Chemtrail Planes over Michigan and Ohio this Morning putting it out...
Real Fishing LifeEver since the Plandemic Started, They have put in 5G up and all the New Nexrad Radar has been updated plus the air-traffic trails we see has been Tenfold. But I see evidence of it all the way through the 90s. We Are All just Pawns, In their Game of Control. If You or Anyone,? Would ever Like to GO Do Some REAL Fishing, on any Ocean? I'm Here For YOU or ALL!!!! I Have Fish On OUR Great Water's of North America. I could show you, The Real True. The Beauty of OUR Great Planet, That Everybody is Missing. I really wish YOU All could See, what I See. There is no Words that can describe, Even the videos that I show, on My I Channel cannot even show you the beauty of our planet! The Feeling is impossible to show on film, the feeling We HAVE As Fisherman cannot be Described in words!!!!! To Actually Live, the human Spirit of living. The Definition of Work is something that Gives Life Meaning!!!! Third-Generation Commercial Fishman Out!!!! Really sad how most of them conspiracy theories, turn out to be true. I feel like everything we've been taught has been a lie, from our history right on down to what we eat....... Always Question Authority! Always Get Second Opinions! We Should Be Taught, How to Think! Not What to Think! Do Not Let Them Tell You, How You Should Live or How You Should Feel, Without Question Their Reason!!!!! And Please Watch The Dimming... https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY and at geoengineeringwatch.org I spread the truth in every way I can think of. I comment on every important video that I can and I make personal videos of what I see as a commercial fisherman. They are destroying my habitat, my way of life. They are completely destroying everything in nature. We must fight.... All us patents are public and is listed below, for all-weather technology. Lyndon Johnson before he became president, 24-26mins, control the weather and control the world. 1962 http://www.texasarchive.org/library/i... Say NO to UN Agenda 21, say NO to the New World Order. The REAL reason for Covert Geoengineering https://www.gov.uk/government/publica... 1905 electrical manipulation of weather http://www.google.com/patents/US803180 1906 J.J.Thomson conduction of electricity through gases (air) https://ia902700.us.archive.org/28/it... 1914 Rain Maker http://www.google.com/patents/US1103490 1925 Electrical means to dispell fog and create rain http://www.google.com/patents/US1928963 1930... planes rainmaking with powdered CO2 (Dry ice) http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/bitst... 1945 Outline for Weather and Climate control http://www.meteohistory.org/2008histo... 1946 UN Protocol of Privileges and Immunity(protection for climate scientists?) http://www.un.org/en/ethics/pdf/conve... 1940-50's weather modification development http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history... 1952 UK MET office kill 35 innocents in the dead of night Operation Cumulus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbVpN... 1958 Lyndon Johnson "whoever controls space will control the weather" 1958..http://www.usafa.edu/df/dfh/docs/Harm... 1959 Eyes In Outer Space - Science Factual presentation weather control. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3HaW... 1961 JFK addresses UN - http://www.state.gov/p/io/potusunga/2... weather control 1962 Speech on mind control of the masses and scientific dictatorship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RX-i... 1962 Operation Pop Eye Vietnam weather warfare http://www.globalsecurity.org/militar... 1965 Weather and Climate Modification https://www.nsf.gov/nsb/publications/... 1967 Law investigation into weather modification http://scholarship.law.berkeley.edu/c... 1967 126 nations working on weather control, Moscow and Washington working together. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.ne... 1970 Brezinski's book "Between Two Ages" https://ia802308.us.archive.org/5/ite... 1972 (784 page) report on weather modification https://ia801703.us.archive.org/27/it... 1978 ENMOD Treaty to stop weather warfare. http://www.state.gov/t/isn/4783.htm 1984 US4653690 * Nov 5, 1984 Mar 31, 1987 The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The Navy Method of producing cumulus clouds 1987 Altering a region of the atmosphere http://www.google.com/patents/US4686605 creation of artificial ionised clouds http://www.google.com/patents/US4999637 1996 Owning the weather 2025 http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/volume3/vo... 1999 1999 EU concern HAARP affects climate...there are many ionospheric heaters around the worldhttp://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/g... 2010 Inadvertent weather modification https://www.ametsoc.org/poli/2010inad... 52 nations with full time weather modification programs globally https://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/w... Video links. The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ), https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY /289 views -
Chemtrail Eclipse FUBAR 1:00 PM Cleveland, Ohio
VeteransAgainstTreasonAhhhhhhhh ! Those fucking fuckers !!!! The United States Air Force is guilty of treason !!! Heads should roll when this is finally over. If it was Cocaine they would have stopped this years ago !!!! Bird Flu 😷 False Flag : The Entire Stockpile ⚡🦠🇺🇸 BREAKING – Cows in Ohio test positive for H5N1 bird flu The criminal Biden regime seems to be sabotaging the nation’s food supply to further amplify inflation and impoverish hard-working Americans struggling to make ends meet, as well as laying the foundation for yet another make-believe health crisis. In April 2022 and January 2023, RRN covered the arrests, trials, and convictions of Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, respectively, whom JAG hanged to death for manufacturing an imaginary emergency that resulted in the slaughter of 150 million birds in 47 states. The regime’s justification for eradicating them was avian influenza, a disease that dwelt only in their deranged minds at the time. However, the outcome, a 25% and 45% price hike on poultry and eggs, left a palpable dent in peoples’ wallets. Now, the Deep State is revisiting the old trick, claiming that H5N1, a highly pathogenic avian flu, is propagating among hens and jumping species to dairy cows, goats, and man, while also downplaying the “outbreak” to temporarily delay public hysteria. “The cabal commits crimes insidiously, slowly. A minor inconvenience today becomes a full-blown disaster in a few months. The Deep State conditions the public to accept a future calamity. An artificial catastrophe,” a White Hat source told Real Raw News. The USDA claimed on Monday that inspectors found avian flu in cattle herds in New Mexico and Texas, and the CDC said the virus has infected one person. Moreover, the nation’s largest egg producer, Cal-Maine Foods, shuttered a Texas plant after detecting bird flu in some chickens. The plant’s response, under Department of Agriculture supervision, was mass culling nearly two million hens. A Cal-Maine employee speaking under promise of anonymity for fear of reprisal told RRN that USDA inspectors arrived at the plant unannounced Monday morning and showed management a report confirming that bird flu was spreading throughout the coops. He said management didn’t scrutinize or challenge the findings; they accepted it as fact and started killing birds arbitrarily. “Nobody here said nothing about the bird sickness until those USDA guys showed up out of the blue. So, the bosses send half the shift home and the rest of us get told we gotta start culling. Then they pull the plug and everyone goes home. I don’t know if or when I’m getting called back to work. It’s my feeling that someone in the company, and I sure as hell don’t know who, believed those guys or was working with them. I don’t think none of our birds was sick,” the Cal-Maine worker said. Though anecdotal, his accounting of the incident aligns with how the USDA in 2022 and 2023 used fabricated test results to trick the poultry industry into believing their birds posed a health hazard to society. RRN contacted two other Cal-Maine workers, but they refused to comment. Elsewhere, Minnesota reported a case of H5N1 in a goat—the first documented case of avian flu among ruminants. RRN reached out to the Minnesota Dept. of Health, but it, too, refused to comment. When RRN asked its White Hat source whether they would pursue the investigation, he threw us a curveball: “We’re tied up in so many ops right now we don’t have resources to look into an issue of this magnitude based on one employee’s hunch. When we arrested Vilsack and Deese, we had a veritable mountain of incontrovertible evidence against them. It does make sense; the Deep State often reuses tactics. And our eyes and ears are always open. That’s the best I can tell you right now.” And queried to guess why the regime would construct crises—soaring inflation and a public health emergency—so close to the 2024 election, he said, “Assuming its true, they’ll just find a way to blame it on Trump or Putin, their usual scapegoats. Or its another scheme to promote mail-in voting.” Note: I will post on Garland’s execution as soon as I get word of it, hopefully this afternoon. NEWZ DESK 93 of 99 U.S. Senators Executed For Treason ~ https://t.me/TheSacredBlueTentChannel/264126 Breaking News 📰 Attention All Veterans - Legendary Grassroots Veterans Activist - Highly Decorated USMC Purple Heart 💜 Vietnam Veterans Latest Conference Call ☎️- working on a Veterans Gathering in Eagle 🦅 Pass Texas in Support of Border Defense Forces. - https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/recorded_audio?audioRecordingUrl=https%3A%2F%2Frs0000.freeconferencecall.com%2Fstorage%2FsgetFCC2%2FaG1s5%2FboZWY Breaking News 📰: https://t.me/Breaking_News_TG 101st Airborne Lt. Colonel Relieved Of Command for Opposing Covid-19 😷 Mandates talks to Steve Bannon on War Room on RUMBLE https://rumble.com/v44pz2c-lieutenant-colonel-brad-miller-reveals-he-was-relieved-from-duty-for-opposi.html Follow Theresa White Rabbit 🐰 Chart - https://x.com/stiles/status/1352267830192873484?s=20 1.) Before It’s News 📰: https://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/200/338/stories.html 2.) THE TRUTH CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Clones : https://youtu.be/d0DnHKkabjY?si=y6Ask03xoD4IC7gm 3.) The Reese Report - The Reese Report | Greg Reese | Substack 4.) Suspicious 🤨 Observers Suspicious0bservers – Earthquakes | Space Weather | Cosmology – Your Mind is Your Weapon 5.) Dutch Sinse Earthquake Watch https://youtu.be/CRPKPJR1k5Q?si=ffyaMIhyClzu4cy9 MARCO POLO HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP GOLDMINE https://marcopolo501c3.substack.com/p/son-of-us-president-sues-marco-polo?utm_medium=email Biden Laptop Emails 6.) Alien 👽 Reveals Biggest Threat To Humanity Is Artificial Intelligence/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLLJ1j1U/ 7.) Reptilians https://rumble.com/v4hma9e-more-reptilian-eyesreal-reptilian-eyes-underwater-coverscontrollable-slit-e.html 8.) LEGENDS NEVER DIE - HEROS LIVE FOREVER https://rumble.com/v1jzp6j-legends-never-die-heros-alive.html 9.) Rods Of God Reloading ? https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-air-force/2023/12/29/us-military-space-plane-blasts-off-on-another-secretive-mission/ 10.) ZAP ⚡️ from the Sky - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8X6x3RK 11.)Oumuamua Is Back !!! ( Part 1.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3G3ybd/ 12.) Russian Nuke Missiles Rolling Around In Moscow Because Of Fake Macron Cranky Gerbil 🐹Noises. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3Gs3f5/ 13.) Dr. Steven Greer - Real Story behind the RAF Bentwaters UFO 🛸Experience. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJJkCKD/ 14.) What TOTALITY Under A Solar Eclipse Looks Like ; https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJed8eE/ 15.) Trump On Biden’s Mask 😷- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3tbF2V/ 16.) The Skull 💀 Asteroid ☄️ From The Planet X System- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJjrsHq/ 17.) The Golden Atmosphere - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJjXNdY/ 18.) Tiamat , The damaged planet https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJMyQSQ/ 19.) Tiamat Reveals Itself Behind The Moon 🌙- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJMvHd5/ 20.) Nibiru System - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJMvXkK/ 21.) Tiamat Has Arrived - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLJMXYgC/ Like an upturned seashell 🐚. I’ve seen it before. Pretty much a kind of see thru image that repeats itself in the clouds or is so cloaked that it’s barely discernible. - Tom Trefts Reptilians Part 1.) https://rumble.com/v4g3y16-the-reptilians-part-1.-the-emergence-of-the-dark.-hypno-telepathic-research.html Reptilians Part 2.) https://rumble.com/v4g40f0-the-reptilians.-part-2.-harvesting-soul-energy..html Reptilians Part 3.) https://rumble.com/v4g424r-the-reptilians-part-3.-modifications.html Reptilians Part 4.) https://rumble.com/v4g45hk-reptilians-part-4.-control-consumption-of-human-energy.html The Great Solar Flare Carrington Event 1.) How Prepared are You for a Modern-Day Carrington Event? - JASE Medical 2.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event 3.) Carrington event: Largest known solar storm in history was even bigger than we thought | New Scientist 4.) Rupes Nigra ~ BLACKROCK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupes_Nigra 5.) Denazification By Russians in the Ukraine 🇺🇦- https://rumble.com/v4n91ar--russian-fighters-once-again-successfully-captured-ukrainian-servicemen.html1.78K views 10 comments -
4/4/2024 - New Info On How To Kill Cancer, The Eclipse, Chemicals on Band Aids, Spraying The Flu In Chemtrails, Mercury and Gender Confusion, mRNA In Food, Nicotine A Cancer Cure?, The War On Tobacco... Why?
Delivering The TruthStudy Comparing His Vaccinated-Unvaccinated Children (with charts): https://gsw.bz/uv Diseases Declined Long Before Related Vaccines Implemented https://gsw.bz/graphs Daily Chemtrail log: https://gsw.bz/log2404 Our website: https://deliveringthetruth.com News you won't see on mainstream media.265 views -
🚨 BUSTED 🔥 FAKE ECLIPSE 🌖 #FlatEarthsMatter 💥 Robbo Da Yobbo 🤠
HAARP Hunters - GeoEngineering WatchWE WARNED YOU ... it will NOT be the MOON making the Eclipse.. We stated it was NOT POSSIBLE for the Sun and our Moon to make the Eclipse happen, as they weren't even aligned correctly... AND !!!! the REASON they sprayed so hard, all those Chemtrails. almost PLANE-T WIDE - was to block the view of as many as they could - that might CATCH THEM OUT and see the TRUTH.... The PLANE-T is Flat. and It DOES Matter WHY it's flat or not.. @HAARPhunters stated - It will be the BLACK SUN... and the THIRD object that was spotted - using Contrast / Photo Edit software - there are THREE CLEAR object - the Sun - the BLACK SUN and Nibiru / PLANE-T X.... 420 - 20th April could be their planned TEN DAYS OF DARKNESS. They have up to 40 days AFTER the Eclipse to make their plans happen. This could be anything from #ProjectBluebeam - more man made Quakes - Multi Wave TSUNAMI - Huge man made HAARP GEO-STORM (crazy winds... FREEZING cold snaps and mass flooding) , more DEW attacks !.. an EMP to knock out the power in the US ?? (Crash stock market - crash US $$ - declare martial law - no elections) ********* #FlatEarthsMatter **************** *!!**! BUSTED VIDEO PROOF !!!!!!!!!!! #NASA I PRAY this trial goes ahead.. even if it doesn't .... The FACT that this is being brought to the attention of such high up public officials ( sure lower on the one eye covering pyramid crew) but a great start to show that this isn't just us talking on "facebook" / "Rumble" lol https://rumble.com/v2l0gao-nasa-trial.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g NASA in Hebrew means TO DECEIVE - In English = Never A Straight Answer. https://rumble.com/v24fep2-nasa-in-bewbrew-mean-to-deceive-in-eglish-never-a-straight-answer..html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g NASA - means to DECEIVE in HEBREW and NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER in English... same thing really .. lol https://rumble.com/v1yip40-nasa.html !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE QUESTIONS to ask those #BallHugging #Globetards !!! Ask Yourself these Questions - BRAINWASHED in to believing in the "GLOBE" The FLAT out TRUTH https://rumble.com/v1byhyt-the-flat-out-truth.html 🧐 The Simpsons - FLAT EARTH - Moon Landing Hoax 👌 https://rumble.com/v1jp64v--the-simpsons-flat-earth-.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g Admiral Byrd secret diary - Flat Earth Operation High Jump #FlatEarthsMatter https://rumble.com/v28qnxu-admiral-byrd-secret-diary-operation-high-jump-flatearthsmatter.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g 🛣 #FlatEarthsMatter 💡 BUT WHY 🤷♀️ WHY did they TRICK you ? about FLAT EARTH https://rumble.com/v21o7jy--flatearthsmatter-but-why-why-did-they-trick-you-.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g 💡 CIA & NASA Patents & Documents 🛣 PROVE Earth is Flat, Non-Rotating & Has a FIRMAMENT 🧐 https://rumble.com/v223czi--cia-and-nasa-patents-and-documents-prove-earth-is-flat-non-rotating-and-ha.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g 🌅 The FLAT OUT Truth 🛤 Part 1 🛣 https://rumble.com/v24cxme-the-flat-out-truth-part-1.html 😍 The Meaning Of Life 🔥 Flat Earths Matter - @RobDaYob https://rumble.com/v26q6am-the-meaning-of-life-flat-earths-matter-robbo-da-yobbo.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g Please support @HAARPhunters by grabbing a FREE Rumble account and then follow our Channel(s).. https://rumble.com/register/RobboDaYobbo/ EVERY VIDEO I UPLOAD !! -->>> https://rumble.com/user/RobboDaYobbo H.A.A.R.P Hunters - GeoEngineering #WeatherWarfare - Predictions https://rumble.com/c/HAARPhunters - Conspiracy Corner - CONvid PLANdemic - #TheHardTruth - https://rumble.com/c/CONvid Robbo Da Yobbo's Comedy playlist :-) = https://rumble.com/RobboDaYobbo #FJB - Let's Go Brandon VIDEO Playlist https://rumble.com/c/LETZgoBRANDON **** TWITTER = https://twitter.com/RobboDaYobbo **** Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/robbo.da.yobbo/?hl=en ************** Head to DOWN-UNDER DEALS and order some of the SweEEEetest Gadgets on the planet & Free Shipping 'Straya Wide.🤠 wWw.RobboDaYobbo.CoM 🤠 ( One time sign up bonus US$25 CRO below ) ********** SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ******** #3 Here's MY Xmas Present to YOU.... A WARNING !!! SPEND CASH - don't leave YOUR "savings" with the bank !!!! I ALWAYS use cash when buying and selling.... but MY SAVINGS are going in to Physical GOLD - Physical Silver and Crypto... When "THEY" are done with cash - and cash is worthless what are you all guna do ???? BUY CRO in this app - then swap to Crypto Currency the Aussie Banks are about to base THEIR "digital credits off" ANZ and NAB - have chosen XRP and XLM - Then enjoy the Crash of Cash - as they bring in the "cashless society" - Digital Currency. Trust me... you do NOT want to get stuck on the Govt's "digital credit' system !! Get Ahead Of The Curve !!! https://platinum.crypto.com/r/qefy2gj8tp If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp you wont get the $US25 - stake enough CRO coin ( dont have to order ) for the RUBY card to get US$25. CRO Sign-Up bonus - ( to spend as a gift card WorldWide or linked Visa card 🙂 after you get enough CRO for the Ruby Visa card ) *!*!*!*! BINANCE is awesome too.. I use that on computer to BUY and CRO App on my phone to SPEND Register for a FREE Binance exchange // Crypto Wallet Binance Wallet = https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=71482929 ************** TWITTER = https://twitter.com/RobboDaYobbo Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/robbo.da.yobbo/?hl=en ************** #FJB - Let's Go Brandon VIDEO Playlist https://rumble.com/c/LETZgoBRANDON In closing... :-p TWO AUSSIE BANKS have chosen the TWO crypto currencies they are going to use.. (click see more ) This is your last chance. !!!! And you will have to have access, on your device, to the Email you use to sign up. !!! Don't Forget.. If sign up sheet is BLANK -- >> & this code is missing... qefy2gj8tp I can't give you the $US25 🙂 ********************and this is a Free signup WORLDWIDE APP folks !!! so youll get bonus signup CRO $25US after you stake for the RUBY visa card... you do NOT want to get caught on the US central bank coin !!!!! 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They print more Money than they are allowed / supposed to / actually backed up by real gold / wealth by at least 5 times..👨💻. SO our $1 is really ALREADY today... worth about 20 cents.. ! 👼 You are very welcome. I hope the Gift Card helps after a tough year for us all. ( Caltex - 🍻 BWS - Woolies - Myer - Drummond GOLF ⛳️ - 🏸 Rebel Sport 🏑- Coles - Amazon -🏎 Uber / Eats 🍔 - 🥂 Dan Murphys - 🎣 BCF - 🛠 Bunnings etc etc ) 🏆 Crypto is NOT a conspiracy .. it is NOT fake money. "Real" money is actually fake.. I hope you all get that.. The stock market is FAKE !!! backed up by nothing by rumours. insider trade and back door deals.. !! No-one can deny that. You're welcome. 🌠 You dont have to follow me.. Just enjoy the gift card on me. Aussie Crypto Kid & Conspiracy Comedian #RobboDaYobbo p.s !!!! **** GET YOUR BITCOINS OFFLINE !! ( I also EMP proofed my trezor. paper.. cardboard .. then wrapped in Aluminum Foil. then put in old microwave WITH CORD CUT !!!! LOL just in case) https://trezor.go2cloud.org/aff_c?offer_id=133&aff_id=32301 EMP attack would wipe out ALL online wealth. Only the smart will survive. put your savings offline NOW mates... *** DON'T FORGET to rego through my link below... and message me on Rumble your username - so I can send out the International Video Competition Link... I am about to LAUNCH an INTERNATIONAL Video comp - for those that sign up through my rego link to Rumble. NOW... there will be celebs and those that want to enter will have to submit a quick "audition" video.... and then if chosen .. will be given 5 different scenes to "Storyboard" / choreograph .. and FILM to submit to the competition.. please start by grabbing a RUMBLE account now.. and stay tuned... this is going to be big !!! you missing one mate.. ❤ .. PLEEEASE use MY link.. as it helps MY %% on MY videos. ANNNNNDD i have set it up so anyone that goes through mine.. get instant option of MONETI$$ATION mate 😉 https://rumble.com/register/RobboDaYobbo/ *!*!! That's about it MATES.... YEEeEEWwWWwWWW SWWWeeEEeEEEEEET ..... Merry XMAS and don't forget the free shipping on my website www.RobboDaYobbo.com til the end of 2023.. Have a Great 2024 everyone !!! ROBBO DA YOBBO4.92K views 15 comments