to meat of this essay, we are going to look at violent crime (aside from murder) & the weapons used in the commission of these crimes. Democrats often trot-out statistics related to “mass shootings” that include injuries, not dead people – to inflate these stats. I’ve often said, if State A had a high % of mass shootings, but their murder rate was 50% the national average & State B had a murder rate above the national average, but no mass shootings – which state is worse? That said, let’s look at lots of damaged psyches in the wake of a violent crime (primarily aggravated assault, & robbery) & then look at the weapons used (personal weapons, knife, firearm, blunt object, etc.) in the commission of those crimes. Remember, Democrats are concerned about guns, so let’s see how many people victimized & a gun was not the weapon of choice. If the Dems retort, “That is bad, but at least they’re still alive,” I will retort, “So are the folks who are merely injured in mass shootings.” https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/query How about Robbery & Aggravated Assault for a long time frame (FBI “Data Discovery Tool”)? (National Data) Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2007 = 1,313,682 * 2008 = 1,287,246 * 2009 = 1,221,256 * 2010 = 1,150,933 * 2011 = 1,107,195 * 2012 = 1,117,060 * 2013 = 1,071,870 * 2014 = 1,053,994 * 2015 = 1,092,166 * 2016 = 1,135,779 * 2017 = 1,130,915 * 2018 = 1,092,260 * 2019 = 1,090,500 * 2020 = 1,165,105 * 2021=1,121,447 * 2022 = 1,114,430 ***(As I was polishing this off, the FBI published 2022 data, I am including that just for kicks, even though most of the data below cuts off at 2021. Later I decided to include the 2022 data for each city, so you can compare it to 2020-21 & previous years)*** https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend 2016-19 combined Aggravated Assault & Robbery rate = 341.515 per 100,000. * 2020-21 Aggravated Assault & Robbery rate = 344.629 per 100,000. 2022 Aggravated Assault & Robbery rate = 334.374 per 100,000 *** I should also mention, because of the adolescent logic of some like Creepy Sam Seder, #samseder #majorityreport just because a crime is declining (I have written about this in my essays many times, murder is very concentrated for example) nationally, does not mean that is the case everywhere. It could be declining markedly in areas not prone to violence (like say, rural Iowa, Idaho, Kansas) & spiking in Democrat-dominated cesspools like Chicago (which has bad data on this metric) or St. Louis. Aggravated Assault 2020-22 is up substantially, relative to 2016-19, Robbery is not. The creepy divorcee Sam Seder should also realize (and you will see this in the cities I am covering) that in a lot of minority-dominated, Democrat cities, violent crime did spike in 2020 & continued into 2022. In many of those jurisdictions, the 2022 rate was above the pre-COVID plandemic rate *** (Aggravated Assault remained historically high in 2021, robbery is on a different trajectory https://www.statista.com/statistics/191231/reported-aggravated-assault-rate-in-the-us-since-1990/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/191235/reported-robbery-rate-in-the-us-since-1990/ If you want to compare other data sources) That should give you a good idea of trends & now we’ll shift to NIBRS data & see the preferred weapons of these criminals when committing these heinous acts. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend From 2007-21, there were 4,370,720 KNOWN weapons involved in “Aggravated Assault” & “Robbery.” Of those weapons, only 32.13% (1,404,638) of the weapons were a “firearm/handgun/shotgun/rifle” etc. The perp did not need a firearm the vast majority of the time & defenseless people getting the tar beaten out of them by miscreants in this country has become much more common over the past few years. For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2012-2021 there were 3,171,135 KNOWN weapons & 33.82% (1,072,722) were a “Firearm/gun.” For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2016-19 there were 1,197,292 KNOWN weapons & 32% (383,216) of them were a “firearm/gun.” For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2020-21 there were 1,024,692 KNOWN weapons to commit those crimes & 38.19% (391,347) of the weapons were a “firearm/gun.” As you can see, those crimes much more often than not, the assailant does not need to use a firearm to beat someone senseless & take their wallet or purse. In the 2020-21 period, which saw a major spike in aggravated assault – the % of those crimes where a firearm was used in the commission of it spiked, but still well short of even half. I covered several periods from 2007-21 & the Black Lives Matter Crime-A-Thon in the midst of the Saint George Floyd protests, which was a dark period for this county. How about the demographics of Robbery & Aggravated Assault? I already covered demographic data on murder victims & assailants from 2016-19 vs. 2020-21. The latter time frame saw a much higher murder rate & the % of victims & assailants that were black also spiked. Let’s do the same for Aggravated Assault & Robbery. 2012-21: Of the 3,558,253 Offenders (Robbery & Aggravated Assault) where the RACE of the offender was known, 51.47% (1,831,496) of those offenders were Black. #blacklivesmatter 2016-19: Of the 1,357,434 offenders (Robbery & Aggravated Assault) where the RACE of the offender was known, 50.67% (687,910) of those offenders were Black. #whitesupremacy 2020-21: Of the 1,073,654 offenders where the RACE of the offender is KNOWN, 51.22% (549,929) of those offenders were Black. That metric when compared to 2012-21 was static. *** Now for some selected Dumocrat enclaves that are melting down. First, I will post their raw stats, courtesy of the FBI Data Discovery Tool (wish I had utilized that when covering murder stats, nobody is perfect) https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/query & then I will use NIBRS to give us the preferred weapon(s) when these crimes are commissioned by Democrat voters. For population data see https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/portland-oregon OR https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/ https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2020s-counties-total.html https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html Portland, OR: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 = 2813 * 2017 = 2893 * 2018=2986 * 2019 = 3222 * 2020 = 3444 * 2021 = 4492 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 613.443 per 100,000) 2022 = 4285 (674.731 per 100,000) Minneapolis, Minnesota: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 = 4132 * 2017=4058 * 2018=2932 * 2019= 3487 * 2020=4601 * 2021=5182 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,150.356 per 100,000) 2022= 4761 (1,119.982 per 100,000) St. Paul, MN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1767 * 2017=1757 * 2018=1649 * 2019 =1488 * 2020=2059 * 2021=2093 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 671.697 per 100,000) 2022 = 1851 (610.536) Milwaukee, WI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 =8586 * 2017=8952 * 2018=7871 * 2019=7416 * 2020=8882 * 2021=8842 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,545.848 per 100,000) Stay classy Milwaukee! 2022 = 7835 (1,390.898) District of Columbia: 2016=7046 * 2017=6025 * 2018=6008 * 2019=6388 * 2020=6323 * 2021=2245 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 629.933) 2022 = 4531 (674.453) St. Louis City, MO: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=5540 * 2017=5967 * 2018=5029 * 2019=5333 * 2020=5520 * 2021=4442 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 1,674.612 per 100,000) 2022 = 3861 (1,347.277) Kansas City, MO: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=7370 * 2017=7870 * 2018=7335 * 2019=6726 * 2020=7394 * 2021=6824 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 1,399.005) 2022 = 6993 (1,373.069) Ferguson, MO: 2016=154 * 2017=134 * 2018=123 * 2019=89 * 2020=128 * 2021=160 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 781.186) Ferguson is a dump that has been home to a high rate of violent crime, like forever. 2022 = 136 (749.6) Hazelwood, MO: 2016=136 * 2017=78 * 2018=90 * 2019=106 * 2020=141 * 2021=154 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 581.739) 2022 = 158 (630.814) Springfield, MO: 2016=1950 * 2017=1892 * 2018=1869 * 2019=2204 * 2020=2439 * 2021=2440 (2020-21 avg. = 1,439.691) 2022 = 2,201 (1,294.195) Independence, MO: 2016=543 * 2017=602 * 2018=441 * 2019=565 * 2020=640 * 2021=576 (2020-21 avg. = 496.14) 2022 = (425.735) St. Joseph, MO: 2016=372 * 2017=394 * 2018=367 * 2019=305 * 2020=290 * 2021=324 (2020-21 avg. = 426.143) 2022 = 382 (540.647) Charleston, MO: 2016=38 * 2017=36 * 2018=35 * 2019=40 * 2020=40 * 2021=54 (2020-21 avg. = 942.45) 2022= 28 (561.459) Berkeley, MO: 2016=59 * 2017=91 * 2018=98 * 2019=86 * 2020=107 * 2021=165 * (2020=21 avg. = 1,662.286) 2022 = 219 (2,715.773) Joplin, MO: 2016=275 * 2017=270 * 2018=230 * 2019=243 * 2020=282 * 2021=218 (2020-21 avg. = 482.574) 2022 = 200 (380.821) Sedalia, MO: 2016=113 * 2017=141 * 2018=171 * 2019=171 * 2020=153 * 2021=97 (2020-21 avg. = 574.158) 2022 = (364.514) Overland, MO: 2016=69 * 2017=36 * 2018=33 * 2019=43 * 2020=75 * 2021=67 (2020-21 avg. = 447.667) 2022 = (409.836) Bridgeton, MO: 2016=98 * 2017=76 * 2018=61 * 2019=48 * 2020=65 * 2021=55 (2020-21 avg. = 525.624) 2022 = (599.753) Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO: 2016=101 * 2017=82 * 2018=94 * 2019=115 * 2020=198 * 2021=161 (2020-21 avg. = 1,681.498) 2022 = 127 (1,215.659) Rolla, MO: 2016=70 * 2017=94 *2018=91 * 2019=93 * 2020=100 * 2021=77 (2020-21 avg. = 441.804) 2022 = 99 (487.156) Hannibal, MO: 2016=58 * 2017=58 * 2018=78 * 2019=70 * 2020=71 * 2021=63 (2020-21 avg. = 392.03) 2022 = (425.079) Caruthersville, MO: 2016=79 * 2017=78 * 2018=65 * 2019=60 * 2020=54 * 2021=71 (2020-21 avg. = 1,140.51) 2022 = (623.229) Poplar Bluff, MO: 2016=116 * 2017=85 * 2018=68 * 2019=91 * 2020=71 * 2021=158 (2020-21 avg. = 707.379) 2022 = 7 [?? Likely not accurate] Detroit, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=12827 * 2017=12764 * 2018=12226 * 2019=11796 * 2020=13478 * 2021=13364 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 2,142.492) 2022 = 11,690 (1,884.341) Are you kids seeing a massive spike in these cities 2020-21, relative to the previous 4 years due to the Saint George Floyd riots? “George Floyd had a fatal altercation w/ the police, we better rob the general public & assault them.” Yeah, makes sense. George Floyd was a career criminal & drug addict who failed to cooperate w/ police because he was on drugs. Why wasn’t Memphis burned to the ground after Trye Nichols (I believe Nichols was murdered, I think Chauvin should’ve been charged w/ negligent manslaughter IMO) was murdered? That’s right, the cops that attacked him were all black. Flint, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1405 * 2017=1735 * 2018=1577 * 2019=1225 * 2020=1037 * 2021=922 (2020-21 cumulative robbery & aggravated assault avg. = 1,210.036) Oddly, Flint bucked the trend, but nobody moves to Flint anymore, it’s dying a slow death. 2022 = 888 (1,112.029) Pontiac, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=667 * 2017=578 * 2018=720 * 2019=693 * 2020=775 * 2021=647 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,160.011) 2022 = 573 (926.375) Grand Rapids, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1175 * 2017 =1255 * 2018=1167 * 2019=1135 * 2020=1759 * 2021=1787 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 894.756) 2022 = 1,720 (873.504) Saginaw, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=651 * 2017=699 * 2018=724 * 2019=664 * 2020=945 * 2021=1032 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,244.907) 2022 = 859 (1,975.757) Inkster, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=285 * 2017=308 * 2018=212 * 2019=213 * 2020=277 * 2021=324 * (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,160.164 per 100,000) 2022 = 237 (928.428) Romulus, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=136 * 2017=200 * 2018=162 * 2019=195 * 2020=224 * 2021=185 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 813.655) 2022 = 223 (889.083) Highland Park, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=173 * 2017=170 * 2018=171 * 2019=210 * 2020=188 * 2021=198 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,158.595) #whitesupremacy is the reason this Black Majority community has been in decline for 60 years. By 2040, Highland Park will no longer exist. 2022 = 164 (1,894.42) Harper Woods, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=115 * 2017=88 * 2018=117 * 2019=105 * 2020=136 * 2021=129 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 861.312) 2022 = 84 (553.833) Melvindale, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016= 53 * 2017=60 * 2018=59 * 2019=42 * 2020=93 * 2021=106 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 780.943) 2022 = 54 (427.485) Ecorse, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=135 * 2017=129 * 2018=90 * 2019=112 * 2020=155 * 2021=115 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,456.624) 2022 = 95 (1,036.552) Wyoming, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=279 * 2017=280 * 2018=268 * 2019=309 * 2020=364 * 2021=346 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 463.268) 2022 = 303 (394.911) Taylor, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=333 * 2017=305 * 2018=310 * 2019=343 * 2020=345 * 2021=287 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 502.284) 2022 =342 (549.326) Lansing, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1198 * 2017=1212 * 2018=1156 * 2019=1162 * 2020=1571 * 2021=1593 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,404.094) 2022 = 1,326 (1,178.279) Kalamazoo, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016= 793 * 2017=767 * 2018=884 * 2019=833 * 2020=1004 * 2021=1093 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,425.487) 2022 = 988 (1,355.783) Warren, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=568 * 2017=550 * 2018=576 * 2019=546 * 2020=566 * 2021=607 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 422.66) 2022 = 586 (427.403) Ypsilanti, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=130 * 2017=154 * 2018=150 * 2019=188 * 2020=240 * 2021=264 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,236.294) 2022 = 180 (912.223) Battle Creek, MI: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=508 * 2017=504 * 2018=510 2019=503 * 2020=516 * 2021=562 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,026.236) 2022 = 613 (1,176.064) Memphis, TN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=11232 * 2017=12321 * 2018=12062 * 2019=117190 * 2020=14664 * 2021=15092 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,362.213 per 100,000) 2022 = 14,463 (2,328.775) Nashville, TN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=6837 * 2017=7094 * 2018=7096 * 2019=6888 * 2020=7549 * 2021=7710 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,115.175) 2022 = 7,023 (1,027.322) Chattanooga, TN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1688 * 2017=1753 * 2018=1722 * 2019=1752 * 2020=2263 * 2021=2236 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,238.813) 2022 = 1,887 (1,025.064) Knoxville, TN: 2016=1497 * 2017=1491 * 2018=1368 * 2019=1085 * 2020=1365 * 2021=1410 (2020-21 avg. = 723.832) 2022 = 1,457 (743.788) Clarksville, TN: 2016=849 * 2017=803 * 2018=864 * 2019=755 * 2020=891 * 2021=828 (2020-21 avg. = 509.037) 2022 = (433.396) Murfreesboro, TN: 2016=729 * 2017=645 * 2018=533 * 2019=525 * 2020=635* 2021=490 (2020-21 avg. = 362.559) 2022 = 704 (433.502) Jackson, TN: 2016=588 * 2017=620 * 2018=633 * 2019=603 * 2020=672 * 2021=597 (2020-21 avg. = 930.774) 2022 = 575 (840.889) Millington, TN: 2016=70 * 2017=115 * 2018=93 * 2019=97 * 2020=79 * 2021=116 (2020-21 avg. = 924.871) 2022 = 76 (727.829) Kingsport, TN: 2016=353 * 2017=362 * 2018=385 * 2019=315 * 2020=326 * 2021=389 (2020-21 avg. = 644.01) 2022 =395 (703.472) Cleveland, TN: 2016=367 * 2017=363 * 2018=392 * 2019=422 * 2020=429 * 2021=345 (2020-21 avg. = 808.304) 2022 = 334 (687.851) Columbia, TN: 2016=223 * 2017=253 * 2018=213 * 2019=244 * 2020=279 * 2021=270 (2020-21 avg. = 645.517) 2022 = 287 (626.747) Lebanon, TN: 2016=183 * 2017=201 * 2018=157 * 2019=122 * 2020=198 * 2021=153 (2020-21 avg. = 442.338) 2022 = 172 (389.439) Brownsville, TN: 2016=158 * 2017=109 * 2018=95 * 2019=136 * 2020=126 * 2021=99 (2020-21 avg. = 1,157.05) 2022 = 114 (1,194.718) Union City, TN: 2016=85 * 2017=81 * 2018=62 * 2019=74 * 2020=71 * 2021=85 * (2020-21 avg. = 700.336) 2022 = 86 (782.885) Dyersburg, TN: 2016=222 * 2017=170 * 2018=197 * 2019=170 * 2020=198 * 2021=197 (2020-21 avg. = 1,227.089) 2022 = 165 (1,034.028) Springfield, TN: 2016=121 * 2017=145 * 2018=129 * 2019=107 * 2020=113 * 2021=81 (2020-21 avg. = 512.617) 2022 = 92 (478.643) East Ridge, TN: 2016=182 * 2017=136 * 2018=89 * 2019=82 * 2020=112 * 2021=131 (2020-21 avg. = 550.733) 2022 = 120 (547.045) Lewisburg, TN: 2016=108 * 2017=76 * 2018=74 * 2019=45 * 2020=61 * 2021=93 (2020-21 avg. = 621.494) 2022 = 58 (453.621) Martin, TN: 2016=33 * 2017=31 * 2018=28 * 2019=17 * 2020=34 * 2021=38 * (2020-21 avg. = 337.394) 2022 = 47 (431.43) Austin, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=3117 * 2017=3173 * 2018=2901 * 2019=3443 * 2020=4184 * 2021=4372 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 444.219) 2022 = 4,618 (473.909) Dallas, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=9133 * 2017=9371 * 2018=9445 * 2019=10882 * 2020=11355 * 2021=10320 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 835.977) 2022 = 9,360 (720.252) Houston, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=22449 * 2017=23974 * 2018=22601 * 2019=23789 * 2020=27985 * 2021=26756 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,189.208) 2022 = 24,414 (1,060.151) San Antonio, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=9415 *2017=9365 * 2018=8194 * 2019=9311 * 2020=10330 * 2021=9661 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 692.636) 2022 = 11,150 (757.005) Fort Worth, TX: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016= 3919 * 2017=4256 * 2018=3944 * 2019=3537 * 2020=4603 * 2021=4632 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 497.992) 2022 = 4,074 (425.834) Corpus Christi, TX: 2016=2045 * 2017=2060 * 2018=2169 * 2019=2325 * 2020=2510 * 2021=2535 (2020-21 avg. = 793.693) 2022 = 2,231 (705.479) Beaumont, TX: 2016=1216 * 2017=1157 * 2018=1156 * 2019=1125 * 2020=1332 * 2021=1122 (2020-21 avg. = 1,077.147) 2022 = 1,075 (959.059) Port Arthur, TX: 2016=339 * 2017=357 * 2018=357 * 2019=305 * 2020=391 * 2021=369 (2020-21 avg. = 680.065) 2022 = 369 (663.919) Jasper, TX: 2016=38 * 2017=37 * 2018=20 * 2019=27 * 2020=30 * 2021=28 (2020-21 avg. = 409.517) 2022 =35 (471.507) Arlington, TX: 2016=1860 * 2017=1772 * 2018=1624 * 2019=1812 * 2020=1887 * 2021=1905 (2020-21 avg. = 481.803) 2022 = 1,920 (486.566) Mesquite, TX: 2016=535 * 2017=536 * 2018=511 * 2019=632 * 2020=546 * 2021=661 (2020-21 avg. = 405.145) 2022 = 621 (419.881) Lubbock, TX: 2016=2558 * 2017=2511 * 2018=2317 * 2019=2332 * 2020=2601 * 2021=2530 (2020-21 avg. = 990.253) 2022 = 2,483 (940.779) Amarillo, TX: 2016=1247 * 2017=1322 * 2018=1412 * 2019=1278 * 2020=1522 * 2021=1349 (2020-21 avg. = 714.87) 2022 = 1,317 (654.276) Pasadena, TX: 2016=583 * 2017=613 * 2018=563 * 2019=765 * 2020=778 * 2021=834 (2020-21 avg. = 536.398) 2022 = 788 (533.651) Killeen, TX: 2016=851 * 2017=949 * 2018=453 * 2019=464 * 2020=915 * 2021=843 (2020-21 avg. = 568.189) 2022 =766 (481.24) Waco, TX: 2016=565 * 2017=568 * 2018=622 * 2019=683 * 2020=811 * 2021=904 * (2020-21 avg. = 613.128) 2022 = 775 (538.254) Midland, TX: 2016=385 * 2017=338 * 2018=338 * 2019=164 * 2020=458 * 2021=450 (2020-21 avg. = 344.136) 2022 = 556 (413.555) Alamo, TX: 2016=158 * 2017=163 * 2018=112 * 2019=68 * 2020=89 * 2021=120 (2020-21 avg. = 528.832) 2022 = 95 (467.865) Alton, TX: 2016=10 * 2017=16 * 2018=53 * 2019=144 * 2020=97 * 2021=81 (2020-21 avg. = 461.941) 2022 = 94 (477.812) Donna, TX: 2016=144 * 2017=202 * 2018=193 * 2019=116 * 2020=157 * 2021=231 (2020-21 avg. = 1,154.418) 2022 = 180 (1,073.089) Mercedes, TX: 2016=71 * 2017=84 * 2018=63 * 2019=60 * 2020=74 * 2021=57 (2020-21 avg. = 396.621) 2022 = 119 (711.85) Palmview, TX: 2016=76 * 2017=48 * 2018=48 * 2019=56 * 2020=99 * 2021=71 (2020-21 avg. = 535.956) 2022 = (409.758) Lancaster, TX: 2016=199 * 2017=217 * 2018=155 * 2019=139 * 2020=187 * 2021=202 * (2020-21 avg. = 474.349) 2022 = 238 (588.395) Stafford, TX: 2016=81 * 2017=no data * 2018=73 * 2019=84 * 2020=47 * 2021=117 * (2020-21 avg. = 468.21) 2022=75 (430.366) Waller, TX: 2016=8 * 2017=6 * 2018=1 * 2019=4 * 2020=15 * 2021=11 (2020-21 average = 469.06) 2022=5 (178.571) Some clowns might object to me covering cities that are small or like Waller, very small. However, if a MAGA-hat wearing person beat up a black person in Jerkwater, MT & was yelling the “N” word, while it was recorded – that small town would be a big deal, eh? MSLSD would be screeching about it for months. San Benito, TX: 2016=42 * 2017=24 * 2018=32 * 2019=135 * 2020=188 * 2021=137 (2020-2021 avg. = 654.7) 2022 = 128 (518.953) Paris, TX: 2016=165 * 2017=213 * 2018=213 * 2019=223 * 2020=208 * 2021=180 (2020-21 avg. = 793.748) 2022 = 160 (647.904) Aransas Pass, TX: 2016=56 * 2017=52 * 2018=46 * 2019=47 * 2020=49 * 2021=45 (2020-21 avg. = 589.267) 2022 = 35 (398.678) Addison, TX: 2016=88 * 2017=73 * 2018=59 * 2019=69 * 2020=63 * 2021=78 (2020-21 avg. = 413.501) 2022 = 67 (387.059) Seattle, WA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=4022 * 2017=4192 * 2018=4709 * 2019=4562 * 2020=4511 * 2021=5579 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 685.957) 2022 = 5,750 (767.427) Tacoma, WA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1827 * 2017=1551 * 2018=1662 * 2019=1677 * 2020=1709 * 2021=2455 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 949.86) 2022 = 3,338 (1,505.122) Wilmington, DE: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1229 * 2017=1083 * 2018=1058 * 2019=1011 * 2020=1070 * 2021=974 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,443.064) 2022 = 818 (1,142.952) Cleveland, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=5927 * 2017=4976 * 2018=5375 * 2019=5220 * 2020=5772 * 2021=5802 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,562.738) 2022 =5,272 (1,457.936) Columbus, Ohio: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=3677 * 2017= 3456 * 2018=3588 * 2019=3618 * 2020=4171 * 2021=4439 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 475.069 per 100,000) 2022 = 2,950 (324.9) Columbus has seen a massive decline in those crimes, after a massive spike Akron, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1037 * 2017=1130 * 2018=1450 * 2019=1598 * 2020=1536 * 2021=1426 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 779.96) 2022 = 1,304 (691.744) Toledo, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=2966 * 2017=2463 * 2018=2222 * 2019=2369 * 2020=25343 * 2021=2690 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 968.505) 2022 = 2,817 (1,057.825 per 100,000) Dayton, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1277 * 2017=1093 * 2018=1086 * 2019=1105 * 2020=1382 * 2021=1277 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 966.223) 2022 = 1,368 (1,006.296) Cincinnati, OH: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=2489 * 2017=2477 * 2018=2195 * 2019=2228 * 2020=2437 * 2021=2208 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 751.015) 2022 = 2,259 (729.856) East Cleveland, OH: 2016=100 * 2017=123 * 2018=101 * 2019=93 * 2020=46 * 2021=97 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 508.542) 2022 = 137 (981.704) Denver, CO: 2016=3960 * 2017=4022 * 2018=4488 * 2019=4687 * 2020=5579 * 2021=6049 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 814.855) 2022 =6,699 (939.219) Oklahoma City, OK: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=4512 * 2017=4549 * 2018=5069 * 2019=4158 * 2020=4218 * 2021=3695 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 578.093) 2022 = 3,877 (558.002) Tulsa, OK: 2016=3933 * 2017=3721 * 2018=3812 * 2019=3568 * 2020=4105 * 2021=4055 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 989.661) 2022 = 3,384 (821.624) Muskogee, OK: 2016=384 * 2017=429 * 2018=344 * 2019=367 * 2020=421 * 2021=309 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 991.08) 2022 = 369 (1,004.409) Del City, OK: 2016=124 * 2017=142 * 2018=157 * 2019=165 * 2020=198 * 2021=154 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 810.462) 2022 = 109 (509.631) Warr Acres, OK: 2016 =52 * 2017=50 * 2018=37 * 2019=65 * 2020=35 * 2021=58 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 445.061) 2022 = 33 (318.194) Hugo, OK: 2016=10 * 2017=18 * 2018= [no data] * 2019=22 * 2020=28 * 2021=42 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 679.15) 2022 = 24 (459.682) Idabel, OK: 2016=19 * 2017=18 * 2018=22 * 2019=30 * 2020=55 * 2021=25 (2020-21 cumulative avg.= 572.696) 2022 = 11 (155.895) As you can see, some cities did see a return to normalcy in 2022. Lawton, OK: 2016=708 * 2017=740 * 2018=743 * 2019=742 * 2020=634 * 2021=525 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 638.314) Despite having a level of violence well beyond the national average, Lawton saw it decline 2020-21, it was much worse years ago. 2022 = 647 (706.779) Okmulgee, OK: 2016=59 * 2017=62 * 2018=52 * 2019=61 * 2020=61 * 2021=36 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 431.36) 2022 = 36 (315.734) Buffalo, NY: 2016=2660 * 2017=2429 * 2018=2468 * 2019=2365 * 2020=2553 * 2021=2219 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 859.652) 2022 = 1,853 (670.196) Syracuse, NY: 2016=965 * 2017=891 * 2018=891 * 2019=1005 * 2020=1064 * 2021=no data 2022 = 1,197 (828.654) Rochester, NY: 2016= 1641 * 2017=1704 * 2018=1455 * 2019=1405 * 2020=1546 * 2021=1447 (2021-21 avg. = 709.364 per 100,000) 2022 = 1,403 (670.163) New York City, NY: 2016=46417 * 2017=43766 * 2018=43004 * 2019=44732 * 2020=45238 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 513.823) 2022 = 58,236 (698.617) Albany, NY: 2016=791 * 2017=814 * 2018=759 * 2019=672 * 2020=792 * 2021=774 * (2020-21 avg. = 791.508) 2022 = 841 (834.11) Utica, NY: 2016=338 * 2017=292 * 2018=330 * 2019=337 * 2020=276 * 2021=293 (2020-2021 avg. = 438.407) 2022 = 322 (502.489) Troy, NY: 2016=334 * 2017=314 * 2018=260 * 2019=268 * 2020=305 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 593.223) 2022 = 314 (616.956) Poughkeepsie, NY: 2016=208 * 2017=183 * 2018=186 * 2019=206 * 2020=216 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 683.955) 2022 = 177 (552.952) Schenectady, NY: 2016=535 * 2017=517 * 2018=562 * 2019=469 * 2020=437 * 2021=373 (2020-21 average = 604.297) 2022 = 471 (684.503) Binghampton, NY: 2016=308 * 2017=316 * 2018=283 * 2019=311 * 2020=346 * 2021=317 (2020-21 average = 694.03) 2022 = 297 (630.372) Niagara Falls, NY: 2016=548 * 2017=505 * 2018=392 * 2019=397 * 2020=336 * 2021=331 * (2020-21 avg. = 687.395) 2022 = 373 (777.196) Hempstead, NY: 2016 =389 * 2017=320 * 2018=309 * 2019=279 * 2020=346 * 2021=242 (2020-21 avg. = 498.71) 2022 = 297 (509.163) Baton Rouge, LA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1973 * 2017=2148 * 2018=1914 * 2019=1944 * 2020=1930 * 2021=2539 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 995.099) 2022= 2,062 (931.123) New Orleans/Orleans Parish, LA: 2016=3538 * 2017=3725 * 2018=3783 * 2019=3621 * 2020=4302 * 2021=4875 (2020-21 average = 1,205.962) 2022 = 4,637 (1,254.093) Lake Charles, LA: 2016=606 * 2017=584 * 2018=514 * 2019=350 * 2020=372 * 2021=402 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 466.172) 2022 = 439 (554.902) Alexandria, LA: 2016 =847 * 2017=664 * 2018=656 * 2019=707 * 2020=816 * 2021=764 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,757.465) 2022 = 717 (1,629.397) Bossier City, LA: 2016=547 * 2017=483 * 2018=526 * 2019=492 * 2020=548 * 2021=620 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 928.153) 2022 = 584 (932.386) Monroe, LA: 2016=1430 * 2017=1058 * 2018=645 * 2019=799 * 2020=1431 * 2021=1218 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,788.89) 2022 = 1,248 (2,665.527) Shreveport, LA: 2016=1666 * 2017=1646 * 2018=1416 * 2019=1294 * 2020=1519 * 2021=1458 (2020-21 average = 801.113) 2022 = 1,282 (711.617) Houma, LA: 2016=146 * 2017=101 * 2018=136 * 2019=188 * 2020=115 * 2021=262 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 567.583) 2022 = 255 (802.517) West Monroe, LA: 2016=80 * 2017=77 * 2018=94 * 2019=105 * 2020=172 * 2021=215 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,491.559) 2022 = 193 (1,527.502) Thibodaux, LA: 2016=87 * 2017=60 * 2018=62 * 2019=78 * 2020=67 * 2021=67 (2020-21 avg. = 429.955) 2022 = 65 (418.194) Lafayette City, LA: 2016=611 * 2017=678 * 2018=651 * 2019=634 * 2020=681 * 2021=577 (2020-21 avg. = 517.335) 2022 = (446.498) Ruston, LA: 2016=109 * 2017=119 * 2018=75 * 2019=82 * 2020=120 * 2021=117 (2020-21 avg. = 533.303) 2022 = 159 (713.164) Gretna, LA: 2016=38 * 2017=37 * 2018=81 * 2019=112 * 2020=57 * 2021=117 (2020-21 avg. = 491.483) 2022 = 96 (558.301) Opelika, AL: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=196 * 2017=197 * 2018=150 * 2019=74 * 2020=99 *2021=197 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 473.244) 2022 = 229 (698.447) Birmingham, AL: 2016=3192 * 2017=2236 * 2018=3757 * 2019=no data * 2020=809 (I doubt the veracity of this number) * 2021=2979 * (2020-21 avg. = 951.23) 2022 = 3,076 (1,562.134) Mobile, AL: 2016=1576 * 2017=1647 * 2018=1419 * 2019=no data * 2020=285 (this data is likely fallacious) * 2021=2346 (2020-21 avg. = 707.258 Even w/ that bogus figure, it is still high) 2022 = 2,053 (1,120.089) Tuscaloosa, AL: 2016=412 * 2017=411 * 2018=462 * 2019=344 * 2020=331 * 2021=203 * (2020-21 avg. = 266.673) 2022 = 607 (548.814) Bessemer, AL: 2016=731 * 2017=752 * 2018=459 * 2019=365 * 2020=428 * 2021=95 [??] (2020-21 avg. = 1,012.663) 2022 = 435 (1,721.817) Dothan, AL: 2016=525 * 2017=540 * 2018=634 * 2019=355 * 2020=381 * 2021=122 (2020-21 avg. = 353.664) 2022 = 676 (948.971) Tuskegee, AL: 2016=90 * 2017=73 * 2018=24 * 2019=66 * 2020=45 * 2021=63 (2020-21 avg. = 591.748) 2022 = 72 (812.732) Livingston, AL: 2016=14 * 2017=39 * 2018=17 * 2019=21 * 2020=4 * 2021=5 * (2020-21 average = 136.591) 2022 = 16 (507.453) The average in this town from 2016-19 was stratospheric, then tailed off, but I am wondering if that’s accurate. 2022 was a return to normalcy. Union Springs City (AL): 2016=28 * 2017=41 * 2018=46 * 2019=20 * 2020=13 * 2021=42 (2020-21 avg. = 824.34) 2022 = 48 (1,448.4) Census Bureau Quick Facts does NOT include cities under 5,000, so I used the 2021 figure. Selma, AL: 2016=319 * 2017=253 * 2018=252 * 2019=57 * 2020=no data * 2021=93 (2021 avg. = 527.659) 2022 = 119 (699.054) Linden City & Demopolis City (AL): 2016=44 * 2017=43 * 2018=54 * 2019=36 * 2020=37 * 2021=37 (2020-21 avg. = 411.522) 2022 = 54 (615.805) Indianapolis, IN: 2016=11075 * 2017=10792 * 2018=10331 * 2019=8290 * 2020=8915 * 2021=8513 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 984.799) 2022 = 8,336 (946.604) South Bend, IN: 2016=953 * 2017=956 * 2018=989 * 2019=1288 * 2020=1660 * 2021=535 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,061.468) “Rear Admiral” Pete Buttigieg presided over one of the most violent cities in America. If your city is a haven for violence & one party wins consistently, it tells me a lot about your voters. 2022 = 63 I doubt the veracity of that figure, not going to average it. It will be amended next year. East Chicago, IN: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 =178 * 2017=174 * 2018=89 2019=186 * 2020=170 * 2021=264 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 827.028) 2022 = 141 (542.975) Muncie, IN: 2016=217 *2017=205 * 2018=178 * 2019=192 * 2020=593 * 2021=261 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 654.24) 2022 = 269 (413.362) 2022 = 725 (626.355) Evansville, IN: 2016=679 * 2017=730 * 2018=574 * 2019=620 * 2020=1100 * 2021=759 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 795.314) 2022 = 725 (626.355) Terre Haute, IN: 2016 =119 * 2017=73 * 2018=241 * 2019=587 * 2020=806 * 2021=288 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 934.499) 2022 = 300 (514.271) Louisville, KY: 2016= 4314 * 2017=4167 * 2018=3871 * 2019=4385 * 2020=6022 * 2021=6242 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 972.846) 2022 = 3,923 (628.238) Atlanta, GA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=4874 * 2017=4143 * 2018=3481 * 2019=2797 * 2020=1252 * 2021=4308 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 558.206) I have a sneaking suspicion, due to the Ferguson Effect, that 2020 total is artificially low, but even that low watermark year, Atlanta maintained a Robbery & Aggravated Assault rate much higher than the national average. E.G. The Atlanta average 2016-18 was ~836 per 100,000. 2022 = 3,842 (769.743) Bibb County Sheriff’s Office (Macon), GA: 2016=688 * 2017=832 * 2018=952 * 2019=513 * 2020=1346 * 2021=1737 (2020-21 cumulative avg.= 982.266) 2022 = 2,134 (1,366.223) South Fulton, GA: 2019=161 * 2020=991 * 2021=937 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 891.775 per 100,000) 2022 = 1,093 (983.285) Athens-Clarke County (GA) Police Dept: 2016=475 * 2017=456 * 2018=386 * 2019=472 * 2020=548 * 2021=629 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 462.477) 2022 = 606 (471.371) Marietta, GA: 2016=220 * 2017=197 * 2018=184 * 2019=247 * 2020=276 * 2021=255 (202-21 avg. = 433.692 per 100,000) 2022 = 239 (381.776) Chamblee, GA: 2016=185 * 2017=123 * 2018=13 [??] * 2020=354 * 2021=261 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,025.769) 2022 = 146 (488.801) Albany, GA: 2016=829 * 2017=778 * 2018=766 * 2019=746 * 2020=1174 * 2021=1044 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,601.051) 2022 = 198 I doubt that is accurate, will be adjusted next year most likely Douglasville, GA: 2016=174 * 2017=230 * 2018=184 * 2019=166 * 2020=173 * 2021=196 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 524.386 per 100,000) 2022 = 212 (558.659) Charlotte, NC: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=6274 * 2017=5982 * 2018=6169 * 2019=6563 * 2020=7650 * 2021=7073 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 838.221) 2022 = 6,753 (752.239) Raleigh, NC: 2018=102 (likely inaccurate) * 2019=1256 * 2020=1714 * 2021=2049 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 401.794) 2022 = 2,135 (447.976) Greensboro, NC: 2016=1736 * 2017=2058 * 2018=1743 * 2019=2294 * 2020=2553 * 2021=2503 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 848.221) 2022 = 2,328 (773.126) Durham, NC: 2016=1867 * 2017=2109 * 2018=1848 * 2019=1890 * 2020=2289 * 2021=1994 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 751.499) 2022 = 1,780 (609.739) Winston-Salem, NC: 2016=1702 * 2017=1960 * 2018=2042 * 2019=2533 * 2020=2979 * 2021=2745 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,145.558) 2022 = 2,837 (1,128.704) Fayetteville, NC: 2016=1399 * 2017=1397 * 2018=1451 * 2019=1694 * 2020=1966 * 2021=1893 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 924.634) 2022 = 1,919 (918.74) Wilmington, NC: 2016=700 * 2017=730 * 2018=725 * 2019=681 * 2020=709 * 2021=556 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 541.086) 2022 = 545 (452.943) High Point, NC: 2016=678 * 2017=736 * 2018=633 * 2019=764 * 2020=740 * 2021=548 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 564.966) 2022 = 587 (510.137) Asheville, NC: 2016=479 * 2017=544 * 2018=540 * 2019=638 * 2020=696 * 2021=635 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 706.201) 2022 = 806 (859.494) Greenville, NC: 2016=448 * 2017=574 * 2018=436 * 2019=417 * 2020=376 * 2021=437 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 459.774) 2022 = 474 (531.193) Ahoskie, NC: 2016=38 * 2017=26 * 2018=34 * 2019=53 * 2020=39 * 2021=29 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 693.382) 2022 = 25 (512.4) Rocky Mount, NC: 2016=419 * 2017=365 * 2018=407 * 2019=388 * 2020=586 * 2021=477 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 982.394) 2022 = 437 (809.064) Roanoke Rapids, NC: 2016=97 * 2017=105 * 2018=78 * 2019=117 * 2020=135 * 2021=102 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 780.632) 2022 = 97 (652.934) Henderson, NC: 2016=151 * 2017=176 * 2018=258 * 2019=205 * 2020=287 * 2021=232 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,726.719) 2022 = 245 (1,652.948) Columbia, SC: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1009 * 2017=909 * 2018=941 * 2019=922 * 2020=888 * 2021=855 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 634.152) 2022 = 767 (549.041) North Charleston, NC: 2016= 872 * 2017=920 * 2018=951 * 2019=985 * 2020=1233 * 2021=1122 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,009.676) 2022 = 1,007 (849.015) Rock Hill, SC: 2016=382 * 2017=409 * 2018=312 * 2019=445 * 2020=485 * 2021=427 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 615.139) 2022 = 322 (427.344) Greenville, SC: 2016=364 * 2017=383 * 2018=332 * 2019=354 * 2020=463 * 2021=459 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 644.782) 2022 = 369 (510.302) Sumter, SC: 2016=270 * 2017=315 * 2018=350 * 2019=399 * 2020=469 * 2021=334 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 930.281) 2022 = 360 (841.967) Florence, SC: 2016=389 * 2017=455 * 2018=336 * 2019=411 * 2020=542 * 2021=498 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,302.001) 2022 = 480 (1,197.843) Spartanburg, SC: 2016=391 * 2017=470 * 2018=410 * 2019=420 * 2020=509 * 2021=556 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,384.339) 2022 = 416 (1,078.167) Myrtle Beach, SC: 2016=485 * 2017=459 * 2018=404 * 2019=360 * 2020=431 * 2021=379 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,106.406) 2022 = 312 (812.14) Aiken, SC: 2016=229 * 2017=135 * 2018=111 * 2019=151 * 2020=237 * 2021=185 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 662.48) 2022 = 169 (520.592) Anderson, SC: 2016=266 * 2017=164 * 2018=141 * 2019=101 * 2020=184 * 2021=266 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 769.836) 2022 = 168 (564.307) Orangeburg City & Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=330 * 2017=425 * 2018=603 * 2019=859 * 2020=1050 * 2021=1104 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,289.642) 2022 = 1,060 (1,275.663) Kingstree City & Williamsburg Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=144 * 2017=139 * 2018=177 * 2019=138 * 2020=170 * 2021=131 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 490.204) 2022 = 115 (382.593) Mullins City, Marion City & Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=213 * 2017=171 * 2018=207 * 2019=155 * 2020=212 * 2021=152 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 627.305) 2022 = 177 (622.144) Bennettsville City & Marlboro Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=200 * 2017=144 * 2018=127 * 2019=142 * 2020=168 * 2021=157 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 613.983) 2022 = 198 (760.397) Winnsboro City & Fairfield Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=169 * 2017=183 * 2018=134 * 2019=158 * 2020=139 * 2021=117 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 614.66) 2022 = 193 (943.534) Lee Co. Sheriff’s Office & Bishopville City, SC: 2016=89 * 2017=74 * 2018=65 * 2019=146 * 2020=97 * 2021=98 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 594.584) 2022 =97 (600.507) Hampton City & Hampton Co. Sheriff’s Office, SC: 2016=66 * 2017=76 * 2018=52 * 2019=80 * 2020=85 * 2021=78 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 442.97) 2022 = 87 (480.318) Little Rock, AR: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=2844 * 2017=3033 * 2018=2628 * 2019=2777 * 2020=3413 * 2021=3776 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,777.334 per 100,000) 2022 = 3,365 (1,658.746 per 100,000) North Little Rock, AR: 2016=483 * 2017=499 * 2018=464 * 2019=513 * 2020=625 * 2021=725 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,047.916) 2022 = 734 (1,135.748) Jacksonville, AR: 2016=223 * 2017=236 * 2018=319 * 2019=246 * 2020=298 * 2021=321 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,053.079) 2022 = 294 (1,009.268) Sherwood, AR: 2016=140 * 2017=55 * 2018=164 * 2019=177 * 2020=185 * 2021=202 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 587.886) 2022 = 236 (713.378) Pine Bluff, AR: 2016=658 * 2017=741 * 2018=630 * 2019=598 * 2020=691 * 2021=754 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,779.666) 2022 = 593 (1,501.455) Helena-West Helena, AR: 2016=112 * 2017=138 * 2018=155 * 2019=166 * 2020=147 * 2021=218 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,964.372) 2022 = 131 (1,476.555) Marion, AR: 2016=89 * 2017=125 * 2018=112 * 2019=110 * 2020=147 * 2021=124 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 986.028) 2022 = 86 (632.538) West Memphis, AR: 2016=397 * 2017=406 * 2018=446 * 2019=439 * 2020=571 * 2021=609 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 2,425.687) 2022 = 591 (2,483.715) Fayetteville, AR: 2016=396 * 2017=424 * 2018=414 * 2019=338 * 2020=447 * 2021=492 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 496.169) 2022 = 429 (432.089) Fort Smith, AR: 2016=639 * 2017=707 * 2018=634 * 2019=762 * 2020=930 * 2021=893 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,020.048) 2022 = 867 (963.418) Jonesboro, AR: 2016=347 * 2017=334 * 2018=364 * 2019=449 * 2020=552 * 2021=510 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 671.68) 2022 = 424 (530.822) Conway City, AR: 2016=287 * 2017=275 * 2018=306 * 2019=271 * 2020=310 * 2021=294 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 468.565) 2022 = 331 (489.521) Texarkana, AR: 2016=157 * 2017=227 * 2018=178 * 2019=166 * 2020=249 * 2021=260 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 868.556) 2022 = 272 (928.137) Hot Springs, AR: 2016=248 * 2017=194 * 2018=159 * 2019=188 * 2020=240 * 2021=153 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 515.964) 2022 = 159 (417.224) Hope, AR: 2016=110 * 2017=105 * 2018=67 * 2019=58 * 2020=115 * 2021=107 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,266.689) 2022 = 82 (950.834) Forrest City City & St. Francis County Sheriff’s Office, AR: 2016=173 * 2017=18 (Forrest City reported no data) * 2018=144 * 2019=152 * 2020=232 * 2021=276 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,109.412) 2022 = 323 (1,438.688) Magnolia, AR: 2016=48 * 2017=52 * 2018=18 * 2019=12 * 2020=44 * 2021=64 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 485.262) 2022 = 52 (473.098) Camden, AR: 2016=104 * 2017=153 * 2018=112 * 2019=105 * 2020=108 * 2021=133 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,153.882) 2022 = no data Norfolk, VA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=1440 * 2017=1199 * 2018=986 * 2019=1160 * 2020=1399 * 2021=1619 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 638.486) 2022 = 1,479 (634.777) Newport News, VA: 2016=747 * 2017=791 * 2018=848 * 2019=969 * 2020=1030 * 2021=1080 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 569.496 per 100,000) 2022 = 1,032 (559.938) Portsmouth, VA: 2016=686 * 2017=624 * 2018=688 * 2019=838 * 2020=808 * 2021=663 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 751.065) 2022 = 763 (786.362) Suffolk, VA: 2016=209 * 2017=248 * 2018=219 * 2019=234 * 2020=348 * 2021=440 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 412.826) 2022 = 420 (426.235) Petersburg, VA: 2016=222 * 2017=228 * 2018=94 * 2019=216 * 2020=186 * 2021=208 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 589.061) 2022 = 235 (703.719) Fredericksburg, VA: 2016=94 * 2017=97 * 2018=93 * 2019=93 * 2020=97 * 2021=138 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 416.947) 2022 = 112 (389.47) Hopewell, VA: 2016=97 * 2017=75 * 2018=85 * 2019=67 * 2020=72 * 2021=64 (2020-21 avg. = 294.55) 2022 = 107 (465.987) Franklin, VA: 2016=18 * 2017=25 * 2018=18 * 2019=11 * 2020=19 * 2021=35 (2020-21 avg. = 329.348) 2022 = 37 (448.647) Roanoke City, VA: 2016=364 * 2017=345 * 2018=370 * 2019=332 * 2020=396 * 2021=374 (2020-21 avg. = 387.168) 2022 = 462 (472.165) Charlottesville, VA: 2016=209 * 2017=154 * 2018=137 * 2019=120 * 2020=165 * 2021=201 * (2020-21 avg. = 396.851) 2022 = 206 (454.014) Las Vegas, NV: 2016=12162 * 2017=8570 * 2018=8219 * 2019=7331 * 2020=7976 * 2021=6832 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 1,147.834) North Las Vegas, NV: 2016=2154 * 2017=2323 * 2018=2203 * 2019=2186 * 2020=1230 * 2021=951 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 405.127) Reno, NV: 2016=1569 * 2017=1513 * 2018=1456 * 2019=1239 * 2020=1292 * 2021=1301 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 486.521) Waterloo, Iowa: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=448 * 2017=303 * 2018=302 * 2019=353 * 2020=389 * 2021=318 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 526.347) 2022 = 347 (521.318 per 100,000) Des Moines, IA: 2016=1344 * 2017=1355 * 2018=445 (?) * 2019=1447 * 2020=1365 * 2021=1230 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 609.541) I am NOT including the 2022 FBI data, because I seriously doubt that is accurate & will be adjusted later. https://www.dsm.city/2022%20Statistics.pdf?pdf=2022%20Statistical%20Report&t=1698025208839 If I use the 2022 figure from that, we have a grand total of 2,193 & a rate of 1,039.169 per 100,000. This will likely end up being adjusted downward, but crime is not dissipating in Crazy Town. There is a lot of variance between the DSM figured & FBI figures. I understand the disparity grows as the seriousness of the crime goes down, but it seems to be too large a variance. Davenport, IA: 2016=655 * 2017=648 * 2018=557 * 2019=523 * 2020=673 * 2021=564 * (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 610.583) 2022 = 604 (601.078) Fort Dodge, IA: 2016=124 * 2017=127 * 2018=137 * 2019=107 * 2020=166 * 2021=94 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 523.771) 2022 = 113 (458.287) Council Bluffs, IA: 2016=119 * 2017=125 * 2018=121 * 2019=454 * 2020=538 * 2021=198 (2020-21 cumulative avg. = 588.611) 2022 = 218 (349.33) Sioux City, IA: 2016= 324 * 2017=302 * 2018=297 * 2019=337 * 2020=407 * 2021=394 (2020-21 cumulative average = 467.679) 2022 = 361 (422.237) Burlington, IA: 2016=190 * 2017=219 * 2018=137 * 2019=160 * 2020=100 * 2021=121 (2020-21 cumulative average = 463.856) 2022 = 125 (529.414) Los Angeles, CA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016 =26181 * 2017=27771 * 2018=27340 * 2019=26868 * 2020=26548 * 2021 = no data (2020 average = 680.933 per 100,000) 2022 = 29,302 (766.618 per 100,000) Stockton, CA: 2016=4204 * 2017=4170 * 2018=4157 * 2019=4165 * 2020=3778 * 2021=2949 2020-21 cumulative average = 1,046.409) 2022 = 3,516 (1,092.539) San Francisco, CA: 2016=5791 * 2017=5878 * 2018=5744 * 2019=5569 * 2020=4550 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 520.619) 2022 = 4960 (613.529) Oakland, CA: 2016=5697 * 2017=5052 * 2018=4962 * 2019=5070 * 2020=5189 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 1,177.551) 2022 = 6065 (1,408.653) Compton, CA: 2016=1056 * 2017=1110 * 2018=1114 * 2019=1046 *2020=1058 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 1,105.399) 2022 = 992 (1,078.401) Long Beach, CA: 2016=2616 * 2017=2876 * 2018=3035 * 2019=2086 * 2020=2065 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 442.397) 2022 = 2,221 (492.126) Lancaster, CA: 2016=1023 * 2017=1124 * 2018=1092 * 2019=1238 * 2020=1098 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 632.812) 2022 = 1357 (802.080) Palmdale, CA: 2016=644 * 2017=640 * 2018=544 * 2019=595 * 2020=683 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 403.152) 2022 = 848 (518.771) Pomona, CA: 2016=686 * 2017=747 * 2018=784 * 2019=827 * 2020=672 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 443.725) 2022 = 765 (523.911) Inglewood, CA: 2016=758 * 2017=726 * 2018=617 * 2019=618 * 2020=622 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 577.213) 2022 = 613 (591.578) Bellflower, CA: 2016=357 * 2017=342 * 2018=306 * 2019=297 * 2020=318 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 401.565) 2022 = 410 (536.614) San Jose, CA: 2016=3389 * 2017=3585 * 2018=3801 * 2019=3856 * 2020=3769 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 371.982) 2022 = 4,117 (423.894) Berkeley, CA: 2016=546 * 2017=582 * 2018=520 * 2019=544 * 2020=484 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 389.305) 2022 = 574 (482.555) Carson, CA: 2016=472 * 2017=447 * 2018=416 * 2019=408 * 2020=363 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 379.893) 2022 = 414 (448.11) Hawthorne, CA: 2016=607 * 2017=557 * 2018=580 * 2019=599 * 2020=645 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 732.313) 2022 = 576 (681.148) Antioch, CA: 2016=696 * 2017=546 * 2018=539 * 2019=581 * 2020=542 * 2021=46 [this is obviously not correct] (2020 average = 470.057) 2022 = 656 (569.128) Gardena, CA: 2016=311 * 2017=373 * 2018=303 * 2019=301 * 2020=246 * 2021=350 (2020-21 average = 493.688) 2022 = 359 (610.098) California City, CA: 2016=81 * 2017=84 * 2018=41 * 2019=70 * 2020=81 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 541.118) 2022 = 74 (489.191) Fairfield, CA: 2016=413 * 2017=496 * 2018=505 * 2019=389 * 2020=477 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 397.924) 2022 = 518 (434.061) Sacramento, CA: 2016=3420 * 2017=3240 * 2018=3191 * 2019=3062 * 2020=3380 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 643.902) 2022 = 4,509 (853.975) Rancho Cordova, CA: 2016=227 * 2017=287 * 2018=243 * 2019=208 * 2020=303 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 381.939) 2022 = 355 (440.457) San Bernadino City, CA: 2016=2693 * 2017=2613 * 2018=2704 * 2019=2672 * 2020=2831 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 1,274.834) 2022 = 2456 (1,114.701) Barstow, CA: 2016=334 * 2017=283 * 2018=269 * 2019=259 * 2020=261 * 2021=no data * (2020 average = 1,027.195) 2022 = 261 (1,034.441) Victorville, CA: 2016=695 * 2017=794 * 2018=737 * 2019=938 * 2020=1010 * 2021=no data * (2020 avg. = 749.247) 2022 = 1,205 (878.145) Pittsburg, CA: 2016=229 * 2017=300 * 2018=366 * 2019=398 * 2020=404 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 528.733) 2022 = 413 (532.408) Richmond, CA: 2016=926 * 2017=955 * 2018=997 * 2019=982 * 2020=1021 * 2021=1134 (2020-21 average = 928.595) 2022 = 964 (843.387) San Pablo, CA: 2016=189 * 2017=169 * 2018=166 * 2019=185 * 2020=157 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 488.761) 2022 = 220 (700.882) El Cajon, CA: 2016=348 * 2017=380 * 2018=479 * 2019=511 * 2020=474 * 2021=500 (2020-21 avg. = 460.269) 2022 = 462 (442.469) Lemon Grove, CA: 2016=133 * 2017=166 * 2018=147 * 2019=161 * 2020=137 * 2021=173 (2020-21 average = 563.144) 2022 = 159 (584.043) Riverside, CA: 2016=1573 * 2017=1491 * 2018=1522 * 2019=1530 * 2020=1319 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 418.711) 2022 = 1,497 (466.698) Fresno, CA: 2016=3009 * 2017=2744 * 2018=2751 * 2019=2293 * 2020=3335 * 2021=4562 (2020-21 avg. = 726.654) 2022 = 4429 (811.815) San Leandro, CA: 2016=453 * 2017=501 * 2018=450 * 2019=436 * 2020=433 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 475.834) 2022 = 482 (555.542) Bakersfield, CA: 2016=1722 * 2017=1694 * 2018=1751 * 2019=1616 * 2020=1857 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 459.153) 2022 = 2,083 (507.248) Anaheim, CA: 2016=1079 * 2017=1128 * 2018=1043 * 2019=971 * 2020=1092 * 2021=860 * (2020-21 avg. = 281.769) 2022 = 2504 (726.932) Now that is a spike in crime & oddly, it was much lower during the Saint George Floyd, “Let’s Burn Down The City for a Career Criminal” riots. Modesto, CA: 2016=1988 * 2017=1944 * 2018=1783 * 2019=1651 * 2020=1481 * 2021=no data (2020 average = 677.905) 2022 = 1,548 (709.867) Downey, CA: 2016=350 * 2017=356 * 2018=348 * 2019=318 * 2020=276 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 241.347) 2022 = 460 (418.432) Ukiah, CA: 2016=135 * 2017=107 * 2018=79 * 2019=100 * 2020=119 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 715.789) 2022 = 85 (526.511) El Segundo, CA: 2016=49 * 2017=35 * 2018=51 * 2019=77 * 2020=103 * 2021=98 (2020-21 avg. = 588.355) 2022 = (649.741) Philadelphia, PA: Aggravated Assault plus Robbery 2016-21: 2016=13853 * 2017=13432 * 2018=12974 * 2019=12673 * 2020=12979 * 2021=11165 (2020-21 avg. = 759.233) 2022 = 14,903 (950.896) It’s getting much worse in the City of Brotherly Love Pittsburgh, PA: 2016=2209 * 2017=1863 * 2018=1573 * 2019=1416 * 2020=1387 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 457.819) 2022 = 1,390 (458.9) Harrisburg, PA: 2016=459 * 2017=501 * 2018=444 * 2019=394 * 2020=419 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 836.527) 2022 = 217 (432.417) Erie, PA: 2016 =297 * 2017=268 * 2018=249 * 2019=413 * 2020=804 * 2021=94 [??] (2020 avg. = 847.663) 2022 = 513 (548.598) York, PA: 2016=396 * 2017=448 * 2018=423 * 2019=421 * 2020=318 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 709.868) 2022 = 282 (628.832) Norristown, PA: 2016=144 * 2017=177 * 2018=124 * 2019=162 * 2020=134 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 374.385) 2022 = 147 (410.671) Springfield, IL: 2016=1196 * 2017=1115 * 2018=853 * 2019=772 * 2020=966 * 2021=855 (2020-21 avg. = 799.357) 2022 = 764 (674.476) Hazel Crest, IL: 2016=55 * 2017=69 * 2018=43 * 2019=50 * 2020=37 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 276.408) 2022 = 82 (635.806) Joliet, IL: 2016=427 * 2017=458 * 2018=434 * 2019=680 * 2020=504 * 2021=218 (2020-21 avg. = 240.069) 2022 = 687 (457.899) Carbondale, IL: 2016=103 * 2017=98 * 2018=91 * 2019=160 * 2020=203 * 2021=no data (2020 avg. = 928.254) 2022 = 133 (612.423) Rockford, IL: 2016=2288 * 2017=2194 * 2018=1877 * 2019=1581 * 2020=1973 * 2021=2055 (2020-21 avg. = 1,359.098) 2022 = 1,954 (1,331.851) Champaign, IL: 2016=615 * 2017=546 * 2018=546 * 2019=752 * 2020=758 * 2021=617 * (2020-21 avg. = 775.053) 2022 = 517 (579.33) Danville, IL: 2016=455 * 2017=500 * 2018=494 * 2019=479 * 2020=487 * 2021=466 (2020-21 avg. = 1,643.273) 2022 = 454 (1,594.549) Chicago Heights, IL: 2016=141 * 2017=241 * 2018=226 * 2019=197 * 2020=171 * 2021=292 * (2020-21 avg. = 851.322) 2022 = 477 (1,802.38) I think I have proven my point (279 cities). Just because a metric of crime(s) is dropping, doesn’t mean it is still not a problem & like murder, assaults & robberies are concentrated largely on one demographic & a large handful of cities. Some cities have always had issues on this, so making a big deal out of it will possibly wake some folk up. These crimes are largely performed in Democrat-run cities & blacks are doing the lion’s share of them. You can call me racist, but you can’t call me wrong. If the bipolar Leninist Sam Seder whines that “conservatives” are finally making a big deal out of it, I will point out that’s bad logic. Just because they started complaining about it a lot during the Saint George Floyd Crime-A-Thon doesn’t mean it was not a problem many years ago & we should have a discussion about it now. ***Almost all the jurisdictions above had combined Robbery/Aggravated Assault rates (per 100,000) at least 16% HIGHER than the national average from 2020-21 (or in 2022). I fudged my baseline a bit just to show the spike in aggravated assault & robbery in California. I also did that because so many CA cities (and PA) reported no data for 2021 to the FBI*** Now let us look at some statewide data, where the data is good & because IL & CA omit a lot of cities, they will NOT be covered. Compare the statewide average of the jurisdictions below versus the cities inside it I covered & you will see what I am talking about. Iowa: Robbery/Aggravated Assault: 2016=7819 * 2017=7635 * 2018=7107 * 2019=7651 * 2020=8201 * 2021=7809 (2020-21 avg. = 250.623 per 100,000) 2022 = 7,756 (242.335) Missouri: 2016=28625 * 2017=29114 * 2018=27162 * 2019=27085 * 2020=30001 * 2021=28252 * (2020-21 avg. = 472.65) 2022 = 26,502 (428.976) North Carolina: 2016=34242 * 2017=35477 * 2018=33773 * 2019=35756 * 2020=40677 * 2021=40038 (2020-21 avg. = 384.26) 2022 = 39,215 (366.53) South Carolina: 2016=22288 * 2017=22456 * 2018=22402 * 2019=23324 * 2020=25056 * 2021=23788 (2020-21 avg. = 473.675) 2022 = 23,344 (441.9) Wisconsin: 2016=15479 * 2017=16269 * 2018=14857 * 2019=14758 * 2020=16533 * 2021=16159 * (2020-21 avg. = 277.666) 2022 = 14,915 (253.116) Minnesota: 2016=10915 * 2017=10826 * 2018=9821 * 2019=10769 * 2020=13297 * 2021=14838 (2020-21 avg. = 246.409) 2022 = 13,535 (236.742) Michigan: 2016=37902 * 2017=37204 * 2018=36720 * 2019=35861 * 2020=40822 * 2021=41747 * (2020-21 avg. = 410.488) 2022 = 39,058 (389.252) Tennessee: 2016=39161 * 2017=40374 * 2018=39168 * 2019=37450 * 2020=42987 * 2021=43087 (2020-21 avg. = 620.168) 2022 = 40,526 (574.727) Texas: 2016=106140 * 2017=108043 * 2018=101772 * 2019=105528 * 2020=115644 * 2021=115541 (2020-21 avg. = 393.812) 2022 = 112,674 (375.21) Nevada: 2016=17967 * 2017=14501 * 2018=14184 * 2019=13035 * 2020=12414 * 2021=11429 (2020-21 avg. = 381.425) 2022 = 12,340 (388.322) Arkansas: 2016=14132 * 2017=14607 * 2018=14341 * 2019=14890 * 2020=17816 * 2021=18476 (2020-21 avg. = 600.893) 2022 = 17,027 (559.062) Virginia: 2016=15183 * 2017=14315 * 2018=13868 * 2019=14554 * 2020=15122 * 2021=16102 (2020-21 avg. = 180.603) 2022 = 17,063 (196.496) Washington: 2016=18773 * 2017=18957 * 2018=19873 * 2019=19393 * 2020=19618 * 2021=22551 (2020-21 avg. = 273.009) 2022 = 25,805 (331.437) Delaware: 2016=4490 * 2017=3975 * 2018=3699 * 2019=3752 * 2020=3928 * 2021=3792 (2020-21 avg. = 387.013) 2022 = 3,633 (356.737) Ohio: 2016=29322 * 2017=28047 * 2018=27978 * 2019=28184 * 2020=30232 * 2021=30809 (2020-21 avg. = 259.046) 2022 = 28,100 (239.025) Pennsylvania: 2016=35256 * 2017=35072 * 2018=33825 * 2019=34139 * 2020=44556 * 2021=31268 (2020-21 avg. = 291.465) 2022 = 31,459 (242.514) Georgia: 2016=36205 * 2017=33791 * 2018=32174 * 2019=31056 * 2020=38487 * 2021=33295 (2020-21 avg. = 333.87) 2022 = 35,178 (322.353) The Next Part of this at least 3-part series will focus on many of the cities above & the % of the crimes I covered that are committed w/ a firearm & then onto murder stats for Part III, comparing 2020-21 to 2022.328 views -
Creepy Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem PART II
UTubekookdetectorCreepy divorcee Sam Seder is crying about guns, but his voters are the problem. Let us continue where we left off here https://rumble.com/v3vdj4w-creep-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-part-i.html & cover the worst of the worst (some cities will be excluded from the previous list) & see how they compare to national data on the % of aggravated assault & robbery cases where the perpetrator uses a firearm. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend Here is the previous data: From 2007-21, there were 4,370,720 KNOWN weapons involved in “Aggravated Assault” & “Robbery.” Of those weapons, only 32.13% (1,404,638) of the weapons were a “firearm/handgun/shotgun/rifle” etc. For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2012-2021 there were 3,171,135 KNOWN weapons & 33.82% (1,072,722) were a “Firearm/gun.” For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2016-19 there were 1,197,292 KNOWN weapons & 32% (383,216) of them were a “firearm/gun.” For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2020-21 there were 1,024,692 KNOWN weapons to commit those crimes & 38.19% (391,347) of the weapons were a “firearm/gun.” For Robbery & Aggravated Assault 2022 there were 679,388 KNOWN weapons to commit those cries & 36.29% (246,575) were a “firearm/gun.” 2012-21: Of the 3,558,253 Offenders (Robbery & Aggravated Assault) where the RACE of the offender was known, 51.47% (1,831,496) of those offenders were Black. #blacklivesmatter 2016-19: Of the 1,357,434 offenders (Robbery & Aggravated Assault) where the RACE of the offender was known, 50.67% (687,910) of those offenders were Black. #whitesupremacy 2020-21: Of the 1,073,654 offenders where the RACE of the offender is KNOWN, 51.22% (549,929) of those offenders were Black. 2022: Of the 685,050 robbery/aggravated assault perps where their race was KNOWN, 49.97% (342,339) of the offenders were Black. Let’s get started! *** https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend Because I want to tally the Saint George Floyd “let’s burn the town down for a drug addict” riots/hissy fit, I will tally 2020-2022, which will take longer than if I used a 5 or 2-year period, due to the FBI not allowing a 3-year tally all at once. Portland 2020-2022 (Robbery & Aggravated Assault): Of the 10,112 offenders where the race is KNOWN, 37.26% (3,768) of them were Black. Of the 11,170 KNOWN weapons to commit those crimes, 27.99% (3,127) were a “firearm/gun.” Portland is only 13.6% Black. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/ Portland is a diverse dunghole run by Democrats & they’re running it right into the ground. Minneapolis, MN 2020-22: Of the 17,704 KNOWN offenders, 85.02% (15,053) of them were Black. Of the 12,737 KNOWN weapons, 46.75% (5,955) were a “firearm/gun.” Minneapolis is only 18.4% Black. St. Paul, MN 2020-22: Of the 4,245 KNOWN weapons, 44.8% (1,902) were a “firearm/gun.” Of the 3,108 KNOWN perpetrators, 72.29% (2,247) of them were Black. St. Paul is 16% Black. Milwaukee, WI 2020-22: Of the 24,533 KNOWN offenders, 87.21% (21,397) were Black. Of the 23,619 KNOWN weapons, 49.56% (11,706) were a “firearm/gun.” Milwaukee is 39.4% Black. District of Columbia 2021-22: Of the 6,308 known offenders, 96.48% (6,086) were Black & of the 6,361 known weapons, 49.74% (3,164) were a “firearm/gun.” The city is 45% Black. St. Louis City, MO 2021-22: Of the 6,444 known weapons, 63.34% (4,082) were a “Firearm/gun” & of the 5,160 known offenders, 88.97% (4,591) were Black. Surprised? The city is 44.8% Black. Kansas City, MO 2020-22: Of the 15,082 known weapons, 52.42% (7,907) were a “firearm” & of the 15,740 known offenders, 73.24% (11,529) were Black. The city is 26.5% Black. Springfield, MO 2020-22: Of the 7,640 known weapons, 22.93% (1,752) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 5,973 known offenders, 27.1% (1,619) were Black. Springfield is only 4% Black. Detroit, MI 2020-22: Of the 28,712 known weapons, 52.47% (15,066) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 22,462 known offenders, 93.08% (20,908) were Black. The city is 77.9% Black. Flint, MI 2020-22: Of the 1,993 known weapons, 52.13% (1,039) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,734 known offenders, 77.33% (1,341) were Black. Flint is 56.7% Black. Pontiac, MI 2020-22: Of the 1,464 known weapons, 34.9% (511) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,702 known offenders, 77.43% (1,318) were Black. The city is 47.7% Black. Lansing, MI 2020-22: Of the 3,514 known weapons, 35.97% (1,264) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,004 known offenders, 69.37% (2,084) were Black. The city is 24.2% Black. Memphis, TN 2020-22: Of the 27,690 known weapons, 74.71% (20,689) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 32,199 known offenders, 88.84% (28,607) were Black. The city is 64.6% Black. Nashville, TN 2020-22: Of the 18,904 known weapons, 48.88% (9,242) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 22,608 known offenders, 70.24% (15,880) were Black. The city is 26.9% Black. Chattanooga, TN 2020-22: Of the 5,036 known weapons, 46.32% (2,333) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 4,988 known offenders, 71.89% (3,586) were Black. The city is 30.6% Black. Austin, TX 2020-22: Of the 11,449 known weapons, 42.58% (4,876) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 13,673 known offenders, 58.37% (7,982) were Black. The city is 7.7% Black. Can you say “disproportionate”? Dallas, TX 2020-22: Of the 25,295 known weapons, 63.32% (16,018) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 32,277 known offenders, 65.58% (21,170) were Black. The city is 24% Black. Houston, TX 2020-22: Of the 67,755 known weapons, 45.22% (30,645) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 98,412 known offenders, 64.69% (63,668) were Black. The city is 22.6% Black. San Antonio, TX 2020-22: Of the 18,209 known weapons, 52.24% (9,514) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 16,080 known offenders, 23.6% (3,796) were Black. The city is 6.5% Black. Fort Worth, TX 2020-22: Of the 10,791 known weapons, 48.46% (5,230) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 12,997 known offenders, 60.29% (7,837) were Black. The city is 18.8% Black. Corpus Christi, TX 2020-22: Of the 5,696 known weapons, 37.11% (2,114) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 7,145 known offenders, 14.34% (1,025) were Black. The city is 3.9% Black. Lubbock, TX 2020-22: Of the 5,725 known weapons, 36.57% (2,094) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 7,047 known offenders, 33.13% (2,335) were Black. The city is 8.1% Black. Seattle, WA 2020-22: Of the 16,162 known weapons,16.52% (2,670) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 11,456 known offenders, 51.36% (5,884) were Black. The city is only 6.8% Black. Tacoma, WA 2020-22: Of the 6,025 known weapons, 49.32% (2,972) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 6,626 known offenders, 51.04% (3,382) were Black. The city is only 10.8% Black. Wilmington, DE 2020-22: Of the 2,307 known weapons, 41.09% (948) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,003 known offenders, 90.17% (2,708) were Black. The city is 56.7% Black. Cleveland, OH 2020-22: Of the 13,534 known weapons, 33.13% (4,484) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 9,126 known offenders, 81.52% (7,440) were Black. The city is 47.4% Black. Columbus, OH 2020-22: Of the 10,090 known weapons, 55.61% (5,612) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 13,255 known offenders, 78.85% (10,452) were Black. The city is 29.2% Black. Akron, OH 2020-22: Of the 3,763 known weapons, 42.83% (1,612) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,270 known offenders, 72.59% (2,374) were Black. The city is 30.1% Black. Toledo, OH 2020-22: Of the 5,995 known weapons, 52.82% (3,167) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 6,886 known offenders, 75.53% (5,201) were Black. The city is 28.1% Black. Dayton, OH 2020-22: Of the 3,328 known weapons, 52.13% (1,735) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 4,004 known offenders, 75.34% (3,017) were Black. The city is 38.5% Black. Cincinnati, OH, 2020-22: Of the 5,939 known weapons, 61.15% (3,632) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 8,621 known offenders, 89.15% (7,686) were Black. The city is 40.3% Black. Denver, CO 2020-22: Of the 15,243 known weapons, 32.94% (5,022) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 17,275 known offenders, 38.91% (6,722) were Black. The city/county is 9.9% Black. Oklahoma City, OK 2020-22: Of the 9,399 known weapons, 41.17% (3,870) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 11,309 known offenders, 54.58% (6,173) were Black. The city is 13.8% Black. Tulsa, OK 2021-22: Of the 7,547 known weapons, 38.18% (2,882) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 6,339 known offenders, 52.4% (3,322) were Black. The city is 14.8% Black. Buffalo, NY 2020-22: Of the 4,722 known weapons, 35.45% 1,674) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,575 known offenders, 74.74% (2,672) were Black. The city is 33.3% Black. Rochester, NY 2021-22: Of the 2,619 known weapons, 53.07% (1,390) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,208 known offenders, 83.29% (2,672) were Black. The city is 38.4% Black. Albany, NY 2020-22: Of the 1,686 known weapons, 22.65% (382) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,803 known offenders, 81.3% (1,466) were Black. The city is 27.7% Black. Baton Rouge, LA 2021-22: Of the 3,906 known weapons, 55.81% (2,180) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,381 known offenders, 92.68% (1,280) were Black. The city is 53.3% Black. Birmingham, AL 2021-22: Of the 4,986 known weapons, 68.73% (3,427) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 4,930 known offenders, 94.19% (4,644) were Black. The city is 68.7% Black. Mobile, AL 2021-22: Of the 3,653 known weapons, 55.48% (2,027) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,686 known offenders, 81.33% (2,998) were Black. The city is 52.5% Black. Indianapolis, IN 2020-22: Of the 22,782 known weapons, 53.57% (12,206) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 19,534 known offenders, 71.55% (13,977) were Black. The city is 28.8% Black. South Bend, IN 2020-22: Of the 1,534 known weapons, 53.19% (816) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,594 known offenders, 76.72% (1,223) were Black. The city is 25.2% Black. Louisville, KY 2020-22: Of the 12,735 known weapons, 56.34% (7,175) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 9,783 known offenders, 66.45% (6,501) were Black. The city is 23.8% Black. Atlanta, GA 2020-22: Of the 7,608 known weapons, 63.65% (4,843) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 6,400 known offenders, 96.28% (6,162) were Black. The city is 48.2% Black. Bibb County Sheriff’s Office, GA (Macon) 2020-22: Of the 2,605 known weapons, 73.93% (1,926) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,737 known offenders, 89.81% (1,560) were Black. The county is 57.1% Black. Athens-Clarke County, GA: Of the 1,352 known weapons, 41.78% (565) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,228 known offenders,76.95% (945) were Black. The county is 27.5% Black. Raleigh, NC 2020-22: Of the 4,105 known weapons, 48.47% (1,990) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 5,498 known offenders, 78.93% (4,340) were Black. The city is 28.6% Black. Greensboro, NC 2020-22: Of the 4,973 known weapons, 50.91% (2,532) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,180 known offenders, 78.8% (2,506) were Black. The city is 43.1% Black. Durham City, NC 2020-22: Of the 3,852 known weapons, 57.39% (2,211) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 3,897 known offenders, 83.6% (3,266) were Black. The city is 37.2% Black. Winston-Salem, NC 2020-22: Of the 5,427 known weapons, 54.56% (2,961) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 4,579 known offenders, 74.23% (3,399) were Black. The city is 33.5% Black. Fayetteville, NC 2020-22: Of the 4,704 known weapons, 44.26% (2,082) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 4,292 known offenders, 82.19% (3,528) were Black. The city is 42.5% Black. Wilmington, NC 2020-22: Of the 1,428 known weapons, 39.14% (559) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,070 known offenders, 62.14% (665) were Black. The city is 17.2% Black. Greenville, NC 2020-22: Of the 973 known weapons, 48.81% (475) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 853 known offenders, 86.16% (735) were Black. The city is 39.2% Black. Asheville, NC 2020-22: Of the 1,903 known weapons, 26.95% (513) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,341 known offenders, 42.05% (564) were Black. The city is 10.9% Black. Columbia, SC 2020-22: Of the 2,080 known weapons, 56.77% (1,181) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 2,478 known offenders, 90.27% (2,237) were Black. The city is 40.9% Black. North Charleston, SC 2020-22: Of the 2,809 known weapons, 51.69% (1,452) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 2,491 known offenders, 81.17% (2,022) were Black. The city is 43.7% Black. Little Rock, AR 2020-22: Of the 6,953 known weapons, 48.88% (3,399) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 6,764 known offenders, 84.43% (5,711) were Black. The city is 41.2% Black. North Little Rock, AR 2020-22: Of the 1,461 known weapons, 55.3% (808) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,171 known offenders, 83.17% (974) were Black. The city is 43.9% Black. Jacksonville, AR 2020-22: Of the 687 known weapons, 43.52% (299) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 832 known offenders, 73.31% (610) were Black. The city is 45.2% Black. Pine Bluff, AR 2020-22: Of the 1,344 known weapons, 71.87% (966) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,171 known offenders, 90.69% (1,062) were Black. The city is 76.9% Black. Fort Smith, AR 2020-22: Of the 1,999 known weapons, 26.16% (523) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 2,537 known offenders, 35.27% (895) were Black. The city is 8.4% Black. Norfolk, VA 2020-22: Of the 3,250 known weapons, 63.63% (2,068) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,684 known offenders, 83.31% (1,403) were Black. The city is 40.7% Black. Newport News, VA 2020-22: Of the 2,594 known weapons, 48.45% (1,257) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 2,700 known offenders, 85.07% (2,297) were Black. The city is 41% Black. Portsmouth, VA 2020-22: Of the 1,882 known weapons, 64.39% (1,212) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,279 known offenders, 84.75% (1,084) were Black. The city is 52.2% Black. Petersburg, VA 2020-22: Of the 539 known weapons, 57.69% (311) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 427 known offenders, 88.52% (378) were Black. The city is 76.6% Black. Roanoke City, VA 2020-22: Of the 1,071 known weapons, 51.63% (553) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,036 known offenders, 70.17% (727) were Black. The city is 29.3% Black. Las Vegas, NV 2020-22: Of the 15,201 known weapons, 38.6% (5,869) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 18,300 known offenders, 57.85% (10,588) were Black. The city is 11.5% Black. Waterloo, IA 2020-22: Of the 1,017 known weapons, 31.56% (321) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 880 known offenders, 64.88% (571) were Black. The city is 17.3% Black. Hello Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor Chris Schwartz. You're looking... fat today old man. PS quit projecting Waterloo's hood rat culture on the entire state of Iowa. Capiche? Des Moines, IA 2020-22: Of the 2,481 known weapons, 22.08% (548) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 2,049 known offenders, 44.41% (910) were Black. The city is 11.2% Black. Davenport, IA 2020-22: Of the 1,434 known weapons, 45.74% (656) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 1,555 known offenders, 60.7% (944) were Black. The city is 10.9% Black. Fresno, CA 2021-22: Of the 8,195 known weapons, 27.5% (2,254) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 6,508 known offenders, 29.08% (1,893) were Black. The city is 6.8% Black. Philadelphia, PA 2021-22: Of the 24,660 known weapons, 45.66% (11,261) were a “firearm/gun” & of the 23,911 known offenders, 80.49% (19,246) were Black. The city is 40.8% Black. And that is all folks! If you did not see a big city (such as Los Angeles) it is because they did not report NIBRS data. PART II is done, Part III will focus on murder rates for various Democrat-dominated or Democrat-leaning dungholes, as well as the (if that data exists on the local level or FBI) demographics of the murder perpetrators. As you can see, there are large swaths of the country (see my previous installment https://rumble.com/v3vdj4w-creep-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-part-i.html) where murder (and in this case, aggravated assault & robbery) & other violent crimes are not very common, yet guns are common. It’s not about the guns, it’s about the fatherless children & meth addicts that wield them. Democrat Leninists like the divorcee Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport want to use that as a proxy to disarm (mostly rural) law-abiding Americans so the next time BLM riots, nobody will stop them. They intend to demonize the police & in concert w/ that, thin their ranks (by intimidation) or deprive them of funds so they can’t do their job. Another intention is to intimidate the police so they do no proactive, broken windows policing (Ferguson Effect), which allows BLM to riot sans any pushback. If Kyle Rittenhouse comes along & puts some of them in the ground, they intend to put him in prison for murder. Creepy divorcee Sam Seder & his allies intend on stacking the SCOTUS w/ lunatics who will suddenly find that the 2nd Amendment does not apply to “We The People” & does not contain the right to bear arms on an individual level. Why? Because you can’t murder your opponents & put them in jail, confiscate private property & institute a police state if your opponents are armed. Ask the British Crown what happened when some well-armed group of colonists told them they were tired of their oppression. Part III will focus on national murder rates 2020-22 & a slew of cities run by Democrats. I will utilize FBI & local & state data for that. It will be large & time-consuming, but will further my detonation of Creepy Sam Seder & Brian Tyler Cohen’s whining about guns & “red state murder problems.”308 views 6 comments -
Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIA
UTubekookdetectorTITLE: Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns Part III The following is a follow-up & continuation of https://web.archive.org/web/20230724234657/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/sam-seder-ilhan-omar-racism https://web.archive.org/web/20220608034416/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/sam-seder-ilhan-omar-racism2 https://web.archive.org/web/20220608034411/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/sam-seder-ilhan-omar-racism3 https://rumble.com/v3zu11r-creepy-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-part-ii.html https://rumble.com/v3vdj4w-creep-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-part-i.html https://web.archive.org/web/20230801020040/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/covid-increase-homicides LOTS of County data, counties sans murders See https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid026vNKpPdMHW9ftUpYPHKxko2aYLrEvTZVZrEGtybjW5stz7QSu356xUU8Lvb2j2n2l&id=100064869933577 for the entire compendium of information on this topic, I will continue to update it & add to it. Most of the cities I covered there will be contestants again, along with numerous other jurisdictions, along w/ their voting preferences https://web.archive.org/web/20220608034412/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/old-fart-rants-5 & who they send to the statehouse. I will focus solely on State House Districts. https://uselectionatlas.org/ https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-california-state-assembly-districts https://ballotpedia.org/California_state_legislative_districts (plug in the state you need to look at) I will also try to post data on their Mayor, as well as City Council, assuming the elections are partisan or we find out they’re a Democrat running in a “nonpartisan” jungle primary. I will screenshot (and eventually post on Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.230733335765663&type=3 all the cities & their number of murders 2016-22, but on this document will only post 2020-22 murders. I will use FBI data https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/query & if I am using state or local data, I will link to that as well & post it separately. I may also use state or local data to fill in missing/obviously inaccurate data from the FBI. All population data can be found https://www.biggestuscities.com/ https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222 & if I get really desperate, I might go to that garbage can known as Wikipedia & find an archived page, but I doubt I will need that. I may also use https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2020s-counties-total.html https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html if I need County or National data. Keep in mind, some of these cities have shrunk so much that they are not large enough (and some of this depends on how many House Districts a state has, Iowa has 100 w/ a small population & NH has a lot, TX has a lot fewer) to control a State House District. I will also (if applicable) toss in their Mayor & City Council, as that will tell us more about the lunatics being elected there. This will be a long, wild ride, buckle up. Sam Seder cries about guns a lot, but his voters are the problem & We The People need our firearms to protect our children from Sam’s mentally ill followers, just in case there are more than one attempting to attack us. Any data for certain Iowa cities has already been posted here https://rumble.com/v268b7a-divorcee-sam-seder-vs.-utubekookdetector-iowa-homicide.html I will also post statewide data afterwards as many states will feature several cities. I will also tally the aggregate for all the cities covered in that state so you can compare. Let us begin! *** U.S. population 2020-22 = 996,768,392 * Murders 2020-22 = 65,262 * U.S. murder rate 2020-22 = 6.547 per 100,000 * U.S murder rate 2016-19 = 5.2 per 100,000 I’m not sure Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport is smart enough to exhibit guile, but it appears to me that from 2020-22 the murder rate is much higher than 2016-19 & even though it dipped in 2022, in the problem areas it’s still way beyond the 4 years prior to the Saint George Floyd riots. Los Angeles City, CA: 2020 & 2022 murders = 738 (2021 = 397) Population 2020-22 = 11,570,302 & that is a murder rate of 9.809 per 100,000. Murder data (other than FBI) https://www.dailynews.com/2022/01/13/homicides-up-nearly-12-percent-in-los-angeles-last-year/ https://xtown.la/2022/01/10/los-angeles-murders-2021/ L.A. County votes Democrat two-to-one & Los Angeles City is even more lopsided than that, I guarantee it. All their State House Districts are Democrat & have been for some time. Their Mayoral elections are partisan & Democrats have dominated for quite some time. https://mayor.lacity.gov/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Los_Angeles https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-california-state-assembly-districts https://ballotpedia.org/California_state_legislative_districts https://ballotpedia.org/California_State_Assembly [NOTE: See Ballotpedia’s Notes for each District. The big map they display *currently* is the situation of Districts *prior to* the redistricting. There will be a map displaying the new location, but you cannot drill down on it as you can the big map, to see if a District goes inside the city limits of a certain jurisdiction. However, this is still good because you can see many of these Districts that I’m covering have been uber-Democrat for many years. See the “Redistricting” page for each state, you can compare Districts before &after] Compton, CA: 2020-22 murders = 73 * Population 2020-22 = 281,297 & a murder rate of 25.951 per 100,000 Murder data https://lasd.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Transparency_Patrol-CurrentMonth-YTD_012623-1.pdf (2021 data) https://lasd.org/transparency/crimeandarrest/#comparison https://ballotpedia.org/California_State_Assembly_District_65 (and see previous links) https://www.comptoncity.org/our-city/elected-officials (are there enough “people of color” on Compton’s City Council?) Stockton, CA: 2020-22 murders = 137 * Population 2020-22 = 964,743 & a murder rate of 14.2 per 100,000 Murder Data (other than FBI) http://ww1.stocktonca.gov/en/Departments/Police/News-and-Information/Statistics Stockton PD says 143 murders from 2020-22 = 14.822 murders per 100,000. https://ballotpedia.org/California_State_Assembly_District_13 Many times in California you have two Democrats squaring-off in the general, due to their jungle primary format. If nobody hits 50% plus one vote, the top two move on to the general. https://ballotpedia.org/Kevin_Lincoln_II Stockton’s current Mayor is a Republican surprisingly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Stockton,_California The city elections are technically nonpartisan, but since 1990 it has gone back & forth between the GOP & the Dums. Stockton City votes overwhelmingly for Democrats in statewide elections (U.S. Senate & Gubernatorial 2022, POTUS 2020). Oakland, CA: 2020-22 murders = 345 * Population 2020-22 = 1,305,036 & a murder rate of 26.436 Murder data (other than FBI) https://cityofoakland2.app.box.com/s/sjiq7usfy27gy9dfe51hp8arz5l1ixad/folder/151302530704 https://cityofoakland2.app.box.com/s/sjiq7usfy27gy9dfe51hp8arz5l1ixad/file/903152951382 https://cityofoakland2.app.box.com/s/sjiq7usfy27gy9dfe51hp8arz5l1ixad/folder/126124687343 Oakland PD says 123 murders in 2021, 102 in 2020 & 120 in 2022. Deferring to local data (and that’s what I usually do unless I find something amiss, or the FBI is missing a year of data). https://ballotpedia.org/Oakland,_California https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Oakland,_California Oakland has had a long string of Dumocrat Mayors https://ballotpedia.org/California_State_Assembly_District_18 San Francisco, CA: 2020-22 murders = 161 * Population 2020-22 = 2,497,597 & a murder rate of 6.446 per 100,000. This is lower than the national average, but I am including the County because their murders have surged since 2020 & people are fleeing this dunghole. California AG https://data-openjustice.doj.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2023-06/Homicide%20In%20CA%202022f.pdf says 161 murders 2020-22. FBI missing data for 2021 https://ballotpedia.org/San_Francisco,_California https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_San_Francisco https://ballotpedia.org/California_State_Assembly_District_17 Dave Leip’s data indicates that San Francisco County is one of the most Democrat-dominated cities in these United States. Inglewood, CA: 2020-22 murders = 44 (2021 data missing, filling it in w/ data below) * 2020-22 population = 316,561 & a murder rate of 13.899 https://homicide.latimes.com/neighborhood/inglewood/year/all This website says 13 murders in 2021 in Inglewood. Inglewood PD is useless https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Inglewood,_California https://joinjamesbutts.com/endorsements/ Assembly District 61 gobbles up Inglewood & prior to redistricting (that was District 62) that area was Democrat. I cannot find anything definitive on James T. Butts, current & longtime Mayor of Inglewood, but it’s likely that he’s on the Leninist side of the aisle considering the nutcases who have endorsed him. Rudy Giuliani cleaned up NYC & made it habitable. Mr. Butthead has not yet been able to lower the murder rate in Inglewood. Ala Dalton from Road House, “It’s going to get worse, before it gets better.” (See links for Lancaster) Inglewood is a city that votes about 80% (at least) Democrat in statewide elections. Lancaster, CA: 2020-22 murders = 48 (2021 data missing, filling it in w/ data below) * 2020-22 population = 512,846 & a murder rate of 9.359 https://homicide.latimes.com/neighborhood/lancaster/year/all Credits Lancaster w/ 19 murders in 2021 Assembly District 39 (and 36 prior to the Census) covers Lancaster & more, it’s Democrap. However, District 36 was GOP controlled prior to redistricting. Remember, Assembly Districts are massive & Lancaster is not big enough by itself to control a District. https://ballotpedia.org/California%27s_25th_Congressional_District_election,_2016#Endorsements https://ballotpedia.org/California%27s_25th_Congressional_District_special_election,_2020_(March_3_top-two_primary) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Rex_Parris Lancaster’s current & longtime Mayor Rex Parris identifies as a Republican, but has endorsed Democrats. Looking at some of his political positions, maybe he would be better suited in the Democrat or Green Party. I think he wins in Lancaster because he is a huge squish. Anyways… https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/prior-elections/statewide-election-results/general-election-nov-8-2022/statement-vote https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/sov/2022-general/ssov/us-senate-by-political-districts-ft.xlsx https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/prior-elections/statewide-election-results/general-election-november-3-2020/statement-vote https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/sov/2020-general/ssov/pres-by-political-districts.xlsx https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/sov/2022-general/ssov/governor-pol-districts.xlsx https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/prior-elections/statewide-election-results Lancaster voted for Alex Padilla over Mark P. Meuser (2022 U.S. Senate), Biden won Lancaster City by a massive margin in 2020 & Gavin Newsom also won the city in 2022, although the latter was much closer. Hillary Clinton easily won the city over Donald Trump. Wash, rinse, repeat. Lynwood, CA: 2020-22 murders = 16 (2021 data omitted, using below to fill in) * 2020-22 population = 196,847 & a murder rate of 8.128 https://homicide.latimes.com/neighborhood/lynwood/year/all 4 murders in 2021, using that to fill in missing 2021 data https://katieporter.com/katie-porters-senate-bid-endorsed-by-lynwood-mayor-oscar-flores/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Lynwood,_California Lynwood has had a boatload of Mayors because the City Council votes for Mayor, which I think is honestly a better system for small cities. Just my two cents. Their current Mayor endorsed Katie Porter, so he’s an idiot. It’s difficult to find data on these Council members & I am not going to waste the time. Lynwood City votes overwhelmingly for Democrats in statewide elections. Carson, CA: 2020-22 murders = 25 (2021 is omitted, filled in below) * 2020-22 population = 281,476 & a murder rate of 8.881 https://homicide.latimes.com/neighborhood/carson/year/all 10 murders for Carson in 2021 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Carson,_California https://lauraforca.com/endorsements/ https://ballotpedia.org/Laura_Richardson https://ballotpedia.org/Albert_Robles_(California) Carson’s current Mayor endorsed Laura Richardson, so she needs her head examined & their previous Mayor is a Dumocrat. Carson typically votes Democrat 3-to-1 in statewide elections. Assembly District 69 engulfs Carson & it is Democrat. District 64 covered it prior to the Census & it was Dumocrat then as well. California statewide: 2020-22 murders = 6,780 * 2020-22 population = 117,710,578 & a murder rate of 5.759 per 100,000 CA State Data says 6,769 murders Murder rate in California OUTSIDE the cities (Carson, Los Angeles, Lynwood, Compton, Stockton, Lancaster, San Francisco, Inglewood, Oakland) I covered is (population = 99,783,873 & 5,193 murders) 5.204 per 100,000 Milwaukee City, WI: 2020-22 murders = 600 * Population 2020-22 = 1,709,860 & a murder rate of 35.09 per 100,000 https://archive.ph/Q5M1B https://city.milwaukee.gov/police/Information-Services/Crime-Maps-and-Statistics Milwaukee PD says 600 murders as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Milwaukee https://ballotpedia.org/Milwaukee,_Wisconsin https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-wisconsin-state-assembly-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Wisconsin_state_legislative_districts https://ballotpedia.org/Wisconsin_State_Assembly Despite their Mayoral elections being nonpartisan, Milwaukee has had a lot of mayors associated w/ the Dumbasscrat Party. The 11 Wisconsin State House Districts that are part of Milwaukee (9, 19, 11, 18, 16, 10, 17, 12, 8, 7 & 20) are all Democrat currently & also were before the 2020 elections. Surprised? According to Dave Leip, in all statewide elections since 2018, Milwaukee City voted >78% for the Dumocrat. Milwaukee is a very dangerous place & it’s all Democrat, all the time. Just as Los Angeles City skews more Democrat than Los Angeles County, Milwaukee City is an uber-Democrat city inside an uber-Democrat county. Kenosha City, WI: 2020-22 murders = 27 * 2020-22 population = 297,749 & a murder rate of 9.068 https://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/bjia/ucr-offense-data WI State Data concurs 27 murders https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS4900 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Kenosha,_Wisconsin https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/24/nolte-add-kenosha-to-growing-list-of-democrat-run-cities-engulfed-in-violence/ WI State Assembly Districts 64 & 65 cover Kenosha, both are Dummycrat – that was the case prior to redistricting. Longtime Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian is a Democrat. Not sure about Keith Bosman, but I would NOT be surprised if he were a Regressive lunatic. According to Dave Leip, Kenosha City voted Democrat in every statewide election since 2016, the Democrat got at least 55.5% of the vote (Hillary had the lowest) in every contest. Kenosha County is a lean Republican County, Kenosha City goes the other way. Wisconsin statewide: 2020-22 murders = 954 * 2020-22 population = 17,666,365 & a murder rate of 5.4 WI State Data says 957 murders statewide. Does retard Sam Seder see how WI has a much higher murder rate 2020-22 than 2016-19? Murder rate in WI OUTSIDE of Kenosha City & Milwaukee City is (population = 15,658,756 & 327 murders) a paltry 2.088 per 100,000. This disparity would get even larger if I included all of Milwaukee County, which overwhelmingly votes Democrat. Even a mouth breather like Sam Seder can now see the American Crime Wave in Wisconsin is confined to a very small portion of the state. We need not (and it won’t happen) disarm mostly white, rural WI counties because hood rats in Kenosha City & Milwaukee County like to kill each other. Wilmington, DE: 2020-22 murders = 88 * 2020-22 population = 213,212 & a murder rate of 41.273 (per 100,000) Hey Sam Seder, is there a mythical crime wave in Kid Sniffer Joe Biden’s hometown or not? After you get done getting off thinking about male predators in the girls’ locker room at the local pool, answer that – would you fat ass? https://www.wilmingtonde.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/11262/638083475917070000 https://www.wilmingtonde.gov/government/public-safety/wilmington-police-department/compstat-reports https://www.wilmingtonde.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/9849/637462295684930000 Wilmington PD says 88 murders also https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-delaware-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Delaware_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Delaware_state_legislative_districts As you can see from the map, the Representatives that Wilmington sends to Dover each legislative session are all Dummycrats. It has been this way for a while. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Wilmington,_Delaware Wilmington’s Mayoral elections are partisan & the Democrats have dominated for a long time. Delaware statewide: 2020-22 murders = 219 * 2020-22 population = 3,013,160 & a murder rate of 7.268 Murder rate in DE OUTSIDE of Wilmington = (population = 2,799,948 & 131 murders) 4.678 per 100,000 Cleveland, OH: Cleveland murders 2020-22 = 472 * Population 2020-22 = 1,102,230 & murder rate of 42.822 https://dpsoibrspext.azurewebsites.net/ Ohio State Data says Cleveland had 477 murders, which would push the average to 43.275. YIKES! https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-ohio-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Cleveland https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Ohio_after_the_2020_census https://ballotpedia.org/Cleveland,_Ohio Democrats dominate Mayoral elections in Cleveland & all the House districts that are within Cleveland’s city limits are Democrat. All Democrat, all the time in the war zone known as Cleveland. Yet, Blacks are still slaughtering Blacks at a high rate there. Cuyahoga County typically votes 2-to-1 Democrat in statewide elections, Cleveland is even more lopsided than that. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/cuyahoga-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Akron, OH: Murders 2020-22 = 121 * Population 2020-22 = 568,272 & a murder rate of 21.292 Ohio State Data says 136 murders for Akron 2020-22, a murder rate of 23.932 per 100,000 See links for Cleveland on who Akron elects to represent them in Columbus each legislative session. https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_House_of_Representatives_District_33 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Akron,_Ohio Democrats do very well in murder-laden Akron, I wonder why? Summit County is a lean-Democrat country, Akron City is dominant Democrat. However, Mike DeWine did win that county in 2022. In 2022, DeWine still lost Akron City by over 8,000 votes in a wave election against Democrats. https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/election-results-and-data/ In 2020, Kid Sniffer Biden won Akron easily. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/summit-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Toledo, OH: Murders 2020-22 = 185 * Population 2020-22 = 805,689 & a murder rate of 22.961 OH state data gives Toledo 195 murders 2020-22, which is a rate of 24.202 https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_House_of_Representatives_District_44 https://ballotpedia.org/Toledo,_Ohio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Toledo,_Ohio Toledo Mayoral races are non-partisan, but their current Mayor is associated with the Democrats & their previous Mayor was an elected Dummycrat in the OH State House. DeWine still lost Toledo in 2022. Toledo is a Democrat-dominated city in a lean-Democrat county (Lucas). https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/lucas-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Biden won Toledo City easily in 2020. Dayton, OH: Murders 2020-22 = 112 * Population 2020-22 = 411,139 & a murder rate of 27.241 OH State data tallies 111 murders 2020-22, a rate of 26.998 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Dayton,_Ohio https://www.daytonohio.gov/548/Meet-the-Mayor https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_House_of_Representatives_District_38 Nan Whaley, the previous Mayor of Dayton was the Dumocrat nominee for Governor in 2022. Their current Mayor is a Dumocrat too. Look at the archived maps of each state, (Ballotpedia updates their maps each redistricting OR look at the redistricting page for each state, https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Ohio_after_the_2020_census you will get maps aplenty) you can see who dominated prior to redistricting. Dayton has lost so much population over the past few decades; they cannot even carry Montgomery Co. anymore. Too bad, so sad. Dayton City still overwhelmingly voted for Nan Whaley in 2022 & Biden in 2020. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/montgomery-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Cincinnati, OH: Murders 2020-22 = 259 * Population 2020-22 = 928,009 & a murder rate of 27.909 OH State Data says 262 murders 2020-22, a rate of 28.232 All the State House Districts encircling Cincy are Democrat. All State House Districts prior to the 2020 Census were Democrat in Cincinnati (remember, some districts that were part of Cincy prior to 2020 may have moved to a much different section of the state after redistricting). Hamilton is a lean Dumocrat county but has swung back a few times to the GOP. Cincy’s Mayors are typically Dumocrats. DeWine lost Cincy by a more than a 2-to-1 margin & Biden won it easily as well https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/hamilton-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Cincinnati https://ballotpedia.org/Cincinnati,_Ohio Columbus, OH: Murders 2020-22 = 507 * Population 2020-22 = 2,720,338 & a murder rate of 18.637 per 100,000. OH state data says 513 murders 2020-22 & a rate of 18.857 per 100,000 Columbus is a perfect example of Sam Seder’s stupidity. Their 2022 murder rate is much lower than 2020-21, but the 2020-22 rate is much higher than the prior 4 years & 2022 is higher than 2018-19. They have yet to return to the pre-George Floyd, “let us riot for a drug addict” baseline. There is one House District that (as far as I can see) punches across Columbus’ city limits (see links for Cleveland) that the GOP won, but most of that District is outside Columbus. The rest of the House Districts that cover Columbus (3 & I may be wrong about that) are Democrat. In all statewide elections since 2016, Franklin Co. has voted Dumocrat & Columbus leans more Democrat than the county. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Columbus,_Ohio https://ballotpedia.org/Columbus,_Ohio https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/franklin-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct It has been almost a quarter-century since Columbus elected a Mayor (and the elections are non-partisan, but we know which political party these clowns are associated with) that was associated w/ the GOP. Youngstown, OH: Murders 2020-22 = 49 * 2020-22 Population = 179,470 & a murder rate of 27.302 OH State Data is incomplete for Youngstown, no data for 2020. https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_House_of_Representatives_District_59 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Youngstown,_Ohio DeWine lost Youngstown City in 2022. The only OH House District that encompasses Youngstown is Democrat-controlled & their non-partisan Mayors tend to be Democrats. Surprise! https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/oh/mahoning-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Joe Biden also cleaned up in the 2020 POTUS vote tally in Youngstown City Ohio statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,421 * 2020-22 population = 35,319,774 & a murder rate of 6.854 https://ocjs.ohio.gov/research-and-data/data-reports-and-dashboards/crime-data OH State Data says 2,800 cases of “homicide” January 2020-December 2022. I downloaded the Excel & this does include justifiable homicides & negligent manslaughter. When you download the Excel it DOES NOT tell you that, but you can see it on the graph. Murder rate in Ohio OUTSIDE of the cities I covered (Columbus, Akron, Toledo, Cincinnati, Youngstown, Dayton, Cleveland) = only 2.503 per 100.000. Hey Sam Seder, what do you think of that old man? (population = 28,604,627 & 716 murders) Memphis, TN: 2020-22 murders = 867 * Population 2020-22 = 1,880,722 & a murder rate of 46.099 per 100,000 (!) https://www.tn.gov/tbi/divisions/cjis-division/recent-publications.html Tennessee State Data pegs Memphis’ murder rate at 45.992 per 100,000 (865 murders 2020-22) Memphis is another example making Creepy old man Sam Seder look dumb. Their murder rate for 2022 was much lower than the previous two years, but still much higher the 2016-19 time frame. Whoops! https://ballotpedia.org/Tennessee_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Tennessee_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Memphis,_Tennessee https://ballotpedia.org/Memphis,_Tennessee Memphis’ Mayoral elections are nonpartisan, but their current Mayor Paul Young is a Democrat & so were the previous 2 clowns. Of all the TN State House Districts that are (86, 88, 91, 93, 96, 97) all or part of Memphis, only one is GOP currently & most of that District is outside Memphis. Shelby County is staunch Democrat, most of that is because of Memphis, one of the very few Dumocrat strongholds in The Volunteer State. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tn/shelby-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Donald Trump won very few precincts in Memphis back in 2020 & the ones that Biden won were usually in the 80% range. Nashville, TN (aka Davidson County): Murders 2020-22 = 298 * Population 2020-22 = 2,051,927 & a murder rate of 14.522 TN State Data credits Nashville w/ 308 murders 2020-22, equaling a rate of 15.01. Want local Nashville (which is not up to date) data? https://www.nashville.gov/departments/police/news-and-reports/crime-statistics/nashville-crime-statistics https://ballotpedia.org/Nashville,_Tennessee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Nashville,_Tennessee TN State House Districts (58, 59, 55, 51, 56, 54, 50, 60 & 52) that are all or part of Nashville – they’re all occupied by the Dums. Democrats win Davidson by 25-30% in statewide elections. In nonpartisan Mayoral elections, Democrats do well in Nashville. Nashville is a war zone & Democrats do well there. Why is it the most violent places in uber-Republican TN are run by the Dums? Knoxville, TN: 2020-22 murders = 109 (FBI data is always first) * Population 2020-22 = 579,265 & a murder rate of 18.816 TN State Data allocates 111 murders for Knoxville & a rate of 19.162 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayoral_elections_in_Knoxville Of the three State House Districts (19, 15, 90) that are all or part of Knoxville, two are Democrat. Knoxville has not had a Mayor associated w/ the GOP since Bill Haslam won in 2007. I would check to see which Gubernatorial candidate won Knoxville City in 2022, but the TN results https://sos.tn.gov/elections/results do not make it clear which precinct locales are Knoxville proper & I am not going to spend an hour or so finding out. Sue me. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tn/knox-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct (Compare the precinct names w/ the following links if you doubt the veracity of my claims) https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1v9pOg7-Eyo7PyfdlyynvNoeoHjM&ll=36.024303486468526%2C-83.93851000000001&z=11 https://www.knoxcounty.org/election/precincts_map.php Joe Biden won Knoxville City while losing Knox County. This happens often & I hope you can see that even a GOP-leaning county can have a high murder rate & that’s because of a Dummycrat-leaning city within it. Chattanooga, TN: 2020-22 murders = 93 * 2020-22 Population = 547,256 & a murder rate of 16.993 TN State Data pegs Chattanooga’s 2020-22 murders at 92 & a rate of 16.811 Of the 3 TN House Districts (26, 28, 30) that are all or part of Chattanooga, two are GOP. Can you say gerrymandering? And yes, I would “gerrymander” – to the victor go the spoils. Clever of TN State Republicans to chop up the few Democrat strongholds in TN. District 28 is the most Chattanooga District & it is a Democrat occupying it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Chattanooga,_Tennessee Of the last 4 Chattanooga Mayors, two have been Independent, one GOP & one Dummycrat. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tn/hamilton-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Dementia Biden did win Chattanooga City easily in 2020 Tennessee statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,981 * 2020-22 population = 20,930,476 & a murder rate of 9.464 Murder rate in TN OUTSIDE of (Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga) the cities I covered = (population = 15,871,306 & 614 murders) 3.868 per 100,000. The Crime Wave in TN is a Democrat Crime Wave TN State Data says 1,989 murders 2020-22, pretty close to FBI data Chicago, IL: 2020-22 murders = 1,745 (the 2021 total of 370 is likely horse manure) 2020-22 Population = 8,107,946 & a murder rate of 21.522 per 100,000. Even that bogus total yields a murder rate >3X the national average. I will elucidate better data below. The Sun-Times https://graphics.suntimes.com/homicides/ says Chicago had 794 (!) murders in 2021. Hey Jackass https://heyjackass.com/category/chicago-crime-2021/ says it was 798. Chicago PD https://home.chicagopolice.org/wp-content/uploads/CompStat-Public-2022-Year-End-1.pdf https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/crime-statistics/ says there were 2,275 murders 2020-22 & 804 in 2021. However, https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/statistical-reports/ I am not totally sure that they’re not including negligent manslaughter & justified homicides in that data. One of the notes says, “Crime statistics reflect Illinois Compiled Statutes and differ from the crime categories of the F.B.I. Uniform Crime Reporting System.” State of Illinois data https://www.isp.illinois.gov/StaticFiles/docs/CrimeReporting/cii/cii21/Index%20Crime.pdf https://www.isp.illinois.gov/CrimeReporting/CrimeInIllinoisReports says Chicago had 370 murders (they separate negligent homicide & justified homicide) in 2021. IL NIBRS Data https://ilucr.nibrs.com/Report/CrimeTrends is no help because no reporting was done for most of the time frame. What to do? It is NOT likely that Chicago had a combined 434 cases of negligent murder/homicide & justified homicides in 2021, which is the difference from FBI & state data w/ Chicago PD data. Since I have 3 sources (Hey Jackass, Chicago Sun-Times & Chicago PD) putting Chicago’s 2021 murders at 790+ & two sources (Illinois State Police & FBI) putting it at 370. If I put the 2021 total at 794, Chicago’s murder rate 2020-22 was (2,169 murders) 26.751 per 100,000. YIKES! https://ballotpedia.org/Illinois_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Illinois_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Chicago https://ballotpedia.org/Chicago,_Illinois https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-illinois-state-house-of-representative-districts Do we really need to do this? Chicago is one of the most uber-Democrat enclaves in this declining nation. Chicago regularly votes >80% Democrat in statewide elections & their Mayors have been Democrats for almost a century. Even though it’s officially nonpartisan (since 1999), we all know those who win are registered Dummycrats, period. All Illinois State House Districts in Chicago proper are Democrat-controlled & there are lots of them. St. Louis City, MO: 2020-22 murders = 662 * Population 2020-22 = 881,462 & the murder rate is 75.102 per 100,000 (!). St. Louis & its metro area en masse might be the most dangerous place in these United States. Black on black murder is common. #blacklivesmatter https://showmecrime.mo.gov/CrimeReporting/CrimeReportingTOPS.html https://showmecrime.mo.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=199&MemberSelection_[Summary%20Jurisdiction%20by%20County].[Summary%20Jurisdiction%20by%20County%20Hierarchy]=MOSPD0000 MO State Data says St. Louis City had 664 murders 2020-22 (75.329 per 100,000) https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_state_legislative_districts https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Missouri https://ballotpedia.org/Missouri_House_of_Representatives https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/about/stlouis-mayors.cfm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_St._Louis https://ballotpedia.org/St._Louis,_Missouri https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-missouri-state-house-of-representative-districts St. Louis Mayoral sweepstakes are non-partisan, but nobody’s fooled, we all know they’re Dummycrats & have been since the 1950s. Francis Slay was a major player in St. Louis politics for 32 years & accomplished nothing as people continue to leave this city in their rearview mirror & their murder rates are legendary. Banning firearms & confiscating them will have null effect on St. Louis crime, period. They just want your guns so they can imprison you, kill you if necessary & usher in a police state that would make the Stasi blush. All the MO State House Districts encircling & inhabiting St. Louis City are Democrat, period. In all MO statewide elections since 2016, the Democrat nominee secured >78% of the vote every time. Kansas City, MO: 2020-22 murders = 498 * 2020-22 Population = 1,525,662 & a murder rate of 32.641 https://showmecrime.mo.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=199&MemberSelection_[Summary%20Jurisdiction%20by%20County].[Summary%20Jurisdiction%20by%20County%20Hierarchy]=MOKPD0000 State Data says 497 murders 2020-22 (32.576) https://ballotpedia.org/Kansas_City,_Missouri https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Kansas_City,_Missouri See also links for St. Louis City. I know this will shock you, but KC’s House Districts that they send to Jefferson City to represent them are… Dumocrats. Too many to list, just see the map. KC’s Mayors tend to be associated w/ the Democrat Party, despite the fact that their elections are non-partisan. MO Secy. of State lacks precinct data, so I cannot tell you who Kansas City proper voted for. However, Jackson County, Missouri tends to vote ~60% for the Democrat nominee (Hillary Clinton was the only outlier, netting just over 55%) in statewide races – Kansas City leans further Democrat than the County does, trust me on that. Springfield, MO: 2020-22 murders = 56 * Population 2020-22 = 508,959 & a murder rate of 11.002 https://showmecrime.mo.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=199&MemberSelection_[Summary%20Jurisdiction%20by%20County].[Summary%20Jurisdiction%20by%20County%20Hierarchy]=MO0390300 MO State Data gives Springfield 56 murders as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Springfield,_Missouri See also links for St. Louis. House Districts 130, 132, 133, 135 & 136 are all or part of Springfield proper, 132, 135 & 136 are occupied by Democrats & they are the majority of the city. The other two districts are mostly outside the city & occupied by the GOP currently. Prior to redistricting, the GOP was winning this area (3 of the 5 Districts), but there was a shift recently. As far as I can see, Springfield’s nonpartisan Mayoral sweepstakes do elect a lot of folks who are Independent, although their current Mayor (Ken McClure) was Matt Blunt’s Chief of Staff for some time. Their previous Mayor Bob Stephens was supposedly a Libertarian but reading some of his tripe in favor of lockdowns & school closures make me think he’s probably closer to retard than Libertarian. Moving on… St. Louis County: https://showmecrime.mo.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx (Select “NIBRS Crimes and Rates by County - Last 3 Years”, “Incident Data” (2020, 2021, 2022), “Offense Type” (Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughter), “Jurisdiction by Geography” (St. Louis County) St. Louis County: 2020-22 murders = 256 * 2020-22 population = 2,991,911 & a murder rate of 8.556 per 100,000. That is pretty high, but not as high as most of the jurisdictions I will cover here. I did not feel like checking a dozen cities on the FBI page, so I used MO state data to check the county en masse. I should mention that the county is like most jurisdictions w/ a high murder rate. There are several cities that spike the rate for the entire county, it’s not homogenous. Sam Seder should go to the proctologist, have his head shoehorned out & realize that crime in this country is concentrated, not spread out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_county_executives_of_St._Louis_County,_Missouri https://stlouiscountymo.gov/st-louis-county-government/county-executive/ St. Louis County in statewide elections voted 60% or very close for the Democrat nominee (since 2016) every single time except Hillary Clinton in 2016. She still won that county comfortably. The entire county, except for a very small portion elects Democrats to the MO State House. It’s a Democrat enclave, period. Missouri Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,977 * 2020-22 population = 18,502,700 & a murder rate of 10.684 per 100,000. MO State Data says 1,994 murders, pretty close to the FBI total. Murder rate in Missouri OUTSIDE of the jurisdictions (St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Kansas City, Springfield) = (population = 12,594,706 & 505 murders) 4.009 per 100,000. Albuquerque, NM: Murders 2020-22 = 326 * Population 2020-22 = 1,688,188 & a murder rate of 19.31 https://www.cabq.gov/police/crime-statistics Albuquerque PD says 306 murders 2020-22 & that’s a rate of 18.125 https://ballotpedia.org/New_Mexico_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/New_Mexico_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Albuquerque https://ballotpedia.org/Albuquerque,_New_Mexico https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-new-mexico-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_New_Mexico Trying to find precinct data for Albuquerque from Bernalillo County or the New Mexico SOS is like pulling teeth. No thanks! I would wager that since the Dums win Bernalillo Co. easily, Albuquerque City leans more Democrat, but I am not totally sure. Since 1986, Republicans have occupied the Mayor’s Office (despite the races being officially nonpartisan) for only 8 years. All of the NM State House Districts (and there are several) that encompass & engulf Albuquerque are Democrat-controlled. Gallup, NM (a tiny town w/ big murder problems): 2020-22 murders = 13 * 2020-22 population = 64,334 & a murder rate of 20.207. If you are a fan of The Lost Room this piqued your interest. https://ladailypost.com/gov-michelle-lujan-grisham-announces-endorsements-from-new-mexico-mayors/ https://gallupsun.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13802 https://en.everybodywiki.com/List_of_mayors_of_Gallup,_New_Mexico https://gallupsun.com/index.php?option=com_content&id=14729:2020-local-story--1-mckinney-asks-governor-to-proclaim-a-state-of-emergency https://www.susanamartinez.com/working-across-party-lines/ The two State House Districts (5 & 9) that run through Gallup (NM has enough House Districts in a state that is largely rural that Gallup is split between these two, believe it or not) are both Democrat-occupied. This was the case prior to redistricting. Their current Mayor (Luis Bonaguidi) endorsed Lockdown Michele Lujan Grisham, who absolutely devastated NM’s economy. Their previous Mayor (Jackie McKinney) is identified as a Democrat & was on board w/ the Fascist parameters of a state of emergency as COVID-19 swept across this country, setting its sights on drug addicts, fat people, old people & sick people. Because… we should ruin the lives of those under 50 & totally healthy, treat them like a drug addict on the verge of death. New Mexico Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 690 * 2020-22 population = 6,347,548 & a murder rate of 10.87 per 100,000. I wonder if Sam Seder can figure out if NM is more violent 2020-22 than the previous 4 years or is his head so far in his colon he cannot read the data? NM murder rate OUTSIDE of Albuquerque & Gallup (population = 4,595,026 & 350 murders) = 7.616 per 100,000. Still very high, NM has a lot of problems in rural areas as well. Look who runs this state, that tells you just about everything you need to know. I don’t feel the urge (especially w/ a lack of good county-level data) compiling dozens of small towns & going further w/ that state. https://www.dps.nm.gov/107-uniform-crime-reports/ NM State Data is useless & I can’t find anything current w/ murder data by municipality or statewide, so FBI data only on this one. Birmingham, AL: 2020-22 murders = 269 * 2020-22 population = 595,131 & a staggering murder rate of 45.2 https://crime.alabama.gov/Data/TwentyTwentyStatewideCrime (Select “Crime Data Table 2020-22”) AL State Data has lots of good county info & Jefferson County is a lean Democrat County. It had 336 murders from 2020-22 (16.736 per 100,000 murder rate). https://police.birminghamal.gov/ https://police.birminghamal.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Part-I-YTD-as-of-Dec-11-202324.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20220401000000*/https://police.birminghamal.gov/ Birmingham PD says 347 murders 2020-22 & a rate of 58.306 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/map-share/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-alabama-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Alabama_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Alabama_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Birmingham,_Alabama https://ballotpedia.org/Birmingham,_Alabama https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Alabama https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Alabama_after_the_2020_census Alabama State House Districts covering Birmingham are all Democrat & that was the case prior to the 2020 Census. Despite Mayoral elections being nonpartisan, those who win that office in Birmingham are associated w/ the Democrat Part & have been for some time. Alabama Secy. of State does not have good data for precinct level results. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/al/jefferson-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Most of Birmingham is in Jefferson County (a very tiny slice is in Shelby) & Biden defeated Trump by massive margins there in 2020. Mobile City, AL: 2022-22 murders = 100 * Population 2020-22 = 555,289 & a murder rate of 18.008 https://www.mobilepd.org/stats-reports/ https://www.mobilepd.org/uploads/MobilePoliceDepartment2022AnnualReport.pdf Mobile PD says 138 murders & a rate of (Sometimes they do not make it clear if they are counting negligent manslaughter and/or justified homicides) 24.851 per 100,000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Mobile,_Alabama https://ballotpedia.org/Sandy_Stimpson https://ballotpedia.org/Sam_Jones_(Alabama) AL State House Districts (97, 99, 101, 103) that are all or part of Mobile (97 & 99 cover much of it) – 3 are Dumocrat, one is GOP. 4 of the 5 were Democrat prior to redistricting. Their current Mayor is a Republican, their previous Mayor (Sam Jones, who occupies District 99) was a Democrat & the one before that was apparently an Indy. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/al/mobile-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Iti s pretty obvious, Biden won Mobile City in 2020 over Trump. This is important, Mobile County is lean Republican, but Mobile City is lean Democrat. Montgomery, AL: 2020-22 murders = 206 (FBI only has data for 2020, filling in below) * 2020-22 population = 596,237 & a murder rate of 34.55 https://data.montgomeryadvertiser.com/montgomery-homicides/ https://www.wsfa.com/2021/12/21/it-is-high-number-montgomery-reaches-75-homicides-before-end-2021/ https://www.waka.com/2023/01/04/montgomery-police-2022-homicide-numbers-drop-from-2021-2020/ AL State Data has supposedly good county data (it records only 36 “homicides” for Montgomery County entirely from 2020-22, which I know is NOT correct), but not for municipalities. Montgomery City PD data is useless. The Montgomery Advertiser (82 in 2021, 74 in 2020 & 10 in 2022, they stopped recording apparently) stopped short of reporting & WAKA Action News says (61, 77, 68) 206 from 2020-22. Does this include any justifiable homicides & negligent manslaughter cases? https://www.montgomeryindependent.com/opinion/at-current-rate-homicides-in-montgomery-set-to-outpace-2021-2022/article_790aec1a-9c08-11ed-b724-9f7e2efc13c2.html This piece says 62 in 2022 & 77 in 2021. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/in-depth/news/crime/2021/01/14/extremely-violent-year-here-are-the-homicide-victims-2020/6477506002/ This piece says 68 (one case of manslaughter) murders in 2020. https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/crime/2024/01/22/how-many-homicides-did-mpd-report-in-2023/72272939007/ This article says 62 in 2022 & 77 in 2021. That said, I am (77 in 2021, 61 in 2022 & 68 in 2020) going w/ 206 murders. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/city/al/montgomery/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://ballotpedia.org/Montgomery,_Alabama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Montgomery,_Alabama https://ballotpedia.org/Steven_Reed_(Alabama) https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/464957-montgomery-elects-citys-first-african-american-mayor/ https://ballotpedia.org/Bobby_Bright Joe Biden won Montgomery City easily in 2020. AL State House Districts (74, 76-78) covering Montgomery City are all Democrat, prior to redistricting it was 3 Dumocrats & one Republican. Montgomery County always votes for Demorats in statewide elections, Montgomery City is even more lopsided. Montgomery City’s current Mayor (since Nov. 2019) is a Democrat & the Hill reports Todd Strange (Mayor for over a decade) is a Republican, so it must be true. The previous clown (Bobby Bright) was Mayor for over a decade & was an Independent (currently a Democrat) while holding that office. Tuscaloosa, AL: 2020-22 murders = 28 * 2020-22 population = 310,847 & a murder rate of 9.007 https://www.tuscaloosa.com/government/annualreports Tuscaloosa PD pegs 2020-22 murders at 43, a rate of 13.833. Major difference from FBI data https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/city/al/tuscaloosa/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuscaloosa,_Alabama https://ballotpedia.org/Walt_Maddox AL State House Districts (63, 70 & 71) that are part of Tuscaloosa feature 2 Leninists & one Republican, it was that way prior to the 2020 Census as well. Their Mayor since 2005 is a Democrat who got the nomination for Governor back in 2018 – he got blown out. Ironically, since 2016 in statewide elections, his election was the only time the Dems won Tuscaloosa County, every other time they were defeated handily, sometimes the GOP nominee got 60%. Tuscaloosa City is a Democrat enclave inside a GOP-leaning county. Senile Biden easily won Tuscaloosa City in 2020. Gadsden, AL: 2020-22 murders = 9 * 2020-22 population = 101,036 & a murder rate of 8.907 https://ballotpedia.org/Craig_Ford https://www.gadsdentimes.com/story/news/2022/09/21/gadsden-mayor-race-results-2022-craig-ford-heather-brothers-new/69505731007/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220408074744/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden,_Alabama https://cityofgadsden.com/127/Mayors-Office https://www.bamapolitics.com/alabama/profiles/sherman-guyton/ https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/city/al/gadsden/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Gadsden’s current Mayor is a Dumocrat, pertaining to his 16-year predecessor (Sherman Guyton) I am not 100% sure. Wikipedia & BamaPolitics however, identify this clown as a Democrat. Ballotpedia has nothing on him, because he’s a nobody. This Podunk, Redneck town recently created a City Administrator for Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Yes, every city needs at least one of those, need to make sure you have enough “people of color” in pivotal positions, even if they’re not qualified. Joe Biden won Gadsden City to 6,429 votes to 6,099 votes for Donald J. Trump. Gadsden is not big enough to control an AL State House District by itself, Districts 28 & 29 split the city, both are GOP. Prior to redistricting, District 28 flipped to the GOP in 2018. Alabama Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,499 * 2020-22 population = 15,148,498 & a murder rate of 9.895 per 100,000. This would likely be a bit higher, but Montgomery missed a year. Does creepy old man Sam Seder want to argue there’s no Crime Wave in Alabama? Would this mentally ill divorcee like to argue over who is murdering who in Alabama? I didn’t think so! Murder rate in AL OUTSIDE of Montgomery City, Tuscaloosa City, Gadsden, Mobile City & Birmingham City = (887 murders & population of 12,989,958) 6.828 per 100,000. Still pretty high (a skosh above the national average), but I don’t feel like digging through a bevy of smaller towns w/ boatloads of black on black murder, sue me. Alabama State Data by its own admission is useless Detroit, MI: 2020-22 murders = 935 * 2020-22 Population = 1,891,955 & a murder rate of 49.419. Even a functionally-retarded mouth-breather like David Pakman or Sam Seder can see that from 2020-22, Detroit’s murder rate has skyrocketed from the 2016-19 time frame. Derp! Detroit is dying. https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/cjic/micr/annual-reports Michigan State Data says 947 murders 2020-22, a rate of 50.054 per 100,000. NOTE: When I read reports w/ multiyear data, such as for 2022 & 2021, I use the 2022 report for the 2021 data, as it is often adjusted just a tad. https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Michigan_state_legislative_districts https://www.zipdatamaps.com/map-share/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-michigan-state-house-of-representative-districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Detroit https://ballotpedia.org/Detroit,_Michigan https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Michigan We need not spend much time on this, Detroit’s Mayors have been associated w/ the Dummycrat Party since the 1960s & all their State House Districts are occupied by Democrats. Rashida Tlaib was one of those morons for a time. The rest is history as they say & the Democrats have run Detroit right into the ground. Lots of people have said “so long” to this cesspool in the past 50+ years. Dave Leip reports that Detroit City gave >90% of its vote to Biden & Hillary in the last 2 POTUS Sweepstakes. Grand Rapids, MI: 2020-22 murders = 68 * Population 2020-22 = 593,217 & a murder rate of 11.462 MI State Data says 69 murders for Grand Rapids 2020-22, a rate of 11.631 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Grand_Rapids,_Michigan MI State House Districts (81-84) that are all or part of Grand Rapids are occupied by Dummycrats. Prior to redistricting, it looked as if 3 Districts infiltrated the city, one was GOP. Their current Mayor is associated w/ the Democrats, the previous one I could not find anything definitive. Gretchen Whitmer appointed him to the state Natural Resources Commission. Make what you want of that. Hillary won (Dave Leip) 61.9% of the vote in Grand Rapids City & Biden won 69.6% of the vote in 2020. Lansing, MI: 2020-22 murders = 58 * 2020-22 population = 337,878 & a murder rate of 17.165 MI State Data says 57 murders 2020-22 (16.869 per 100,000) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Lansing,_Michigan https://ballotpedia.org/Lansing,_Michigan As you can see, all the Michigan State House Districts (75, 73, 76 & 77) encircling Lansing are Democrat-occupied & Lansing Mayors (just 2) over the past 18 years have been associated w/ the Demoncrat Party. Most of Lansing is in Ingham County, the city voted (Dave Leip) >68% for Hillary & 73% for “Plugs” Biden. Pontiac, MI: 2020-22 murders = 41 * Population 2020-22 = 184,439 & a rate of 22.229 MI State Data says 41 murders as well https://ballotpedia.org/Tim_Greimel https://www.michigan.gov/sos/elections/election-results-and-data/candidate-listings-and-election-results-by-county MI State House District 53 covers Pontiac entirely, it is Democrat & has been for some time. Their current Mayor is a Dumocrat, I could not find definitive info on their previous Mayor, but I suspect she voted for Joe Biden. Pontiac votes overwhelmingly Dumocrat in statewide elections & gave Whitmer ~80% of the vote in 2022. Some cities & counties don’t give you good precinct info, so it’s hard to tell how a city within a given county voted. Pontiac City (Dave Leip) voted >80% for Biden & Hillary. Flint, MI: 2020-22 murders = 98 * 2020-22 population = 241,750 & a murder rate of 40.537 MI State Data pegs Flint’s 2020-22 murders at 137, a rate of (I figured the FBI 2022 data was lowballed) 56.67. This is the figure I will use when I compile this at the end. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Flint,_Michigan MI State House Districts 69 & 70 cover Flint, both are the Party of Lenin & Districts that cover Flint voted that way prior to redistricting. The city regularly votes ~90% for the Democrat in statewide races. Flint has had Democrat Mayors for at least 20 years. Surprised that this hellhole votes Democrat & folks are leaving in droves? They’ve had numerous Black Mayors & the place is still a wreck. >80% of the vote in the city went to Biden & Shillary. Kalamazoo City, MI: 2020-22 murders = 38 * 2020-22 population = 219,700 & a murder rate of 17.296 MI State Data says nothing as Kalamazoo City was not included. https://www.kalamazoopublicsafety.org/About/Data-Statistics-and-Reports/Reports-Documents Local PD (I had to look at the 2021 document as the 2022 document simply said murder was down from last year, but did not give me a number) says 37 murders & a rate of 16.841 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Kalamazoo,_Michigan MI State House District covers 41 covers Kalamazoo City entirely in my estimation & it elects Democrats all the time. Their current Mayor is a Democrat https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2021launch who was securing donations via ActBlue for his Mayoral reelection. The previous Mayor endorsed the current Mayor, so they’re both likely crazier than a bag of cats. Could not find good precinct data for Kalamazoo City, but it likely leans a lot more towards the Party of Lenin than the county en masse does. >71% of the vote in Kalamazoo City went to Biden & Hillary according to Dave Leip. Saginaw City, MI: 2020-22 murders = 63 * 2020-22 population = 131,543 & a stratospheric murder rate of 47.893 MI State Data says 69 murders, a rate of 52.454 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Saginaw,_Michigan Cannot find good data on the political leanings of the Mayors there, I would not be surprised if they are BLM nutcases who want your guns, yet the miscreants that elect them will still have guns to kill other miscreants that vote Democrat (or likely, do not vote at all & never had a daddy). MI State House District 94 covers Saginaw entirely. Biden in 2020 & Whitmer in 2022 won Saginaw City more than three-to-one. It’s a Democrat enclave that looks like a demilitarized zone. The city voted >75% (Dave Leip) Democrat in the last 2 POTUS elections. One more in Wolverine Land then we move on. Muskegon City, MI: 2020-22 murders = 17 * 2020-22 population = 114,081 & a murder rate of 14.901. MI State Data does not help in this instance. Local PD only has data for 2022. MI State House District 87 encompasses Muskegon entirely (the city is not big enough to have a District to itself though) & is occupied by the Dums. Muskegon County’s election results archive told me nothing before 2023. Could not find much on their Mayors as it is a relatively small town. Sue me. According to Mr. Dave Leip, >68% of the vote went to Dumbasscrats in the last two POTUS elections in Muskegon City. Michigan Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,210 * 2020-22 population = 30,148,942 & a murder rate of 7.33 per 100,000. Michigan Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Muskegon City, Flint, Detroit, Pontiac, Saginaw, Lansing, Kalamazoo City, Grand Rapids) the cities I mentioned = (909 murders & 26,434,379 population) a paltry 3.438 per 100,000. How about that Divorcee Sam Seder? Outside those “diverse” Democrat enclaves, MI is uber-safe. Funny, isn’t it ferret face? MI State Data says 2,202 murders, correlating nicely w/ FBI data Atlanta, GA: 2020-22 murders = 385 * 2020-22 population = 1,494,310 & a murder rate of 25.764 Even this functionally-retarded mouth-breather Sam Seder can see that the 2020-22 murder rate in Atlanta (and especially just 2022) is much higher than the period prior to the Saint George Floyd riots. Georgia State Data https://gbi.georgia.gov/services/crime-statistics (which I will use later) has great county level & metro area data, but for a lot of specific cities that is scant. I will defer to Atlanta PD. https://www.atlantapd.org/i-want-to/crime-data-downloads Atlanta PD says 488 murders 2020-22, which is a murder rate of 32.657 NOTE: They do NOT have a specific section for justified homicides or negligent manslaughter, yet their NIBRS definition sheet mentions those, so I am not totally sure those are excluded. From 2019-22, there are 2 years where Atlanta PD data diverges “significantly” from FBI data. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-georgia-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Atlanta,_Georgia https://ballotpedia.org/Georgia_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Atlanta https://ballotpedia.org/Georgia_House_of_Representatives Of the beaucoup Georgia State House Districts that are all or part of Atlanta, I see a single solitary one (District 56) that goes within Atlanta’s city limits that is GOP-controlled. I am not going to count all the Democrat Districts, suffice to say it’s lopsided. Atlanta has had Democrat-affiliated Mayors (elections are officially non-partisan) for decades & decades, no debate here who they support in this war zone. Atlanta is one of the worst cities in America for black-on-black murder, although they still have a long way to go before they catch up to Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis or Memphis. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ga/fulton-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Suffice to say, Atlanta City is much more lopsided than Fulton County en masse. In fact, lopsided does not even begin to tell you how Democrat-dominated this dunghole is. South Fulton, GA: 2020-22 murders = 73 * Population 2020-22 = 327,797 & a murder rate of 22.269 GA State House Districts 65 & 67 cover South Fulton & they’re both Demoncrat-occupied. Donald Trump did not win a precinct in South Fulton back in 2020. The Fulton County area has been dominated by Democrats for a very long time. East Point, GA: 2020-22 murders = 43 * Population 2020-22 = 114,876 & a murder rate of 37.431 https://www.eastpointcity.org/police/#crime-stats East Point PD says 54 murders 2020-22, equaling a rate of 47.007. It’s not just Atlanta where the hood rats are shooting each other, is it Sam Seder? GA State House Districts 62 & 63 encompass East Point, both are Democrat. Surprised? Joe Biden won East Point City easily in 2020. College Park, GA: 2020-22 murders = 31 * 2020-22 population = 41,717 & a murder rate of 74.31. ZOINKS!!! In 2020, how many precincts do you think Donald Trump won there? Zero. GA State House Districts 62 & 63 are Democrat-occupied & straddle College Park. Douglasville, GA: 2020-22 murders = 18 * 2020-22 population = 108,164 & a murder rate of 16.641 GA State House District 66 covers Douglasville & has been occupied by the same Democrat for a long time. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ga/douglas-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Donald Trump did not win a precinct in Douglasville City back in 2020. Let’s do Fulton County, Georgia, shall we? It typically votes for Democrats two-to-one in statewide races. GA State Data says 547 (!) murders in Fulton County 2020-22 (population = 3,203,867) & that is a staggering rate of 17.073. You can see, most of that is Atlanta, yet it’s not even half of Fulton’s population. I tried to find data on the Fulton County Board of Commissioners (I suspect two are Democrats as one was on the Atlanta City Council for eons & another was a Democrat Candidate for the State House) but could not do it. https://fultoncountyga.gov/commissioners Bibb County (Macon City) GA: 2020-22 murders = 151 * 2020-22 population = 470,306 & a murder rate of 32.106 GA State Data concurs w/ FBI data, 151 murders for Bibb County/Macon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Macon,_Georgia The Mayor (for many years prior to consolidation & after) was a Democrat, not sure about Lester M. Miller. Bibb-Macon has voted Democrat overwhelmingly (and even more so from 2020 on) in every statewide election since 2016. GA State House Districts 142 & 143 are the Macon-Bibb area & they are occupied by Democrats. Dave Leip’s data indicates the Democrat nominee won 60% of the vote in statewide elections since 2016, except once. Albany, GA: = 2020-22 murders = 50 * 2020-22 population = 205,892 & a murder rate of 24.284 https://www.albanyga.gov/about-us/city-departments/albany-police-department/apd-annual-reports Albany PD data is behind schedule at this time https://www.albanyga.gov/about-us/city-commission/commission-directory/mayor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albany,_Georgia GA State House Districts 153 & 154 (although the former is most of Albany City & is Democrat) occupy Albany, currently one is Dem & one is GOP. I suspect that the clowns who have been Mayor there for the past decade plus (Dorothy Hubbard & Willie Adams Jr.) are Democrats (their current Mayor had a fetish for masks during COVID), but I cannot find definitive data. Albany is >80% of Dougherty County’s population & Dougherty has voted almost two-to-one for the Dumocrats in every single statewide election since 2016 (Dave Leip). https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ga/dougherty-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Albany City voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020. Georgia Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,687 * 2020-22 population = 32,412,842 & a murder rate of 8.289 per 100,000. Hey Sam Seder, does GA’s murder rate 2020-22 look better or worse than 2016-19? #DemocratCrimeWave GA State Data says 2,216 (?) murders from 2020-22. A mammoth difference from FBI data. Even though the 2022 report has many previous years & would be able to have revised data, the difference is still large. GA murder rate OUTSIDE of333 views 5 comments -
Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIB
UTubekookdetectorPeoria City, IL: 2020-22 murders = 71 (2021 data MIA, filling it in w/ data from below) * 2020-22 population = 333,708 & a murder rate of 21.276 https://www.peoriagov.org/324/Crime-View-Map-Stats IL State Data is no help, data for 2021 missing also & Peoria PD is useless. I found this on the interwebs & it says 33 murders (one was ruled “justified”) for Peoria in 2021. https://www.pjstar.com/story/news/crime/2022/01/05/peoria-set-homicide-record-2021-who-killed-and-case-updates/8882924002/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mayors_of_Peoria,_Illinois (See also links for Chicago) IL State House Districts 91 & 92 are part of Peoria, currently occupied by Democrats. It seems this area (looking at past results & maps) did elect some Republicans in the past as Peoria had a 3 Districts running through it or very close to it. Please remember, District lines change every Census. From May 2005-May 2021 Peoria had a GOP Mayor, but the current one is a Dumocrat. It has shifted over the past few years to the dark side. https://www.elections.il.gov/electionoperations/ElectionVoteTotalsPrecinct.aspx?ID=MVJQPFIDZQo%3d Duckworth defeated Salvi (2022 U.S. Senate) in Peoria City by over 7,000 votes & J.B Pricker (this is via Dave Leip & I checked IL state totals vs. his to make sure) defeated Bailey (2022 Gubernatorial) by over 6,000 votes in Peoria City. Biden defeated Trump by much bigger margins in Peoria City 2020. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/il/peoria-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Rockford, IL: 2020-22 murders = 65 * 2020-22 population = 443,086 & a murder rate of 14.669 IL State Data does not cover 2022, so it does not help. Rockford PD has no useful information on this either. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Rockford,_Illinois Rockford’s current Mayor (since 2017) is a Dum, the previous one (for 4 terms) was an Independent & the one before that was a Dumocrat. IL State House Districts 67 & 68 encompass Rockford, both are Dumocrat & have been for some time. Kid Sniffer Joe Biden won Rockford City by more than 20% in 2020, Duckworth & J.B. Pricker won by >7,000 votes in 2022 as well. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/il/winnebago-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Winnebago County has been a swing county since 2016, going back & forth. As for Rockford City, not so much. Rock Island, IL: 2020-22 murders = 20 * 2020-22 population = 110,001 & a murder rate of 18.181. Lots of black-on-black crime in Rock Island. No good data from RIPD for 2022, so there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Rock_Island,_Illinois https://qctimes.com/news/local/government-politics/rock-island-mayor-mike-thoms-to-challenge-democrat-rep-mike-halpin-for-36th-state-senate/article_2f8cd17b-9761-552d-a27b-f68544967cae.html IL State House District 72 covers Rock Island in its entirety & has been Democrat for some time. Current Mayor is a Republican, could not find definitive data on the previous one & the clown that served for 2 decades prior to that was a Democrat. J.B. Pricker, I mean J.B. Pritzker & Tammy Duckworth won Rock Island City by more than a 2-to-1 margin, Biden almost won it 3-to-1 over Donald J. Trump in 2020. It’s not like statewide Democrats are squeaking by, they’re winning by YUUUGE margins. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/il/rock-island-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct As you can see, there are some counties that only lean one way or the other (or are tossups), but a city within its boundaries sees one party dominate in statewide contests. Rock Island County leans Democrat, but Rock Island City is dominated by the Party of Pedophiles Champaign City, IL: 2020-22 murders = 25 * 2020-22 population = 266,648 & a murder rate of 9.375. Local Champaign PD has nothing useful. IL State House District 103 covers Champaign & is Democrat. Duckworth & J.B Pricker won Champaign City by more than a 3-to-1 margin (2022 U.S. Senate & Gubernatorial), as did the Fake POTUS Biden (2020). https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/il/champaign-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://ballotpedia.org/Illinois_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2004 https://www.news-gazette.com/news/feinen-politically-motivated/article_af09acac-f5d6-5494-8c62-7b2a0ac6f314.html https://foxillinois.com/news/local/elected-as-champaign-mayor-deborah-frank-feinen-don-gerard-election-2023-re https://ballotpedia.org/Illinois%27_13th_Congressional_District_elections,_2014 https://ballotpedia.org/Samuel_A._Rosenberg Much to my surprise, their Mayor since 2015 (Deborah Frank Feinen) is a Republican & the previous one (Don Gerard) was a Dumocrat. A brick dumb Sam Seder supporter might say, “Uh derp, the Mayor is a Republican, that proves it’s a violent city because of the GOP.” Not so fast groomer – if Champaign was providing the swing votes to get Republicans elected to the U.S. Senate & putting them in the Governor’s Mansion, but Jesse Jackson was the Mayor would you be happy? I doubt it & the fact that much of the U.S. economy is under the thumb of Leviathan, Mayors have a lot less power today than they had in the 1950s. That’s what Democrats want, they want to do what Governors, Mayors & City Councils should be doing. Next… Illinois statewide: 2020-22 murders = 3,283 * 2020-22 population = 38,081,046 & a murder rate of 8.621 Illinois murder rate OUTSIDE of (Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, Rock Island, Champaign) those cities I covered = (population = 28,819,657 & 1,357 murders) 4.708 per 100,000. This happens when I use the LOWER Chicago total, which utilizes a 2021 figure from the FBI that I doubt is accurate. Using the HIGHER Chicago total, 4.708 morphs into 3.237 per 100,000 outside of those Democrat enclaves. However, if I am using FBI data & I use a higher total from a difference source, that is not apples-to-apples. https://ilucr.nibrs.com/Report/CrimeTrends IL NIBRS data says only 1,507 murders from 2020-22, which is due to most agencies not reporting, so toss that out. Philadelphia County, PA: 2020-22 murders = 1,418 * 2020-22 population = 4,747,308 & a murder rate of 29.869 https://www.ucr.pa.gov/PAUCRSPUBLIC/Home/Index PA State Data says 1,585 murders for Philly 2020-22, which is a rate of 33.387 https://ballotpedia.org/Pennsylvania_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Philadelphia https://ballotpedia.org/Pennsylvania_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Philadelphia,_Pennsylvania https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-pennsylvania-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_current_city_council_officials_of_the_top_100_cities_in_the_United_States https://phlcouncil.com/council-members/ Do we really have to do this? I do not see one Pennsylvania State House District that even touches Philly’s city limits & is occupied by a Republican. They voted >80% for the Dumocrat in all statewide elections since 2016. Their City Council has one Republican. They’ve had Democrat Mayors for so long, Sam Seder wasn’t even fantasizing about Roman Polanski yet. It's a Democrat enclave & it’s a war zone. Despite Sam Seder’s naysaying, the Democrat crime wave is alive & well in The City of Brotherly Love. Philly is a Democrat bed wetter’s fantasy. Whoever said, “Diversity is our strength”, never lived in the hoods of Philly. Pittsburgh, PA: 2020-22 murders = 169 (using PA state data for 2021 (55 murders), since FBI had no data) * 2020-22 population = 906,287 & a murder rate of 18.647 PA State Data says 173 murders for Pittsburgh & that’s a rate of 19.088. As you can see, Pittsburgh’s murder rate 2020-22 is way beyond the previous 4 years. Yet, creepy old man Sam Seder wants you to believe that’s a myth. (See also links for Philly) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Pittsburgh https://ballotpedia.org/Pittsburgh,_Pennsylvania https://pittsburghpa.gov/council/ All of Pittsburgh’s City Council Members are Democrats & have been for a long, long time. The city has not elected a GOP Mayor since that lunatic FDR inhabited the White House. Allegheny County typically votes 2-to-1 for the Dums (or close to that) & Pittsburgh City votes 3-to-1 for the Democrats in statewide races since 2016 (Dave Leip). All PA State House Districts running through & encircling Pittsburgh are Democrat. It is one of the most pro-Democrat areas in this entire country & it sucks. Harrisburg, PA: 2020-22 murders = 49 (State Data for 2021, FBI was MIA (13 murders) * 2020-22 population = 150,406 & a murder rate of 32.578 PA State Data says 54 murders, a rate of 35.902. Holy Homicide Batman! https://ballotpedia.org/Harrisburg,_Pennsylvania https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Harrisburg,_Pennsylvania PA State House Districts 103 & 104 cover Harrisburg, both are Democrats. Harrisburg has not had a Republican Mayor since Reagan was President. Harrisburg City voted (Dave Leip) >80% for Biden & Hillary Pennsylvania statewide: 2020-22 murders = 3,116 * 2020-22 population = 38,986,756 & a murder rate of 7.992 Murder rate in PA (Philly, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg) OUTSIDE of those Democrat enclaves = (1,480 murders & 33,182,755 population) 4.46 per 100.000. PA State Data says 2,986 murders, which is quite a major difference from FBI data. Looks like murder in the Keystone State 2020-22 is way beyond the 4 years prior. #DemocratCrimeWave Houston, TX: 2020-22 murders = 1,318 * 2020-22 population = 6,892,700 & a murder rate of 19.121. Even this mouth-breather Sam Seder can see that Houston’s murder rate 2020-22 is much higher than the previous 4 years. Even though it went down in 2022, does not mean everything is going swimmingly there. https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/crime-records/crime-texas TX State Data says 1,293 murders 2020-22, a rate of 18.758 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-texas-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Texas_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Houston,_Texas All Texas State House Districts that encircle & occupy Houston City are Democrat-controlled, I do not see one GOP District that even gets inside the city limits. Houston has not had a Republican Mayor or Mayor associated w/ the GOP since Reagan was in the Oval Office. Unable to find good precinct data from TX SOS – Harris is a lean Dummycrat county, I would wager Houston City votes overwhelmingly Democrat in statewide elections. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tx/harris-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Biden won Houston easily in 2020 Austin, TX: 2020-22 murders = 195 * 2020-22 population = 2,900,524 & a murder rate of 6.722 per 100,000. The murder rate in Austin 2020-22 was significantly higher than 2016-19 & the 2022 number is much higher than any year 2016-19. Not sure if Sam Seder is retarded or lying, but the crime wave in Democrat-dominated Austin continues. Austin’s rate is nowhere near most cities I am covering on this list, but I am including them because post-Saint George Floyd riots their rate has effectively doubled & it is no longer safe there. A number of other Democrat-dominated cities have seen the same thing (Twin Cities, Seattle, Portland). TX State Data gives Austin 191 murders 2020-22, a rate of 6.585 per 100,000 (See also links for Houston) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Austin https://ballotpedia.org/Austin,_Texas https://ballotpedia.org/Stephen_Adler https://ballotpedia.org/Kirk_Watson Austin’s current Mayor (Kirk Watson) is a Dumocrat & was Mayor back on the late 1990s for four years & change. The clown before that (Stephen Adler) has a private jet & is a Democrat too – his predecessor (Lee Leffingwell) endorsed Adler. https://www.honestaustin.com/2020/07/09/mayor-leffingwell-a-democrat-endorses-conservative-challenger-in-district-6/ Wikipedia reports Leffinwell as a Democrat, that piece might clue you in a bit. Will Wynn is a member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, so he is a Dum too. Yes, taking away guns from law-abiding citizens will definitely curb the burgeoning violence in Austin that has spiked under Democrat leadership & much of it is black-on-black. Austin elects a lot of Democrat Mayors. All the TX State House Districts (46, 51, 49, 50, 48) that are currently part of Austin are Democrat-occupied & were prior to redistricting. I cannot find (and do not intend to spend hours trying) good precinct data from the TX SOS, I would wager Dave Leip cannot either – so I can’t tell you how overwhelmingly Democrat the city of Austin is in statewide elections. Travis County does vote >2-to-1 for the Dums, Austin City likely votes >75% Dumocrat. It voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tx/travis-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Dallas City, TX: 2020-22 murders = 613 * 2020-22 population = 3,892,318 & a murder rate of 15.748. TX State Data gives Dallas City 604 murders, a rate of 15.517 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Dallas https://ballotpedia.org/Dallas,_Texas Dallas’ current Mayor Eric Johnson is a Republican but won two full terms as a Democrat. https://www.wsj.com/articles/americas-cities-need-republicans-and-im-becoming-one-dallas-texas-mayor-965dbaa4 He’s tired of the Demonrat Party & perhaps this will spur (pun intended) Dallas City & Dallas County voters to reject the Party of Male Predators hanging out naked in the little girls’ restroom. I have to cringe at his love for Theodore Roosevelt, YIKES! Since 2002, Dallas City has only had one Republican Mayor elected to a full term & the last 4 elections Democrats won. Let’s hope that changes. As Dallas has become more Democrat, it’s started to turn into an uninhabitable cesspool. TX State House Districts (114, 108, 100, 103, 104, 110 & 111) that inhabit Dallas City partially or fully, only one is occupied by the GOP. Dallas City has elected a lot of Democrats to the State House in recent years (even prior to redistricting). Dallas County is won by Democrats in statewide races easily, I would wager Dallas City voted two-to-one for Biden over Trump & probably Beta O’Rourke too. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tx/dallas-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Indeed, Dallas City voted for Joe Biden bigly in 2020. San Antonio, TX: 2020-22 murders = 526 * 2020-22 population = 4,359,129 & a murder rate of 12.066. Even divorcee Sam Seder, whose ex-wife left him in shame can see the crime wave in SA is alive & well. Unless the mouth-breather cannot do math, but I did it for him above. TX State Data says 523 murders, a rate of 11.997 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_San_Antonio https://ballotpedia.org/San_Antonio,_Texas San Antonio’s current Mayor is an Independent, the previous three (since June 2005) were Dumocrats. TX State House Districts (120, 119, 123, 116, 124, 125 & 117) covering San Antonio are all Democrat-controlled. Bexar Co. leans towards the Democrap Party in statewide races, I would wager SA City votes ~2-to-1 for the Dums. ZipDataMaps had no data for Bexar County Fort Worth, TX: 2020-22 murders = 326 * 2020-22 population = 2,811,154 & a murder rate of 11.596 TX State Data says 328 murders, a rate of 11.667 https://ballotpedia.org/Fort_Worth,_Texas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Fort_Worth,_Texas This will be one of the few that could be considered a tossup. Tarrant County is lean Republican county, going back & forth, but the GOP usually wins & sometimes by tiny margins. Of the TX State House Districts (97, 90, 95, 99) that cover Fort Worth, 2 are GOP, two are Dum. The two that are Dum (95 & 90) seem to be the bulk of the city. Since July 2011 they’ve had GOP Mayors. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/tx/tarrant-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Judging from the dearth of precincts won by Trump in 2020, it looks as if Joe Biden carried Fort Worth City easily. Texas Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 6,044 * 2020-22 population = 88,733,864 & a murder rate of 6.811 Murder rate in the Lone Star State OUTSIDE (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth) of those jurisdictions (3,066 murders & 67,878,039 population) = 4.516 per 100,000 TX State Data says 6,008 murders, very close to the FBI tabulation. Oklahoma City, OK: 2020-22 murders = 215 * 2020-22 population = 2,063,609 & a murder rate of 10.418 https://www.okc.gov/departments/police/crime-prevention-data OK State Data does not cover 2022 yet, so going w/ local data. The city had 211 murders (NOTE: Be wary of this, “The Homicide Unit investigates a variety of offenses, including homicides, deaths ruled lawful self-defense (non-officer), officer-involved deadly force incidents, in-custody deaths, fire deaths, and any agency assist investigations during the calendar year. Their investigations encompass all offenses listed in the NIBRS homicide offenses section, including murder/nonnegligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter and justifiable homicide.”] & a rate of 10.224 https://ballotpedia.org/Oklahoma_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-oklahoma-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Oklahoma_state_legislative_districts https://results.okelections.us/OKER/?elecDate=20221108 https://ballotpedia.org/Oklahoma_City,_Oklahoma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Oklahoma_City Oklahoma City is a tossup city, in my estimation. The city has had GOP Mayors for some time (and that has not stopped the black-on-black murder), but the Oklahoma State House Districts that cover the city (and we call them Legion, for they are many) are all Democrat at this time. Looking at some of the folks representing that area, they’ve been reelected several times, Oklahoma City has been sending Democrats to the State House for some time. I also did a cursory evaluation (which did take a while) of precincts in Oklahoma City proper & it is obvious that Kevin Stitt did not win Oklahoma City in 2022, Joy Hofmeister did. She also won the county by a substantial margin, as did the Dumocrat nominee in 2018. The last two POTUS elections, the county voted for Trump. The last two U.S. Senate races saw the GOP win the County. I would do another one, but I don’t feel like investing that much time, sorry. If they tabulated this & laid it out like the Iowa Secretary of State does, it would not take that long. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ok/oklahoma-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct I did not tabulate this, but skimming through it a few times indicates Biden won Oklahoma City in 2020 Tulsa City, OK: 2020-22 murders = 188 * 2020-22 population = 1,236,391 & a murder rate of 15.205 https://www.tulsapolice.org/annual-reports Tulsa PD data is useless, because “Homicide numbers include manslaughter and vehicular homicide.” So, that’s a no-go. Sorry, no 2nd source on this one. https://ballotpedia.org/Tulsa,_Oklahoma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Tulsa,_Oklahoma Tulsa’s last two Mayors (since December 2009) have been associated w/ the GOP. Of all OK State House Districts (71, 72, 73, 68, 77, 70 & 78) covering all or part of Tulsa, only one is GOP at this time. That’s pretty lopsided. Tulsa County leans GOP, but the Dums have won a statewide race there since 2016 & some of them have been very close. A cursory evaluation of Tulsa City reveals (and no, I did not tally these to the very last vote) that the Gubernatorial Sweepstakes 2022 were very close. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ok/tulsa-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct If you want to tally Tulsa City, knock yourself out, but my guess is by the sheer number of large precincts Biden won, he took the city in 2020. Oklahoma Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 870 * 2020-22 population = 11,970,371 & a murder rate of 7.267 per 100,000. NO State report for 2022 yet. Oklahoma Murder Rate (Oklahoma City, Tulsa City) OUTSIDE of those jurisdictions (467 murders & 8,670,371 population) = 5.386 per 100,000 Minneapolis, MN: 2020-22 murders = 255 * 2020-22 population = 1,280,417 & a murder rate of 19.915. Even the creepy groomer Sam Seder can see that the murder rate there 2020-22 is much higher than the previous 4 years. https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/government-data/datasource/crime-dashboard/ Minneapolis PD says 258 cases of Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter, 2020-22, which is a rate of 20.149. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-minnesota-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Minnesota_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Minnesota_state_legislative_districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Minneapolis https://ballotpedia.org/Minneapolis,_Minnesota Hennepin Co. is dominant Democrat & Minneapolis is even more lopsided. In every statewide election since 2016, they voted ~80% for the Democrat nominee. The only reason Democrats are able to squeeze out a majority in the legislature is they do so well in the Twin Cities, which is in severe decline. All the Minnesota State House Districts surrounding the Twin Cities are Democrat-occupied. The currently vacant District was inhabited by a member of the Party of Lenin. The last time Minneapolis did not have a Democrat Mayor, Jimmy Carter was POTUS. Jacob Frey will go down in history as the Mayor who was in office when Minneapolis began its descent into hell. St. Paul, MN: 2020-22 murders = 105 * 2020-22 population = 921,887 & a murder rate of 9.218. Again, even mouth-breather Sam Seder can see that St. Paul’s murder rate 2020-22 is much higher than the previous 4 years. The city is slowly dying. https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/bca/bca-divisions/mnjis/Pages/uniform-crime-reports.aspx MN State Data says 104 murders, a rate of 11.281. See also, links for Minneapolis. https://ballotpedia.org/St._Paul,_Minnesota https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Saint_Paul,_Minnesota Since 2006, St. Paul has had Democrap (DFL) Mayors & they did not have a lot of GOP Mayors prior to that. All MN State House Districts encompassing St. Paul are Democrat. St. Paul City also voted >70% for the Democrat nominee in statewide races since 2016. Minnesota Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 575 * 2020-22 population = 17,135,159 & a murder rate of 3.355 per 100,000 MN Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Minneapolis, St. Paul) those jurisdictions (215 murders & 14,932,855 population) = 1.439 per 100,000 MN State Data says 568 murders Seattle, WA: 2020-22 murders = 149 * 2020-22 population = 2,220,193 & a murder rate of 6.711. This is not much higher than the national rate, but you can see how Seattle’s murder rate in those years was *much higher* than the previous 4. It is on the road to perdition. Where else would some lunatics (CHOP/CHAZ) be able to cordon off a few blocks of public thoroughfares (and even some private businesses were impacted) for almost a month & get away w/ it? If they did that in rural Western Iowa, the Sheriff would take care of it within the hour, or the locals would. Any Sam Seder supporters thinking they can pull that here will be staying a while, so make your bus trip one-way. https://www.seattle.gov/police/information-and-data/data/crime-dashboard Seattle PD credits the Emerald Toilet w/ 149 murders as well. https://ballotpedia.org/Washington_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-washington-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Seattle,_Washington https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Seattle King Co. typically votes 3-to-1 for the Dums, Seattle is the biggest reason for that. It is one of the most reliable Democrat strongholds in the nation & it is in decline. All the Washington State House Districts that Seattle is responsible for are occupied by the Party of Lenin. Seattle’s Mayors have been associated w/ the Democrat Party for a few decades. Tacoma, WA: 2020-22 murders = 101 * 2020-22 population = 660,156 & a murder rate of 15.299. Even Creepy old Sam Seder noticed that 2020-22 was much worse than the previous 4 years in Tacoma. Whoops! Tacoma PD data is useless/non-existent/not easy to peruse. https://www.waspc.org/crime-statistics-reports WA state data says 105 murders, a rate of 15.905 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mayors_of_Tacoma,_Washington https://www.tacomahistory.org/media/dynamic/files/597_Tacoma_Mayors.pdf Of the 4 WA State House Districts (two Representatives per District) that touch Tacoma, one of them has 2 Republicans, the others are Democrat. Tacoma has had Mayors associated w/ the Democrat Party for a long time & I only bothered to look back to Brian Ebersole. Spokane City, WA: 2020-22 murders = 54 * 2020-22 population = 688,209 & a murder rate of 7.846. Hey Sam Seder, did you compare 2020-22 w/ 2016-19 for Spokane? What happened dumbass? WA State Data says 52 murders, a rate of 7.555 per 100,000 https://ballotpedia.org/Spokane,_Washington https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Spokane Of the WA State House Districts that cover Spokane (3, 4 & 6, the former covers most of Spokane City) two are GOP & one (3) is Dumocrat. Spokane’s previous Mayor (4 years) was a Republican, her successor (a Democrat) took office last month. From 2011-19 (if you take the word of Wikipedia & I cannot find anything definitive on Ballotpedia for David Condon) they had a GOP Mayor & prior to that a Democrat for one term. Prior to that a Republican (who got recalled) & he succeeded a full-term Democrat. It has gone back and forth as you can see. Spokane County is solidly Republican, but Spokane City not so much, it’s a tossup. https://www.spokanecounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/47876/Draft---Spokane-County-Proposed-Precincts-2023-PDF https://www.spokanecounty.org/321/Precinct-Maps https://results.vote.wa.gov/results/20221108/spokane/precincts-121249.html https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/data-research/election-data-and-maps/election-results-and-voters-pamphlets This takes too long, so this is the only statewide race I will cover, Smiley vs. Murray in 2022. If my calculations are correct & precinct numbers are correct, Murray received 44,830 in Spokane City, Smiley received 31,311 votes. Spokane City is indeed a tossup city when it comes to political contests. Auburn, WA: 2020-22 murders = 30 * 2020-22 population = 257,761 & a murder rate of 11.638. WA State Data says 30 murders as well. https://www.auburnwa.gov/city_hall/mayor https://www.auburn-reporter.com/news/results-for-auburn-mayor-city-council-and-school-board-elections/ https://www.auburn-reporter.com/news/backus-wins-re-election-handily-as-mayor-admits-this-is-my-last-campaign/ https://ballotpedia.org/Washington%27s_8th_Congressional_District_election_(August_7,_2018_top-two_primary) https://ballotpedia.org/Pat_Sullivan_(Washington) Their current Mayor (Nancy Backus) has won the last three Mayoral Sweepstakes & she has endorsed some nutjobs for office in WA state. She’s a Dumocrat, period. WA State House Districts 30 & 47 cover Auburn, occupied by four Democrats currently. King & Pierce Counties, where Auburn resides are dominant Democrap territory (King more so than Pierce) & the City of Auburn likely votes Democrat in statewide races as well. Washington Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,019 * 2020-22 population = 23,231,778 & a murder rate of 4.386 per 100,000 WA Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Auburn) those jurisdictions (685 murders & 19,405,459 population) = 3.529 per 100,000 WA State Data says 1,039 murders, pretty close to FBI data. Has this idiot Sam Seder looked at how murder has spiked in WA 2020-22, relative to the previous 4 years? Portland, OR: 2020-22 murders = 233 * 2020-22 population = 1,928,747 & a murder rate of 12.08 https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/portlandpolicebureau/viz/New_Monthly_Neighborhood/MonthlyOffenseTotals https://public.tableau.com/shared/WYT82QNKX?:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link Portland PD says 242 murders from 2020-22, a rate of 12.547. Hey Sam Seder, does it look like murder is plummeting in Portland since the Saint George Floyd riots or is it much worse than the 4 years prior? Even that dumbass knows the answer to that question. https://ballotpedia.org/Oregon_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-oregon-state-house-of-representative-districts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Portland,_Oregon https://ballotpedia.org/Portland,_Oregon https://ballotpedia.org/Mark_Wiener Portland has had Mayors associated w/ the Democrat Party for 30+ years. Oregon State House Districts that engulf the City of Murder & Drugs (38, 41, 28, 42, 43, 45, 33 & 44) are all solidly Dumocrat. The 3 counties (Multnomah, Clackamas & Washington) that Portland spills into (the former being where most of it resides) vote overwhelmingly Democrat (Save one time in statewide races since 2016 & just Clackamas), I am not going to try & look it up, but I’d wager Portland City votes ~80% Dumocrat. I am NOT going to look up precinct results for 3 counties & figure out how Portland voted when I already know how it goes. Oregon Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 521 * 2020-22 population = 12,733,729 & a murder rate of 4.091 per 100,000. Murder rate in OR OUTSIDE of Portland (288 murders & 10,804,982 population) = 2.665 per 100,000 https://www.oregon.gov/osp/Pages/Uniform-Crime-Reporting-Data.aspx OR State Data says 530 murders 2020-22. Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC: 2020-22 murders = 320 * 2020-22 population = 3,386,727 & a murder rate of 9.448 per 100,000. See NOTE below. [NOTE: The FBI lists it as Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/News-Information/Crime-Statistics-Report Charlotte-Mecklenburg local PD says (158 in 2022 & 2021. I had to find the 2019 report & look up an 18% increase from the 2020 report because it did NOT give me a definitive number!) 285 from 2020-22 & State Data https://www.ncsbi.gov/Services/Crime-Statistics/Crime-in-North-Carolina-Annual-Summaries says 313 murders from 2020-22. I believe these totals are for Mecklenburg County in toto, not just for Charlotte City. I am not 100% sure on this, but going w/ that because everything indicates that the city & county are doing law enforcement as one entity] If the 285 total from local PD is just for Charlotte City, (population 2,652,036) that is a murder rate of 10.746 per 100,000. That is likely the disparity between this data & the FBI & state data, which are much closer to each other. https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-north-carolina-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Charlotte,_North_Carolina https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_current_city_council_officials_of_the_top_100_cities_in_the_United_States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Charlotte,_North_Carolina Nine of Charlotte’s eleven City Council Seats are occupied by Dumocrats, it has been lopsided for quite some time. The last time Charlotte had a GOP Mayor, Barry Obongo was not even one year into his mission to run this country straight to the 10th level of hell. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/city/nc/charlotte/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct North Carolina State House Districts (105, 99, 106, 102, 101, 107, 104, 100, 88, 92) that are part of Charlotte are all occupied by Dummycrats & have been for some time. Mecklenburg County (of which Charlotte is ~78% of) voted >62% (save once, 2016 U.S. Senate) for the Party of Lenin in statewide races since 2016. Joe Biden won Charlotte City by massive margins in 2016. Greensboro, NC: 2020-22 murders = 153 * 2020-22 population = 898,479 & a murder rate of 17.028 NC State Data says 155 murders, a rate of 17.251 (see also links for Charlotte/Mecklenburg County) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Greensboro,_North_Carolina https://ballotpedia.org/Greensboro,_North_Carolina Of the NC State House Districts that comprise Greensboro (57-59, 61), 3 are Democrat, one is GOP – 61 seems to be entirely inside the city. Greensboro’s Mayor (Nancy Vaughan) for the past decade has been a Democrat & the previous Mayor https://greensboro.com/news/local/robbie-perkins-endorses-phil-berger-jr/article_0761bcba-fd65-11e3-8b88-001a4bcf6878.html https://greensboro.com/news/conservatives-for-guilford-county-is-backing-six-candidates-for-city-council/article_98820038-194a-11e3-8d41-001a4bcf6878.html endorsed Republican Phil Berger for NC State Senate & I believe the man before that was GOP. https://www.guilforddems.org/democratic-candidates-on-primary-ballot/ The woman prior to that (Yvonne Johnson) is a Democrat. Guilford County is a dominant Democrat county, they win by large margins regularly in statewide races. https://er.ncsbe.gov/ https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=41&contest_id=1378 As you can see from this precinct results map, “Sleazy “ Cheri Beasley defeated Ted Budd handily in Greensboro City (and I don’t think Guilford has “administrative” precincts as part of the note because the total for the county is the exact total Dave Leip has on his site for that race) & Kid Sniffer Joe Biden won Greensboro City by a massive margin over Donald John Trump. https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=41&contest_id=1373 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/guilford-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Trump won (according to the aforementioned link) one precinct in Greensboro City back in 2020. Durham City, NC: 2020-22 murders = 125 * 2020-22 population = 861,043 & a murder rate of 14.517 NC State Data says 124 murders, a rate of 14.401 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Durham,_North_Carolina https://ballotpedia.org/Durham,_North_Carolina The 21st Century has seen nothing but Democrat Mayors in BullCrap City. Maybe former Mayor Bill Bell should concentrate on how his voters are killing each other & do not care about gun laws. It’s not that way in most of Iowa, the Dakotas, most of TX, MN, WI, ID, MT, NE, KS, etc. Why is that Bill? Why are so many diverse cities in NC having issues w/ violent crime when the vast majority of counties & cities in this country do not. Maybe it’s the people & not the firearm. Bill Bell won’t come for my firearms, because he knows better & I need them to protect myself from his constituents, should a few of them go out on the lam & end in rural Western Iowa looking for an easy target. Or one of obese Chris Schwartz’s (Black Hawk County, Iowa Board of Supervisors) voters make their way to western Iowa looking for trouble. The 4 NC State House Districts (29-31 & 2) that engulf Durham City are all Democrat. Durham City is almost the entirety (small portions extend into 2 other Demorat-leaning counties) of Durham County, which is a Dumocrat stronghold. Durham City is in the Crazy Town Hall of Fame & they have a pile of dead bodies a mile high to prove it. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/durham-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Senile Biden won Durham City in 2020 by a massive margin. Winston-Salem, NC: 2020-22 murders = 97 * 2020-22 population = 751,232 & a murder rate of 12.912 NC State Data says 99 murders, a rate of 13.178 https://ballotpedia.org/Allen_Joines https://ballotpedia.org/Winston-Salem,_North_Carolina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Winston-Salem,_North_Carolina Pertaining to the NC State House Districts (75, 71, 72) that inhabit Winston-Salem, two are Dumocrat, one is GOP (75 is barely inside the city limits). It’s been lean Democrap in that regard for quite some time (Look up who has inhabited those Districts for many years, NC usually keeps them in the same geographical area, unlike OH when they did redistricting). The same moron (Miss Allen Joines, Democrat) has been Mayor there for 23 years. Seven of the eight seats on the City Council are occupied by the Party of Lenin. It has been that way for quite a while. https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=34&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=34&contest_id=1374 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/forsyth-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct When you look at results of the Budd-“Sleazy” Beasley Senate rate in 2022, the precinct numbers in Forsythe County do NOT tell you where Winston-Salem city is. However, if you look up that city on Wikipedia, there is an image that displays where in the county that city is. Compare it to those election results & you will see Beasley easily won Winston-Salem city. The same scenario is reenacted in the Cunningham-Tillis 2020 tilt. Biden won Winson-Salem easily in 2020. Winston-Salem is not lean Democrat (and Forsythe was won by the Dums in every statewide election since 2016), it is dominant Democrat & they have the pile of dead bodies to prove it. We better disarm Rural America because hood rats in the big city can’t stop shooting, shanking & stomping each other to death. Never mind, that’s not going to happen, but you can try it if you feel lucky. Fayetteville, NC: 2020-22 murders = 112 * 2020-22 population = 626,121 & a murder rate of 17.887 NC State Data says 111 murders, a rate of 17.728 Hey Sam Seder, does it look like murder is declining precipitously since the Saint George Floyd riots in Fayetteville or is it worse? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Fayetteville,_North_Carolina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Joe_Biden_2020_presidential_campaign_municipal_endorsements Their current Mayor is a Democrat (although races are nonpartisan) & has been in that office since 2018. He endorsed Joe Biden (lol). The previous Mayor associated w/ the GOP (for only 4 years) & the one before that https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/2017/10/04/former-fayetteville-mayor-endorses-kirk-deviere/18621503007/ endorsed a Democrat (and the garbage can known as Wikipedia says Anthony Chavonne is a Dem) for Mayor, but endorsed a Republican prior to that. Make whatever you want of that. NC State House Districts (42-44) that are part of Fayetteville have two Democrats & one Republican currently, it has been that way for a long time. https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=26&contest_id=1374 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=26&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=26&contest_id=1373 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/cumberland-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct If you look at the map on Wikipedia (their precinct labeling is wonky & silly) of Fayetteville inside Cumberland County (which Democrats won all statewide races since 2016) you can see that Cunningham won that city over Tillis. So did “Sleazy” Beasley, but that one was closer. The Fake POTUS Biden also won Fayetteville City. Asheville, NC: 2020-22 murders = 30 * 2020-22 population = 282,424 & a murder rate of 10.622 NC State Data also says 30 murders for Asheville, 2020-22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayors_Organized_for_Reparations_and_Equity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Asheville,_North_Carolina NC State House Districts (114 & 116) for Asheville are Dumocrat. Asheville’s current Mayor (Esther Manheimer) is a Democrat & wants reparations for Blacks. She can’t charge me for the bill, my great-great-grandfather got off the boat as the Civil War was ending, they ended up in Idaho eventually. Is she going to send the bill to the British Crown or the Barbary States/Arab-Muslim slave trade? Unless she wants taxpayers who had nothing to do w/ slavery to pay for it? What about those of Irish descent, they died building canals in the South, what are they going to get? What about black folks who came from the African continent in the 20th Century? Do they get anything? Their previous Mayor (Terry Bellamy) for a short time sought the Democrat nomination to NC’s 10th U.S. House District. https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=11&contest_id=1374 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=11&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=11&contest_id=1373 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/buncombe-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct If you know where Asheville is within Buncombe County, you can see that Cunningham & Beasley, as well as “Plugs” Biden won Asheville City. Democrats also won Buncombe overwhelmingly in all statewide races since 2016. Asheville has a high murder rate & it is a dominant Democrat city. Wilmington, NC: 2020-22 murders = 47 * 2020-22 population = 353,423 & a murder rate of 13.298 NC State Data says 47 murders as well. https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2021/10/10/wilmington-mayor-race-candidates-2021-election-bill-saffo-harper-peterson/5848061001/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington,_North_Carolina#Mayors It’s reported that Bill Saffo is affiliated with the Demoncrat Party – when he became Mayor Barack Obozo was still a U.S. Senator. NC State House Districts 18 & 20 (18 seems to be the bulk of the city & is Democrat) cover Wilmington, one is Dum & one is GOP. New Hanover County is a tossup, it has gone back & forth in statewide races since 2016. https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=65&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=65&contest_id=1374 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=65&contest_id=1373 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/new-hanover-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct (I presume the “W” precincts are Wilmington City). “Sleazy” Cheri Beasley won Wilmington City by >2,000 votes in 2022, Cal Cunningham won it by >5,000 votes in 2020 & Kid Sniffer Biden won Wilmington City by >2-to-1 margin in 2020 over Trump. High Point, NC: 2020-22 murders = 47 * 2020-22 population = 343,270 & a murder rate of 13.691 NC State Data says 47 murders also. https://www.highpointnc.gov/DocumentCenter/View/13734/List-of-High-Point-Mayors https://ballotpedia.org/Jay_Wagner https://web.archive.org/web/20180711105245/https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/our-county/board-of-commissioners https://web.archive.org/web/20141224215205/http://www.electbillbenciniformayor.com/Public_History.html High Point’s current Mayor (Jay W. Wagner) is shockingly a Republican. Their previous Mayor Bill Bencini was likely a Republican too (but I cannot find anything definitive) because his position on the Guilford County Commissioners (assuming the Districts have not moved significantly, District 2) has been Republican since at least 2018. https://greensboro.com/news/political/guilford-county-sample-ballot/article_f09857be-3f96-5c0f-9d5f-759fb4b87ffb.html UPDATE: Yes, Bencini is a Republican. NC State House Districts (they try to preserve county lines when redistricting, that is important) that encompass High Point are 60, 70 & 80 – 60 covers the bulk of the city (has been Democrat for some time) & that one is Dem, the other two GOP. https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=41&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=41&contest_id=1374 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=41&contest_id=1373 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/guilford-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct (the “H” precincts are High Point City) Beasley defeated Budd by >1,000 votes, Cunningham bested Tillis >600 votes & the Dementia Patient won High Point City (most of HP is inside Guilford, very tiny margins of the city go into 3 other counties) >600 votes for Donald Trump in 2020. Greenville, NC: 2020-22 murders = 26 * 2020-22 population = 265,589 & a murder rate of 9.789 NC State Data says 26 murders as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenville,_North_Carolina https://ballotpedia.org/P.J._Connelly https://ballotpedia.org/Kandie_Smith https://ballotpedia.org/Allen_Thomas_(North_Carolina_congressional_candidate) Their current Mayor according to Wikipedia is a Republican (P.J. Connelly) but Ballotpedia does not say anything definitive & I cannot find anything definitive. Their previous Mayor (Kandie Smith) is a Democrat & the one before that (Allen Thomas) was a Democrat, that is not disputed. The two NC State House Districts that encompass Greenville (8 & 9), one is Dumocrat (8, most of the city of Greenville) & one is GOP, although the GOP one recently flipped that way. Keep in mind, most states try to keep District numbers similar to their previous location, so the Districts surrounding the city tend to stay the same, but that was not the case in Ohio. Remember that if you are peeking back. https://www.pittcountync.gov/ImageRepository/Document?documentID=2521 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=74&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/03/2020&county_id=74&contest_id=1374 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/pitt-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct It appears (although I am not 100% sure, I believe every precinct beginning w/ “15” is Greenville) that Greenville voted for Cheri Beasley (4802-4139) over Ted Budd & Cunningham defeated Tillis (2956-2635). The reason the latter total is so much lower is beaucoup absentee balloting, most of which occurred by Cunningham voters. Biden won Greenville City easily in 2020. Pitt County is a reliable Democrat county in a lean Republican state. Rocky Mount, NC: 2020-22 murders = 45 * 2020-22 population = 162,304 & a murder rate of 27.725 NC State Data says, “Crimes reported in Rocky Mount have been separated into county of occurrence for Edgecombe and Nash Counties” so I cannot use that. https://rockymountnc.gov/police/ Rocky Mount PD says 33 murders for 2021-22, I could not find a report (archived or not) that covers 2020 & that’s about all I have to say about that. https://ballotpedia.org/Sandy_Roberson https://rockymountnc.gov/mayor-city-council/ https://www.rockymounttelegram.com/news/local/roberson-wins-second-term-as-mayor/article_26d5a096-7df0-11ee-a981-1b85e15ab443.html The current Mayor is a Republican, just got reelected to another 4-year term. Pertaining to the previous person (David Combs) in office, I could not find anything definitive. https://www.edgecombecountync.gov/departments/board_of_elections/ https://www.edgecombecountync.gov/Departments/Board%20of%20Elections/Voting/Master%20Voting%20District%20with%20map.pdf https://nashcountync.gov/135/Electoral-Maps https://nashcountync.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9141 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=64&contest_id=1378 https://er.ncsbe.gov/contest_details.html?election_dt=11/08/2022&county_id=33&contest_id=1378 NC State House Districts 23 & 25 (one GOP, one Dum) look like they split Rocky Mount right down the middle. This is the problem doing some of these smaller cities, they are not large enough for a House District. Since Rocky Mount goes into 2 counties (and NC tries to preserve county lines) I have to look up results for 2 counties & all I am going to cover is the “Sleazy” Beasley-Budd tilt. Beasley had a YUUUGE advantage in Rocky Mount one-stop early voting for Edgecombe & Nash Counties. On election day she received 6,570 votes, Budd received 3,265. Add those early votes, which Beasley got a lot more of & she won Rocky Mount City by a massive margin. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nc/nash-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct No ZipMapData for Edgecombe, but in the Nash County portion of Rocky Mount, Biden won easily. North Carolina Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,709 * 2020-22 population = 31,704,272 & a murder rate of 8.544 per 100,000. Creepy old man Sam Seder, what do NC’s murder numbers look like 2020-22 compared to the previous 4? NC Murder rate OUTSIDE of (Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, Rocky Mount, Greenville, High Point, Wilmington, Asheville, Fayetteville, Winston-Salem, Durham City, Greensboro) the NC jurisdictions I covered (1,707 murders & 23,773,660 population) = 7.18 per 100,000. Still a very high watermark indeed. As you know (if you have followed my massive essays), NC has a lot of black folks killing black folks. NC State Data says 2,627 murders Charleston City, SC: 2020-22 murders = 42 * 2020-22 population = 455,572 & a murder rate of 9.219 https://www.sled.sc.gov/crimestatistics SC State Data says 42 murders as well https://ballotpedia.org/South_Carolina_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-south-carolina-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/William_S._Cogswell_Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Charleston,_South_Carolina https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/this-city-elected-a-republican-mayor-for-the-first-time-since-1877-post-5537511 https://www.npr.org/2016/01/09/462400074/americas-longest-serving-mayor-steps-down https://www.postandcourier.com/news/charleston-mayors-race-gaining-interest-from-potential-candidates/article_a0d9ddbe-b6b2-11ec-b54f-afbe5f7f99e4.html https://abcnews4.com/news/lowcountry-and-state-politics/charleston-mayor-tecklenburg-backs-biden-for-president Charleston just elected its first Republican Mayor since Reconstruction. Maybe they’re tired of the crime & need someone w/ a backbone who doesn’t declare every lunatic a victim. I wish them good luck. There’s a lot of black-on-black murder taking place in SC & especially Charleston. 4 South Carolina State House Districts (110, 111, 119 & 115) enter Charleston partially or in totality, one is GOP & the next Mayor of Charleston inhabited one of those Districts prior to his ascension to City Hall. It was the same way prior to redistricting. https://scvotes.gov/elections-statistics/election-results/ https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/Charleston?undefined https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/26000/c/Charleston?undefined https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/charleston-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/berkeley-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Charleston County voted overwhelmingly Democrat in every statewide election since 2016, except for the 2X Tim Scott was on the ballot. He moved the needle. A cursory evaluation of Charleston City in the 2022 SC Gubernatorial Sweepstakes indicates to me that Cunningham won the city easily. It also appears that Tim Scott did not win Charleston City vs. Krystle Matthews. Charleston City also voted for Joe Biden in 2020. The GOP winning the Mayoral race there is still seismic, another Democrat stronghold in the land of Gamecocks is slipping away. Charleston used to be a Democrat stronghold, maybe no more? North Charleston, SC: 2020-22 murders = 99 * 2020-22 population = 350,919 & a murder rate of 28.211 SC State Data says 98 murders, a rate of 27.926 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/burgess-sworn-in-as-new-mayor-of-north-charleston/ar-AA1mneRi https://ballotpedia.org/South_Carolina%27s_1st_Congressional_District_election_(June_12,_2018_Republican_primary) 3 SC State House Districts (111, 113, 109) cover North Charleston, they’re all Democrat. 109 is currently vacant but was inhabited by a Dum prior. Apparently, the longtime Mayor there (Keith Summey) was a Republican, that is a bit surprising. I do not know the political leanings of their current Mayor. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/26000/c/Charleston?undefined https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/Charleston?undefined Most of North Charleston is in Charleston County (but it pokes into 2 other counties) & Tim Scott did not win the city in his 2022 Senate race. Cunningham also defeated McMaster in North Charleston City during the 2022 Gubernatorial. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/Richland?undefined https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/Charleston/106512/Web02.264677/#/cid/0005?undefined https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/dorchester-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/charleston-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct It’s pretty obvious that “Plugs” Biden won North Charleston City over Donald Trump in 2020. Columbia, SC: 2020-22 murders = 52 * 2020-22 population = 414,042 & a murder rate of 12.559 SC State Data says 52 murders also https://ballotpedia.org/Columbia,_South_Carolina https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Columbia,_South_Carolina https://ballotpedia.org/Daniel_Rickenmann https://ballotpedia.org/Stephen_Benjamin SC State House Districts that comprise Columbia (74-76 & 72) are all Democrat. 75 recently flipped to the Party of Lenin, the other three are solid Leninist & have been for some time. The current Mayor (since 2022) is a Republican & the previous one (for 12 years) was a Dummycrat. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/Richland/106542/Web02.264677/#/cid/0005?undefined https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/Richland?undefined https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/richland-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Pretty obvious (especially if you zoom in) that Biden won Columbia City pretty easily, as did Cunningham over McMaster. Spartanburg City, SC: 2020-22 murders = 14 * 2020-22 population = 115,725 & a murder rate of 12.097 SC State Data concurs, 14 murders https://ballotpedia.org/Jerome_Rice_Jr. https://www.cityofspartanburg.org/directory.aspx?eid=127 https://ballotpedia.org/South_Carolina_House_of_Representatives_District_31 https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/2022/01/11/jerome-rice-janie-salley-mayor-district-5-majority-minority-bipoc-women-spartanburg-sc/9130114002/ https://web.archive.org/web/20131021051333/http://vincentsheheen.com/press-release/south-carolina-mayors-endorse-vincent-sheheen-for-governor/ https://www.wspa.com/news/junie-white-wins-another-term-as-mayor-of-spartanburg/ SC State House Districts that split Spartanburg are 31 & 32, one is GOP, one is Dum & it has been that way for a while. Their current Mayor (Jerome Rice) is a Democrat & even sought the seat in District 31 at one time but lost in the Democrap primary. Their previous Mayor (Junie White) endorsed some idiot named Vincent Sheheen for SC Governor in 2014. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/Spartanburg?undefined https://vrems.scvotes.sc.gov/Statistics/PrecinctAndPollingLocations (Select Spartanburg & then “Export”) https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/26000/c/Spartanburg?undefined I did not do a tally, but looking at the precinct locations for Spartanburg City, it’s obvious Cunningham won the city in 2022 over McMaster. Tim Scott lost Spartanburg City as well, but the deficit was not as large. You can see from the map, the only part of Spartanburg County that is Democrat is Spartanburg City, period. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/spartanburg-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Joe Biden won Spartanburg City in 2020 I covered this city because I know it is a problem, but it’s a Democrat enclave w/ a lot of black-on-black murder inside a GOP-dominated county. I understand Sam Seder’s supporters are one failed synapse away from being a walking vegetable, but considering they look at who an *entire state* votes for after looking at the murder rate, it needs to be said. Just as it is across most of America, the problem areas are concentrated. Spartanburg City is a dangerous place, but Spartanburg County, not so much. Get it? Orangeburg City, SC: 2020-22 murders = 16 * 2020-22 population = 39,057 & a murder rate of 40.965. Holy Buckets Batman! SC State Data says 16 murders as well Orangeburg City & Orangeburg County, SC: 2020-22 murders = 75 * 2020-22 population = 250,117 & a murder rate of 29.985. Yes, those communities are underserved & if we just dump inordinate amounts of money into them it’ll be nirvana, right? Wrong, that county suffers from cultural rot & it’s a lack of fathers & a corrupt government school system causing it. SC State Data says 77 murders 2020-22, a rate of 30.785 https://www.orangeburgscdp.org/news/orangeburg-mayor-facing-challenger-issues-include-downtown-infrastructure/ https://www.wltx.com/article/news/politics/orangeburg-mayor-michael-butler-wins-reelection/101-2068e9d1-befb-49b8-9015-075a335cf356 https://www.orangeburg.sc.us/mayor Democrat Michael C. Butler has been their Mayor since 2014. He’s associated w/ the NAACP & a member of the South Carolina Dumocrat Party. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/26000/c/Orangeburg?undefined https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/Orangeburg?undefined Orangeburg County votes >60% for the Democrat (and sometimes 2-to-1) in statewide races since 2016. Orangeburg City is Democrat dominated as well in statewide races. These maps are easy to digest, no question that Tim Scott & Henry McMaster lost bigly to Krystle Matthews & Joe Cunningham. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/orangeburg-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Orangeburg City is even more Democrat-leaning than the County of Orangeburg. There are three SC State House Districts (95, 90 & 93) that meet around Orangeburg, all are Democrat-controlled & have been for some time. Rock Hill, SC: 2020-22 murders = 31 * 2020-22 population = 223,860 & a murder rate of 13.847 SC State Data says 30 murders for Rock Hill (2020-22), which is a rate of 13.401 https://web.archive.org/web/20131021051333/http://vincentsheheen.com/press-release/south-carolina-mayors-endorse-vincent-sheheen-for-governor/ https://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/article192373029.html https://www.live5news.com/2023/06/12/sen-tim-scott-announces-dozens-endorsements-presidential-candidacy/ https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/politics/elections/rock-hill-2021-mayor-election/275-1e9d3560-91f2-4df5-abd6-fdc903c634e6 Their previous Mayor Doug Echols (for 20 years) endorsed Vincent Sheheen & their current Mayor John Gettys (since 2018) endorsed Tim Scott for President. York County is a reliable Republican county, what about Rock Hill City? https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/21500/c/York?undefined Joe Cunningham defeated McMaster easily in Rock Hill City. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/115412/Web02-state.307150/#/cid/26000/c/York?undefined Tim Scott lost Rock Hill too (there are some precincts there NOT named Rock Hill FYI), but it was closer. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/106502/Web02-state.264691/#/cid/20500/c/York?undefined https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/york-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Joe Biden defeated Trump in Rock Hill City but got shellacked in York County. SC State House Districts (49 & 46) that gobble up Rock Hill – one is Dumocrat (and that is 49, which is the majority of Rock Hill) & one is GOP. Both have remained that way for many years. Sumter City, SC: 2020-22 murders = 22 * 2020-22 population = 129,204 & a murder rate of 17.027 SC State Data says 21 murders & that’s a rate of 16.253. Sumter County (Sumter County Sheriff’s Office & Sumter PD) had 48 murders according to the FBI, that’s a war zone w/ a murder rate of 15.266 per 100,000 Sumter County is a reliable Democrat county, only once (Tim Scott 2022) did the GOP nominee (since 2016) come remotely close to winning the county. SC State House Districts 67 & 51 engulf Sumter, one is GOP, one is Democrat & that has not changed for quite some time. What about Sumter City? https://www.wltx.com/article/news/local/street-squad/sumter/david-merchant-elected-sumter-mayor-shares-vision-for-the-city/101-c5fe7b36-2d59-40ef-a488-d9cc15eb9495 https://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=1236363488&chamber=H https://ballotpedia.org/Thomas_McElveen I could not find anything definitive on their current Mayor (David Merchant, elected in 2020), but their previous Mayor (Joseph McElveen) was the Mayor for 20 years, he was a Democrat. His son is following in daddy’s footsteps. https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/Sumter/115455/Web02.307075/#/cid/0005?undefined https://www.enr-scvotes.org/SC/Sumter/115455/Web02.307075/#/cid/0012?undefined McMaster lost Sumter City to Cunningham & Tim Scott lost in 2022 as well. Sumter City is a Democrat dominated city inside a Democrat dominated county with a murder rate that makes 95% of America cringe. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/sc/sumter-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct (Joe Biden won Sumter City 9,376 to 7,367 over Trump, I actually ran that one, just to prove to everyone I did not wing it) South Carolina Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,731 * 2020-22 population = 15,594,329 & a murder rate of 11.1 per 100,000. SC Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Charleston City, North Charleston, Columbia, Sumter City, Rock Hill, Orangeburg County, Spartanburg City) = (1,396 murders & 13,525,686 population) 10.321 per 100,000. Remember kids, lots of black-on-black murder happening in SC. SC State Data says 1,654 murders 2020-22 Indianapolis, IN: 2020-22 murders = 669 * 2020-22 population = 2,650,321 & a murder rate of 25.242 https://www.indy.gov/activity/police-department-annual-reports-statistics https://www.indy.gov/agency/indianapolis-metropolitan-police-department The Indianapolis Police Dept. says (note “criminal homicides”) 675 murders during the same time frame, a rate of 25.468. The site says, “The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) provides police services to Marion County. IMPD includes 1,700 sworn officers and 250 civilian employees” & it also says, “The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) serves nearly 365 square miles in Indianapolis and approximately 826,221 residents.” I presume from that it refers only to criminal homicides inside Indy proper. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-indiana-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Indiana_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Indianapolis,_Indiana https://ballotpedia.org/Joe_Hogsett https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Indianapolis Indianapoli162 views 2 comments -
Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIC
UTubekookdetectorThis will require a PART IIID due to length. I already know what to add ;) Indianapolis, IN: 2020-22 murders = 669 * 2020-22 population = 2,650,321 & a murder rate of 25.242 https://www.indy.gov/activity/police-department-annual-reports-statistics https://www.indy.gov/agency/indianapolis-metropolitan-police-department The Indianapolis Police Dept. says (note “criminal homicides”) 675 murders during the same time frame, a rate of 25.468. The site says, “The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) provides police services to Marion County. IMPD includes 1,700 sworn officers and 250 civilian employees” & it also says, “The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) serves nearly 365 square miles in Indianapolis and approximately 826,221 residents.” I presume from that it refers only to criminal homicides inside Indy proper. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-indiana-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Indiana_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Indianapolis,_Indiana https://ballotpedia.org/Joe_Hogsett https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Indianapolis Indianapolis’ current Democrat Mayor has been there since 1/1/16 (third term just began), the previous Mayor was a Republican (8 years) & prior to that a Democrat for 8 years. As you can see from the map, the Indiana State House Districts that encompass Marion County en masse & Indianapolis City are overwhelmingly Democrat, only a few Districts in the southern part of the County are GOP. It’s been that way for a while, although I did see one District (89) that flipped in 2020. If I am correct, only one GOP District pokes inside Indy’s city limits. Democrats won Marion Co. in every statewide election since 2016, only failed to hit 60% three times & won it by 20% every time but once. https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/election-commission/election-results/ I cannot find good precinct data for 2020 or 2022, so I don’t know exactly how much Indianapolis City tilts towards the Party of Lenin, but I would wager it’s several % more than the county. This page gives results for 2006, which isn’t what I’m looking for. https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/election-commission/election-results/precinct-level-election-results-for-state-and-local-contests/ 20 of Indy’s 25 City Council seats are occupied by the Party of Lenin. Back in 2019, the GOP had eleven, so it’s more lopsided now. Fort Wayne, IN: 2020-22 murders = 102 * 2020-22 population = 797,815 & a murder rate of 12.784 https://www.fwpd.org/about-us/annual-reports Fort Wayne PD says 106 murders 2020-22, a rate of 13.286 https://ballotpedia.org/Fort_Wayne,_Indiana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Fort_Wayne,_Indiana https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_current_city_council_officials_of_the_top_100_cities_in_the_United_States https://ballotpedia.org/Tom_Henry Of the House Districts that currently encompass Fort Wayne (80-83), two are Democrat. Prior to redistricting (this may require you to look at the District Maps prior to redistricting) it was three GOP & one Dumocrat. Districts 80 & 82 are the bulk of the city & are the Democrats currently. 80 & 81 seemed to be the bulk of the city prior to redistricting, one was GOP, one was Dum. Their current Mayor is a Democrat & has been occupying City Hall since 2008. Their previous Mayor (for 8 years) was a Democrat as well, previously serving in the IN State Senate. Four of Fort Wayne’s nine city council seats are Democrat currently. Back in 2019, the GOP had seven of the nine & in 2022 the GOP had five of the nine. Allen County is a reliable GOP county, Fort Wayne City is basically a tossup. South Bend, IN: 2020-22 murders = 35 (no data for 2022, bad data for 2021, using local PD data, see below) * 2020-22 population = 309,899 & a murder rate of 23.556 https://southbendin.gov/transparency-and-performance/police-transparency-hub/sbpd-incident-data/ South Bend PD says 73 murders 2020-22 (25 in 2022) & I will fill in “25” for the missing year of FBI data above. I feel the FBI data for 2021 is seriously lowballed, I will use South Bend PD data in my final tally. NOTE: Make sure you use months 1-12 on the SBPD page as its default was 1-11 when I opened it. Murder rate 2020-22 = 23.556 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_South_Bend,_Indiana IN State House Districts 6 & 8 cover South Bend, both are Democrat & it was the same scenario prior to redistricting. South Bend has had Mayors associated w/ the Demoncrat Party for some time, the most famous being “Rear Admiral” Pete Buttigieg, the only man to take an extended time for maternity leave but came back early because breastfeeding was not working. South Bend has had a murder problem for a long time, its rate is north of 3X the national average. St. Joseph County has gone from a lean Democrat county to a tossup in statewide elections since 2016. Since I cannot get good precinct data, I can’t tell you how South Bend City voted, but I would wager its lean Democrat in statewide elections. Muncie, IN: 2020-22 murders = 27 * 2020-22 population = 195,565 & a murder rate of 13.806 Muncie PD has no data on this, so the FBI is my only source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Muncie,_Indiana https://www.indiana.gop/2023-candidate-features/dan-ridenour-muncie https://www.thestarpress.com/story/news/muncie-election/2019/11/05/dan-ridenour-cruises-muncie-mayoral-win/4155263002/ https://www.ballstatedaily.com/article/2023/11/news-top-stories-republican-incumbent-dan-ridenour-wins-mayoral-reelection-brief IN State House District that covers Muncie is #34 & it has been Democrat for a very long time. Delaware County is a lean Republican County, but Muncie City, not so much. 3 of the last 5 Mayoral Elections in Muncie have been won by the GOP (did not realize there was so much reporting for a small town on partisan elections), but the City Council over the past 6+ years has gone back and forth. Gary, Indiana: 2020-22 murders = 160 (FBI has only data for 2020, see below for filled-in data) * 2020-22 population = 205,383 & a murder rate of 77.903 per 100,000 (!). Gary PD data is non-existent & thus, useless. https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/crime-courts/1-dead-in-saturday-shooting-gary-police-department-homicide/article_19a8260e-a9a7-11ee-984f-bb6155d4d972.html https://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Gary-Indiana.html https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/crime-courts/gary-police-weigh-progress-introduce-new-homicide-task-force-in-partnership-with-prosecutors-office/article_287ca6b7-616e-5c29-93df-9e86273dfea8.html Due to a dearth of FBI data on Gary (the City Data essay concurs w/ FBI data for 2016-20) I have to use other sources. The first Times piece says 64 murders in 2022 & the latter says 63 in 2022 & 48 in 2021. I will use the latter data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Gary,_Indiana https://ballotpedia.org/Eddie_Melton https://ballotpedia.org/Democratic_Party_of_Indiana (Jerome Prince) https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/state.php?year=2000&fips=18&off=9&elect=0 https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/gary-mayor-heading-to-s-c-for-obama/article_cc3cb37c-bfc1-50a3-b6ce-47d218d6c7ca.html https://www.wbez.org/stories/obama-in-gary/132d6c87-a314-4fa9-9274-170bd60ae2fd Gary has had a boatload of Democrat “persons of color” winning Mayoral races there, yet the violence continues unabated & the women keep birthing children who never see Daddy. IN State House Districts (2 & 3) that cover Gary are both Demoncrat, it was that way prior to the 2020 Census as well. Indiana Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,422 * 2020-22 population = 20,432,237 & a murder rate of 6.959 per 100,000. IN Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Indianapolis, Muncie, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Gary) the jurisdictions I covered (429 murders & 16,273,254 population) = 2.636 per 100,000. There is a crime wave in Indiana, but it is confined to a tiny portion of the entire state. https://www.kckpd.org/Department/Annual-Report Kansas City, KS: FBI has squat for data on this city or Wyandotte County Sheriff. So, I will use Kansas City, Kansas PD data, which is also insufficient. According to that Department, they had (35, 39, 58, 51) 183 murders 2018-2021. If I average that out (I know, not completely scientific) then we have 45 or 46 murders. If I add in 45 for 2022, then KC (KS) had 154 murders 2020-22, & a murder rate (population = 464,496) of 33.154. Keep in mind, murders for 2016 & 2017 were much higher than the next 2 years. I searched newspapers online in a fruitless effort & while I can find gobs of data for the murder-fest going on in Kansas City, MO, the Kansas side is much more difficult. The entire Kansas City Metro Area (MO or KS side) is akin to a demilitarized zone & Democrats do well there. Surprise! KS State Data says https://www.kansas.gov/kbi/stats/stats_crime.shtml 142 murders for KC (2020-22) & that’s a staggering rate of 30.57. This is the data I will use in my final tallies. https://ballotpedia.org/Kansas_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-kansas-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Kansas_after_the_2020_census https://ballotpedia.org/Mark_R._Holland_(Kansas) https://ballotpedia.org/Lynn_Melton Kansas State House Districts (31, 37, 36, 35, 34, 32) that cover KC are all Democrat & were long before redistricting. David Alvey & Mark Holland, the two previous Mayors (the latter having a fetish for homosexuality in the pulpit, so he is an apostate) of KC are Democrats, but Wikipedia (which is a garbage can for the most part) “reports” the current Mayor (Tyrone Garner) is also a Democrat, but I could not find anything definitive on Ballotpedia. https://www.sos.ks.gov/elections/election-results.html This link is for later, I don’t need it for KC, which is the vast majority of Wyandotte County, Kansas. In every statewide election since 2016, the Democrat nominee received >60% of the vote. Topeka, KS: 2020-22 murders = 30 (I call B.S. on the total of one murder in 2020) * 2020-22 population = 378,013 & a murder rate of 7.936 KS State Data pegs Topeka’s murders at 51, which is a rate of 13.491 & more accurate than what the FBI had. This is the data I will use in my final tallies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Topeka,_Kansas https://ballotpedia.org/Topeka,_Kansas https://ballotpedia.org/Mike_Padilla_(Kansas) https://ballotpedia.org/Michelle_De_La_Isla Topeka’s previous 3 Mayors (add in Larry Wolgast, who served under KS Democrat Governor John Carlin) are Democrats, reaching back over a decade. KS State House Districts (57, 53, 55, 56, 58) that cover Topeka are all Democrat-occupied & have been that way for quite a while. In KS’ election data by precinct, Shawnee County (which is a tossup, both parties have won it at least 2X in statewide elections since 2016, although the Dems usually prevail) was curiously absent, so my analysis ends there. Wichita, KS: 2020-22 murders = 133 * 2020-22 population = 1,189,438 & a murder rate of 11.181 KS State Data says 134 murders, a rate of 11.265 https://ballotpedia.org/Wichita,_Kansas https://ballotpedia.org/Lily_Wu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Wichita,_Kansas https://ballotpedia.org/Brandon_Whipple As you can see, there are a plethora of KS State House Districts around Wichita. The core of the city is surrounded by Democrat Districts (7 of them by my count & they were Democrat prior to redistricting) & several GOP Districts (9 by my count) that poke into the city limits by small margins on the outskirts. Wichita’s current Mayor was a Republican until 2022, then became a registered Libertarian & was recently elected. Their previous Mayor (Mrs. Whipple, one term) was a Democrat, his predecessor Jeff Longwell (for one term) is a Republican & Democrat Carl Brewer (who sought the Democrat nomination for Governor in 2018) served for 8 years. Sedgwick County leans Republican, but Covid Clown Kelly did win it twice in statewide elections since 2016. Sedgwick is NOT in precinct level results either, why? Kansas Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 376 * 2020-22 population = 8,812,919 & a murder rate of 4.266 per 100,000. KS Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Kansas City, Topeka, Wichita) the jurisdictions I covered (50 murders & 6,780,972 population) = 0.737 per 100,000. The Crime Wave in Kansas is basically confined to 3 cities. KS State Data says 534 murders 2020-22, which is way beyond the FBI total. It could be the lack of reporting from some violent agencies (highly likely) and/or justified homicides and/or negligent manslaughter being included in the state tally. If I recalculate the murder rate using KS data, it’s 6.059 per 100,000 statewide & OUTSIDE those jurisdictions it’s (207 murders OUTSIDE those cities) 3.052 per 100,000. Just doing an apples-to-apples comparison & my point about the crime wave in KS being confined to 3 cities stands. Jackson, MS: FBI has no data for 2021-22, 110 murders in 2020. https://www.wlbt.com/2023/01/07/analysis-second-straight-year-jacksons-homicide-rate-ranks-highest-us-among-major-cities/ https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2022/01/26/jackson-mississippi-homicide-tracker-map-2022/9173140002/ https://www.wlbt.com/news/crime/jackson-homicides/ The first few articles have 155 in 2021 & 138 in 2022. The final piece gives these totals – 133, 160 & 138. https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2023/01/09/homicides-in-jackson-mississippi-top-100-for-third-straight-year/69759301007/ This article says 128, 155 & 130 in 2022. https://www.supertalk.fm/jackson-reaches-triple-digit-homicides-for-third-consecutive-year/ This one says 128 in 2020 & 153 in 2021. How does one tally this? I’ll go w/ 110 (2020), 153 (2021) & 130 (2022). I am NOT totally sure (their rate will be sky-high nonetheless) if these articles are excluding justifiable murders & negligent manslaughter. Jackson’s murder rate 2020-22 (population = 449,461) was 87.438 per 100,000. Holy Homicide Batman! No wonder people are leaving this dunghole, it’s so bad there they long for Baltimore. https://ballotpedia.org/Mississippi_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-mississippi-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Mississippi https://ballotpedia.org/Jackson,_Mississippi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Jackson,_Mississippi https://apnews.com/article/chokwe-lumumba-dd71fe4165c6442c8b1a2f5e020c3e5e Jackson’s current Mayor is a Democrat, Wikipedia & the AP report the previous clown (Tony Yarber) was also a Democrat. Jackson has had Mayors associated w/ the Dumbasscrat Party for decades. All the Mississippi State House Districts that engulf Jackson (66, 68, 71, 67, 70, 72) are held by Democrats & that was the case prior to redistricting. Jackson is a Democrat stronghold. Finding precinct-level data that would not take an eternity for MS would be difficult, so I am not going to do that. Hinds County, where most of Jackson resides voted >70% for the Democrat nominee in every statewide election there since 2016. Jackson is run by Democrats & the entire city sucks. If War of the Worlds happened in real life, we would let them annex that pile of rubble. Mississippi Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 817 * 2020-22 population = 8,850,931 & a murder rate of 9.23 per 100,000. MS Murder rate OUTSIDE of Jackson (424 murders & 8,401,470 population) = 5.046 per 100,000. Likely not apples-to-apples because of a lack of Jackson PD reporting to the FBI, which would raise MS’s statewide rate significantly. MS has a lot of problems, but if given an enema, the tube goes in Jackson. However, the murder rate OUTSIDE Jackson is likely way below the national average. Richmond City, VA: 2020-22 murders = 214 * 2020-22 population = 682,617 & a murder rate of 31.349 https://www.rva.gov/police/annual-reports I wanted to use VA State Data https://vsp.virginia.gov/sections-units-bureaus/bass/criminal-justice-information-services/uniform-crime-reporting/ but their 2022 report did not contain crime by jurisdiction, the two previous reports did. The two state reports tallied Richmond’s murders at 155 & Richmond PD’s 2022 report says (2021 & 2020 are missing oddly) 59 murders. That’s 214 murders, which is the same as the FBI total. Richmond City is a dangerous place. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Richmond,_Virginia https://ballotpedia.org/Richmond,_Virginia https://ballotpedia.org/Virginia_House_of_Delegates https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Virginia https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-virginia-state-house-of-delegate-districts Richmond has had nothing but Democrap Mayors since the voters elected them directly in 2005 & prior to that, Republicans had little luck. Richmond City, in statewide elections since 2016 voted >77% for the Democrat nominee every single time. When Virginia completed redistricting, you may see a certain District # now representing an entirely different part of the state, keep that in mind if you look back to see how a certain area voted prior to redistricting, because it is not typical. VA State House Districts that cover Richmond (78, 79, 81) are all Democrat currently. Prior to redistricting, they were Democrat-controlled as well. Wash, rinse, repeat. Petersburg, VA: 2020-22 murders = 66 * 2020-22 population = 100,280 & a murder rate of 65.815 https://www.petersburgva.gov/1130/Weekly-Crime-Reports Petersburg PD data is useless. I appreciate weekly crime reports as much as the next guy, but please upload a citywide end-of-year report. VA State Data says 41 murders for 2020 & 21 combined. https://richmond.com/news/local/government-politics/sam-parham-petersburg-resigns-democratic-committee-lashrecse-aird/article_ab2e9c44-95dd-11ee-bc5e-57ec4a03d20c.html https://www.progress-index.com/story/news/local/2023/01/04/sam-parham-re-elected-as-petersburgs-mayor-darrin-hill-vice-mayor/69777217007/ https://ballotpedia.org/W._Howard_Myers_(Petersburg_City_Council,_Virginia,_candidate_2022) https://richmond.com/news/local/government-politics/after-dance-senate-victory-race-is-on-to-fill-house-seat/article_4f3144a6-64b4-5e07-9f23-ad9d885da322.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mayors_of_Petersburg,_Virginia Petersburg’s current Mayor (Sam Parham, since 2017) is a Democrat, the previous Mayor, as far as I can tell (W. Howard Myers) is an Independent & Brian A. Moore, his predecessor was a Dummycrat. https://www.elections.virginia.gov/resultsreports/election-results/ https://enr.elections.virginia.gov/results/public/PETERSBURGCITY/elections/2023-Nov-Gen https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2022%20November%20General/Site/Locality/PETERSBURG_CITY/Index.html Petersburg is not big enough to control an entire House District & the two it inhabits (82 & 74) that split the city are occupied by the GOP. However, the city itself routinely votes for Democrats & by 40% margins. Democrats dominate on the ballot in this homicide-laden hellhole. In statewide races since 2016, they voted >80% for the Democrat nominee every single time (Dave Leip). Roanoke City, VA: 2020-22 murders = 49 * 2020-22 population = 296,727 & a murder rate of 16.513 VA State Data says 31 murders for 2020 & 2021, that concurs w/ FBI data. Roanoke PD data is not helpful. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Roanoke,_Virginia https://ballotpedia.org/Virginia_gubernatorial_election,_2017 https://www.wsls.com/video/news/2023/09/12/former-roanoke-mayor-shares-why-hes-switching-parties/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_A._Bowers https://roanoke.com/archive/2-former-elected-officials-to-run-for-council/article_30f806c8-a066-5a1a-87e5-b2b6cdc6844d.html https://roanoke.com/archive/democrats-try-to-push-out-2-officials/article_336776ca-b352-5a64-905e-0f6fbbd76400.html https://ballotpedia.org/Ralph_Smith_(Virginia) VA House Districts that engulf & devour Roanoke are 38 & 39, the former is Democrat & is the bulk of the city. It was that way prior to redistricting as well. Their current Mayor (Sherman Lea) endorsed an idiot named Ralph Northam & their previous Mayor David Bowers is now a Republican but was a Democrat for most of his life. Taking us all the way back to 2004, Nelson Harris is a Democrat & his predecessor for one term was a Republican. https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2022%20November%20General/Site/Locality/ROANOKE_CITY/Index.html https://enr.elections.virginia.gov/results/public/ROANOKECITY/elections/2023-Nov-Gen Roanoke City votes for Democrats in large margins, period. Hampton, VA: 2020-22 murders = 74 * 2020-22 population = 412,941 & a murder rate of 17.920 https://hampton.gov/256/Police Hampton PD data is no help, so the VA State Data says 51 murders (2020-21), which is two short of the FBI totals for those years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Hampton,_Virginia https://ballotpedia.org/Molly_Ward According to Dave Leip, Hampton City voted >66% for the Dumocrat nominee in all statewide races since 2016. Hampton’s current Mayor (Donnie Tuck) is a Democrat, Wikipedia says his predecessor is a Democrat, but I could not verify this. The previous Mayor (Molly Ward) is a Democrat & that takes us back to 2008. VA State House Districts (87 & 86) that encompass Hampton are one Democrat (which is most of the city) & one Republican District that squeaks into Hampton’s city limits. Prior to redistricting, the Districts covering Hampton (it seemed more evenly split) were split as well, but the one that leaned GOP did go to the dark side for one election. Newport News, VA: 2020-22 murders = 85 * 2020-22 population = 555,136 & a murder rate of 15.311 https://www.nnva.gov/819/City-Wide-Crime-Statistics Newport News PD says (no data for 2022) 55 murders in 2020-21. VA state data says 54 murders for those 2 years. https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/mayors-across-hampton-roads-endorse-terry-mcauliffe-for-governor/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Newport_News,_Virginia https://twitter.com/MayorPhilJones/status/1664686094124711958 I believe House Districts 85 & 87 cover Newport News, both are Democrat & the 2 Districts that covered it prior to redistricting were Democrat. Wikipedia reports McKinley L. Price is an Independent (and he may be), but he did endorse retard Terry McAuliffe. Their current Mayor (according to Wikipedia, cough) is supposedly a Democrat & once I scrolled through his Twitter/X feed it was confirmed. Another shooting in Newport News, who would’ve thunk it? Why can most of VA behave itself (and most parts of places like IA, MT, ID, WI, MN, etc.) & a handful of diverse, Democrat-run cities cannot. Odd? In statewide elections since 2016, only once did the Democrat nominee fail to get >60% of the vote. Portsmouth, VA: 2020-22 murders = 117 * 2020-22 population = 292,784 & a murder rate of 39.961 https://portsmouthpd.us/190/Crime-Statistics Portsmouth PD is no help; VA State Data says 70 murders 2020-21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portsmouth,_Virginia https://www.pilotonline.com/2016/02/05/a-closer-look-at-mayor-kenny-wrights-assertion-that-portsmouth-politics-is-about-race/ https://ballotpedia.org/Kenny_Wright_recall,_Portsmouth,_Virginia_(2015-2016) https://www.wavy.com/news/portsmouth-mayor-proposes-committee-to-confront-racism-bring-people-together/ Portsmouth City usually votes 2-to-1 for the Dums in statewide races, no surprise there. VA House Districts 92 & 88 cover Portsmouth, both are Democrats & the 2 Districts prior to redistricting were also Democrat. Their Mayor for 6 years (Kenneth Wright) is an Independent as far as I can see, but reading his comments about race & diversity, tell me what he sounds like. I think John Rowe is an Indy, but he thinks Portsmouth’s issues are racism. Yeah, right. Norfolk, VA: 2020-22 murders = 177 * 2020-22 population = 706,085 & a murder rate of 25.067 https://www.norfolk.gov/374/Annual-Reports Norfolk PD data is non-existent/useless, VA State Data says 111 murders 2020-21. That’s 3 less than the FBI tally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norfolk,_Virginia#Government https://ballotpedia.org/Kenny_Alexander https://ballotpedia.org/Paul_Fraim https://web.archive.org/web/20070306180747/http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/about/members.shtml Norfolk has had Democrat Mayors since Bill Clinton was in the Oval Orifice & Paul Fraim is a Mayors Against Illegal Guns schmuck. Norfolk City voted >67% for the Democrat nominee in statewide races since 2016. VA State House Districts (92, 93) for Norfolk are Democrat. There should be 3 Districts due to Norfolk’s size & the avg. # of residents represented by each District, but I am not sure which one it is. Either way, all the Districts surrounding Norfolk are Democrat & it was that way years ago too. Danville, VA: 2020-22 murders = 19 * 2020-22 population = 127,036 & a murder rate of 14.956 VA State Data reports 11 murders 2020-21, that concurs w/ the FBI. https://ballotpedia.org/Alonzo_L._Jones_(Danville_City_Council_Member,_Virginia,_candidate_2022) https://results.elections.virginia.gov/vaelections/2022%20November%20General/Site/Locality/DANVILLE_CITY/Index.html In every statewide election (Dave Leip) since 2016 the Democrat nominee won the city & only once did they get <57% of the vote. Several times the Dem got >60% of the vote. Danville’s current Mayor is an Independent as far as I can tell & the previous Mayor (John Gilstrap) was as well. Danville is not big enough to have a VA House District to itself, but for what it’s worth District 49 (GOP) gobbles up the city & prior to redistricting it was the same way. Virginia Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,735 * 2020-22 population = 25,972,368 & a murder rate of 6.68 per 100,000. Murder Rate in VA OUTSIDE (Richmond City, Danville, Petersburg, Norfolk City, Portsmouth, Newport News, Hampton, Roanoke City) the cities I covered (934 murders & 22,798,762 population) = 4.096 per 100,000. VA State Data says 1,711 murders 2020-22. Louisville, KY (Jefferson County, KY): 2020-22 murders = 502 * 2020-22 population = 1,885,588 & a murder rate of 26.622 https://www.kentuckystatepolice.ky.gov/crime-traffic-data KY State Data tallies 394 murders (the 59 total in 2022 is obviously lowballed) for Louisville 2020-22. https://louisville-police.org/196/Homicide-Unit I cannot get data for the number of murder victims 2020-22 from Louisville PD. https://ballotpedia.org/Kentucky_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-kentucky-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Kentucky https://ballotpedia.org/Louisville,_Kentucky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Louisville,_Kentucky https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_current_city_council_officials_of_the_top_100_cities_in_the_United_States https://ballotpedia.org/Craig_Greenberg https://ballotpedia.org/Greg_Fischer_(Kentucky) https://ballotpedia.org/Jerry_Abramson Nine of Louisville Metro’s 26 City Council Seats are GOP currently, back in 2021 it was 7. Louisville Metro has had Democrat Mayors for decades & the numerous Kentucky State House Districts surrounding Louisville/Jefferson County (I see one District that is in Louisville proper (28) that is GOP right now) are Democrat-occupied & it was that way prior to redistricting too. In KY statewide elections since 2016, Jefferson County voted overwhelmingly for the Democrat nominee each time, although they failed to hit the 60% mark many times. Lexington, KY/Fayette County: 2020-22 murders = 94 * 2020-22 population = 964,707 & a murder rate of 9.743 KY State Data says 105 murders & a rate of 10.884 https://ballotpedia.org/Linda_Gorton https://ballotpedia.org/Lexington,_Kentucky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mayors_of_Lexington,_Kentucky https://ballotpedia.org/Jim_Gray_(Kentucky) https://ballotpedia.org/Jim_Newberry Of the numerous KY State House Districts encircling/engulfing Lexington, only one is occupied by the GOP & that was the case prior to redistricting. Fayette Co. voted for the Democrat nominee every time in statewide races since 2016, although failed to breach the 60% mark a few times. Hillary Clinton had the closest margin, she only won 51.2% of the vote, but still won by >9%. The current Mayor (Linda Gorton, since 2019) views herself as an Indy but is a registered Republican. I am counting you as GOP Linda, change your registration! The previous Mayor (Jim Gray, 8 years) was a Democrat & so was his predecessor. Kentucky Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,003 * 2020-22 population = 13,524,792 & a murder rate of 7.416 Murder Rate in KY OUTSIDE of (Louisville/Jefferson County, Lexington/Fayette County) those jurisdictions (407 murders & 10,674,497 population) = 3.812 per 100,000. Well below the national average. The Democrat Crime Wave in Bluegrass country is basically confined to 2 counties. KY State Data says 1,728 murders, labeled “homicide offenses.” They also separate “justifiable homicide” & “negligent manslaughter” in the municipal & county data. The overall state report just lists the homicide offenses, which includes those other two. Therefore, I would have to tally every jurisdiction to get the true number & I am not going to do that. Buffalo, NY: 2020-22 murders = 195 * 2020-22 population = 831,594 & a murder rate of 23.448. I wonder if Sam Seder has enough brain stem activity to tally a murder rate for Buffalo 2016-19 & compare that to 2020-22? https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/crimnet/ojsa/tableau_index_crime_by_agency.htm NY State Data says 203 murders & a rate of 24.41 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Buffalo,_New_York https://ballotpedia.org/Buffalo,_New_York https://ballotpedia.org/Byron_Brown New York State Assembly Districts (149 & 141) that cover Buffalo are Democrat (142 intrudes on a tiny part of this dunghole) & were that way before redistricting. Buffalo’s entire City Council is Dumocrat & it was that way in 2021 as well. Buffalo’s current Mayor is a Dumocrat & has been in that position since 2006 – their previous Mayor (Anthony Masiello) was a Dum as well. According to Dave Leip, Biden & Hillary both received >75% of the vote in Buffalo City in 2020 & 2016. Rochester, NY: 2020-22 murders = 186 * 2020-22 population = 631,279 & a murder rate of 29.463. I wonder if Creepy old man Sam Seder thinks the Democrat crime wave in Rochester is dead? NY State Data says 196 murders & a rate of 31.048 per 100,000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Rochester,_New_York https://ballotpedia.org/Electoral_College_in_the_2020_presidential_election https://www.roccitymag.com/special-sections/endorsement-for-rochester-mayor-tom-richards-2261609 https://ballotpedia.org/Robert_Duffy Rochester City gave >79% of the vote to Kid Sniffer Joe Biden & Hillary in the last 2 POTUS elections according to Dave Leip. Their current Mayor is a Dem & their previous two (Lovely Warren & Tom Richards) are also Democrats. Taking us back to 2006, Robert Duffy was also the Democrat Lt. Gov. under Andrew “Let’s put people w/ COVID in nursing homes w/ old people” Cuomo. NY (137 & 138) State Assembly Districts that encircle Rochester are Democrat currently & that was the case prior to redistricting as well. Syracuse, NY: 2020-22 murders = 49 (for 2020 & 2022 only) * 2020-22 population = 439,162 & a murder rate of INCOMPLETE, see below NY State Data says 78 murders, this is the data I will use. Their 2020 & 2022 totals agree w/ the FBI en masse, but the totals for those years are NOT the same. Their murder rate is 17.761 per 100,000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Syracuse,_New_York https://www.nydailynews.com/2014/04/17/ny-democratic-co-chair-stephanie-miner-resigns-from-party-leadership/ Syracuse’s current Mayor Ben Walsh is a legit Independent as far as I can see, their previous Mayor Stephanie Miner was NY Democrat Party Chair & the clown before that (Matthew John Driscoll) was appointed by COVID Cuomo to be the Executive of The New York State Thruway Authority. Make what you want of that. https://www.elections.ny.gov/2022ElectionResults.html NY State Assembly Districts (128, 129) that cover Syracuse are Democrap-controlled & it was that way long before redistricting. Syracuse City (Dave Leip) voted >70% for Biden & Hillary. If you want to dig further, the votes for Hochul in both those Assembly Districts outnumbered the votes for Zeldin, for what it’s worth. Albany, NY: 2020-22 murders = 37 * 2020-22 population = 298,676 & a murder rate of 12.388 per 100,000. Hey Sam Seder, if you can extract your head from your colon, tell me if Albany’s murder rate 2020-22 is higher than the previous 4 years. NY State Data says 47 murders, quite a difference from the FBI (rate = 15.736). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Albany,_New_York https://ballotpedia.org/Kathy_Sheehan https://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/16/nyregion/democratic-stronghold-jolted-in-albany.html https://ballotpedia.org/Mayoral_election_in_Albany,_New_York_(2021) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayoral_elections_in_Albany,_New_York NY Assembly Districts 109 & 108 cover Albany, those have been Democrat for some time. Both those Assembly Districts (parts that were Albany Co.) voted overwhelmingly for Hochul in 2022. Albany City voted >77% for Biden & Hillary in 2020 & 2016. Albany has had Democrat Mayors for many decades, it’s a one-party city. Enjoy it lunatics! Niagara Falls, NY: 2020-22 murders = 23 * 2020-22 population = 145,026 & a murder rate of 15.859 NY State Data says 31 murders, a rate of 21.375 https://ballotpedia.org/Robert_M._Restaino https://niagarafallsusa.org/government/mayor-robert-restaino/ https://restaino4mayor.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Niagara_Falls,_New_York https://www.niagara-gazette.com/mayor-it-s-dyster-s-turn/article_5e195dc7-39cb-5ae1-893b-e244c5eb79ea.html https://www.niagara-gazette.com/news/local_news/former-mayor-vince-anello-remembered/article_fa54fe2f-6b91-5823-a5d1-359a6aaf35b9.html Going back to at least 2004, Niagara Falls has had Democrat Mayors. According to Dave Leip, Hillary received >54% of the vote in the city in 2016, Kid Sniffer Biden got >58%. The city is not big enough to control an Assembly District, but for what it’s worth, District 145 is currently Republican & has been for a while. Niagara County is a GOP county, Niagara Falls City is a Democrat city. New York Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,462 * 2020-22 population = 59,735,873 & a murder rate of 4.121 per 100,000 Murder rate in NY OUTSIDE of (Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, Syracuse) those jurisdictions (1,972 murders & 57,390,136 population) = 3.436 per 100,000. Even though New York City only has a murder rate (2020-22) of (1,394 murders & 25,607,604 population) 5.443, it is raising the average in NY State. GOP Counties & cities are not the problem in NY. https://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/crimnet/ojsa/tableau_index_crime.htm NY State Data says 2,516 murders 2020-22 Little Rock, AR: 2020-22 murders = 189 * 2020-22 population = 607,424 & a murder rate of 31.115 https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/crime-info-support/arkansas-crime-information-center/crime-statistics/ AR State Data says 190 murders, a rate of 31.279. Can Creepy old man Sam Seder do math? Is it safer in Little Rock since the Saint George Floyd riots? https://ballotpedia.org/Arkansas_House_of_Representatives https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Arkansas https://ballotpedia.org/Arkansas_state_legislative_districts https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/arkansas-state-house-of-representative https://ballotpedia.org/Frank_Scott_Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Little_Rock,_Arkansas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Joe_Biden_2020_presidential_campaign_municipal_endorsements Arkansas State House Districts (75, 72, 73, 76, 80 & 74) that cover Little Rock are all Democrat-controlled at this time & that was the case prior to redistricting. Little Rock’s current Mayor is associated with the Dumocrat Party, I could not find anything definitive on the previous clown, but he did endorse Joe Biden, so he probably needs his head examined. That takes us all the way back to 2007. https://votepulaski.net/maps/pulaski-county-district-maps-intro/pulaski-county-district-maps/ https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/AR/115767/web.307039/#/detail/100?county=Pulaski https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ar/pulaski-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct I wanted to find out (Pulaski Co. is lean Democrat, they do not always vote 60% for the Dumbasscrat) who Little Rock City voted for & I have a general idea where the precincts are, but the zipdatamap is much better. Pretty obvious Joe Biden won Little Rock City pretty easily, as did some dumbass named Natalie James in 2022. North Little Rock, AR: 2020-22 murders = 58 * 2020-22 population = 193,389 & a murder rate of 29.991 AR State Data concurs w/ the FBI, 58 murders 2020-22. https://ballotpedia.org/Patrick_Hays https://www.kark.com/news/local-news/terry-hartwick-wins-runoff-election-to-become-north-little-rock-mayor/ https://www.facebook.com/JoeSmithNLR/photos/a.335129649841757/493443777343676/ https://ballotpedia.org/Richard_Carroll https://ballotpedia.org/Mary_Salmon https://ballotpedia.org/Patti_Julian https://archive.ph/S9aSO Their longtime/forever Mayor Patrick Hays endorsed Joe Biden, so he’s crazy. I could not find anything definitive on Terry Hartwick. Their previous Mayor (Joe Smith) was endorsed by some lunatics, make what you want of that. AR State House Districts (72 & 70, the former being Democrat-occupied & the vast majority of the city) the encompass North Little Rock are one Democrat, one GOP. That was the case prior to redistricting. You can see from the zipdata precinct map, Joe Biden won North Little Rock City vs. Trump by massive margins. Pine Bluff, AR: 2020-22 murders = 64 * 2020-22 population = 120,996 & a murder rate of 52.894 AR State Data says 63 murders, a rate of 52.067 (see also previous AR links) https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/ar/jefferson-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://www.facebook.com/MayorShirleyWashington https://www.facebook.com/MayorShirleyWashington/photos https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/jul/22/mayor-speaks-violence-support/ https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnPineBluff/photos/t.100057617426705/2507471829512600/ (She was tagged in that photo) As you can see, Pine Bluff City voted overwhelmingly for “Plugs” Biden. I would be shocked if Mayor Shirely Washington did not vote for Joe Biden & Shillary Clinton. Judging by some of her posts, she’s probably not a Republican. I could not find anything definitive on the previous Mayor (Debe Hollingsworth). AR (64 & 65) State House Districts that gobble up Pine Bluff (and effectively split the city) are both Democrat currently & prior to redistricting it was the same scenario. Jacksonville, AR: 2020-22 murders = 15 * 2020-22 population = 87,918 & a murder rate of 17.061 AR State Data says 15 murders as well. https://ballotpedia.org/J.P._Bob_Johnson https://www.arkansasleader.com/articles/jacksonville-city-council-member-calls-out-citys-28-years-of-stagnation/ The city is too small to cover a District itself, but for what it’s worth #66 is where it resides & that is Dummycrat. Previously, the District that the city was in went to the GOP. Jacksonville City voted for Biden in 2020. Their previous Mayor (Bob Johnson) is a Democrat & I could not find anything definitive on current Mayor Jeff Elmore. The city is a war zone, period – good luck cleaning up that mess Jeff Elmore. It’s not a safe place to live, ergo, nobody is going to move there. If you don’t believe me, tour Detroit, Baltimore, Flint, St. Louis or Buffalo. Arkansas Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 967 * 2020-22 population = 9,085,314 & a murder rate of 10.643 AR Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Little Rock, North Little Rock, Jacksonville, Pine Bluff) those jurisdictions (641 murders & 8,075,587 population) = 7.937 per 100,000. Still pretty high. AR State Data says 941 murders for that time frame North Las Vegas & Las Vegas, NV: (Lumping these together because they are lumped together in Nevada) 2020-22 murders = 477 * 2020-22 population = 2,762,126 & a murder rate of 17.269. It should be noted that the murder rate in Las Vegas was 20.791 per 100,000. https://nevadacrimestats.nv.gov/tops/ https://nevadacrimestats.nv.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx NV State Data says (406 murders for Las Vegas, 72 for North Las Vegas) 478 murders for those cities 2020-22, a rate of 17.305 per 100,000 Clark County has been voting Democrat in statewide elections for a long time but failed to hit 60% in any of those races since 2016. https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Nevada_after_the_2020_census https://ballotpedia.org/Nevada_State_Assembly https://ballotpedia.org/Nevada_gubernatorial_election,_2010 https://ballotpedia.org/Pamela_Goynes-Brown https://ballotpedia.org/North_Las_Vegas,_Nevada https://ballotpedia.org/Las_Vegas,_Nevada https://ballotpedia.org/Carolyn_Goodman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Las_Vegas https://ballotpedia.org/John_J._Lee https://ballotpedia.org/Mike_Montandon https://web.archive.org/web/20160204102543/https://marcorubio.com/press-release/former-nlv-mayor-shari-buck-endorses-marco/ https://ballotpedia.org/Patricia_Spearman https://ballotpedia.org/Shari_Buck_recall,_North_Las_Vegas,_Nevada_(2011) Las Vegas’ last two Mayors (since 1999) have come from the Goodman family; the former was Mayor until 2011 & was a Democrat until 2009. The Mrs. is a registered Independent. Oscar flirted w/ running for Governor as an Indy but decided against it. North Las Vegas’ current Mayor is a Democrat (since December 2022 & her runoff opponent was also a Democrat), her predecessor (John Lee, GOP) was in office for over 9 years, before that was Shari Buck (endorsed Marco Rubio in 2016) & Mike Montandon, all Republicans. There are a bevy of Nevada State House Districts that encompass Las Vegas & North Las Vegas – I see only two currently (2 & 4) that poke into the city limits of either of those cities & most of those Districts are outside those cities. The District that is currently vacant has been Democrat for a long time. North Las Vegas & Las Vegas have been sending Democrats to Carson City for a long time. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/nv/clark-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://www.nvsos.gov/sos/elections/election-information/precinct-level-results https://www.nvsos.gov/electionresults/ Collectively (especially for North Las Vegas), those cities voted for Joe Biden in overwhelming fashion. Clark County outside of North Las Vegas & Las Vegas leans more Republican. I wanted to examine the 2022 Gubernatorial Sweepstakes, but the precinct numbers from Zipdatamaps (2020) do NOT match w/ the precinct numbers for the 2022 race, so it’s difficult to determine (especially since they just number them, instead of putting LV & then a # to make it easier for folks like me) what is Las Vegas & North Las Vegas. Knowing what I know, I would wager those cities were ~60% for King Sisolak (Victor Joecks gave him that name during COVID) & the rest of the county, not so thrilled about that big, fat dummy. Nevada Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 635 * 2020-22 population = 9,428,798 & a murder rate of 6.734 per 100,000 NV Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Las Vegas, North Las Vegas) those jurisdictions (158 murders & 6,666,672 population) = 2.369 per 100,000. The crime wave in NV is in Democrat-dominated areas. NV State Data says 650 murders in that time frame. Baltimore City, MD: 2020-22 murders = 785 * 2020-22 population = 1,732,122 & a murder rate of 45.32 https://mdsp.maryland.gov/Pages/Dashboards/NIBRSCrimeDashboard.aspx https://goccp.maryland.gov/crime-statistics/downloadable-crime-data-and-documents/ https://opendata.maryland.gov/Public-Safety/Violent-Crime-Property-Crime-by-Municipality-2000-/2p5g-xrcb/about_data https://goccp.maryland.gov/crime-statistics/ MD State Data says (334 in 2020, 160 in 2021 & 300 in 2022) 794 murders, a rate of 45.839. YIKES! Must be racism causing all that violence in the Chocolate City of MD. https://ballotpedia.org/Maryland_House_of_Delegates https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Maryland_after_the_2020_census https://ballotpedia.org/Baltimore,_Maryland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Baltimore https://ballotpedia.org/Brandon_M._Scott https://ballotpedia.org/Catherine_Pugh https://ballotpedia.org/Stephanie_Rawlings-Blake https://ballotpedia.org/Sheila_Dixon In statewide elections since 2016 (Dave Leip), Baltimore City voted >66% (most of the time, it’s in the 80% range) for the Dumocrat nominee. Baltimore’s Mayors (as have their City Councilmen) have been Democrat since the late 1960s. All the Maryland State House Districts covering Baltimore are inhabited by Democrats & it has been that way for a very long time. The city is hemorrhaging population, nobody moves there & it’s a wreck. Welcome to Crazy Town, population Progressive Democrats. Annapolis, MD: 2020-22 murders = 12 (2021 is missing, filling it in w/ other data, see below) * 2020-22 population = 122,142 & a murder rate of INCOMPLETE. Since MD State Data has good county data, but not for city I am using https://web.archive.org/web/20240112102908/https://www.capitalgazette.com/2023/07/06/halfway-through-the-year-homicide-total-for-all-of-anne-arundel-county-equals-count-of-2022/ this piece to fill it in. It gives a total of FIVE for 2021. That gives us a murder rate of 9.824 per 100,000. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/md/anne-arundel-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Annapolis,_Maryland https://ballotpedia.org/Gavin_Buckley https://ballotpedia.org/Annapolis,_Maryland https://ballotpedia.org/Mike_Pantelides_(Anne_Arundel_County_Council,_District_6,_Maryland,_candidate_2022) https://www.wbaltv.com/article/republican-wins-annapolis-mayoral-race-for-first-time-since-1997/7083554 Dementia Biden won every precinct in Annapolis in 2020. The lone Maryland Delegate District (30A) that covers Annapolis has two Democrats, it was that way in 2018, but 4 years prior it was one GOP & one Dumocrat. Annapolis’ Mayor since December 2017 is a Democrat, prior to that it was a Republican for one term & the 3 previous Mayoral Sweepstakes went to the Democrats. Maryland Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,759 * 2020-22 population = 18,516,483 & a murder rate of 9.499 MD Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Baltimore City, Annapolis) those areas (962 murders & 16,662,219 population) = 5.773 Since most MD agencies are not reporting NIBRS yet, giving you their murder total would be fruitless as it would be seriously underestimated. The Summary Reports stopped in 2020. New Orleans/Orleans Parish, LA: 2020-22 murders = 685 * 2020-22 population = 1,130,810 & a murder rate of 60.576. Even Creepy Divorcee Sam Seder knows that the Democrat Crime Wave is alive & well in the Big Sleazy. https://lclelsac.com/publications/ https://nola.gov/nopd/data/ NOPD data is useless & there is no 2022 report from the state, so the FBI data is all we have. https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Louisiana https://ballotpedia.org/Louisiana_House_of_Representatives https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-louisiana-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/New_Orleans,_Louisiana https://ballotpedia.org/LaToya_Cantrell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_New_Orleans https://ballotpedia.org/Mitch_Landrieu https://ballotpedia.org/Ray_Nagin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_New_Orleans_mayoral_election Prior to redistricting, I saw 2 Louisiana State House Districts that were inside the Big Sleazy that were GOP, the rest were Democrat & they get blowout wins (or unopposed). This appears to be the case today as well. 7 of the 9 Districts that are all or part of Orleans Parish are Democrat-controlled. They’ve been electing Democrat Mayors for eons; this is another city that is slowly dying & the Democrat Party has taken them to the 10th level of Hell. Their entire City Council is Democrat & it has been that way for some time. According to Dave Leip, Orleans Parish voted >73% (sometimes the election did NOT go to a runoff, so I added all the votes for Democrat candidates) for Democrats in LA Statewide Elections since 2016. Baton Rouge/East Baton Rouge Parish, LA: 2020-22 murders = 295 * 2020-22 population = 1,360,978 & a murder rate of 21.675 According to the FBI, Baton Rouge City had 266 murders & a rate (population = 670,554) of 39.668. https://www.brla.gov/2486/Data-Reports https://www.brla.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16588/2022-Year-End-Stats-Overall---For-Website Baton Rouge PD reports 317 murders 2020-22, a rate of 47.274 per 100,000 – that diverges massively from the FBI total & only for 2022. Looking back, it was rare that BTPD agreed w/ what the FBI tallied. https://ballotpedia.org/Sharon_Weston_Broome https://ballotpedia.org/Baton_Rouge,_Louisiana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Baton_Rouge,_Louisiana https://ballotpedia.org/Kip_Holden Of the 5 LA State House Districts engulfing Baton Rouge, I see one occupied by the GOP & prior to redistricting there were two Districts occupied by the GOP. Oddly enough, currently 7 of the 12 seats on the East Baton Rouge Metro Council are GOP & it was that way in early 2021 as well. The current Democrat Mayor has been in office since 2017 (Broome) & the previous clown Kip Holden (also a Dem) takes us all the way back to 2005. The GOP had some limited success prior to that, winning the previous two election cycles, which was the first time since Reconstruction. Suffice to say, the GOP has not done well in Baton Rouge. In the 2023 LA Gubernatorial Jungle Primary the vote (East Baton Rouge Parish, Dave Leip) was basically a wash. In 2019, they voted 2-to-1 for the Democrat in the runoff. Biden & Hillary won the Parish easily but failed to get close to the 60% mark. It was basically split during the 2022 & 2020 LA Senate Jungle Primary & the Dem won by 4% in 2016 (runoff). https://newgis.brla.gov/datasets/2d3aad97790c4d898627730c1defff5f_0/explore https://newgis.brla.gov/maps/2d3aad97790c4d898627730c1defff5f https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/graphical Baton Rouge City (I believe all the 1- precincts are Baton Rouge City) voted overwhelmingly (I checked numerous precincts, a lot of Biden 80-90% blowouts) for Joe Biden in 2020. The city leans a lot more towards Democrats than the Parish. Shreveport, LA: 2020-22 murders = 199 * 2020-22 population = 551,761 & a murder rate of 36.066 https://www.shreveportla.gov/1107/Annual-Crime-Reports Shreveport PD data is useless, so we’re only using FBI data on this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Shreveport,_Louisiana https://ballotpedia.org/Adrian_Perkins https://www.shreveporttimes.com/story/news/local/2022/12/11/tom-arceneaux-wins-mayor-of-shreveport/69700526007/ https://ballotpedia.org/Jordan_Montgomery_Lewis (his stepson) https://shreveportbossierjournal.com/2022/12/12/shreveport-elects-arceneaux-as-first-republican-mayor-in-over-20-years/ LA House Districts (2-4, 6 & 8) that cover Shreveport are 3 Democrats, 2 Republicans, but it seems that 2-4 (all Democrat) are entirely within the city. The two GOP Districts do not intrude much on the city limits. Prior to redistricting, it seems the GOP had 2 Districts, the Dems had three, but the three Districts that covered the majority of the city are 2 Democrats, one Republican. It's important to remember that, especially if you have a city that has several Districts cutting through it. Shreveport has also lost a lot of people over the past couple decades. Their current Mayor is the first Republican since Bill Clinton’s days occupying the Oval Orifice, after six consecutive wins by Democrats. I do not feel like looking up precinct maps for 2 Parishes (Caddo, Bossier) & tallying them for Shreveport City, sorry. Monroe, Louisiana: 2020-22 murders = 57 * 2020-22 population = 141,804 & a murder rate of 40.196 https://monroelapolice.com/ Monroe PD has no good data on this. https://www.thenewsstar.com/story/news/2020/07/11/monroe-mayoral-election-results-xxx/5401617002/ https://ballotpedia.org/Jamie_Mayo_(Louisiana) https://ballotpedia.org/Friday_Ellis_recall,_Monroe,_Louisiana_(2022-2023) Monroe’s current Mayor is listed as an Independent, their previous Mayor who “served” for almost two decades was a dumbass, I mean a Democrat. LA State House Districts (17 & 16, which are most of the city & 14) that split Monroe up are 2 Democrats & one Republican, which was the case prior to redistricting as well. https://voterportal.sos.la.gov/graphical Ouachita Parish is a very GOP county, but Monroe City, not so much from what I can see. I tried in vain to get an actual precinct map for the Parish, so I can check which precincts were in Monroe City. I could not find one that was either really dated or gave me no real idea which precincts were Monroe & which were not. Considering the two Districts (16 & 17) where Democrats reside were won without even appearing on the primary ballot tells me Monroe City leans Democrat. Moving on… Alexandria, LA: 2020-22 murders = 58 * 2020-22 population = 134,062 & a murder rate of 43.263 https://www.kalb.com/2022/11/09/jacques-roy-wins-alexandria-mayoral-race/ https://ballotpedia.org/Jeff_Hall_(Louisiana) https://ballotpedia.org/Louisiana%27s_5th_Congressional_District_special_election,_2013 https://ballotpedia.org/Louisiana_Attorney_General_election,_2015 https://www.nola.com/news/politics/jacques-roy-returns-to-power-as-mayor-of-alexandria/article_04a6fab6-74ea-11ed-bc29-9b8884ead7bf.html https://ballotpedia.org/Mayor_and_city_council_recall,_Alexandria,_Louisiana_(2023-2024) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mayors_of_Alexandria,_Louisiana https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections#Louisiana For the past 37 years, Alexandria has had Democrat Mayors. Rapides Parish is dominant GOP & if could get a good precinct map (because those entities are not labeling them in a way that I can tell definitively) it would tell me Alexandria City is full of black-on-black murder & leans Democrat. Incidentally, I don’t need the precinct map to tell me who’s murdering who there. The lone House District that gobbles up Alexandria (26) has been Democrat for some time, including one of the idiots who ended up Mayor of that dunghole for 4 years. Louisiana Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 2,381 * 2020-22 population = 13,875,088 & a murder rate of 17.16 LA Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Baton Rouge City, New Orleans/Orleans Parish, Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport) = (1,116 murders & 11,246,097 population) 9.923 per 100,000. Beaucoup black on black murder in Cajun Land. Denver County, CO: 2020-22 murders = 285 * 2020-22 population = 2,140,113 & a murder rate of 13.317 per 100,000. https://coloradocrimestats.state.co.us/tops/ https://coloradocrimestats.state.co.us/public/Dim/dimension.aspx CO State Data states 285 murders as well. https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Colorado https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-colorado-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Colorado_House_of_Representatives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Denver https://ballotpedia.org/Denver,_Colorado https://ballotpedia.org/Michael_Johnston_(Colorado) https://ballotpedia.org/Michael_B._Hancock https://ballotpedia.org/John_Hickenlooper It took the Democrat Party a while, but they’ve managed to ruin Denver after decades & decades of one party rule. Imagine what they want to do to the entire country if they’re able to stack the SCOTUS? It's pretty easy to ascertain, Denver County sends a boatload of Democrats to the Colorado State House of Representatives every 2 years. It’s been that way for a while. According to Dave Leip, Denver County voted >73% for the Democrat nominee in statewide races since 2016. It’s a Democrat-dominated County that has seen their murder rate spike since the Saint George Floyd riots. Aurora, CO: 2020-22 murders = 125 * 2020-22 population = 1,169,208 & a murder rate of 10.69 CO State Data says 147 murders, a rate of 12.572 https://ballotpedia.org/Aurora,_Colorado https://ballotpedia.org/Mike_Coffman_(Colorado) https://ballotpedia.org/Steve_Hogan_(Colorado) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayoral_elections_in_Aurora,_Colorado https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mayors_of_Aurora,_Colorado https://ballotpedia.org/Bob_LeGare https://denvergazette.com/news/local/paul-tauer-longtime-aurora-mayor-dies-at-86/article_db12967a-2632-11ed-94c1-d73366e2a642.html https://www.denverpost.com/2011/11/11/outgoing-aurora-mayor-ed-tauer-pleased-with-accomplishments (see also links for Denver) The CO State House Districts that cover Aurora (6-8, 36 & 42) are all Democrat, it was that way prior to redistricting (one flipped in 2014). Aurora’s current Mayor (Mike Coffman, since December 2019) is a Republican & the previous (Steve Hogan, elected to 2 terms) one was a Democrat. Prior to that, it was the GOP Tauer boys (Ed & Paul) from 1987-2011. https://gis.arapahoegov.com/ENR/# https://www.arapahoevotes.gov/ https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/co/arapahoe-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/co/adams-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct If you view the first link prior to selecting a race, you can see where Aurora is on the map. I suggest having it open in two tabs & one you have blank. It is pretty obvious that the City of Aurora voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden, Michael Bennet & Jared Polis, the latter two in 2022. Arapahoe County, where most of Aurora is located, voted Democrat (often 60%) in every statewide election since 2016. Commerce City, CO: 2020-22 murders = 17 * 2020-22 population = 192,827 & a murder rate of 8.816 CO State Data says 17 murders as well https://progressivevotersguide.com/colorado/2023/general/steve-douglas?language_content_entity=en https://ballotpedia.org/Benjamin_Huseman https://www.c3gov.com/Home/Components/News/News/4023/ https://www.c3gov.com/Home/Components/News/News/9012/15 Their current Mayor Steven Douglas is likely a Democrat, the previous one was a Republican & I cannot find definitive information on Sean Ford. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/co/adams-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct Commerce City voted for Joe Biden in 2020. The lone CO State House District encompassing Commerce City (32) is Democrat & was that way prior to redistricting. Colorado Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 1,029 * 2020-22 population = 17,424,956 & a murder rate of 5.905 CO Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Denver County, Commerce City, Aurora) those areas = (602 murders & 13,922,808 population) 4.323 CO State Data says 1,068 murders in that time period Newark, NJ: 2020-22 murders = 170 * 2020-22 population = 924,116 & a murder rate of 18.395 https://www.nj.gov/njsp/ucr/uniform-crime-reports.shtml https://www.newarkpublicsafety.org/npd/crime-statistics/ NJ State Data is incomplete & Newark PD data will not display data prior to 2022, so the FBI is the only data I have https://ballotpedia.org/New_Jersey_General_Assembly https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_New_Jersey https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-new-jersey-state-assembly-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Newark,_New_Jersey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Newark,_New_Jersey https://ballotpedia.org/Ras_J._Baraka https://www.newarknj.gov/members/luis-a-quintana https://ballotpedia.org/Cory_Booker Newark has had Democrap Mayors for a very long time, including Minnie Mouse Cory Booker. Booker thinks restricting white folks in Rural Iowa from owning guns will stop hood rats in Newark from killing each other. I doubt that and Miss Booker is not getting my guns anyways. New Jersey State Assembly Districts that cover Newark (28 & 29) are Democrat & have been for a long time. In four statewide elections (that Dave Leip had data on) in NJ (2017 & 2021 Gubernatorial, 2016 & 2020 POTUS Sweepstakes) the Democrat nominee received >80% of the vote. Camden City, NJ: 2020-22 murders = 68 * 2020-22 population = 214,546 & a murder rate of 31.694 https://camdencountypd.org/ Camden County Police have no data on this that I can find. [NOTE: The FBI lists this as “Camden County Police Department” & it is also listed as “city.” This is NOT for the entire county, but for Camden City. The County took over police duties from the city years ago] https://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/2021/09/29/camden-murders-violent-crime-fbi/5894164001/ https://www.nj.com/camden/2013/04/county_police_officially_take.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayors_of_Camden,_New_Jersey https://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/2021/06/09/carstarphen-claims-victory-democratic-primary-camden-mayor/7584927002/ https://www.phillyvoice.com/south-jersey-democratic-primaries-moran-easily-wins-camden-gilliam-appears-win-atlantic-city/ https://ballotpedia.org/Dana_Redd https://www.insidernj.com/press-release/statement-new-jersey-federation-democratic-women-passing-former-camden-mayor-gwendolyn-faison/ In the 4 statewide elections that Dave Leip had data on (2017 & 2021 Gubernatorial, 2020 & 2016 POTUS), Camden City voted >80% for the Democrat nominee. NJ State Assembly District 5 covers Camden City, it’s Democrat currently & has been for some time. Camden City has had a lot of Dumocrat Mayors & it’s been a war zone for a long time. Wash, rinse, repeat. New Jersey Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 996 * 2020-22 population = 27,818,691 & a murder rate of 3.58 NJ Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Newark, Camden City) those cities = (758 murders & 26,680,029 population) 2.841 Miami City, FL: 2020-22 murders = 127 (2021 data missing, see below) * 2020-22 population = 1,331,664 & a murder rate of 9.536 https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJAB/UCR/Annual-Reports https://www.miami-police.org/annual_reports.html https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJAB/UCR/Annual-Reports/FIBRS FBI is missing data for 2022 & FL has not submitted a 2022 report oddly. That said, FL State Data gives Miami City 47 murders for 2021 & I used that to fill in the above missing data. Miami PD says the city had 157 murders 2020-22. FIBRS says Miami City had 29 murders in 2022 & no data for 2021. https://ballotpedia.org/Miami,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Florida https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-florida-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_House_of_Representatives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Miami https://ballotpedia.org/Francis_Suarez https://ballotpedia.org/Tom%C3%A1s_P._Regalado https://floridapolitics.com/archives/630713-republicans-building-slate-of-viable-candidates-for-miami-dade-countywide-offices/ https://news.yahoo.com/once-miami-mayor-tom-regalado-175338612.html https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/09/florida-democratic-chair-quits-00077135 The Co145 views -
Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIID
UTubekookdetectorMiami City, FL: 2020-22 murders = 127 (2021 data missing, see below) * 2020-22 population = 1,331,664 & a murder rate of 9.536 https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJAB/UCR/Annual-Reports https://www.miami-police.org/annual_reports.html https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJAB/UCR/Annual-Reports/FIBRS FBI is missing data for 2022 & FL has not submitted a 2022 report oddly. That said, FL State Data gives Miami City 47 murders for 2021 & I used that to fill in the above missing data. Miami PD says the city had 157 murders 2020-22. FIBRS says Miami City had 29 murders in 2022 & no data for 2021. https://ballotpedia.org/Miami,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/Redistricting_in_Florida https://www.zipdatamaps.com/politics/state-level/districts/map-of-florida-state-house-of-representative-districts https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_House_of_Representatives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Miami https://ballotpedia.org/Francis_Suarez https://ballotpedia.org/Tom%C3%A1s_P._Regalado https://floridapolitics.com/archives/630713-republicans-building-slate-of-viable-candidates-for-miami-dade-countywide-offices/ https://news.yahoo.com/once-miami-mayor-tom-regalado-175338612.html https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/09/florida-democratic-chair-quits-00077135 The County Miami resides in (Miami-Dade) has morphed rather rapidly from (2016-22, statewide elections) a dominant Democrat County (Gillum, Biden, Hillary, Nelson & Murphy all won it rather easily, sometimes hitting the 60% mark) to a lean GOP County in 2022. Ron DeSantis & Marco Rubio both won it rather easily, the latter by >9%, the former by 10%. Miami City Florida House Districts prior to redistricting were all Democrat (113, 112, 109) & now they are (113, 109 & 108) 2 Democrats & one Republican. Miami’s current Mayor (since 2017) is a Republican, so was his predecessor for 2 terms & prior to that Democrat Manny Diaz for 8 years. The GOP has turned the tide there a bit in South Florida. https://dos.fl.gov/elections/data-statistics/elections-data/precinct-level-election-results/ https://www.miamidade.gov/global/elections/current-precincts-districts-municipalities.page This takes too long & the precinct numbers DO NOT exactly match up in every case (likely because they need to update their maps), but it appears that Val Demings defeated Marco Rubio in Miami City (2022 U.S. Senate) by a few thousand votes. I wanted to add Miami Gardens, but FL State Data has a big fat N/A for them in 2021, no 2022 report & the FBI has no data for 2021 & 2022, so that one is out. They have a high murder rate, that I guarantee, but not sure how high. Miami Gardens PD has no data. Jacksonville, FL: (FBI has no data, using other sources): 2020-22 murders = 386 * 2020-22 population = 2,875,549 & a murder rate of 13.423 FL State Data (Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office) says 140 murders in 2020, FIBRS says 110 in 2021 & 136 in 2022. (See also links for Miami) https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/fl/duval-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://enr.electionsfl.org/DUV/2745/Precincts/34573/ Biden had 239,541 votes in Jacksonville City (2020) & Donald Trump had 215,699 votes. Duval County (of which Jacksonville is the vast majority of) has gone back and forth in statewide races since 2016, but it seems the GOP has the momentum. https://ballotpedia.org/Jacksonville,_Florida https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Jacksonville,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/Donna_Deegan https://ballotpedia.org/Lenny_Curry https://ballotpedia.org/Alvin_Brown https://ballotpedia.org/Susie_Wiles (identifies John Delaney as a Republican) FL State House Districts (12-14, 16 & 17) that cover Jacksonville are two Dumocrats & three Republicans currently. Prior to redistricting, it was (12-16) the same case. Their current Mayor (Donna Deegan, since July 2023) is a Democrat, prior to that it was GOP for 8 years, Dem for four & 2 two-term Republicans. It’s a legit tossup city. Fort Lauderdale, FL: 2020-22 murders = 79 (missing FBI data for 2021-22, see below. FBI & FL State Data both say 37 murders in 2020) * 2020-22 population = 547,589 & a murder rate of 14.426 https://www.flpd.gov/community-resources/crime-statistics https://www.flpd.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/5873/638411728200800000 FL State Data says 6 murders in 2021, Fort Lauderdale PD says 37 murders in 2020, 25 in 2021 & 17 in 2022. Not sure why 2020 concurs on all counts, but 2021 is off by a wide margin. Due to the dearth of data on this, I am going to go with local PD data. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/fl/broward-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Fort_Lauderdale,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_gubernatorial_and_lieutenant_gubernatorial_election,_2018_(August_28_Democratic_primary) https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/dean-trantalis-wont-run-22nd-congressional-seat/ https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/details.aspx?MemberId=4220 https://web.archive.org/web/20070804025332/https://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2000-10-26/news/politically-incorrect/ Broward County is one of the few Democrat strongholds left in FL, it still votes for the clowns who have no problem w/ male pedophiles “changing” their gender to female & hanging out in the same dressing room w/ your preteen daughter. Fort Lauderdale city voted overwhelmingly for Kid Sniffer Biden in 2020. Fort Lauderdale’s Mayors since 2009 have been Dummycrats. The previous one was a Democrat (served for an eternity, 1991-2009), but he would not be a Democrat today, they have gone off the rails. FL State House Districts 99 & 100 cover the city & they are split (one Dem, one GOP) – it was that way prior to redistricting (93 & 94) as well. Tallahassee, FL: 2020-22 murders = 48 (FBI omitted 2021 data, see below) * 2020-22 population = 595,004 & a murder rate of 8.067 per 100,000. FL State Data says 24 murders in 2020 (concurs w/ FBI) & 15 in 2021. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/fl/leon-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://ballotpedia.org/Tallahassee,_Florida https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_Tallahassee,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/John_Dailey https://ballotpedia.org/Andrew_Gillum https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2014/11/16/john-marks-legacy/19125835/ FL State House Districts 8 & 9 cover Tallahassee, they are both Democrats & those same Districts covered the city prior to the Census. Leon County is a Democrat dominated County & the city of Tallahassee leans even more towards the Party of Lenin. Biden won the city easily in 2020. For over 2 decades (that’s as far back as I bothered to check) the city has had Mayors associated w/ the Dumocrat Party. Tampa, FL: 2020-22 murders = 124 * 2020-22 population = 1,169,884 & a murder rate of 10.599 FL State Data (using FIBRS for 2021 & 2022) says 130 murders, a rate of 11.112 per 100,000 https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/fl/hillsborough-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://ballotpedia.org/Tampa,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/Jane_Castor https://ballotpedia.org/Bob_Buckhorn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Barack_Obama_2008_presidential_campaign_endorsements https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Tampa,_Florida “Plugs” Joe Biden won Tampa City easily in 2020. Tampa City has had Democrat Mayors for many decades. FL State House Districts that cover Tampa City (62-65) feature 3 Dumbasses & one Republican. Prior to redistricting (60-62) it featured 2 Dems & one GOP. https://www.voterfocus.com/PrecinctFinder/precinctDirectory?county=FL-HIL https://dos.fl.gov/media/706300/2022-gen-outputofficial.zip The map I found at the former link matches the precinct numbers! The Hillsborough County website had a map from 2017. In the 2022 U.S. Senate race, Rubio (if my calculations are correct) received 112,385 votes in Tampa City. Val Demings, who is as useful as teats on a boar received 125,362 votes. Hillsborough County is a swing county, it has gone both ways several times since 2016 in statewide races. Tampa City however, is Democrat-dominated, just another example of that for you kids to absorb. You can have a GOP leaning county w/ a high murder rate, but it’s one Democrat city inside that causing it. Just pointing that out for the retards who are still butthurt over Trump beating Hillary in 2016 & sending Roe to the dustbin. Orlando, FL: 2020-22 murders = 94 (FBI data N/A for 2021, see below) * 2020-22 population = 932,918 & a murder rate of 10.075 FL State Data says 31 murders in 2021, adding that to the above. NO FL state data for Orlando in 2022. https://www.zipdatamaps.com/election-atlas/county/fl/orange-county/map-of-2020-presidential-election-results-by-voting-precinct https://ballotpedia.org/Orlando,_Florida https://ballotpedia.org/Buddy_Dyer “Plugs” Biden won Orlando City easily in 2020. FL State House Districts (40-42) that are all or part of Orlando are currently Democrat-occupied. Prior to redistricting (45-47) it was 3 Democrats. District 47 ended up in Dem control but flipped twice from 2012-20. The clown who is currently Mayor of Orlando is a Democrat & has been in power for over 2 decades, save a few months in 2005. Orlando has not had a Mayor associated w/ the GOP since 2003. In every statewide race since 2016, Orange County voted Dumocrat, often >60%. Orlando leans ever more towards the left-hand side (as the Salty Cracker would say) than the County. Florida Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 3,340 * 2020-22 population = 65,611,118 & a murder rate of 5.09. A lack of reporting from some agencies for some years would push this up a bit. FL Murder Rate OUTSIDE of (Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, Tampa, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale) those jurisdictions = (2,482 murders & 58,158,510 population) 4.267 FL State data for 2020-21 is good, but lack of agency reporting in the FIBRS transition makes 2022 unreliable. Waterloo, IA: 2020-22 murders = 23 * 2020-22 population = 200,823 & a murder rate of 11.452 https://icrime.dps.state.ia.us/CrimeInIowa/Report/CrimeTrends Iowa State Data says 22 murders & a rate of 10.954 Fort Dodge, IA: 2020-22 murders = 7 (FBI data is incomplete or at least I thought so, Iowa data concurs. I wish the FBI would put a ZERO instead of leaving it blank) * 2020-22 population = 74,440 & a murder rate of 9.403 IA State Data concurs w/ FBI data, 7 murders from 2020-22. Davenport, IA: 2020-22 murders = 24 * 2020-22 population = 303,223 & a murder rate of 7.914 IA State Data says 25 murders Cedar Rapids, IA: 2020-22 murders = 29 * 2020-22 population = 410,619 & a murder rate of 7.062 Iowa State Data says 29 murders as well Marshalltown, IA: 2020-22 murders = 6 * 2020-22 population = 82,404 & a murder rate of 7.281 per 100,000 IA State Data concurs w/ the FBI Iowa Statewide: 2020-22 murders = 237 * 2020-22 population = 9,588,578 & a murder rate of 2.471 per 100,000 IA Murder Rate OUTSIDE (Fort Dodge, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Marshalltown, Davenport) those cities = (148 murders & 8,517,069 population) 1.737 per 100,000 IA State Data says 240 murders District of Columbia: 2020-22 murders = 509 * Population 2020-22 = 2,030,140 & a murder rate of 25.072. https://mpdc.dc.gov/node/197622 DC PD says 627 murders *** Now for the final tally, adding up all cities & calculating a murder rate per 100,000. For all the cities & counties I covered 2020-22 (Los Angeles City, Stockon, Compton, Oakland, San Francisco County, Inglewood, Lancaster, Lynwood, Carson (CA), Milwaukee City, Kenosha City, Wilmington (DE), Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Toledo, Cincinnati, Youngstown, Dayton (OH), Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga (TN), St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Kansas City, Springfield (MO), Albuquerque, Gallup (NM), Montgomery City, Tuscaloosa City, Gadsden, Mobile City & Birmingham City (AL), Muskegon City, Flint, Detroit, Pontiac, Saginaw City, Lansing, Kalamazoo City, Grand Rapids (MI), Atlanta, Albany, Douglasville, College Park, East Point, South Fulton, Bibb County/Macon (GA), Chicago, Peoria, Rockford City, Rock Island City, Champaign City (IL), Philadelphia County, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg (PA), Houston, Austin, Dallas City, San Antonio, Fort Worth (TX), Oklahoma City, Tulsa City (OK), Minneapolis, St. Paul (MN), Spokane City, Seattle, Tacoma, Auburn (WA), Portland (OR), Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, Rocky Mount, Greenville, High Point, Wilmington, Asheville, Fayetteville, Winston-Salem, Durham City, Greensboro (NC), Charleston City, North Charleston, Columbia, Sumter City, Rock Hill, Orangeburg County, Spartanburg City (SC), Indianapolis, Muncie, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Gary (IN), Kansas City, Topeka, Wichita (KS), Jackson (MS), Richmond City, Danville, Petersburg, Norfolk City, Portsmouth, Newport News, Hampton, Roanoke City (VA), Louisville/Jefferson County, Lexington/Fayette County (KY), Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, Syracuse (NY), Little Rock, North Little Rock, Jacksonville, Pine Bluff (AR), Las Vegas, North Las Vegas (NV), Baltimore City, Annapolis (MD), Baton Rouge City, New Orleans/Orleans Parish, Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport (LA), Denver County, Commerce City, Aurora (CO), Newark, Camden City (NJ), Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, Tampa, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale (FL), Fort Dodge, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Marshalltown, Davenport (IA) & District of Columbia) they had 27,649 murders & a collective population of 143,856,568. That is a staggering en masse murder rate of 19.219 per 100,000 – almost 3X the national rate. OUTSIDE of those jurisdictions (37,613 murders & 854,941,964 population) in these United States the murder rate = 4.399 per 100,000. There are likely around 150+ million folks in that group (remember, 3-year period) that live in counties w/ <2 murders. The problems in the U.S. are concentrated, period. If I add New York City to the list of numerous cities above (1,394 murders & 25,607,604 population, 5.443 rate) we now have a cumulative population of 169,464,172 & 29,043 murders, a rate of 17.138 – which is >2.6X the national rate. To put it another way, those jurisdictions have only 17% of the U.S. population, but 44.5% of the murders. Remember, I found out >2/3 of U.S. counties in 2022 had <2 murders. If 17% commits 44.5% of the murders & extrapolate that out, we have 34% committing almost 90% of the murders. It’s probably more in the range of 80%, but again the problem areas in the U.S. are not spread out, they are concentrated. It’s 1/3 of the U.S. population that is out of control, the other 2/3 exhibit very few problems. Why do the Democrats want to TRY to disarm law-abiding rural Americans who commit virtually no crime. To answer that I will ask another question: Would China’s government be as brutal & authoritarian towards the oppressed if they were armed-to-the-teeth like the American colonists were before they subdued the British? OUTSIDE of those jurisdictions (827,304,220 population & 36,219 murders) the murder rate is only 4.377 per 100,000 for 2020-22. Due to some jurisdictions NOT reporting, the U.S. murder rate (and murder rates inside some states that have violent cities NOT reporting) would rise somewhat, but it would not be substantial on a national level. Just keep that in mind. Does the mentally ill divorcee Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport see what I’m talking about now? There has never been a crime wave, it’s always been concentrated & it’s the same case now. Murder is primarily a YUUUGE problem in “diverse” cities run by his party or in the case of NC & SC, you have lots of black folks murdering black folks all over those states. This concludes my essay demonstrating the most violent jurisdictions in America tend to have boatloads of black on black murder https://web.archive.org/web/20230223004456/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/archive https://rumble.com/v2ahqta-divorcee-sam-seder-vs.-utubekookdetector-black-on-black-crime.html & they typically vote Democrat. Most of these jurisdictions are Democrat-dominated, a few merely lean Democrat & a handful of toss-ups. This further debunks Creepy old man Sam Seder’s whining about the Democrat Crime Wave “Myth.” Crime has never been homogenous; it’s concentrated in a few areas as I’ve demonstrated in the mountains of information contained in my essays. Sam Seder is not very bright, so he does not understand that the murder rate could be dropping nationally, but not everyone is pulling their weight in the process of bringing it down. Sam Seder is not good at writing, which is why he uploads meandering videos w/ long pauses (he’s being fed talking points) & lots of CAPITAL LETTERS in the title “proving” that he has debunked X. He won’t cover the information I’ve covered here because he can’t cut-and-paste it & even if he could debunk it, he will not try because that would eat-up most of his abundant free time vegetating on social media in his small apartment. It’s cities & counties run by his party that have fragmented families (like his) & a rotten culture. Most of the government school systems (that is for another day, AGAIN) in those cities are ineffective & corrupt too. This is what the Creep Sam Seder wants, he wants creepy strangers talking to your children about sex & trying to convince them that they can “change” their gender. He wants more dysfunctional people like him, they’re easier to cajole into voting Democrat & the victim mentality that comes w/ it. These dysfunctional people create cities like Atlanta, Milwaukee, Chicago, Baltimore, Wilmington & Detroit. I would tell Sam Seder to go to the hood in New York City & teach those young black men to stick around and raise their child, but since Sam is incapable to having a successful relationship w/ the opposite gender of his species we’ll tell the bi-polar troglodyte to just stay in his small apartment. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back. #samseder #majorityreport273 views 3 comments -
Divorcee Sam Seder Debunked on "Republican Voter Suppression"
UTubekookdetectorA talking point that is oft-repeated by mentally ill divorcees like Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport gets debunked Republican Voter Suppression? Iowa https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-id.aspx https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/voter-id-chronology.aspx https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_ID_in_Iowa https://apnews.com/article/f0591c6afacb4fb1b83e9bdae79740de https://www.radioiowa.com/2019/10/01/judge-upholds-id-requirement-for-election-day-voting-in-iowa/ https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/ See the notes on some of these states as some Photo ID Voter laws were rolled out in phases and/or challenged in court by Democrats who want people willy-nilly voting sans any identification. I have provided some links to articles about these Voter ID/Photo ID Voting laws & it’s the same song from the Regressive Communists no matter what – voters are being suppressed & it is poor minorities who vote Democrat. They do not want people removed from voter rolls if they fail to vote in 3 Federal Elections, they do not want people giving any sort of identification (although a lot of states allow for numerous types of ID), they do not want ID’s presented, they do not want people disqualified from voting in the wrong precinct, they do not like it when there are not dropboxes everywhere for folks to dump dozens votes in at 3AM & if you don’t have a million early voting days & months & months of voting prior to Election Day they have a hissy fit. They do NOT want people being identified at the polls or anywhere else for that matter, period. Just autistically-repeating, “drop boxes increase turnout, therefore good unga bunga” is nonsense. I’m sure if the government dropped PSAs every hour on the hour to get free training for a firearm & purchase one, we would have a lot more folks buying guns, but doing X just to do X is nonsense. I will be focusing on POTUS elections years & also midterm elections. If the state I am examining does NOT have a gubernatorial race in a midterm, I will use the years (most Gubernatorial races are either at the midterm or a POTUS election) that they do have a Gubernatorial contest & compare those increases/decreases in turnout w/ national results. I am purposely going back to at least 1992 for POTUS elections (unless their voter id law does not go back very far) as the # of raw votes decreased in the next POTUS election cycle, we’ll compare that to increases/decreases in those states that are “engaging in Republican voter suppression.” Let us begin! Iowa 2000 IA POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,315,563 2004 IA POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,506,908 [+14.55%] 2008 IA POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,537,123 [+2.01%] 2012 IA POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,582,180 [+2.93%] *Iowa bucked the 2012 trend of less raw votes, but in 1996 about 120,000 less votes were cast, relative to 1992 (that was a national trend). Iowa also bucked the national trend in 2016, as less votes were cast, relative to 2012* 2016 IA POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,566,031 [-1.02%] 2002 IA Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,025,802 2006 IA Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,053,255 [+2.67%] 2010 IA Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,122,013 [6.53% increase in total votes cast] 2014 IA Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,131,258 [+0.825%] 2018 IA Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,327,638 [+17.35%] ***Voter ID law fully implemented in 2019*** 2022 IA Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,221,864 [-7.97%] 2020 IA POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,690,871 [+7.97%] Average increase/decrease in IA POTUS elections 2000-2020 = +5.288%. That is lower than the 2020 increase, sorry there is not more data to peruse, it is what it is. Average increase/decrease in IA Gubernatorial elections, 2002-2022 = +3.881%. That is much higher than the one gubernatorial election after the Photo ID law. Now, the bi-polar divorcee Sam Seder might say, “Aha, voter suppression.” Or it could be that the fat lady that Iowa Democrats nominated (because nobody apparently wanted this task) was a horrible speaker & a race trader that even her party could not get excited about. She had no political experience (not that it is necessarily bad) & it showed, a lot. Fred Hubbell at least was a successful businessman; he got a lot more votes than Deidre DeJear & the only folks who pulled the lever for her were already lifetime inmates in Crazy Town. It may not be voter suppression, but lack of excitement about a flawed candidate who had a deck full of race cards. *** Indiana 1992 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,229,116 1996 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,110,047 [-5.34%] 2000 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,179,268 [+3.28%] *2000 turnout LOWER than 1992 turnout* 2004 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,448,498 [+12.35%] 1992 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,305,871 1996 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,135,842 [-7.373%] 2000 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,199,302 [+2.97%] *2000 turnout LOWER than 1992 turnout* 2004 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,468,002 [+12.22%] Photo ID law christened by the SCOTUS, despite the grinding of yellow Democrat teeth 2008 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,703,752 [+10.42%] 2012 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,581,053 [-4.54%] 2016 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,719,968 [+5.38%] 2020 IN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 3,020,388 [+11.045%] 2008 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,756,658 [+11.7%] 2012 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,633,143 [-4.48%] 2016 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,760,375 [+4.83%] 2020 IN POTUS election, total votes cast = 3,039,781 [+10.12%] Average decrease/increase in raw votes, IN Gubernatorial elections 1992-2020 = +4.656% [National average = +7.352%] Average decrease/increase in raw votes, IN Gubernatorial elections, AFTER VOTER ID, 2008-2020 = +5.576% [National Avg. = +7.829%] Average decrease/increase in raw votes, IN Gubernatorial elections PRIOR TO VOTER ID, 1992-2004 = +3.43% [National Average = +6.713%] Average decrease/increase in raw votes, IN POTUS elections 1992-2020 = +4.283% [National average = +6.465%] Average decrease/increase in raw votes, IN POTUS elections after VOTER ID LAW, 2008-2020 = +5.542% [National avg. = +6.888%] Average decrease/increase in raw votes, IN POTUS elections PRIOR TO VOTER ID LAW, 1992-2004 = +2.605% [National Average = +5.902%] It would be hard for bi-polaroids like the divorcee Sam Seder to argue that Photo ID requirements in Indiana are disenfranchising voters as their raw vote increases were much larger after they strengthened voting requirements. Notice how IN’s increases (relative to the baselines I established) were always lower than the national increases, they always lagged behind sans Voter ID or with it ensconced. *** Wisconsin 2000 WI POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,598,607 2004 WI POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,997,007 [+15.34%] 2008 WI POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,983,417 [-0.454%] 2012 WI POTUS election, total votes cast = 3,068,434 [+2.85%] *notice how their turnout increases/decreases in the 2008, 2012 & 2016 POTUS elections were contrary to the national trend* 1998 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,756,014 2002 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,775,349 [+1.1%] 2006 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,161,700 [+21.76%] 2010 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,160,832 [-0.04%] 2014 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,410,314 [+11.55%] Evil Photo ID law rolled out in WI 2016 WI POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,976,150 [-3.007%] 2020 WI POTUS election, total votes cast = 3,298,041 [+10.815%] 2018 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,673,308 [+10.907%] 2022 WI Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,656,490 [-0.63%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, WI Gubernatorial elections 1998-2022 = +7.411% [National Avg. = +8.320%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, WI Gubernatorial elections, PRIOR TO PHOTO ID Law, 1998-2014 = +8.592% [National average = +2.851%] NOTE: I used 1998 as my baseline, so averaged the 2002, 2006, 2010 & 2014 election years, remember that! Average increase/decrease in raw votes, WI Gubernatorial elections, AFTER PHOTO ID Law, 2018 & 2022 = +5.138% [National average = +19.258%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, WI POTUS elections 2000-2020 = +5.108% [National avg. = 8.844%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, WI POTUS elections 2016 & 2020, AFTER PHOTO ID LAW = +3.904% [National avg. = 10.877%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, WI POTUS elections, PRIOR TO PHOTO ID LAW, 2000-2012 = +5.912% [National average = +7.827%] I wish I had one more election cycle after Photo ID, I think it would be more informative & I tried to balance this out (equal number of cycles before & after) when I averaged it. A Democrat will definitely try to argue that WI’s voter ID laws are stifling turnout. A Republican could say, “You won WI in 2020 & won the Gubernatorial races in the last 2 cycles, what’s the problem?” There could still be voter suppression even if the party that is declaring it wins, just as voter fraud could still be a problem, even if Republicans do well. WI bucked national trends in 2008, 2021 & 2016 as noted above & two cycles were prior to Photo ID. ~13,500 less votes were cast in 2008 than in 2004 in Badgerville. Was that voter suppression or more likely the fact that Republican voters were NOT excited about John McCain as he received 215,000 less votes than George W. Bush 4 years prior? Combine that with turnout for Obama was much better than it was for the French-looking candidate, John Francois Kerry. *** Tennessee 1994 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,487,130 1998 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 976,236 [-34.354%] 2002 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,653,167 [+69.34%] 2006 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,818,549 [+10%] 2010 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,601,549 [-11.93%] 1992 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,982,638 1996 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,894,105 [-4.465%] 2000 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,076,181 [+9.61%] 2004 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,434,949 [+17.28%] 2008 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,601,982 [+6.86%] ***2012 Photo ID law rolled out*** 2014 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,353,728 [-15.47%] 2018 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 2,243,294 [+65.71%] 2022 TN Gubernatorial election, total votes cast = 1,737,454 [-22.55%] 2012 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,460,904 [-5.42%] 2016 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 2,508,027 [+1.92%] 2020 TN POTUS election, total votes cast = 3,053,851 [+21.752%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, TN Gubernatorial elections 1994-2022 = +8.678% [National avg. = +6.617%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, TN Gubernatorial elections after evil Photo ID law rolled out, 2014-2022 = +9.23% [National Average = +10.010%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, TN Gubernatorial elections PRIOR TO Photo ID law, 1994-2010 = 8.264% [National avg. = +4.075%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, TN POTUS elections 1992-2020 = +6.791% [National avg. = +6.465%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, TN POTUS elections AFTER VOTER ID, 2012-2020 = +6.084% [National avg. = +6.684%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, TN POTUS elections PRIOR TO VOTER ID, 1992-2008 = +7.321% [National average = +6.301%] *** Mississippi 1999 MS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 763,937 2003 MS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 894,487 [+17.08%] 2007 MS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 744,039 [-16.82%] 2011 MS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 891,952 [+19.88%] 2000 MS POTUS election, total votes cast = 994,926 2004 MS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,152,365 [+15.82%] 2008 MS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,289,939 [+11.94%] 2012 MS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,285,584 [-0.34%] ***2014 Voter ID law takes effect*** 2015 MS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 718,185 [-19.48%] 2019 MS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 884,911 [+23.21%] 2016 MS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,211,088 [-5.79%] 2020 MS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,314,475 [+8.54%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, MS Gubernatorial contests 1999-2019 = +4.774% [National average = +4.262%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, MS Gubernatorial contests PRIOR TO VOTER ID, 1999-2011 = +6.713% [National average = +2.831%] NOTE: Remember, on the national level I am also using 1999 as my baseline, so it’s the average increases in the 2003, 2007 & 2011 contests. Average increase/decrease in raw votes, MS Gubernatorial contests after Voter ID law 2015 & 2019 = +1.865% [National average = +19.191%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, MS POTUS contests 2000-2020 = +6.034% [National avg. = 8.844%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, MS POTUS PRIOR TO Voter ID, 2000-2012 = +9.14% [National avg. = +7.827%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, MS POTUS after Voter ID 2016 & 2020 = +1.375% [National average = +10.877%] As is the case w/ TN, MS elections have seen wild fluctuations in raw vote totals sans or with a Voter ID Law. MS is an anomaly, while their 2012 turnout was lower, fitting w/ the national trend, their 2016 turnout plummeted in a state that has been leaning Republican (prior to 2010, the Democrats had a stranglehold on the State Legislature) for several years. Donald Trump received about 10,000 fewer votes than Romney yet won the state +17.5 & Romney won MS +11.5. This indicates both sides were not excited about their candidate, especially MS Democrats who flocked to vote for Barack Obama twice & abandoned elderly, wrinkled white trash Hillary Clinton in 2016. I wish I had one more post-Voter ID election to hash out as that would give us a better idea. For what it’s worth, their 1995 Gubernatorial tilt had a lot more votes cast than 4 years later. *** Kansas 1998 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 742,665 2002 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 835,690 [+12.52%] 2006 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 849,700 [+1.689%] 2010 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 838,790 [-1.286%] 1992 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,157,236 1996 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,074,300 [-7.167%] 2000 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,072,216 [-0.195%] 2004 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,187,756 [+10.78%] 2008 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,238,873 [+4.3%] ***2012 Voter ID law enforced**** 2014 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 869,502 [+3.66%] 2018 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 1,054,622 [+21.299%] 2022 KS Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 994,477 [-5.705%] 2012 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,157,532 [-6.57%] 2016 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,197,570 [+3.46%] 2020 KS POTUS election, total votes cast = 1,377,484 [+15.02%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes KS Gubernatorial elections 1998-2022 = +5.362% [National average during those years = +8.320%] NOTE: I am using 1998 as my baseline, therefore I’m averaging the increases in raw totals for the 2002-2022 elections, REMEMBER THAT! I had to redo some totals because I made that mistake myself! Average increase/decrease in raw votes KS Gubernatorial elections PRIOR TO VOTER ID law, 1998-2010 = +4.307% [National average = +6.63%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes KS Gubernatorial elections after Voter ID law, 2014-2022 = +6.418% [National avg. = +10.010%] I did not include this, but the 1994 KS Governor’s race had a lot more votes cast then the 1998 edition. That would have skewed it more in my favor. Voter suppression or lack of interest in the candidates and/or the entire political process? Increases in raw votes for Gubernatorial contests increased substantially overall after Voter ID laws, making it hard for the Dummycrats to argue “voter suppression.” Yet, they are still making that argument in Kansas. Average increase/decrease in raw votes KS POTUS elections 1992-2020 = +2.84% [National avg. = +6.465%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes KS POTUS elections after evil Voter ID law, 2012-2020 = +3.97% [National avg. = +6.684%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes KS POTUS elections PRIOR TO evil Voter ID law, 1992-2008 = +1.929% [National average = +6.301%] The increases were higher after Voter ID, making it much more difficult to argue for “voter suppression.” KS’ increases prior to Voter ID in POTUS elections was lagging well behind national trends, so this is not news after Voter ID. *** North Dakota 2004 ND Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 309,873 2008 ND Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 315,692 [+1.88%] 2012 ND Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 317,812 [+0.675%] 2016 ND Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 339,601 [+6.857%] 2004 ND POTUS contest, total votes cast = 312,833 2008 ND POTUS contest, total votes cast = 317,738 [+1.57%] 2012 ND POTUS contest, total votes cast = 322,627 [+1.54%] 2016 ND POTUS contest, total votes cast = 344,360 [+6.735%] ***Voter ID law in 2018*** 2020 ND Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 357,659 [+5.319%] 2020 ND POTUS contest, total votes cast = 361,819 [+5.07%] Not a large swath of post-Voter ID info to cover, but for what it is worth. Average increase/decrease in raw votes, ND Gubernatorial Elections 2004-2020 = +3.682%. The 2020 increase was higher. Average increase/decrease in raw votes, ND POTUS Elections 2004-2020 = +3.728%. The 2020 increase was higher. I guess the voter suppression in ND will happen during Sam Seder’s next failed marriage. *** Georgia 1994 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 1,545,297 1998 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 1,792,882 [+16.02%] 2002 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 2,028,251 [+13.13%] 2006 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 2,124,598 [+4.75%] 1992 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 2,321,133 1996 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 2,299,071 [-0.95%] 2000 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 2,596,804 [+12.95%] 2004 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 3,304,481 [+27.25%] ***2008 Georgia Voter ID Law*** https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/georgias-voter-id-lawsuit-seven-years-later-disenfranchised-or-still https://law.georgia.gov/press-releases/2011-03-08/georgia-supreme-court-declares-voter-id-law-constitutional 2010 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 2,576,161 [+21.255%] 2014 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 2,550,648 [-0.9904%] 2018 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 3,939,409 [+54.996%] 2022 GA Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 3,953,408 [+0.3553%] 2008 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 3,932,158 [+18.995%] 2012 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 3,908,369 [-0.6049%] 2016 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 4,146,825 [+6.103%] 2020 GA POTUS election, votes cast = 4,999,960 [+20.573%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, GA Gubernatorial contests prior to Voter ID law, 1994-2006 = +11.3% [National average = +3.599%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, GA Gubernatorial contests 1994-2022 = +15.645% [National avg. = +6.617%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, GA Gubernatorial contests after Voter ID law, 2010-2022 = +18.903% [National average = +8.911%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, GA POTUS contests 1992-2020 = +12.045% [National avg. for 1992-2020 was +6.465%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, GA POTUS contests after Voter ID law, 2008-2020 = +11.266% [National avg. during those same years = +6.888%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, GA POTUS contests PRIOR TO Voter ID law 1992-2004 = +13.083% [National Average = +5.902%] Even after Voter ID/Photo ID laws, Georgia increases continued to outstrip national averages & in Governor’s clashes, it got even better. In POTUS races, their turnout increases weren’t as high after Voter ID, but still much better than the national average, so much for the voter suppression narrative in GA. *** Ohio 1994 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 3,346,238 1998 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 3,354,213 [+0.2388%] 2002 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 3,228,992 [-3.733%] 1992 OH POTUS election, total votes = 4,939,964 1996 OH POTUS election, total votes = 4,534,434 [-8.209%] 2000 OH POTUS election, total votes = 4,705,457 [+3.772%] 2004 OH POTUS election, total votes = 5,627,908 [+19.603%] ***Voter ID law implemented in 2006*** https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/01/us/politics/appeals-court-backs-ohio-on-voter-id.html https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/us-polling-places/ohio-voters-list-purges-strict-id-law-suppress-turnout/ 2006 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 4,022,754 [+24.583%] 2010 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 3,852,469 [-4.233%] 2014 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 3,055,913 [-20.676%] 2018 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 4,435,820 [+45.155%] 2022 OH Gubernatorial, total votes = 4,134,877 [-6.7842%] 2008 OH POTUS election, total votes = 5,721,831 [+1.67%] 2012 OH POTUS election, total votes = 5,590,934 [-2.287%] 2016 OH POTUS election, total votes = 5,536,547 [-0.973%] 2020 OH POTUS election, total votes = 5,932,446 [+7.15%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase on OH Gubernatorial Elections 1994-2022 = +4.935% [National avg. = +6.617%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase on OH Gubernatorial Elections after Voter ID legislation 2006-2022= +7.608% [National avg. = +8.424%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase on OH Gubernatorial Elections PRIOR TO VOTER ID 1994-2002 = -1.747% [National avg. = +2.103%] I will again mention that Donald Trump being POTUS or being on the ballot caused a massive surge in turnout. Average raw votes cast decrease/increase on OH POTUS Elections 1992-2020 = +2.960% [National avg. for 1992-2020 was +6.465%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase on OH POTUS Elections after Voter ID legislation 2008-2020 = +1.39% [National avg. during that time frame = +6.888%] Average increase/decrease in raw votes, POTUS elections for 1992-2004 = +5.902%. Ohio POTUS elections during that time frame = +5.055% Ohio has suffered (unless you are worried about overpopulation) from anemic population growth over the past couple decades, this could be the explanation as to why their vote increases are not on par w/ national trends, not voter suppression. Ohio average increases *always* lagged behind national trends as well, prior to or after Voter ID. I did not include this, but the 1990 OH Gubernatorial had a higher raw vote total than the 1994 Gubernatorial election & the national trend was the other way. To conclude that OH’s flagging number of voters going to the polls is because of “vote suppression” is the area of mentally ill conspiracy theorists like Sam Seder who want everyone to vote sans ID. *** National Data First, the midterm traditional Gubernatorial contests. Most Governors’ races are contested in these years 1994 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast [36 contests] = 60,108,805 1998 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 57,945,780 [-3.599% decrease in votes from prior election cycle] 2002 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 62,469,272 [+7.806%] 2006 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 66,511,382 [+6.471%] 2010 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast [I omitted the votes in UT from the grand total as that was a special election] = 70,244,753 [+5.613%] 2014 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 64,284,317 [-8.485%] 2018 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 91,918,835 [+42.988%] 2022 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 87,809,411 [-4.471%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase, Midterm Gubernatorial elections 1994-2022 = +6.617% You can see how Donald Trump being POTUS or being on the ballot caused turnout to surge. Now for the Gubernatorial elections that take place in concert w/ POTUS contests 1992 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast [11 contests, omitting RI due to their switch to 4-year terms after 1992, instead of 2-year terms] = 12,650,441 1996 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 12,048,067 [-4.76%] 2000 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 13,228,851 [+9.8%] 2004 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 15,226,325 [+15.1%] 2008 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 16,706,361 [+9.72%] 2012 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 16,707,808 [+0.009%] 2016 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 19,579,201 [+17.187%] 2020 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 20,442,969 [+4.411%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase, POTUS-Year Gubernatorial elections 1992-2020 = +7.352% Now for “off-year” Gubernatorial elections [KY, MS & LA have Gubernatorial contests in these years – I will omit any state (such as WV) that had “special elections” in these years] 1995 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 3,353,628 1999 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast (3 contests, KY, MS, LA) = 2,639,216 [-21.303%] 2003 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 3,385,772 [+28.285%] 2007 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 3,097,204 [-8.523%] 2011 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 2,748,254 [-11.267%] 2015 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 2,844,741 [+3.51%] 2019 Gubernatorial elections, total votes cast = 3,836,818 [+34.873%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase, off-year Gubernatorial elections 1995-2019 = +4.2625% Now for POTUS elections 1992 POTUS election, total votes cast = 104,426,611 1996 POTUS, total votes cast = 96,275,640 [-7.805% decrease in votes relative to previous election cycle] 2000 POTUS, total votes cast = 105,425,985 [+9.504%] 2004 POTUS, total votes cast = 122,303,590 [+16.009%] 2008 POTUS, total votes cast = 131,473,705 [+7.498%] 2012 POTUS, total votes cast = 129,237,642 [-1.7008%] 2016 POTUS, total votes cast = 137,143,218 [+6.117%] 2020 POTUS, total votes cast = 158,590,894 [+15.6385%] Average raw votes cast decrease/increase, POTUS elections 1992-2020 = +6.465% You might ask, “Why are you not focusing on turnout averages?” There are a lot of states (Judicial Watch has exposed this more than a handful of times) that are lax at voter roll maintenance, failing to remove people who have moved, people who are dead, people who have not voted in a decade & they should not be on the voter rolls. If a Voter ID law is passed by State X, mentally-ill folks like Sam Seder, the drug-addled hippie w/ no teeth (Old Fart Rants) & the people they copy talking points from will say, “That be goin’ to suppress der vote.” When turnout spikes in the next few election cycles, they’ll still claim it, even when they have no proof. Not everyone who is not locked up in prison or an insane asylum should vote, period. There are a lot of low-information (unfortunately, I know some people who are successful, but refuse to vote because they’re lazy, disinterested, don’t want to do the necessary work to become informed (and some of them know this) or just do not care/do not think they will make a difference) idiots out there (we saw this in the Obama years as turnout waned in 2012 because many of his supporters realized that his ascendence to the White House did not result in their lives suddenly becoming better) who rarely vote or never vote. The Democrats do everything they can (even voting for them) to get them to the polls, everything but inform them on the issues. They give them some boilerplate talking points, some soft bigotry of low expectations – without government they cannot succeed. Imagine if they did the same amount of work Thomas Sowell did to make his decisions on whom to vote for or if they did the same amount of work my friend James Patrick Holding https://www.tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php did to conclude that Jesus Christ was The Word in the Flesh, born of a virgin & resurrected for his sins? They would be informed & likely would not be Democrats. But most people (even a lot of good people) do not want to do the necessary work – they’re lazy. Ergo, just focusing on turnout is a non-starter. Groomer Democrats are *consistently* whining about suppression, even if turnout spikes beyond levels seen prior to numerous states instituting some form of Voter ID Law. There are plenty of election deniers in the Dumocrat Party pushing the Big Lie, the lie of voter suppression, “not all the votes were counted” etc. https://rumble.com/v1ou9vw-kari-lake-decimates-the-democrat-media-on-the-big-lie.html They’ve been parroting The Big Lie about allegedly stolen elections for decades, now they’re accusing others of what they habitually do & screeching like banshees about voter suppression is par-for-the-course. *** Now for the grand finale, in states where I have enough, balanced data let us calculate them altogether (GA, IN, OH, KS & TN) versus national data. For all elections in those entities *after* a Voter ID/Photo ID law was ensconced in Gubernatorial & POTUS elections the avg. increase in raw votes was (this is 37 data points kids) +8.562%. The Population Standard Deviation was +17.779%. The NATIONAL average for POTUS elections (using 1992 as my baseline) & Gubernatorial elections (also using 1992 as my baseline or 1994 for midterms) for POTUS years & midterms (this is 21 data points) = +6.811%. The Population Standard Deviation was +11.164%. Raw voter turnout increased in the states that engaged in “voter suppression, although the swings (large decrease, followed by mammoth increase) were wilder than national data en masse. I could go further (If State A has raw vote increases that were below national averages prior to Voter ID & after Voter ID, that does not mean Voter ID is suppressing turnout), but I think this demonstrates that the states that cranked down (and where I had 3 elections prior to & after Voter ID) on potential voter fraud had raw vote increases larger than the national data en masse. This data is NOT perfect, but it is a good chink in the armor of bi-polaroids like the divorcee Sam Seder & his underemployed autistics who screech “voter suppression” whenever a Democrat loses an election. POTUS, Gubernatorial elections POTUS years & Midterm Gubernatorial elections -7.805 9.504 16.009 7.498 -1.7008 6.117 15.6385 -4.76 9.8 15.1 9.72 0.009 17.187 4.411 -3.599 7.806 6.471 5.613 -8.485 42.988 -4.471 Data for GA, IN, OH, KS & TN 21.255 -0.9904 54.996 0.3553 18.995 -0.6049 6.103 20.573 10.42 -4.54 5.38 11.045 11.7 -4.48 4.83 10.12 24.583 -4.233 -20.676 45.155 -6.7842 1.67 -2.287 -0.973 7.15 3.66 21.299 -5.705 -6.57 3.46 15.02 15.47 65.71 -22.55 -5.42 1.92 21.752 Let us add a few Democrat-leaning states for the bi-polaroid Sam Seder who has an affinity for Roman Polanski & see how they fared in vote increase/decreases. California CA 1994 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 8,665,375 CA 1998 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 8,381,871 [-3.2717%] CA 2002 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 7,474,030 [-10.831%] *Massive Declines in votes for 2 straight election cycles, Sam Seder’s bi-polar rage will be percolating over that “voter suppression” in the Golden State* CA 2006 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 8,679,416 [+16.1275%] CA 2010 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 10,095,485 [+16.315%] CA 2014 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 7,317,581 [-27.516%] CA 2018 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 12,464,235 [+70.333%] CA 2022 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 10,933,009 [-12.2848%] CA 1992 POTUS election, total raw votes = 11,131,721 CA 1996 POTUS election, total raw votes = 10,019,484 [-9.992%] CA 2000 POTUS election, total raw votes = 10,965,856 [+9.445%] CA 2004 POTUS election, total raw votes = 12,421,859 [+13.277%] CA 2008 POTUS election, total raw votes = 13,583,083 [+9.349%] CA 2012 POTUS election, total raw votes = 13,055,815 [-3.882%] CA 2016 POTUS election, total raw votes = 14,243,449 [+9.097%] CA 2020 POTUS election, total raw votes = 17,512,265 [+22.95%] CA average increase/decrease in raw votes POTUS election cycles = +7.177% CA average increase/decrease in raw votes Gubernatorial election cycles = +6.981% *** Illinois 1994 IL Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 3,106,566 1998 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 3,358,657 [+8.115%] 2002 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 3,538,891 [+5.361%] 2006 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 3,487,989 [-1.44%] 2010 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 3,729,987 [+6.934%] 2014 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 3,627,690 [-2.741%] 2018 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 4,559,563 [+25.69%] 2022 Gubernatorial election, total raw votes = 4,107,075 [-9.924%] 1992 IL POTUS election, total raw votes = 5,050,157 1996 POTUS election, total raw votes = 4,311,391 [-14.628%] 2000 POTUS election, total raw votes = 4,742,123 [+9.99%] 2004 POTUS election, total raw votes = 5,274,322 [+11.224%] 2008 POTUS election, total raw votes = 5,530,179 [+4.85%] 2012 POTUS election, total raw votes = 5,251,432 [-5.04%] 2016 POTUS election, total raw votes = 5,595,279 [+6.548%] 2020 POTUS election, total raw votes = 6,049,500 [+8.119%] Illinois average increase/decrease in raw votes POTUS election cycles = +3.009% Illinois average increase/decrease in raw votes Gubernatorial election cycles = +4.570% *** New York 1994 NY Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 5,203,764 1998 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 4,735,236 [-9.004%] 2002 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 4,579,078 [-3.298%] 2006 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 4,437,220 [-3.097%] 2010 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 4,657,955 [+4.975%] 2014 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 3,819,086 [-18.01%] *lower voter participation in 2014 than in 1998 or 1994! Must be voter suppression in the Empire State* 2018 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 6,104,477 [+59.84%] 2022 Gubernatorial, total votes cast = 5,912,286 [-3.1482%] 1992 NY POTUS election, total votes cast = 6,926,925 1996 POTUS election, total votes cast = 6,316,129 [-8.818%] 2000 POTUS election, total votes cast = 6,831,178 [+8.155%] 2004 POTUS election, total votes cast = 7,391,954 [+8.21%] 2008 POTUS election, total votes cast = 7,640,948 [+3.369%] 2012 POTUS election, total votes cast = 7,081,536 [-7.321%] 2016 POTUS election, total votes cast = 7,721,795 [+9.04%] 2020 POTUS election, total votes cast = 8,632,255 [+11.791%] NY average increase/decrease in raw votes POTUS election cycles = +3.489% New York average increase/decrease in raw votes Gubernatorial election cycles = +4.036% *** If I now average out ALL the data from CA, NY & IL we have the following average decrease/increase in all POTUS & Gubernatorial (no special elections were allowed) elections = +4.877% & The Population Standard Deviation = +17.343% -9.992 9.445 13.277 9.349 -3.882 9.097 22.95 -3.2717 -10.831 16.1275 16.315 -27.516 70.333 -12.2848 -14.628 9.99 11.224 4.85 -5.04 6.548 8.119 8.115 5.361 -1.44 6.934 -2.741 25.69 -9.924 -8.818 8.155 8.21 3.369 -7.321 9.04 11.791 -9.004 -3.298 -3.097 4.975 -18.01 59.84 -3.1482 The Standard Deviation was close to the election average in the states that engaged in Voter ID/Photo ID/voter suppression, but their average/increase in raw votes was much lower than the national average & was lower than the states w/ tighter Voter ID laws – was that VOTER SUPPRESSION? In states that either do next-to-nothing to stop voter fraud (CA, NY, IL) or the states that cranked down on it (GA, IN, OH, KS & TN), their increases/decreases in raw votes swung wildly both ways, much more than the national average en masse. In conclusion, if you see a mentally ill, divorced, functionally retarded mouth breather screeching about “voter suppression” the data above indicates that is not true. I could give them all the raw data points & not tell them which batch was which (Voter ID states vs. CA, NY, or IL vs. national data) & they would not have a clue, or they would probably guess wrong. It reminds me of Tom Woods’ COVID-19 chart challenge https://www.covidchartsquiz.com/ where he shows graphs of states that had mask mandates & lockdowns vs. states that did not & he asks you to guess which ones are which & often the states w/ lower case rates per 100,000 did not have lockdowns. They can’t do it, they have to Monday Morning Quarterback it, they’re a “teach the test” person who can autistically-repeat talking points but once you get them off that they’re like a blind man in a dark room, flailing away like a madman. There is no truth to this “voter suppression” talking point (aside from creating a narrative) that divorced losers like Sam Seder repeat constantly because they don’t spend any time w/ their now ex-wife & kids, but they do spend a lot of time on social media. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back! *** The mentally ill divorcee Sam Seder has already conceded to me -- he concurs that the most violent counties in America have lots of black on black homicide & they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/covid-increase-homicides Sam Seder is afraid to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. https://tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php Methinks Stan Seder has no confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill #samsederwontdebateJPH610 views 1 comment -
Sam Seder vs. Martin Luther King Jr. & Joe Biden (homosexuality)
UTubekookdetectorThe Creepy old man Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport will have a difficult time dealing w/ the bigotry of one, Martin Luther King Jr. on homosexuality & Joe Biden's flip-flops & lies on homosexual marriage. The creep uses "slavery" & "systemic racism" as his trump cards all the time (because he hates this country & if anyone had white privilege growing up, it was the creepy old man Sam Seder), we'll use Joe Biden's flip-flops & MLK's aversion to men having sex w/ men as our trump cards Sam Seder had an odd fantasy involving Roman Polanski & family member -- was so ashamed he deleted the tweet, but the interwebs saves everything https://rumble.com/vcj22f-face-bloat-stan-seder-i-mean-sam-seder-vs.-face-bloat-stan-seder.html BONUS: Sam Seder whines about guns, his voters are the problem https://rumble.com/v4d9s0f-creepy-old-man-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-p.html Double BONUS: Sam Seder's "Republican Voter Suppression" (aka election denial) talking points get nuked! https://rumble.com/v24tyd2-divorcee-sam-seder-debunked-on-republican-voter-suppression.html https://rumble.com/v4tor85-latifah-faisal-story-county-iowa-supervisor-vs-mlk-and-joe-biden-homosexual.html My previous video on this subject, contra Hobbit & Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal #latifahfaisal #faisal4story #faisal4storycounty See that vid, it has a lot of useful information in it ;)214 views 4 comments -
Brian Tyler Cohen, Creepy Sam Seder & Latifah Faisal are worried about the kids
UTubekookdetectorBrian Tyler Cohen, Creepy Sam Seder & Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Board of Supervisors) are worried about the kids. The impetus for this video is Latifah Faisal crying crocodile tears https://rumble.com/v4hadof-latifah-faisal-story-county-iowa-supervisor-feels-really-bad-for-perry-iowa.html over a child being murdered in Perry, Iowa by a nutcase that believed in the #genderfluid nonsense, as well as Brainless Tyler Cohen’s supporters constantly yammering about “kids being murdered in schools.” And we should definitely take away guns from rural, white folks for that, right? Come & try to take ‘em, pack your lunch though. Other Population Data Sources (for state & county): https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/popest/2020s-counties-total.html https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html Chicago https://www.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/statistical-reports/annual-reports/ https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/chicago-illinois According to the City of Chicago PD, from 2021-23, there were 189 children (<18 years of age) murdered, that’s 63 per year. From 2016-2023 (this is as far back as I can go, there’s a big gap in their annual reports) 475 children were murdered in Chicago, 59 per year. Yikes! Most of those children are “people of color” as well. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend Unfortunately, the FBI does not categorize murder victims by age to 17 YO, the two lowest categories are 0-9 & 10-19. Chicago also has not been reporting NIBRS data for very long, so we have only 3 years of data. From 2021-23, 217 teens or younger were murdered in Chicago, that’s >73 teens or younger murdered each year. Care about those people Brianna Taylor Cornhole? https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/chicagocityillinois,US/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/chicago-illinois I calculate that 1,606,734 children (20% of the population is <18 years of age) lived in Chicago 2021-23, 189 of them were murdered & that’s a staggering death rate by murder of 11.762 per 100,000! https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/IA/PST045223 https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/popest/2020s-counties-total.html https://icrime.dps.state.ia.us/CrimeInIowa/Report/DrillDownReports https://archive.is/48SaX Iowa, by contrast (22.8% of the population is <18 – 12,795,068 people, 2020-23 & 2,917,276 were children) had 32 children murdered, which is a murder death rate of only 1.096 per 100,000. If Story County, Iowa Supervisor & resident Hobbit Latifah Faisal https://rumble.com/v4hadof-latifah-faisal-story-county-iowa-supervisor-feels-really-bad-for-perry-iowa.html wants to cry crocodile tears for dead children, there’s a pile of them a mile high in the Windy City. From 2016-23 in Iowa, 64 children were murdered, way behind Chicago – The Windy Dumpster Fire also has far fewer people. https://archive.is/JiakJ https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/des-moines-iowa https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/desmoinescityiowa/PST045223 https://archive.is/dSO35 Des Moines, Iowa, the hub of Crazy Town in Iowa, if were not for Iowa City: Des Moines reports 8 juveniles murdered 2020-23, (847,584 * 23.2% = 196,639 children), a victim rate of 4.068 per 100,000. https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/fort-dodge-iowa https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/fortdodgecityiowa/PST045223 https://archive.is/g0N6a Fort Dodge, Iowa had 3 juveniles murdered 2020-23, that’s a staggering rate of (99,040 * 20.8% = 20,600 children) 14.563 per 100,000. Lots of Black folks in Fort Dodge being murdered by other Black folks. You can call me racist; you can’t call me wrong. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/davenportcityiowa/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/davenport-iowa https://archive.is/OfuEJ Davenport reports 4 children murdered in the same time frame (403,429 * 21.4% = 86,334 children), a rate of 4.633 per 100,000. Funny how the areas I cover are usually lean Democrat and/or “diverse.” https://nibrs.isp.idaho.gov/CrimeInIdaho/Report/DrillDownReports https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/ID/PST045223 https://archive.is/qUk5x For 2020-23 in Idaho, there were 11 children murdered, which is a 0.604 per 100,0000 victimization rate of for juveniles (23.8% of 7,647,376 = 1,820,075 children). From 2016-23, 31 children were murdered in Idaho. https://archive.ph/0DM4n Just putting those two states in, so you kids can see a massive contrast. Just like murder across the U.S., in most places (read: places not run by Democrats), it’s not a weekly issue w/ kids getting murdered in drive-by shootings. https://homicides.news.baltimoresun.com/ https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/baltimorecitymaryland/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/baltimore-maryland Baltimore PD data is worthless, the Sun has been tracking this for a number of years & from 2021-23 they tally (19+20+19) 58 children murdered. That’s a murder victimization rate of (1,710,844 people, 20.4% are children = 349,012) 16.618 per 100,000. From 2016-23 in Baltimore, 136 children were murdered & I guarantee most of them are Black. Latifah Faisal & Brainless Tyler Cohen should cry about them. But nobody cares about them, they’re poor, they likely did not finish High School, they’re black & another Black person likely murdered them in the hood. Most of them were likely already accumulating quite a rap sheet & just getting a “receipt” from another hood rat, but some of them were probably just minding their own business, waiting on the bus or walking home from the grocery store, caught in the crossfire of a drive-by. Wrong place, wrong time. But if someone had a MAGA hat on shooting up the hood in Baltimore, there would be endless coverage on MSLSD & CNN. https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/milwaukee-wisconsin https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/milwaukeecitywisconsin/PST045223 https://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/bjia/wibrs-data https://projects.jsonline.com/apps/Milwaukee-Homicide-Database/ How about Milwaukee City? Wisconsin State Data says (30+34+40) 104 people aged 19 & under murdered, 2021-23. The Journal Sentinel says (23+27+22) 72 children (aged 17 & younger) murdered in Milwaukee City 2021-23. That’s a murder victimization rate of (25.7% of 1,694,347 are children = 435,447) 16.534 per 100,000. The Sentinel tallies (72+27+8+8+9+9) 133 children murdered in Milwaukee City 2016-23. Idaho & Iowa have a lot more people than Chicago, Milwaukee or Baltimore, yet in nominal terms those cities are seeing far more children slaughtered. Odd how it comes out that way, eh? https://data-openjustice.doj.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2024-07/Homicide%20In%20CA%202023f.pdf https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/CA/PST045223 How about California? From 2020-23 statewide, 632 juveniles were murdered & that’s a murder victimization rate of (21.7% * 156,689,081 = 34,001,531 children) 1.858 per 100,000. I could not find good county data on the age of victims & a few local PD’s I checked didn’t have good data on that either. https://homicide.latimes.com/year/2023 https://homicide.latimes.com/year/2022 https://homicide.latimes.com/year/2021 https://homicide.latimes.com/year/2020/ https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/losangelescountycalifornia/PST045223 Los Angeles County (I need more local data; many local PDs & state reports don’t drill down on a lot of data my municipality or county, that’s important!! I am also assuming that this data does not include justifiable homicides or negligent manslaughter] had (35+30+28+32) 125 juveniles murdered 2020-23, a murder victimization rate of (39,206,548 * 20.2% = 7,919,723 children) 1.578 per 100,000. https://txucr.nibrs.com/Report/DrillDownReports https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/TX/PST045223 https://archive.is/XTSZA How about Texas? From 2020-23 (119,239,894 * 24.8% = 29,571,494 children/juveniles), 710 children were murdered in the Lone Star State, a murder victimization rate of 2.400 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/houstoncitytexas/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/houston-texas https://archive.is/dQxel Houston PD (9,204,922 * 23.9% = 2,199,976 children) reports 93 juveniles murdered 2020-23, a murder victimization rate of 4.227 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/dallascitytexas/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/dallas-texas https://archive.is/7Azab Dallas PD reports 59 juveniles murdered 2020-23, a murder victimization rate of (5,191,917 * 24.4% = 1,266,828 children) 4.657 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/sanantoniocitytexas/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/san-antonio-texas https://archive.ph/Fi6J2 (I only used the “biggest cities” site to get population data for 2021 & 2022 in municipalities) From 2020-23 in San Antonio (5,854,779 * 24.1% = 1,411,002 children) there were 54 children murdered (no doubt, Brian Tyler Cohen was grooming, I mean crying about them) & that’s a victimization rate of 3.827 per 100,000. All those Democrat-leaning areas are raising the juvenile murder rate in TX. Surprised? https://showmecrime.mo.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx https://showmecrime.mo.gov/CrimeReporting/CrimeReportingTOPS.html https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/MO/PST045223 How about Missouri (2021-23 only)? Missouri statewide had 147 juveniles murdered, a murder victimization rate of (18,543,717 * 22.2% = 4,116,705 children) 3.570 per 100,000. https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/st-louis-missouri https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/stlouiscitymissouri/PST045223 St. Louis City (NOT County) Metropolitan PD reports (861,257 * 18.5% = 159,333 children) 36 children (I checked 3 times, 12 each year) murdered 2021-23, an alarming murder victimization rate of 22.594 per 100,000. Look at FBI data, most of the people murdered in St. Louis City are Black & most of the time the assailant is Black, it’s not even close. https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/kansas-city-missouri https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/kansascitycitymissouri/PST045223 Kansas City, Missouri saw (1,528,227 * 22.4% = 342,323 children) 45 juveniles murdered 2021-23, a murder victimization rate of 13.145 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/stlouiscountymissouri/PST045223 St. Louis County (2,976,289 * 21.8% = 648,831 children) reports 27 juveniles murdered (did anyone on MSLSD care? Did creepy old man Sam Seder weep for those (likely) black children who were murdered?), a murder victimization rate of 4.161 per 100,000. All those Democrat enclaves (and they are Democrat https://rumble.com/v4doe80-creepy-old-man-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-p.html) are pulling up the average for the Show Me State. Surprised? https://www.ucr.pa.gov/PAUCRSPUBLIC/Report/DrillDownReports https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/PA/PST045223 https://archive.is/E6zVH How about Pennsylvania? From 2020-23, they report (51,950,176 * 20.3% = 10,545,886 children) 134 juveniles murdered, a murder victimization rate of 1.270 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/philadelphiacountypennsylvania/PST045223 How about Philadelphia County? https://archive.is/iBeyq From 2020-23, (6,310,794 * 20.9% = 1,318,956 children) they report 91 juveniles murdered, a victimization rate of 6.899 per 100,000. Not bad, if you compare it to Chicago or St. Louis. Could not add Pittsburgh, no data coming up, but their local PD unbelievably has a useful dashboard, which is rare. Normally, I get some useless crime mapping application, which never gives me the data I need or it’s like getting Sam Seder to engage in deep-thinking. https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiMDYzNWMyNGItNWNjMS00ODMwLWIxZDgtMTNkNzhlZDE2OWFjIiwidCI6ImY1ZjQ3OTE3LWM5MDQtNDM2OC05MTIwLWQzMjdjZjE3NTU5MSJ9 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/pittsburgh-pennsylvania https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/pittsburghcitypennsylvania/PST045223 From 2020-23, there were (1,209,440 * 14.6% = 176,578 children) 32 juveniles murdered (“homicide”, see note below) according to Pittsburgh PD, that’s a victimization rate of 18.122 per 100,000. [NOTE: From 2018-23, Pittsburgh PD reports 15 more “homicides” (2.5 more per year) than the PA Statewide dashboard, so it’s possible that some negligent manslaughter cases are in there OR it could be normal variance. It’s rare that a local PD & statewide or FBI data completely agree. It’s possible this interactive dashboard will be updated in the future & the totals will correlate a bit better. I will include Pittsburgh for this exercise. If any police chiefs happen to read this, I like Pittsburgh’s interactive dashboard, you should copy that. Most local PD’s will provide data pertaining to the demographics of murder – victim & assailant – when pigs fly. Sometimes you have to file a public records request for that data] https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/bca/bca-divisions/mnjis/Pages/uniform-crime-reports.aspx https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/MN/PST045223 https://cde.state.mn.us/ https://cde.state.mn.us/CrimesAgainstPerson/CrimesAgainstPerson https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/MN/605222 How about Minnesota? From 2021-23 (17,170,183 * 22.7% = 3,897,632 children) they report 57 juveniles murdered, a victimization rate of 1.462 per 100,000. [NOTE: I wanted to add 2020, but that report had an “under 10” & a “15-18” category. 2021-23 had an “under 18” category. Tried to get local data from the state site for murder victims by age, no such luck. Tried St. Paul & Minneapolis PD for that data, not available] https://www.sled.sc.gov/crimestatistics https://beyond2020.sled.sc.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=1142 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/SC/PST045223 How about South Carolina? From 2020-23, they report (see the note below) statewide that 242 juveniles (20,968,780 * 21.3% = 4,466,350 children) were murdered, a victimization rate of 5.418 per 100,000 (52+76+61+53). [NOTE: For Statewide data on murder victims by age, I had to use the old school PDF from 2023, because they have NOT added that year to their interactive dashboard yet. No clue why not. The 2023 PDF (and this number may change months later when added to the interactive dashboard, do NOT blame me) said 52 juveniles were murdered in SC in 2023. The 2022 PDF report, for what it’s worth said “62” juveniles murdered statewide, but the interactive site says “76” currently] https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/richlandcountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Richland County reports (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) that 22 juveniles were murdered, a victimization rate of (1,254,967 * 21.4% = 268,563 children) 8.191 per 100,000. Zoinks! https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/orangeburgcountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Orangeburg County reports (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) 8 juveniles murdered (250,137 * 21.3% = 53,279 children), a victimization rate of 15.015 per 100,000. If you’re worried about kids getting murdered, look at Orangeburg County, SC. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/charlestoncountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Charleston County (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) reports 19 children murdered (1,242,345 * 19.2% = 238,530 children), a victimization rate of 7.965 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/sumtercountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Sumter County (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) reports 4 juveniles murdered (314,338 * 23.6% = 74,184 children), a victimization rate of 5.391 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/williamsburgcountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Williamsburg County reports (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) only ONE juvenile (91,554 *19.0% = 17,395 children) murdered, a victimization rate of 5.748 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/marioncountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Marion County, South Carolina reports (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) one juvenile murder (86,508 * 21.9% = 18,945 children), a victimization rate of 5.278 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/fairfieldcountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Fairfield County (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) reports TWO juvenile murders, a victimization rate of (62,101 * 17.9% = 11,116 children) 17.991 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/marlborocountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Marlboro County reports (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) THREE juvenile murders, a victimization rate of (78,910 * 20.1% = 15,861 children) 18.914 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/dilloncountysouthcarolina/PST045223 Dillon County had (interactive site, 2020-22 only, the PDFs do NOT have murder victim age by County) THREE juvenile murders, a victimization rate of (84,013 * 25.3% = 21,255 children) 14.114 per 100,000. You’ll notice I chose Democrat-leaning counties, as well as a few black Majority & Black Plurality Counties. https://www.tn.gov/tbi/crime-issues/crime-issues/crime-statistics.html https://crimeinsight.tbi.tn.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=83 https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/tbi/divisions/cjis-division/recent-publications.html Tennessee, come on down! Interactive data is unfortunately for 2020-22 only (not sure why these sites lag getting 2023 up), & the 2023 PDF gave me NO help on murder victims by age. TN reports (2020-22) 179 juveniles murdered (20,923,471 * 22.0% = 4,603,164 children) – a victimization rate of 3.888 per 100,000. Pretty high. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/shelbycountytennessee/PST045223 Shelby County had (2020-22) 85 (2,769,759 * 25.4% = 703,519 children) children murdered, a victimization rate of 12.082 per 100,000. I guarantee it’s much higher in Memphis. No doubt, the creepy old man Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport was crying about all those dead black children in Memphis. As an aside, Stan Seder gets upset when male pedophiles aren’t allowed to dress in lingerie & groom, I mean read to preteen boys. He’s a sick old man that also had a bizarro fantasy involving his own daughter & Roman Polanski. He needs his head examined. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/davidsoncountytennessee/PST045223 Davidson County (2020-22) saw (2,124,089 * 20.4% = 433,314 children) 26 juveniles exterminated by lunatics, a victimization rate of 6 per 100,000. https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/knoxville-tennessee https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/knoxvillecitytennessee/PST045223 Knoxville City, TN (2020-22) had 8 (580,078 * 18.2% = 105,574 children) children murdered, that’s a rate of 7.577 per 100,000. https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/chattanooga-tennessee https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/chattanoogacitytennessee/PST045223 Chattanooga City had (2020-22) 5 children murdered (547,208 * 20% = 109,442 children) – victimization rate of 4.568 per 100,000. You can see how those Democrat-dominant or Democrat-leaning jurisdictions are seriously pulling up the average for juvenile murder rates in TN. If you’re surprised, you’re a mouth-breather voting for Kamala Harris. Come on man, get on the Trump Train, the Demoncrat Party wrecks everything it touches. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/andrew.m5202/viz/shared/F6GZM5PX8 https://www.oregon.gov/osp/pages/uniform-crime-reporting-data.aspx https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/OR/PST045223 How about Oregon? The Oregon State Police report 42 minors murdered 2020-23 – rate of (16,966,481 * 19.6% = 3,325,430 children) 1.262 per 100,000. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/andrew.m5202/viz/shared/JCCYSD2NZ https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/portlandcityoregon/PST045223 https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/andrew.m5202/viz/shared/BGFQJRPQR https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/portland-oregon https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/multnomahcountyoregon/PST045223 During the same time frame, Multnomah County (home of Portland, the modern day Sodom & Gomorrah, there will be a special section in Hell) had 19 children murdered (3,204,998 * 17.3% = 554,465 children) & that’s a rate of 3.426 per 100,000. 11 of the 19 children got murdered in Portland City; (2,558,849 * 16.8% = 429,887 children) which had a juvenile victim rate of 2.558 per 100,000. Before I did this, I figured Portland would be higher than the county en masse. https://nevadacrimestats.nv.gov/tops/ https://nevadacrimestats.nv.gov/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=294 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/lasvegascitynevada,northlasvegascitynevada,NV/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/north-las-vegas-nevada https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/las-vegas-nevada How about Nevada? Statewide, Nevada had (2020-23) 77 juveniles murdered (9,622,846 * 21.5% = 2,068,912 children), a victimization rate of 3.721 per 100,000. North Las Vegas City & Las Vegas City during the same time frame had (1,098,833 * 26.7% = 293,388 children & 2,608,793 * 22.9% = 597,414 equaling 890,802 children for the 2 cities) 54 juveniles murdered, a rate of 6.061 per 100,000. I wanted to add Rhode Island, but these idiots had a 16-20 age category & I am not going to dig through dozens of murder reports to find out the exact ages. Memo to everyone collating murder data, for victims you need a 0-17 category (which is what most states do) or cut it off at 17YO. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NM5Y-dodT7sJ_QwcsVAo0eNrtW8P8cOF https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/WY/PST045223 https://wyomingdci.wyo.gov/criminal-justice-information-services-cjis/uniform-crime-reportingnibrs From 2020-23, Wyoming saw 9 juveniles murdered, a rate of (2,322,084 * 22.2% = 515,503 children) 1.745 murders per 100,000 [NOTE: In 2020, WY had a 13-19 age classification for murder victims by age, luckily for me nobody under 20 was murdered that year. In later years, they rectified this by cutting it off after 17YO] https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/SD/PST045223 https://archive.ph/7rtz2 From 2020-23, South Dakota (3,612,154 * 24.1% = 870,529 children) had 14 children murdered, a rate of 1.608 juvenile murders per 100,000. https://vscc.virginia.gov/reports.asp https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/VA/PST045223 https://vscc.virginia.gov/Annual%20Reports/2023%20VSCC%20Annual%20Report.pdf Virginia: From 2020-22, there were (25,967,820 * 21.6% = 5,609,049 children) 164 children murdered, a rate of 2.923 juvenile murders per 100,000. If I could get data for Roanoke City or Richmond City, you would see them doing the lion’s share of juvenile murders. [NOTE: Their 2023 report has lots of good data for 2017-22, but not for 2023] https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/reports-analysis/homicide.page https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/bronxcountynewyork/PST045223 New York City, come on down or specifically, the Bronx. From 2020-23, (5,635,021 * 23.9% = 1,346,770 children) there were 37 juveniles murdered (7+11+13+6) in the Bronx, a rate of 2.747 children murdered per 100,000. https://dataportal.mt.gov/t/MBCC/views/CIM-ViolentCrime/Dash_ViolentCrime_Victimology?iframeSizedToWindow=true&%3Aembed=y&%3AshowAppBanner=false&%3Adisplay_count=n&%3AshowVizHome=n&%3Aorigin=viz_share_link https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/MT/PST045223 In Montana from 2020-23, there were 25 children murdered, (4,446,300 * 20.8% = 924,830 children) a rate of 2.703 per 100,000. https://coloradocrimestats.state.co.us/tops https://coloradocrimestats.state.co.us/public/View/dispview.aspx?ReportId=35 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/denvercountycolorado,CO/PST045223 Colorado: From 2020-23, (23,303,952 * 20.7% = 4,823,918 juveniles) there were 144 juveniles murdered, a rate of 2.985 juvenile murders per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/denvercitycolorado/PST045223 Denver County (2,857,021 * 18.7% = 534,263 juveniles) during the same time frame had 44 kids murdered, an alarming rate of 8.235 per 100,000. [NOTE: I am NOT sure why the Census Bureau can have the same population figures for Denver City & Denver County (same entity, operating as a city-county conglomerate) & the demographics (% that are children, % that are non-Hispanic White, etc.) can be different] https://www.maine.gov/dps/msp/media-center/homicide-lists/ https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/ME/PST045223 How about Maine? From 2020-23 (5,527,024 * 17.8% = 983,810 children), 12 minors were murdered in Maine, a victimization rate of 1.219 per 100,000. https://mpdc.dc.gov/page/mpd-annual-reports https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/washingtoncitydistrictofcolumbia,DC/PST045223 https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/popest/2020s-counties-total.html How about America’s septic tank, our Nation’s capital, Washington DC? From 2020-22, (2,029,534 * 18.6% = 377,493 children) 41 children were murdered in our Nation’s Capital, a victimization rate of 10.861 per 100,000. Seems like this is a problem in more “diverse” areas run by Democrats & not an “epidemic.” Democrats like to use that term as an excuse to *TRY* to disarm rural, white folks because Mao, Castro, Hitler, Stalin, etc. – they all understood you can’t imprison and/or murder your political opponents in wanton & gratuitous fashion if they’re armed. Ask the British Crown about that too, would you? https://www.waspc.org/crime-statistics-reports https://waspc.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=121:crime-in-wa-archive-folder&catid=20:site-content https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/WA/PST045223 How about Washington State? From 2020-23, (31,044,057 * 21.1% = 6,550,296 juveniles/children) 98 children were murdered in WA state, a victimization rate of 1.496 per 100,000. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/NC/PST045223 https://www.ncsbi.gov/SSRV?report=/UCR/MurderVictimsByAge https://archive.is/YQZKb How about North Carolina? From 2020-23, (42,538,015 * 21.6% = 9,188,211 children) 355 kids were murdered in NC, a statewide victimization rate of 3.863 per 100,000. (85+96+89+85) https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/mecklenburgcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Mecklenburg County: 2020-23 time frame, (4,549,593 * 22.5% = 1,023,658 juveniles) 49 juveniles murdered, a murder victimization rate of 4.786 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/durhamcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Durham County: 2020-23 time frame (1,324,879 * 19.4% = 257,027 children), 22 children murdered, a rate of 8.559 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/orangecountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Orange County (NC): 2020-23 (598,289 * 18.4% = 110,085 children) saw TWO juveniles murdered, a murder victimization rate of 1.816 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/guilfordcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Guilford County (NC): 2020-23 had (2,180,115 * 21.8% = 475,265 children) 30 children murdered, a rate of 6.312 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/buncombecountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Buncombe County (NC) 2020-23 had (1,091,067 * 17.5% = 190,937 children) FOUR children murdered, a rate of 2.094 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/wakecountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Wake County (NC): 2020-23 had (4,642,706 * 22.7% = 1,053,894 children/juveniles) 22 juveniles murdered, a rate of 2.087 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/halifaxcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Halifax County (NC) 2020-23 saw (191,987 * 21.4% = 41,085 children) TWO juveniles murdered, a rate of 4.867 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/vancecountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Vance County (NC) 2020-23 had (169,125 * 24.1% = 40,759 children) FOUR juveniles murdered, a rate of 9.813 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/hertfordcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Hertford County (NC) 2020-23, had (80,593 * 19.3% = 15,554 children) FOUR juveniles murdered, a rate of 25.716 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/washingtoncountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Washington County (NC) 2020-23 had (43,376 * 19.6% = 8,502 children) TWO children murdered, a rate of 23.523 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/cumberlandcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Cumberland County (NC) 2020-23 had (1,347,292 * 25.2% = 339,518 children) 22 juveniles murdered, a rate of 6.479 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/forsythcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Forsyth County (NC) had (1,551,557 * 22.4% = 347,549 children) TWENTY Juvenile murders 2020-23, a rate of 5.754 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/pittcountynorthcarolina/PST045223 Pitt County (NC) 2020-23 saw (691,206 * 21.3% = 147,227 children) EIGHT children murdered, a rate of 5.433 per 100,000 https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/newhanovercountynorthcarolina/PST045223 New Hanover (NC) County: 2020-23 had (930,362 * 17.5% = 162,813 children) SEVEN children murdered (how many Democrats cared?), a victimization rate of 4.299 per 100,000. All those counties I covered were Democrat-leaning and/or more “diverse” than America en masse & we know how much Regressives love diversity. Most of those counties had child murder victimization rates much higher than the national average & much higher than NC statewide. Surprised? https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/MI/PST045223 https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/cjic/micr/annual-reports How about Michigan? Their 2023 report has yet to hit the press, data is for 2020-22 only. They had (30,149,072 * 21.0% = 6,331,305 children) 110 juveniles murdered, a victimization rate of 1.737 per 100,000. It’s likely sky-high in places like Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, etc. & good luck getting that data for municipalities. If I include only ONE-THIRD of the 15-19 YO category, the number of juveniles murdered rises to 173, a rate of 2.732 per 100,000. [NOTE: MI has a 15-19 YO category, which makes it difficult to tabulate child murders. I wish everyone would cut it off at 17YO, since 18 is considered “adult” in this country. MI will NOT be included in my final tally of statewide stats] https://lclelsac.com/publications/ https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/LA/PST045223 How about Louisiana (2020-22 data only)? 213 juveniles (13,872,855 * 23.3% = 3,232,375 minors) were murdered, a rate of 6.589 per 100,000. [NOTE: LA has a 10-19 YO category, I wish this were streamlined & I’m talking to you FBI. They will not be included in my final tally of statewide stats. For this exercise, I’m assuming that 80% of the victims (rounding to the nearest whole number) in the 10-19 category are <18YO] https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/2020_Birmingham_homicides https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/2021_Birmingham_homicides https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/2022_Birmingham_homicides https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/2023_Birmingham_homicides https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/birminghamcityalabama/PST045223 https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/birmingham-alabama How about Birmingham, Alabama? I EXCLUDED any reckless manslaughter charges from the total & excluded any cases where it appears that person had been missing for a very long time & was likely not murdered that year (Birmingham is a Democrat-dominated, Chocolate City in the South). From 2020-23 they had (791,763 * 19.5% = 154,394 children) THIRTY juvenile murders, a victimization rate of 19.430 children murdered per 100,000. Hey Sam Seder, do you care about those (mostly black) children getting slaughtered in Birmingham? https://www.atlantapd.org/i-want-to/crime-data-downloads/-folder-154 (If you want to compare Atlanta Urinal-Constipation totals to local PD) https://web.archive.org/web/20220612063600/https://www.ajc.com/news/atlantas-2021-homicide-victims/EVKLI56XNFFXNDOQLDOG6K332U/ https://web.archive.org/web/20230901130148/https://www.ajc.com/news/atlantas-2022-homicide-victims/NR3QXZ55TNDV3DVXTUGLTHVD7M/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240715215806/https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/atlantas-2023-homicide-victims/O4ARQNZHH5BKXH3YX4OTALVXYE/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210822140951/https://homicides.ajc.com/2020/ https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/atlanta-georgia https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/atlantacitygeorgia/PST045223 How about Atlanta, Georgia? From 2020-23, the Atlanta Urinal-Constipation reports (2,004,791 * 17.2% = 344,824 children) 48 children murdered, an eye-opening victimization rate of 13.920 per 100,000. I apologize if any of these were actually “negligent manslaughter,” but pretty sure this is accurate as I compared AJC data w/ Atlanta PD. [NOTE: I wanted to add Georgia statewide, but their annual crime reports do not include data on the age of murder victims] Now for the final tally (for various years, I covered as much as possible), covering statewide data from Iowa, Tennessee, Idaho, California, North Carolina, Washington, Maine, Colorado, Montana, Virginia, South Dakota, Wyoming, Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon, Nevada & South Carolina. Those states collectively, for the years I covered had 130,800,601 juveniles/children/minors & 3,084 of them were murdered. That is a minor/child/juvenile murder victimization rate of 2.357 per 100,000. Those 19 entities provide us w/ a large sample & a good baseline to extrapolate. I will tally my amended totals for Louisiana & Michigan w/ the previous group next. This will give us a good baseline as well. ADDING LA & MI gives us 140,364,281 juveniles & 3,470 of them were murdered. That’s a minor murder victimization rate of 2.472 per 100,000. Now, compare that data w/ local data I was able to find for Democrat-leaning municipalities (District of Columbia, Atlanta, Chicago, Memphis, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, etc.) & counties (or counties that are much more diverse than America en masse) & tell me WHERE children are in the most danger. It’s not in uber-white, GOP-leaning rural counties in MT, ID or IA. It’s those diverse (and sometimes rural) municipalities & counties that tend to vote Democrat. Remember that the next time some booger-eating moron w/ a faded “Bernie” sticker on their car pretends to care about children. PS Make them admit that an unborn child is technically “sub-human.” Just admit it Demoncrats, your neighbor’s unborn child (according to you) is a sub-human piece of trash. So are those black kids getting murdered in Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, Chicago & DC – at least to Democrats they are because they don’t say much about those kids because they’re not politically expedient. PPS I would wager that fat toad on the Black hawk County, Iowa Board of Supervisors Chris Schwartz cares about the kids too, or at least feigns caring. He cares more about the buffet, obviously. The #DemocratCrimeWave video hub https://rumble.com/v53dcwx-the-democratcrimewave-video-hub.html213 views 7 comments -
Creepy old man Sam Seder hates charter schools Part I
UTubekookdetectorWhy creepy old divorcee Sam Seder hates charter schools When I did an analysis of numerous Democrat-leaning jurisdictions & their sky-high murder rates, I also included a lot of data on their crumbling, ineffective & corrupt government school districts – just the way the Democrats want it. https://web.archive.org/web/20220608034411/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/sam-seder-ilhan-omar-racism3 https://rumble.com/v4d9s0f-creepy-old-man-sam-seder-is-worried-about-guns-his-voters-are-the-problem-p.html (I linked to this entire series in that vid) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2568312326738501&id=1400591836843895 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2568556286714105&id=1400591836843895 Democrats oppose school choice because they need to brainwash your children, they want to talk to your children about sexual acts & they want to convince them that they should or can get their genitals mutilated & “transform” into the opposite gender, which is complete B.S. https://rumble.com/v3w8icm-creepy-mark-d.-langdon-and-biopolaroid-sam-seder-flunked-science.html Democrats want to control education so they can damage your kids, leaving parents in control lessens the chance they’ll turn your kids into little homosexuals who want to dress in drag. They do not want parents removing their kids from school districts like Ames, Iowa – where Black Lives Matter indoctrination rules the classroom. They do not want your kids in charter schools, private schools or anything aside from a government school because they need that time w/ your kids to inundate them w/ sexual innuendo, let male pedophiles dressed as women read to your kids (odd why grown men who wear dresses seek a primary audience w/ preteens, isn’t it?) & tell them they’re a victim. They want universal prekindergarten to get your kids in their brainwashing factories as long as possible so they can undo what mom & dad (unless you’re Sam Seder & your wife left you, you don’t get much time w/ the rugrats anymore) do when little Susie & Tommy get home. Democrats & Black Lives Matter hate the nuclear family, https://rumble.com/v2s3ci2-blacklivesmatter-sam-seder-and-the-rock-have-something-in-common.html which is why they’ve pushed welfare state policies that allow women to marry the government & reward them for reproduction outside of marriage. This is why they constantly pepper children w/ speeches on homosexuality because they hate traditional marriage. They hate science too, because they apparently believe XY Tommy can “transform” into XX Tammy. https://rumble.com/v3u6uai-creepy-sam-seder-and-mark-d.-langdon-find-out-biology-is-real-science.html Uh, no. Creepy old man Sam Seder (who had an odd fantasy about his own kid & Roman Polanski https://rumble.com/vcj22f-face-bloat-stan-seder-i-mean-sam-seder-vs.-face-bloat-stan-seder.html ) wants your children to be dysfunctional, which makes it more likely they’ll vote Democrat. Without any further delay, let us examine many of the government school districts I covered in the first two links above – it’s no surprise that the most dangerous jurisdictions in America also have poor government school districts, churning out SJWs year after year after year in a city w/ stratospheric murder rates year after year after year & these communities are dying. These communities are the backbone of the Democrat Party. IT IS IMPERATIVE REPUBLICANS THAT IF TRUMP WINS IN NOVEMBER & WE HAVE CONGRESS, THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MUST BE SHUTTERED!! No more polishing a turd, no more reforming a mess, it’s time to put out the fire & replace it with nothing. Just as Roe v. Wade was replaced w/ Federalism, we must end the federal department of education & leave this to the states. States likes Iowa & Idaho will push for more school choice programs & STCs. States like California & Maryland will talk to 10-year-old boys about having their penis removed so they can “become” women. Sorry your honor, I digress. Some of the most violent cities in America that are run by Demoncrats also have some of the worst government school districts & that, combined w/ a dearth of fathers is a recipe to turn 1950s Detroit into modern-day Detroit. *** Here’s some sobering data on chronic absenteeism https://nces.ed.gov/forum/pdf/S2016_Chronic_Absenteeism.pdf Asian students tend to be absent less than all other races, American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) & Blacks are usually leading the way in chronic absenteeism. “Students of color” are absent much more often than Whites & Asians, I would wager much of that is because daddy is not around. You can call me racist, you cannot call me wrong https://nces.ed.gov/programs/raceindicators/indicator_rcc.asp https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/blog/attendance_and_naep_2022_score_declines.aspx https://nces.ed.gov/whatsnew/press_releases/07_06_2022.asp https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/midatlantic/pdf/REL_2017252.pdf https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2010/2010015/indicator4_16.asp https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2007/2007039_2.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S002244051730122X https://www.attendanceworks.org/chronic-absence-remained-a-significant-challenge-in-2022-23/ You’ll see as absences rise, test scores for Blacks decline much faster (higher % decline) than for Whites. You will also notice that as absences for Asians increase (3 or more) their test scores decline rapidly. I will mention this often, so do not roll your eyes – it’s to pound it into your brain. These COVID plandemic lockdowns did beaucoup damage to children, particularly “Students of Color” & Districts already struggling (because racism & stuff – the mountains of data I am about to give you will prove this beyond reasonable doubt). https://www.chalkbeat.org/indiana/2023/10/4/23903619/indiana-chronic-absenteeism-rates-attendance-test-scores-student-performance/ https://www.chalkbeat.org/colorado/2023/10/4/23904009/colorado-chronic-absenteeism-increase-2022-2023-attendance/ https://www.chalkbeat.org/2022/10/13/23403250/chronic-absenteeism-pandemic-attendance-quarantines/ https://www.chalkbeat.org/detroit/2023/7/12/23791935/detroit-public-schools-dpscd-chronic-absenteeism-covid-quarantine-decline/ https://www.chalkbeat.org/chicago/2022/12/19/23512704/illinois-chronic-absenteeism-covid-mental-health/ https://www.chalkbeat.org/newyork/2023/9/6/23862246/nyc-public-school-chronic-absenteeism-pandemic/ Even groups not typically seeing this as an issue & rural Districts saw issues arise. This was a dark time in American Education & instead of insisting the group w/ the lowest risk to COVID be there for in-person learning, the Democrats (primarily) fought tooth-and-nail to keep schools closed. More School Choice would remedy a lot of this. Even the groomers & creeps at the ACLU recognized that dropout factories & chronic absenteeism https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/dropout-factories-and-school-prison-pipeline was a huge issue over a decade ago, but it’s due to racism of course. Yes, “students of color” are not showing up for school at much higher rates than Asians & Whites because of some Machiavellian, shadowy scheme against them. Of course, the ACLU also fights like hell when parents of “students of color” are given options other than the crumbling https://www.aclufl.org/en/press-releases/aclu-florida-statement-passage-universal-private-school-voucher-bill https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/plaintiffs-ask-tennessee-court-halt-unconstitutional-voucher-program https://www.aclusc.org/en/news/state-house-dispatch-march-4-2024 government school their kids are currently attending, which is full of kids who do not want to be there & when they are there, they cause problems. https://www.edchoice.org/engage/why-the-aclu-is-afraid-of-school-vouchers/ The ACLU realizes the same thing all Communists do, choice, especially in the arena of education (and empowering parents to layeth the smack down when Districts are trying to brainwash children) takes control away from Leviathan & gives it to those stupid parents who do not know any better. The ACLU wants no choice in the area of education, they want universal preschool so they can start brainwashing early. They don’t want black kids that can balance their checkbook & are good w/ their hands – those pronouns are most important. More Hispanics are identifying as “conservative” or at least not “liberal” (and “liberal” to me is more “classically liberal” or Libertarian, so who knows if the pollster & polltaker even agree on those terms) & they would like school choice. They would like to get their kids out of a pathetic government school & into a private or charter school. Dan Bongino had an epic rant some time ago & he observed in his typical fiery fashion that the Democrats are obsessed about talking to your kids about sex. My wife & I will take care of that, stay away from my kid. Democrats want to put the idea of “gender reassignment” in the head of your child because under normal circumstances, they won’t entertain that idea. Kids are impressionable, which is why predators often go into fields that will allow them access to children. Then they can talk to them about sex, talk to them about being homosexual & it’s either because they want to damage them psychologically (which makes them a more likely participant in the permanent underclass) and/or molest them. The ACLU is coming for your children, vote these child predators in the Democrat Party out. Milton Friedman observed back in the 1980s that many government schools, especially in “diverse” & decaying urban areas are just centers to keep kids off the street. Asian kids (whose ancestors were interned during WWII) aren’t being absent from school & causing issues at school because when they get home, they’ll deal w/ daddy (when he gets home from his high-paying job) & they would rather not piss him off. There are a lot of kids who are doomed because daddy is not around (single mothers, don’t take that as a jab, but every kid does better w/ 2 stable parents) & the government schools in some places are bad enough, but many of these kids don’t even make it in the door. Democrats made it possible for a woman to marry the government instead of a good man, this has been an atrocity towards (particularly) young black men. The Every Student Succeeds Act was passed & one of the cornerstones of that pile of dung was to reduce chronic absenteeism. Looks like COVID gave it a knockout punch & shutting down these schools did MAJOR DAMAGE. The Republicans are not without guilt on some of this, but in Iowa, Kim Reynolds & the legislature had to fight like hell more than a year after the plandemic started to get government schools open for in-person instruction. The Democrats did not want this as it hamstrung their efforts to expand the permanent underclass. Those missed school days wrecked millions of kids that Bernie Sanders will now come up to & tell them they’ll get $20/hr. for slicing the lunch meat, which means they will have no job. But don’t worry, Bernie is going to vote you a check from the public treasury. This was done on purpose; they don’t give a damn about those kids. Chronic absenteeism was already claiming the careers of enough kids, these plandemic lockdowns put that into overdrive and again, THIS WAS ALL DONE ON PURPOSE! It is not incompetence, it was contrived, it was planned, it did a lot of damage. I digress. Here’s data on graduation rates by state & nationally, https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/coi https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=805 https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d22/tables/dt22_219.46.asp https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d21/tables/dt21_219.10.asp https://nces.ed.gov/blogs/nces/post/what-is-the-difference-between-the-acgr-and-the-afgr here’s some sobering data on the % of each states’ residents that failed to finish 9th grade. https://rumble.com/v1dmq69-brian-tyler-cohen-is-not-very-bright-part-v.html You will likely notice that states that have been ravaged by illegal immigration tend to have a high % of residents that did not finish 9th grade. Here's data on status Dropout Rates by race https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/coj/status-dropout-rates & a little ditty I penned many moons ago calling out Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal https://web.archive.org/web/20230830001619/https://professor_enigma.webs.com/latifah-faisal-story-county when she had an bi-polar fit over my opposition to open borders (Which focuses a lot on Status Dropout Rates by Race). This will cause our education system to be stretched to its limit as more resources (and many of these sanctuary cities already have broken & corrupt government education systems) are devoted to ELLs & a huge chunk of them will become a permanent underclass – just what Latifah Faisal wants. She does not want merit, she wants more voters that do not work. Here's data on out-of-school suspensions & expulsions by race; “students of color” (Blacks, Hispanics, males) tend to be suspended the most often & that is of course a product of racism, not bad behavior caused by a train wreck of a home life where daddy is absent. Males (and particularly Black males) get suspended much more often than females, no surprise that males commit ~85% of violent crimes & murders. When it comes to Black males, the disproportion grows even more compared to other groups. Surprised? Asians (Pacific Islanders are usually separated from Asians) get the fewest suspensions & expulsions, likely because there are more fathers in the home meting out discipline when necessary. Every child needs a good father, not only because that is another income stream, but because he will teach him how to be a good man. Sam Seder was absent for much of his kids’ development, likely because his father was aloof & had no time for him. Sam Seder is also a creepy old man who wants fathers that oppose predators talking to their children about “transgenderism” & homosexuality silenced. Don’t be Sam Seder! https://nces.ed.gov/programs/raceindicators/indicator_rda.asp https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d22/tables/dt22_233.30.asp https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/midatlantic/pdf/REL_2014017.pdf https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d23/tables/dt23_233.28.asp https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d23/tables/dt23_233.40.asp https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a18/serious-disciplinary-actions https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/pdf/2021/a18_508c.pdf https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d03/tables/dt147.asp https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2009/2009081_3.pdf https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2010/2010015/indicator4_17.asp Just as all states are not created equal when it comes to crime & there is massive variation in murders per capita across cities & counties, all government school districts are not created equal either. *** https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2614520 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2614520 Flint, Michigan: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (54.5%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (24%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (25.2%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (65.1%). The latter was added because NCES has a category for couples that are not married, but cohabitating. National Averages on those metrics: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (19.3%), Parents (of children in public school) not in the labor force (16.5%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (63.3%) https://www.flintschools.org/page/annual-education-reports (Useless) https://www.mischooldata.org/annual-education-report-1/ https://www.mischooldata.org/graddropout-rate https://www.mischooldata.org/annual-education-report-1/#NAEP https://www.mischooldata.org/student-attendance Graduation years 2017-2022, Flint has an dropout rate (4-year Cohort) well north of 20%. It’s been this way for a long time. School years ending 2020-22, more than half of Flint’s students failed to graduate on time. Figured out why Flint votes Democrat yet? This is what the Democrats want. They want fragmented families, they want your children to be considering “gender reassignment” & they don’t want them learning math & science, they want SJWs. I should also mention most of Flint’s children are doomed when they walk into the school because daddy is not around. In Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) for school years ending in 2022 & 2023, ~80% of Black students (and this goes for Flint schools en masse) were not proficient. Black students in Flint are doing much worse than Black students in Michigan statewide. For school years ending 2022 & 2023 (on average), ~80.7% (missing 10% of school days) of Flint’s student body was “chronically absent.” Holy Balls of Fire Batman! Sounds like little Timmy likely has a crummy life at home. If you don’t even make it to school, you will not succeed. As Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you do not take” & being absent from school is putting no shots on goal. Flint City is 56.3% Black, the student body is 56.7% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2601103 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2601103 (see also other links for Flint) Detroit, MI: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (54.9%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (27.3%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (29.6%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (60.2%). In all school years ending 2013-22, Detroit’s 4-Year Dropout Rate has been in single digits one solitary time & usually it’s north of that by quite a margin. Detroit exceeds the state dropout rate BIGLY. School years ending 2020-22, >30% of Detroit kids fail to graduate on time. In English (EBRW, 8th grade) Detroit’s Black Students lag behind the state, >78% (schools years ending in 2022 & 2023) are not proficient. If you cannot read proficiently, if you cannot comprehend what you are reading, you will likely not be good at math, science or much else. For school years ending 2022 & 2023, >70% of Detroit’s student body was “chronically absent.” See how they’re churning out Democrat voters. There is no conspiracy against Blacks nationwide or in Detroit. They attend one of the worst school districts in the nation & they cannot even get in the door! If you pull this crap at a real job you will not be there long because you’re not dependable. Capiche? Is “systemic racism” causing children in a majority Black school district to NOT even get to school or is it a rotten culture? There is a nasty, rotten culture in Detroit, the Democrat Party is okay w/ that because that’s one of their strongholds. Detroit City is 77.8% Black, the student body is 77.5% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2628740 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2628740 Pontiac, MI: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (39.9%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (18%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (36.2%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (49%) For school years ending 2019-2022, Pontiac’s dropout rate is >16%, roughly twice the state average. School years ending 2020-22, about 40% of Pontiac’s students do not graduate on time. English (EBRW, 8th grade), >85% (school years ending 2022 & 2023) of Black pupils are not proficient. Three-quarters of students Districtwide are not proficient. Pontiac City is 49% Black, the student body is 38.2% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2616440 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2616440 Grand Rapids, MI: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (30.7%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (17.5%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (47.4%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (40.4%) English (EBRW, 8th grade content) for school years ending 2022 & 2023, <25% of Black Students were proficient – Blacks in that District lag behind Blacks statewide as do all students. Who’s at fault for Black children doing poorly in Grand Rapids? Is it the corrupt, inefficient government school district and/or the homes many of these children are being raised in? Oddly, White children in that District are doing much better than Whites statewide. Why is that? Since the beginning of the COVID con plandemic, Pontiac’s chronic absenteeism rate has rocketed into orbit. For school years ending 2022 & 2023, it averaged >68%. They cannot even get in the door; how do they expect to succeed? Grand Rapids’ Dropout Rate (school years ending 2019-22) averaged 9% & 79% of pupils graduated on time. It’s not nearly the train wreck Detroit is. Grand Rapids is 17.9% Black, the student body is 17.6% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2619950 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2619950 Kalamazoo City, MI: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (30.5%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (16.2%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (44.9%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (42.2%) English (EBRW, 8th grade) for school years ending 2022 & 2023: No surprise here, this District lags behind the state for all students & Blacks (>76% are not proficient) also lag behind the state. Whites in this District also outperform Whites statewide. Odd? Is it possibly because the life they live at home is much less turbulent than Black children in Kalamazoo or is it racist to point that out? For school years ending 2019-22, >10% of Kalamazoo kids dropped out & ~28% of students do not graduate on time. More than half of all students were “chronically absent” in 2022-23 & the previous year it was more than 27%. Not nearly as bad as our previous contestants, but not exactly anything to shout about. Michigan’s Chronic Absentee rate has spiked since the COVID con (school years ending 2022 & 2023), it’s more than a third of all students! The city is 22.1% black & the student body is 19.3% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2929280 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2929280 St. Louis City, MO: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (39.9%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (17.5%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (36%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (56.6%) https://apps.dese.mo.gov/MCDS/Visualizations.aspx?id=22 https://apps.dese.mo.gov/MCDS/Visualizations.aspx?id=29 The City of St. Louis is marred w/ crime & their government school district is in the same boat. According to the Missouri Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education less than half (49.4%, 2022-23) of all St. Louis City students were in school 90% of the time or more. In 2021-22, only 46.3% of St. Louis Students were in school 90% of the time & in 2020-21 it was exactly 50%. Black students are always suffering from the worst chronic absentee rates, Asians & Whites have the best rates. For you Democrats listening, this homicide-ridden hellhole that is hemorrhaging population has over half its students missing more than 10% of the school year. Wonder why the city is a wreck? This is done on purpose. Timmy does not know how to read or balance his checkbook, but he knows his pronouns. The entire student body is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. Democrats have been running this city for 60 years! Their dropout rate is 10.5% (State avg. = 1.8% for 2022-23), Blacks are at 10.8% & Hispanics at 16.9%. St. Louis’ dropout rate is typically many times higher than the MO rate. On all demographic metrics, St. Louis City’s graduation rates lag behind MO statewide. Typically, (for school years ending in 2019 to 2023) 22% of Black students do not graduate in 5 years, which is much lower than the state average. Only 77.6% of St. Louis students (school years ending 2021-2023) graduated in 5 years. For 2022-23, 43.5% of students were “Below Basic” in English Language Arts, only 21.2% were proficient or advanced. St. Louis City is 43.9% Black, the Student Body is 44.6% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/2916400 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=2916400 (see also links for St. Louis) Kansas City, MO: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (28.3%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (15.7%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (44.6%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (44.4%) Missouri Assessment Program Statistics (2022-23 school year) indicate 39.4% of KC, MO students are “below basic” in English Language Arts, only 22.2% are “proficient” or “advanced.” 49.9% of the student body is “below basic” in Math. Why do they vote Democrat? Hmmm The % of KC students that are below grade level in English Language Arts tend to be twice as high as the state average. 46.3% of the student body is “chronically absent” (another page says 47%) from school (2022-23 school year) & all are eligible for taxpayer-subsidized lunch. Blacks tend to be chronically absent more than other races statewide & in KC. Attendance rates in KC for all races tend to be much worse than statewide averages. I wonder if the COVID lockdowns Democrats agitated for (and many Republicans went along with) were good for the economic outlook in KC? 21.3% of students do not graduate in 4 years & almost 20% of Black students (school years ending 2021 through 2023) do not graduate in 5 years, which is far below the state average. All races in KC graduate in 5 years at a much lower rate than MO Statewide. 6.4% (school years ending 2021 through 2023) of Black students dropped out in KC, which is much higher than the state avg. KC students tend to drop out at much at rates 300% higher than MO statewide. Surprised? Kansas City, Missouri is 26.2% Black, the Student Body is 35% Black. Keep in mind, a lot of these websites are interactive & I prefer a state site, that way I do NOT have to look up dozens of districts on their own websites. Therefore, this data cannot be saved per se & I am NOT going to screenshot it all. Sorry! https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=5509600 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/5509600 Milwaukee City, Wisconsin: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (43%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (19.3%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (36.1%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (52.1%). Marriage is the great poverty eliminator & there’s not a lot of that going on in Milwaukee City. https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/ https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/get-file?level=district&distKey=004387&fileName=DRCDetail_Public_Milwaukee_2022-23_004387.pdf For school years ending 2020 through 2022, 42.8% of the Milwaukee Student Body was “chronically absent.” Statewide it was 17.36%. 54.6% of Black students were chronically absent & 35.85% of Hispanic/Latino. Whites had the lowest rate, 19%. For English Language Arts (school years ending 2021 through 2023), 54.4% of the student body was “below basic” in achievement, the WI statewide avg. was 26.6%. 66.7% of Black students during that time frame were “below basic” in English Language Arts. It gets much worse when you look at achievement in Mathematics. Exactly 50% of Asians were below basic in Mathematics & 37.9% in English Language Arts. Even Asians are not doing well in Milwaukee Government Schools. Would you pay a plumber that mucks up 2/3 of the jobs he shows up for? Then why do we keep shoveling money into Milwaukee Government Schools when they’re doing nothing but churning out people who know their pronouns, but they can’t comprehend an instruction manual. They can’t balance their checkbook; they cannot hold a job. They’re either doing this on purpose or they’re incompetent. (2021-22 graduation year) 34.7% of Milwaukee students did NOT graduate on time, 38.8% of Blacks & 36.7% of Hispanics. The Statewide avg. was only 9.7% of students NOT graduating on time. Milwaukee, you suck. https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/get-file?level=district&distKey=004387&fileName=DRCDetail_Public_Milwaukee_2021-22_004387.pdf (2020-21 graduation year) 89.4% of students statewide graduated on time, in Milwaukee it was 63.8%. Only 58.4% of Blacks in Milwaukee graduated on time & 67.4% of Hispanics. About 25% of ELLs do not even graduate in 7 years (!). Dump a few thousand of Joe Biden’s Democrat voters coming over our border unabated & Milwaukee’s Government School System would get much, much worse. They don’t care, they just want warm bodies to vote Democrat. [NOTE: When I attempted to archive the PDFs for Milwaukee, I kept getting a “file not found” error, so you may have to go to the website, then select “Milwaukee” & go from there] Over 25% of Blacks in Milwaukee do NOT graduate in 7 years. Think about that. Only 75.7% of Milwaukee Students (school years ending 2021 & 2022) graduated in 7 years, that is an astounding amount of fail, yet they clamor for more money for a “quality” public education. No, we’re not rewarding failure anymore. Milwaukee City is 38.6% Black, the student body is 38.9% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/1709930 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=1709930 Chicago, Illinois: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (34.8%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (18.5%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (50.2%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (41.4%) https://www.isbe.net/ilreportcard https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?districtId=15016299025 https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/district.aspx?districtid=15016299025&source=trends&source2=graduationrate https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/district.aspx?source=studentcharacteristics&source2=chronicabsenteeism&Districtid=15016299025 https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/district.aspx?districtid=15016299025&source=trends&source2=iar Chronic Absenteeism in Chicago is a YUUUGE problem. For school years ending 2021 to 2023 it was 38.2% For school years ending 2018 & 2019 it was 23.5%. I am omitting 2020 because I suspect that the rate was much lower that year because students “participated” via Zoom but didn’t pay much attention. As you can see, the COVID plandemic con caused chronic absenteeism to spike in Chicago. IL statewide chronic absenteeism rate for school years ending 2021 to 2023 was “only” 26.4%. Statewide chronic absenteeism for all races (years ending 2018 & 2019) was 17.15%. Black students in Chicago’s vaunted Government Schools were chronically absent at a rate of (school years ending 2021 to 2023) 47%, the statewide avg. for Blacks was 43%. Sobering data indeed. 30.75% of Blacks were chronically absent in Chicago for school years ending 2018 & 2019. Statewide it was 29.15%. Every demographic saw massive spikes 2021-23, relative to 2018 & 2019 (school years ending in). Asians are chronically absent the least by far, followed by Whites & there is a big gulf between those groups & Hispanics & Blacks. Must be racism, eh? 34.43% of ELLs (English Language Learners) were chronically absent school years ending 2021 to 2023. How many more taxpayer dollars will Chicago be begging for to “educate” ELLs streaming over the border that will crowd out dollars from marginal students – some who may succeed if they had an effective school. Over a third of them aren’t getting into the building often enough, so a lot of that money is wasted. School years ending 2021 to 2023, only 3.66% of students dropped out of school. The state rate was 2.93%. School years ending 2021 to 2023, the 4-Year Graduation Rate in Chicago was 81.8% & the state rate was 87.23%. For ELLs in Chicago, the 4-year Graduation Rate (years ending 2021 to 2023) was 74.1% & statewide it was 79.9%. Pertaining to English Language Arts (ELA), (school years ending 2022 & 2023) only 22.65% of Chicago students are “proficient” & statewide it was 32.25%. In Chicago, 13.85% of Black students are proficient & statewide it was a paltry 14.1%. ELLs in Chicago; 6.45% were proficient & statewide it was 8.15%. Same parameters as the above paragraph, 51.25% of Whites are proficient & 52.2% of Asians (Chicago). Statewide, 42.15% of Whites are proficient & 60.7% of Asians. Why are Asians doing so well, yet other minorities are not? Culture? Whites are more proficient in ELA in Chicago than IL en masse. Culture? In Chicago, 19% of Hispanics (same school years) are proficient in ELA, statewide it is 20.3%. Must be racism, eh? Only 6.45% of ELLs in Chicago are proficient & statewide only 8.15%. On just about all metrics I covered (save Whites on ELA proficiency), the Chicago Government School District lags behind IL statewide & usually by large margins. Pertaining to the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (8th grade), school years ending 2019-2023 (2020 omitted) – in Chicago, 73.9% of all students are not meeting expectations in ELA. Same metrics as above, 83.2% of Blacks are not meeting expectations, 75.775% of Hispanics, 49.85% of Whites & 42.025% of Asians are not meeting expectations. This is either done on purpose, spending more time talking to kids about sex & changing their gender, grooming them for homosexuality & the end result is you have an SJW that will never hold a job, but they know their pronouns. If it is not done on purpose, then we need school choice, which is something we need anyways so marginal students can escape these poor schools & have a chance. Sam Seder defends these ineffective, corrupt school districts because they are creating Democrat voters. Sam Seder wants your children hypersexualized so they end up dysfunctional, which will lead to an expanded permanent underclass, the base of the Democrat Party. Sam Seder is also a creepy old man that had a fantasy about his own kid getting assaulted by Roman Polanski, so aside from wanting to hypersexualize your children, I think he gets off on it. Some more racism to screech about Regressives: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/2022-Il-Reading-Snapshot-Grade8.pdf https://www.isbe.net/Pages/NAEP.aspx https://www.isbe.net/Documents/naep-2019-read-snap-8.pdf IL NAEP results indicate that 51% of Black pupils in the Land of Lincoln are “below basic,” 35% of Hispanics, only 11% of Asians & 20% of Whites. In 2019, 18% of Whites were “below basic,” 44% of Blacks, only 10% of Asians & 34% of Hispanics. Chicago is 28.8% Black; the student body is also 28.8% Black. Moving to another school district in IL. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/1734510 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=1734510 https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?districtId=04101205025 https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/district.aspx?districtid=04101205025&source=trends&source2=graduationrate Rockford, Illinois: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (44.2%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (18.5%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (47%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (42%) For school years ending 2021 through 2023 the districtwide 4-Year Graduation Rate in Rockford City was only 66.3%. For Blacks the rate was 52.6%. For Asians it was 87%, Whites were at 72% & Hispanics at 72.93%. Asians are the only demographic doing well, imagine that. 66.26% of ELLs graduated in 4 years. For school years ending 2021 through 2023, 53.2% of Rockford’s student body was chronically absent. For school years ending 2018 & 2019, the rate was 31% For school years ending 2021 through 2023, 66.2% of Blacks were chronically absent, which probably explains why almost half of them do not graduate on time. For Asians the rate was 25.1%, Hispanics were at 49.76% & Whites at 44.1%. 44.36% of ELLs were chronically absent. They’re already behind the 8-ball & they compound that by not even getting in the door. And as it went in Chicago & across the Land of Lincoln, all demographics saw massive spikes in students being chronically absent in school years ending 2021-23, relative to 2018 & 2019. The COVID con caused millions of students to basically lose years of learning, many of them will never recover. How many marginal students fell through the cracks because some Districts basically shut down in-person learning for a few years? This is done on purpose to expand the permanent underclass to vote Democrat. For school years ending 2021-2023, the districtwide Dropout Rate was 10.63%. A massive increase from 2018 & 2019. For Whites the rate was (school years ending 2021 through 2023) 7.86%, Blacks were at 15.7%, Asians at 2.4% (2023 N/A) & Hispanics at 8.33%. 7.26% of ELLs dropped out. Regarding ELA “proficiency”, only 16.9% (school years ending 2022 & 2023) of Rockford’s student body hit that benchmark. Only 6.8% of Blacks were proficient, 41.85% of Asians, 29.9% of Whites & 12.1% of Hispanics. Keep in mind, Rockford City lags WAY BEHIND IL statewide. Over half of Asians statewide are “proficient” in ELA. Only 5.6% of ELLs in Rockford are proficient. Pertaining to Illinois Assessment of Readiness (ELA), Rockford City lags way behind IL statewide. For 8th graders in Rockford (School years ending 2021 through 2023), 81.83% of students are NOT meeting expectations. Same metric as above, 90.93% of Black students are not meeting expectations, 56.1% of Asians, 68% of Whites, 86.53% of Hispanics & 97% of ELLs are NOT meeting expectations. What a train wreck & pukes like Sam Seder, Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) & Joe Biden want to dump millions of these kids all over the U.S. & even in rural school districts so they can wreck those as well. This is immigration sans merit. Rockford City is 22% Black, the student body is 18.4% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/1713320 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=1713320 https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?districtid=50082189022 https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/district.aspx?districtid=50082189022&source=trends&source2=graduationrate https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/District.aspx?source=studentcharacteristics&Districtid=50082189022 East St. Louis, Illinois: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (56.5%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (13.8%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (13.3%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (80.9%) Only 70% (School years ending 2021 through 2023) of East St. Louis students graduate on time. 63.63% (same time frame) of students were chronically absent. Oddly, this is a District that did not see a massive spike in chronic absenteeism, because it was already stratospheric in school years ending 2018 & 2019. The Dropout Rate (school years ending 2020 through 2023) was 6.93% & “proficiency” in ELA (years ending 2022 & 2023) was only 10.9%. Illinois Assessment of Readiness (8th graders, ELA) found that 87.4% of the Student Body was NOT meeting expectations. If the Graduation Rate is 70% & you have these sobering statistics in English Language Arts, I call B.S. on the glad-handing over rising U.S. Graduation Rates. A lot of kids are being given a diploma when they’re obviously not ready for college or a trade school, they’re just being churned out to make room for another. Not all Government School Districts are created equal (attending Government School in rural Idaho or Iowa is much different than having to contend w/ groomers & pedophiles in many of California or Chicago’s schools), but its apparent that in many kids are being handed credentials they do not deserve, nor have earned. This is why large numbers of students entering college need remedial courses, because they are not ready. This is part of the Democrat playbook folks, don’t educate, indoctrinate. East St. Louis City is 94.6% Black, the student body is 89.7% Black. https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/3904378 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=3904378 https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Data/Report-Card-Resources https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/ https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Data/Report-Card-Resources/Annual-Reports-and-Information/State_Report_Card.pdf https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Data/Report-Card-Resources/Annual-Reports-and-Information https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/district/043786 Cleveland, Ohio: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (57%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (21.5%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (24.8%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (62.2%) Unfortunately, statewide data is not for the previous school year, I will use what I have. School years ending 2019 through 2021, the 4-Year Graduation Rate in OH statewide = 87.16%. From school years ending 2016 through 2018 = 84.33%. I get this prompt a lot on OH education sites, “A dropout rate is not part of the Ohio School Report Cards and is not measured for all students” so I have no statewide data. Pertaining to proficiency in English Language Arts statewide (school years ending 2019, 2022 & 2023) was 61.66% for ALL STUDENTS. For Black students it was 35.9%, Hispanics were at 47.36%, Whites = 69.5%, Asian/Pacific Islander = 74.76% & & ELLs = 39.33%. ELLs are more proficient in ELA in OH than Blacks are. How sad is that? No data on what % of those who are NOT proficient are “below basic” or “basic.” Some data on chronic absenteeism from state reports: “Research supports that chronic absenteeism — defined as missing 10% or more of school hours for any reason — is one of the primary causes of low academic achievement. While chronic absenteeism remains high, it should be noted that chronic absenteeism declined 3.4% from 2021-2022 (30.2%) to 2022-2023 (26.8%). Whether excused or unexcused, missing too much school has detrimental effects on a student’s learning trajectory. This indicator is key to helping districts and schools identify trends to assist in directing supports geared toward students’ needs… From 2020-2021 to 2021-2022, the statewide rate of students missing at least 10% of their instructional time due to absences increased by six percentage points to 30.2%. Chronic absenteeism has risen across nearly all grade levels, district types and student subgroups. In 2021-2022, the largest increases were in kindergarten and 12th grade. Students with disabilities and those from economically disadvantaged families also experienced substantially higher chronic absence rates… As expected based on the circumstances created by the pandemic, there also was a notable increase in chronic absence (defined as 18 days [10%] or more of excused or unexcused time not engaged in education activity). In 2020-2021, 24% of Ohio’s K-12 students – almost 380,000 students – were chronically absent. As is the typical pattern for chronic absenteeism, Ohio’s historically underserved and vulnerable students and students in urban areas experienced higher rates of chronic absenteeism than their peers.” It was not the plandemic that caused chronic absenteeism, it was the response to the plandemic that caused it. The least vulnerable group was forced out of in-person learning, sometimes for years & it hurt marginal kids, it hurt minorities more than middle class Whites & Asians. Well done morons! For school years ending 2019 through 2022 the 4-Year Graduation Rate in Cleveland’s vaunted Government Schools was 77.425%. The post-plandemic years saw a massive decline & that was done on purpose by scumbags (some Republicans, most Democrats) who told the least vulnerable group to stay home, sometimes for years. Asians are far ahead in Graduation Rates, leaving Whites, Hispanics & Blacks in the dust. The latest data from Cleveland indicates that an astounding 56.1% of all students were chronically absent. 58% of Black students, 55.4% Hispanic, 50.1% of Whites, 33.8% of Asian/Pacific Islander & 50.1% of ELLs. Is there a conspiracy against people of color or does the culture of Cleveland just suck? #whitesupremacy is causing over half of all Black & Hispanic students to have something better to do than school, right? The Democrats want this, the culture of Cleveland is creating a permanent underclass. The latest data for Cleveland’s Overall Performance Index indicates that 47.7% of its students are “below basic or limited.” For 3rd grade ELA, 42.3% of students were “limited.” In ELA achievement, Asians tend to lead the way, followed by White students, Blacks & Hispanics are way behind. Fall 2021 Reading Diagnostics, 63.7% of Third Graders are NOT on track & Fall 2022 Reading Diagnostics, 61.4% of Third Graders are NOT on track. Cleveland trails the OH statewide average on all metrics & usually by large margins. Surprised? Wonder why Cleveland has been hemorrhaging population for over 50 years? It’s a mess. Cleveland is 46.6% Black & the student body is 46.3% Black. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/literacy-in-the-hood-providing-books-to-children-in-clevelands-underserved-neighborhoods https://spectrumnews1.com/oh/columbus/news/2019/05/30/uncovering-functional-illiteracy-in-cleveland It was estimated several years ago that 2 out of every 3 Cleveland residents are functionally illiterate. Despite all this spending, 2 out of 3 Clevelanders cannot read. More money will not solve the problem, school choice will. Are you surprised this city is one of the most Democrat-leaning jurisdictions in the country? https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=3904490 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/3904490 https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/district/detail/044909 Toledo, Ohio: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (40%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (20.9%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (33.8%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (51.1%) The latest data from Toledo indicates that districtwide, 42.6% of students were chronically absent. 44.6% of Blacks were chronically absent, 47.1% of Hispanics, 19.4% of Asians, 36.8% of Whites & 31.6% of ELLs. Pertaining to 4-Year Graduation Rates (School years ending 2019 through 2022), the districtwide average was 76.22%. Again, the plandemic shutdowns saved zero children & graduation rates plummeted. Good job retards! Fall 2021 Reading Diagnostics for Third Graders in Toledo, 66.8% are NOT on track. Fall 2022 Reading Diagnostics says 66.7% of Third Graders are NOT on track. Overall Performance Index for Toledo indicates that 45.5% of students are below basic, aka “limited.” 34.8% of Third Graders are “limited” in ELA. In ELA achievement, Asians are leaving everyone in the dust, followed by Whites – Blacks & ELLs are bringing up the rear. Toledo routinely lags way behind Ohio statewide averages. Toledo City is 28.1% Black, the student body is 32.1% Black. https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/district/detail/043489 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=3904348 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/3904348 Akron, Ohio: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (48.5%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (18%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (33.7%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (55.6%) The latest Chronic Absenteeism data indicates that 47.4% of all students districtwide have a hard time getting in the door. That is the fault of institutional racism, of course. Blacks have a chronic absentee rate of 54.9%, Hispanics = 45%, Whites = 42.5%, Asians = 19.8% & ELLs = 25%. For school years ending 2019 through 2022, the 4-Year Graduation Rate districtwide was 82.6%. Asians have the highest 4-Year Graduation Rate, followed by Whites, both are above the district average. Blacks & Hispanics are far behind, institutional racism must be running amuck in Akron. English Language Arts Achievement has Whites leading the way w/ Asians more than 6 points behind. Blacks & Hispanics are well below the district average, ELLs are actually doing better on that metric than Black students. Fall 2021 Reading Diagnostics show us that 69.8% of Third Graders are NOT on track. Fall 2022 has 65.5% of all Third Graders NOT on track. Overall Performance Index indicates 44.2% of students are below basic aka “limited.” Pertaining to ELA Achievement Levels, 28.6% of students are “limited” & 42.8% of students are “proficient” or better. It gets much worse for Mathematics. How is it that on ELA & Performance Index averages, Akron is well behind state averages, yet their 4-Year Graduation Rate is close to the state average? Akron is 29.5% Black; the student body is 30.1% Black. https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/district/043844 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=3904384 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/3904384 Dayton, Ohio: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (48%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (22.9%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (29.2%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (56.7%) For school years ending 2019 through 2022, the 4-Year Graduation Rate districtwide was 72.15%. Blacks led the way (hardly any Asians in High School in this District) in Graduation Rates. 46.9% of all students were chronically absent, 26% of Asians, 49.1% of Blacks, 43.3% of Whites, 41.6% of Hispanics & 34.7% of ELLs. Overall Performance Index tells us 50.5% of students are “limited.” In ELA achievement (3rd graders) 40.1% of students are “limited,” only 33.6% of students are “proficient” or better. Dayton City is 38% Black & the student body is 43% Black. https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/19647330000000/2023 https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/caschdashboard.asp https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/0622710 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=0622710 Los Angeles, California: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (23.6%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (20.9%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (58.3%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (30.7%) https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/19647330000000/2023/academic-engagement https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/19647330000000/2022/academic-engagement 27.15% of all students (kindergarten through 8th grade) were chronically absent statewide in California (school years ending 2023 & 2022) & the Los Angeles Unified School District average was 35.4%. Most student groups are NOT exemplary on this metric, they fail to get “high” or “very high” attendance. Mediocre at best. 47.9% of Blacks were chronically absent (school years 2023 & 2022), Hispanics = 36.75%, Whites = 25.05%, Asians = 12.85%, Pacific Islander = 43.65%, Filipino = 17.75% & ELLs = 35.95%. For school years ending 2018 & 2019, 14.25% of students districtwide were chronically absent (state avg. = 9.55%). You can see how the post-COVID plandemic years saw a massive spike in that metric & it hurt minorities a lot. For school years ending 2018 & 2019 in Los Angeles, 25.85% of Black students were chronically absent. Hispanics = 13.75%, Asians = 5.1%, White = 12.55%, Filipino = 7%, Pacific Islander = 21.1% & ELLs = 13.4%. For school years ending 2023 & 2022 the statewide 5-Year Graduation Rate = 86.9%. The LAUSD avg. = 84.8%. Blacks graduated on time 84.3% of the time, Hispanics = 84.55%, Whites = 83.7%, Asians = 93.5%, Filipino = 95.7%, Pacific Islander = 92.45% & ELLs = 63.45%. Democrats want to import millions more of these ELLs & even put them in rural districts, they want to do for your rural districts what they’ve done to California en masse. Typically, <80% of Blacks graduate on time statewide; they do a little better in Los Angeles. For other races, they typically trail the statewide average. For school years ending 2018 & 2019, the districtwide 5-Year Graduation Rate was 82.4% (statewide average =84.65%). For Blacks (LAUSD) it was 81.55%, Hispanics = 82.2%, Asians = 89.85%, Filipino = 91.4%, Pacific Islander = 85.35%, Whites = 80.15% & ELLs = 59.25%. For school years ending 2022 & 2023, pertaining to English Language Arts, the L.A. Government School District averaged 31.6 points below standard. The statewide average is 12.9 points below standard. Blacks (LAUSD, school years ending 2022 & 2023) were a whopping 59.95 points below standard, which is only slightly worse than the statewide average. They are not doing well. Hispanics were 42.2 points below standard (worse than state average), Asians were 63.85 points ABOVE standard, Pacific Islanders were 19.95 points below standard, Filipinos were 40.8 points ABOVE standard, Whites were 26.55 points ABOVE standard (doing much better than the statewide average) & ELLs were a whopping 85.85 points BELOW standard & they are doing much worse in LAUSD than statewide. There is a gargantuan achievement gap in Los Angeles pertaining to ELA proficiency – Asians, Filipinos & Whites are leaving Blacks, Hispanics & ELLs in the dust. For school years ending 2018 & 2019, LAUSD (English Language Arts) averaged 26.45 points BELOW standard, the statewide average was only 4.25 points below standard. In LAUSD, Blacks were 54.35 points BELOW standard, Hispanics were 35.5 points below, Whites were 29.05 points ABOVE standard, Asians were 57.7 points ABOVE, Filipinos were 41.95 points above, Pacific Islanders were 8.9 points below & ELLs were 64.15 points BELOW standard. Latifah Faisal (Story County, Iowa Supervisor) wants to dump thousands upon thousands of ELLs in Iowa, which will wreck your fine rural districts just so she can expand the permanent underclass that elects Democrats. Get rid of her in November. My question at the end of my analysis of L.A. Government schools is this: How can Graduation Rates improve when several races saw chronic absenteeism spike & ELA scores plummeted much further post-COVID con? Seems odd, unless of course Los Angeles is just churning out an enlarged permanent underclass, which the Democrat Party wants to expand their base. These poor government schools are their greatest weapon & it’s why they fight any non-Government Schooling, the kids are less likely to be passed through if they’re not ready & they’re probably not going to hear about homosexual intercourse from borderline pedophiles who urge them to explore the “fact” that they may not be a little boy, but a little girl. Many of these kids are functionally illiterate or go to college needing remedial courses because the High School did not prepare them, they just passed them. https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/01612590000000/2023 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/0628050 https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=0628050 Oakland, California: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (21.2%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (21.6%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (55.5%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (37.4%) 52.7% of Oakland’s Student Body is chronically absent (school years ending 2022 & 2023). Well done clowns! 65.5% of Black students (school years ending 2022 & 2023) were chronically absent, Hispanics = 58.6%, Asians = 30.7%, Filipino = 40.15%, White = 33.1%, Pacific Islander = 81.25% & ELLs = 55.25%. They want millions of these ELLs streaming over the border, coming to a school district near you, they want to turn the U.S. into Oakland. No thanks! Oakland’s numbers for those chronically absent were way beyond the statewide average for all those groups. It was not even close. For school years ending 2018 & 2019, 21.75% of the entire student population was chronically absent. Blacks = 33.8%, Hispanics = 22%, White = 10.4%, Asian = 9.95%, Filipino = 17.25%, Pacific Islander = 42.5% & ELLs = 19.55%. Those COVID shutdowns did a fine job of destroying the academic goals of a lot of marginal students. If they had a good charter or private school to attend, they would do a lot better. This is why Democrats in Iowa were screeching for schools to be closed for in-person learning for years, they know if they can damage these children in their formative years, they’re more likely to end up dysfunctional & that means more Democrat votes. Pertaining to 5-Year Graduation Rates (school years ending 2022 & 2023) only 75.35% of students graduated on time. For school years ending 2018 & 2019 the districtwide 5-Year Graduation Rate was 75.95%. Always well below state averages. Illegal immigration & immigration sans merit has devastated Oakland. This is what pukes like Joe Biden & Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal want to do to Iowa & the entire country. 5-Year Graduation Rates (school years ending 2023 & 2022) by race: Blacks = 79.25%, Hispanic = 67.15%, White = 88.75%, Asian = 89.55%, Pacific Islander = 84.45%, Filipino = 85.9% & ELLs = 59.15% 5-Year Graduation Rates (school years ending 2018 & 2019) by race: Blacks = 76.3%, Hispanic = 68.55%, Asian = 91%. White = 86.2%, Pacific Islander = 83.15%, Filipino = 90.2% & ELLs = 63.35% In English Language Arts (schools years ending 2022 & 2023) the District was 59.2 points BELOW standard on average. Not a good trajectory. Same data, but for school years ending 2018 & 2019, the District was 48 points BELOW standard. The COVID years did a lot of damage. In English Language Arts (schools years ending 2018 & 2019) Blacks were 86.25 points BELOW standard, Hispanics were 70.1 points BELOW, Asians were 6.85 points below (statewide, Asians were 60 points ABOVE standard, which show you how bad Oakland is), Whites were 44.15 points ABOVE (better than statewide), Pacific Islanders were 79.7 points BELOW, Filipinos were 21.25 points BELOW (they are way above avg. statewide) & ELLs were 79.25 points BELOW standard. In English Language Arts (schools years ending 2022 & 2023) Blacks were 112.55 points BELOW standard, Hispanics were 81.65 points below, Whites were 38.8 points ABOVE standard, Asians were 1.25 points above, Pacific Islanders were 109.3 points below, Filipinos were 5.65 points below & ELLs were 89.85 points BELOW standard. See how Blacks, Pacific Islanders & Hispanics fell even further behind Whites & Asians post-COVID plandemic. Oakland City is 21.8% Black, 26.6% Hispanic, the Student Body is 21.6% Black & 27.2% Hispanic. It’s a melting pot, dumpster fire & train wreck. https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/39686760000000/2023/academic-engagement https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=0638010 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/0638010 Stockton, CA: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (51.1%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (23.8%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (56.2%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (31.9%) Chronic Absenteeism (school years ending 2022 & 2023) was at 37.9% & school years ending 2018 & 2019 it was 17.6% of students districtwide were chronically absent. Those articles you read about millions of kids just disappearing from government schools after the COVID plandemic shutdowns (sometimes for years!) was true. Chronic Absenteeism by Race (school years ending 2022 & 2023) Blacks = 52.05%, Whites = 47.4%, Hispanic = 41.95%, Asians = 28.15%, Filipino = 22.15%, Pacific Islander = 54.5% & ELLs = 37.3% Chronic Absenteeism by Race (school years ending 2019 & 2018) Blacks = 31.5%, Hispanic = 16.7%, White = 21.05%, Asian = 8.05%, Pacific Islander = 18.6%, Filipino = 6.15% & ELLs = 12.45%. Look at the massive spike among all groups post-plandemic. 5-Year Graduation Rates Districtwide, school years ending 2018 & 2019 were 78.9% & in school years 2022 & 2023 = 82.6%. 5-Year Graduation Rates (school years ending 2022 & 2023) by race: Black = 78.15%, Hispanic = 82.5%, Asian = 88.95%, Pacific Islander = 91.2%, Filipino = 90.85%, White = 75.9% & ELLs = 72.9%. Pretty poor performance. 5-Year Graduation Rates (school years ending 2018 & 2019) by race: Black = 73.95%, Hispanic = 78.45%, White = 72.8%, Asian = 87.9%, Pacific Islander = N/A, Filipino = 94.7% & ELLs = 70.05% Pertaining to English Language Arts (school years ending 2018 & 2019), Districtwide they were 58.6 points BELOW standard & school years ending 2022 & 2023 they were 63.65 points BELOW standard. I have a question; how can their 5-Year Graduation rates improve so much in the latter time frame when more pupils were chronically absent & they fell further behind in ELA? Pertaining to ELA (school years ending 2022 & 2023) Blacks were 96.9 points BELOW standard, Hispanics were 69.7 points below, Whites were 57.85 points below, Asians were 24.2 points below, Pacific Islanders were 52.8 points below, Filipinos were 0.15 points below & ELLs were 94.45 points below standard. All groups except Filipino are uber-bad. Pertaining to ELA (school years ending 2018 & 2019) Blacks were 89.7 points BELOW standard, Hispanics were 63.95 points BELOW, Asians were 25.75 points below, Pacific Islanders were 40 points below, Filipinos were 2 points ABOVE standard, Whites were 44.4 points below standard & ELLs were 78.57 points below standard. Again, most groups got worse in ELA achievement & chronic absences, yet their Graduation Rates increased. Odd? Stockton is 11.6% Black; 45.2% Hispanic & the Student Body is 9.5% Black & 57.3% Hispanic. Another multicultural, diverse melting pot in California going straight down the toilet. The Democrats want it this way, they don’t want kids educated, they want them indoctrinated as they seek to expand the permanent underclass to a level where they will never lose power. https://nces.ed.gov/ccd/districtsearch/district_detail.asp?Search=2&ID2=0618390 https://nces.ed.gov/Programs/Edge/ACSDashboard/0618390 https://www.caschooldashboard.org/reports/19646340000000/2023/academic-engagement Inglewood, CA: Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits (21.8%), Parents (of children in Government school) not in the labor force (16.1%), Children in Government School living w/ a married couple (48.4%) & Children in Government School living in a single parent household (43.4%) School years ending 2022 & 2023, Districtwide Chronic Absenteeism was at 45.25% of the Student Body. For school years ending 2018 & 2019, it was 18.15%. Chronic Absenteeism by race (school years ending 2022 & 2023): Blacks = 46.855%, Hispanic = 44.25%, Asian = 46.05%, (White & Filipino not enough students) Pacific Islander = 59.45% & ELLs = 43.25% Chronic Absenteeism by race (school years ending 2018 & 2019): Blacks = 20.6%, Hispanic = 16.6%, (Asian, Filipino & Pacific Islander not enough students) White = 22.15% & ELLs = 15.5%. Lo197 views 8 comments