playlist thumnail

The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder DEBUNKED

38 videos
Updated 4 days ago
This playlist will focus on debunking some of the many lies, omissions, half-truths, mischaracterizations, deviations & bad logic spewed forth by a narcissistic, bipolar divorcee name Sam Seder. #samseder #majorityreport Sam never would've gotten his job at Err America if it were not for daddy (if his dad was doing tax returns for Joe Six Pack in Armonk, Sam Seder would be working for a shady non-profit dedicated to getting drug addicts & transients registered to vote) & even then his show went through several iterations & each time fewer people listened. Sitting on your fat ass & whining for 3 hours a day takes little talent & I think Sam's modus operandi is to just yell over the opposition & that's why censorship if a cornerstone of the Pedocrat Party. Sam makes a lot of mistakes & when you are imprisoned by narcissism, you become your own biggest fan. This playlist exposes some of this for all to see. Enjoy & pass it on if you find it worthy. PS Sam enjoys trying to get his underemployed/unemployed crew to harass his political enemies, but doesn't like a dose of his own medicine. He blocked me after I exposed some of lies on firearms, the bizarre fantasy he had about his own daughter & Roman Polanski, as well as his bad logic.
  1. Creep Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part I
  2. Creepy Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem PART II
  3. Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIA
  4. Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIB
  5. Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIIC
  6. Creepy old man Sam Seder is worried about guns, his voters are the problem Part IIID
  7. Divorcee Sam Seder Debunked on "Republican Voter Suppression"
  8. Sam Seder vs. Martin Luther King Jr. & Joe Biden (homosexuality)
  9. Brian Tyler Cohen, Creepy Sam Seder & Latifah Faisal are worried about the kids
  10. Creepy old man Sam Seder hates charter schools Part I