Transformers More than meets the eye 1984
3 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Part one and Two three cartoon
Transformers: Generation 1 - More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1 - S01 E01 - 1984
CARTOON UNIVERSEMore Than Meets the Eye, Part 1 | Transformers Generation 1 | Season 1 | E01 | Constant war between the Autobots and the Decepticons on Cybertron has caused great hardship. Both need supplies, and select numbers from each side and intend to get them. The Autobots weren't looking for a fight with the Decepticons, but they get one out in space anyway. When the Decepticons board the Autobots' ship it takes a beating and crashes onto Primitive Earth and knocks everyone unconscious. Four million years later, in 1984, a volcano eruption causes a probe to give them all new forms which come from vehicles in the surrounding area. They are all awoken – leading to a renewed conflict and the inclusion of humans.14 views 1 comment -
Transformers: Generation 1 - More Than Meets the Eye, Part 2 - S01 E02 - 1984
CARTOON UNIVERSEMore Than Meets the Eye, Part 2 | Transformers Generation 1 | Season 1 | E02 | Things continue to progress; with the Decepticons on the move, and the Autobots gaining Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky as allies. Still, two humans may not make a difference. The long dormancy has merely delayed Megatron and the Decepticons' ambitions, and they prove increasingly proficient in making up for lost time. Repeated clashes lead to a bigger one in a Decepticon ruby mine and even bigger danger.6 views -
Transformers: Generation 1 -More Than Meets the Eye, Part 3 - S01 E3 - 1984
CARTOON UNIVERSEMore Than Meets the Eye, Part 3 | Transformers Generation 1 | Season 1 | E03 | Following the latest action, both sides are basically back to where they started. The Autobots use Ravage and some holograms in an attempt to lure the Decepticons into a final defeat. Ravage escapes informing Megatron proves even sneakier seeing through Optimus' ruse and keeping them distracted from interfering in his own plans. Even worse, the Decepticons are done plundering Earth. With a ship ready and Cybertron in great danger, an all-out battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons looms.15 views