AlphaWarrior ShowWelcome to Final Front in the Battle for Truth! 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Each episode is crafted to empower, educate, and engage our listeners, bringing you closer to the heart of our mission. Join us as we explore the journeys and battles that define the true spirit of the AlphaWarrior. TODAY’S PODCAST SUMMARY: Dive into the heart of darkness on this riveting episode of the AlphaWarrior Show, where host Alpha confronts the clandestine world of psychological warfare. Joined by military intelligence giants General Michael Flynn, former Head of the NSA, and Boone Cutler, Army Psychological Operations Team Sergeant, this episode promises an unparalleled journey into modern warfare. They unveil "Introduction to 5th Generation Warfare" and "How to Fight Artificial Intelligence," revealing the unseen war over minds and hearts. This episode exposes PSYOPs manipulating perceptions and sowing discord worldwide. Amid the shadows, Flynn and Cutler share battle-hardened insights on countering AI threats in today's psychological battleground. This is a battle cry for those at the vanguard of thought and freedom. The AlphaWarrior Show offers a guide through the fog of war, navigating information manipulation and digital warfare. Brace yourself for an intense exploration of the silent wars shaping our reality, where the fight for humanity's future is fought in our minds. Tune in, to arm yourself with knowledge, for in 5th Generation Warfare, forewarned is forearmed. LINKS FOR TODAY’S GUEST: General Flynn: Website: https://www.generalflynn.com/ref/ALPHA X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/GenFlynn Boone Cutler: Website: https://t.co/LOP0dKZWad X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/boonecutler Links from Today’s Episode: A Special Thanks from Alpha: The past 2.5 years have been an extraordinary journey and an unrelenting battle. Through every trial and tribulation, I have felt the unwavering guidance of God. When the weight of the journey seemed insurmountable, it was the fierce love of my family and the steadfast support of you, my patriot warriors, that reignited my resolve and reminded me of my sacred oath to fight on. Your words of encouragement and financial support have been the lifeblood of this mission, empowering me to stand strong and press forward. My gratitude for each of you is boundless. Thank you from the depths of my soul, and may God bless you abundantly. The battle is far from over, but united, we are unstoppable. With unyielding resolve, Alfredo “Alpha” Luna AlphaWarrior Show Disclaimer: Welcome to the AlphaWarrior Show. The views and opinions expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the AlphaWarrior Show host or any affiliated individuals or organizations. While we encourage open and honest discussions, listeners should be aware that our guests' perspectives may not align with our own beliefs or values. All content presented is for the purposes of news, education, theory, investigation, journalism, reporting, entertainment, or other purposes not specifically enumerated. Medical Disclaimer: The AlphaWarrior Show provides general health and wellness information strictly for educational purposes. The information presented is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. The AlphaWarrior Show and its host disclaim any responsibility for any actions or inactions taken by any listener based on the information provided. Financial Disclaimer: The AlphaWarrior Show provides general financial and investment information solely for educational purposes. This information does not constitute specific financial or investment advice, nor does it represent an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or financial instruments. The content of this podcast is not a substitute for professional financial advice. Any decisions made based on the information provided are taken at the listener's own risk. The AlphaWarrior Show and its host disclaim any liability for any actions or inactions taken by any listener based on the information provided. We strongly recommend that listeners consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions. General Disclaimer: All statements made on the AlphaWarrior Show should be regarded as opinions or allegations when referencing other individuals, entities, companies, or organizations. The content is intended to be informative and engaging; however, it is incumbent upon listeners to independently verify any information. Thank you for tuning in. Fair Use Act Disclaimer: The AlphaWarrior Show may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such material has been referenced to advance understanding of political, human rights, ecological, economic, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.432K views 1.07K comments -
Clif_HighHi! You Like My Work, You Can Buy Me a Coffee !: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ClifHigh Donate my PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ClifHighExplorers Follow My Telegram :https://t.me/ClifHigh_CH https://purebulk.com/products/clif-highs-pure-sleep https://knowledgeofhealth.com/what-if-Cancer-was-already-cured/ Thank all ! - EXPLORERS GUIDE TO SCIFI WORLD - CLIF HIGH #clifhigh # clifhighrumble40.5K views 147 comments -
Clif High- Military Will Oversee 2024 Election… the Cabal’s Days are Numbered
Clif_HighHi! You Like My Work, You Can Buy Me a Coffee !: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ClifHigh Follow My Telegram :https://t.me/ClifHigh_CH https://purebulk.com/products/clif-highs-pure-sleep https://knowledgeofhealth.com/what-if-Cancer-was-already-cured/ Thank all ! EXPLORERS GUIDE TO SCIFI WORLD - CLIF HIGH #clifhigh # clifhighrumble17.9K views 54 comments -
Clif_HighHi! You Like My Work, You Can Buy Me a Coffee !: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ClifHigh Follow My Telegram :https://t.me/ClifHigh_CH https://purebulk.com/products/clif-highs-pure-sleep https://knowledgeofhealth.com/what-if-Cancer-was-already-cured/ EXPLORERS' GUIDE TO SCIFI WORLD Thank all ! #clifhigh # clifhighrumble8.09K views 19 comments -
The Alex Jones Show (01/10/24) FULL SHOW
The Alex Jones ShowTrump Warns of Economic Crash, Hunter Biden Flees Congress, Public Schools Closed to House Illegals, Secretary of Defense Still Missing! — Jack Posobiec joins Alex Jones live via Skype to discuss how World War III with Russia will be provoked by NATO in Poland, and how violence will be unleashed across the United States as the 2024 election approaches. Next, Alex Rosen of Predator Poachers joins Alex Jones live in-studio to reveal his latest videos. And in the final hour, Congresswoman MTG and General Michael Flynn join Alex Jones to discuss Biden's crackhead son and failing administration. –-––––-–-–—–Hit the thumbs up button 👍 and Follow, So this show can get as much traction as possible.29.1K views 30 comments -
The End has begunMedical Review by NCID for my participation in the Research Study on Covid-19 patients was done yesterday. The study is sponsored by INSIGHT - International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials. A check on its website it has included the studies on Covid-19 and Influenza beside the original mission on HIV. I have been wondering if the man-made Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2 is the combination of SARS-CoV-1 and HIV, with the latter being used to slow down the development of the symptoms of SARS-CoV-1 so as to spread easily and widely to be the Pandemic today! The culprits behind the Covid-19 Pandemic are now using it as the platform to launch the New World Order or new normal in preparation for an One World Government to rule from UN and execute by WHO in the name of health and safety. This is NOT a conspiracy theory according to the biblical account of prophecies regarding the last days as the church age comes to the close and the Restrainer stops restraining the lawless one. Actually, the end time churches are told in Revelation 2 & 3 the sober truth - "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."746 views 1 comment -
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Confessed
The End has begunformer FBI Chief Ted Gunderson, who died in 2011. Many of his videos have disappeared from YouTube, but some still remain, and others remain on other platforms. Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI and then the head of the Dallas FBI in 1975. Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977. In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government. He also claimed that a “slave auction” in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the U.S. government. Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. One of those groups is called The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. Gunderson traveled around the country giving lectures about his work, which included cases that led him to discover the hidden groups involved with the Satanic Occult, which included child sex abuse and child sacrifice. His general lecture was about 4 hours, but there is one lecture still available today where he condensed this down to just a little over one hour. At the end of this lecture, Gunderson has a woman named Linda Weigand come up and give her testimony. As he introduced her, Gunderson said: This is one of the most classic examples of corruption, I have ever seen. And believe me, you can tell from my lecture, that I’ve seen some pretty awful examples of corruption. Since her testimony is at the end of his lecture, we extracted it out into a separate video so you can choose to watch it first, if you want to get a taste of what this topic is all about. But I have to warn you, this is very GRAPHIC, and very evil. It will disturb you. I would not normally publish something this horrible and this ugly, but the times we are currently living in necessitate that as many people as possible need to know the depths of horror that have been happening in this country for a very long time now.1.19K views 3 comments -
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes the Illuminati, Plan to Take the U.S. Population Down To 20M, The Finders, Franklin Coverup & More
Truths UnlimitedThis video is not for the timid. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson exposes DEPOPULATION plans for the world [which appears to be playing out today w/ the help of covid injections], eliminating all but 500 MILLION PEOPLE WORLD-WIDE - leaving only 20 Million people alive in the U.S. "ONE OF THE DRIVING FORCES OF THIS MOVEMENT (THE ILLUMINATI) IS THE SATANIC CULT" Gunderson worked tirelessly to expose the sexual and satanic ritual abuse of children by the global elite.He was instrumental in exposing the Franklin Cover-Up, involving government drug smuggling, money laundering, child kidnapping and recruiting boys from orphanages in the Midwest for sex with U.S. Congressmen. Gunderson exposes the HORROR that has been inflicted upon so many men, women, and children. Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI and then the head of the Dallas FBI in 1975. Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977. In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders. He also investigated a child molestation trial in Manhattan Beach, California. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the supposed proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, an alleged shadow government that would be controlling the US government. He also claimed that a “slave auction” in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government. Gunderson believed that in the US there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. Gunderson had an association with music producer and 'conspiracy theorist' Anthony J. Hilder and was interviewed by him on various occasions. The two men appeared at numerous conferences together. They both said that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a result of FBI agent provocateurs. Get book Ted read from & told everyone to go out and get. FREE PDF> https://politik.brunner-architekt.ch/wp-content/uploads/Carr_Pawns_in_the_Game.pdf ================================== Paraphrased from a speech by the late Ted Gunderson: Lets go back to 1776 may 1st, Adam Weishaupt was commission by the Rothschild family to set up the goals to control and take over the world, with a one world government. adamWeishaupt came up with 25 goals. Among them were: control the press, corrupt the youth, through sex and drugs, elect our own people (the Illuminati) to key positions in all level of government, city, state and federal. The final goal was take over the world. Information is very well documented by the book “Pawns In The Game.” When I retired I had no idea what was going on, the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt… However my first major investigation when I returned from Puerto Rico was a debt to Dr. Jeffery Macdonald who was convicted of murdering his wife and two children in Fort Bragg, Feb. 17 1970. He’d been tried and convicted to three life sentences. I was asked by the defense team to investigate the case, because they claimed that Dr. MacDonald was innocent, I said if I learned that he murdered his wife and two children, I would discontinue my case. I am still working for Dr. MacDonald. He is an innocent man. Evidence was lost, stolen, altered, an FBI man lied before the grand jury. Ten months into the case, I obtained a signed confession from Helena Stoeckley. I had 3 sessions with her, she told me Dr. MacDonald did not commit those crimes, they were committed by her Satanic cult group. I said to myself, what is this I don’t anything about Satanism, I had read about it in the bible but that’s it, but I learned that drugs, from southeast Asia, were being smuggled into the United States and various military bases in body bags of the bodies of the dead G.I.s. I further learned that her satanic cult group was involved in distributing these drugs up and down the east coast. They were mad at MacDonald for abusing certain cult members, and went to the civilian hospital where he was moonlighting, they went and attacked him. There were 7 of them, she named them and I know where three of them are located. I checked in the UCLA library, in Times magazine ‘73 there was an article about bringing drugs in the cavities of dead GI’s. I gave her a polygraph test and she passed. Now, the most recent series of events in the MacDonald case, because that it was woke me up to Illuminati/Satanism. Dr. MacDonald appeared before the parole board two days ago, had he appeared before it would be an admission of guilt. However this instance he claimed innocent but was doing it because he was newly wed, his parole was turned down for another 15 years. He is 61 years old. I am still working the case. In 1997 a federal judge agreed to open the evidence envelopes. They were empty. The skin under Cleft’s fingernails would have establed the Dr’s innocence alone. Here we are in 2005 and they still have not completing the DNA test. From the MacDonald case the next case I worked of major consequence was the McMartin preschool case in Manhattan beach California. The children there claimed there were tunnels under the school where they were taken, to the bathroom of a triplex next door, placed in automobiles and prostituted to members of the community. They were in kindergarden. In addition the children claimed they were flown into the mountains where they were involved with adults in black robes, chanting, candles, they talked about the brown babies who were cut up, sacrificed really, and in checking into this this was obviously a Satanic ceremony. The McMartin family who owned the preschool were tried, Ray Bucky and his grandmother, the grandmother was acquitted, hung jury on Ray Bucky. I had an opportunity in 1990 to gain control of the school. It had been given to Danny Davis, the defense attorney who sold it to a contractor who was going to tear it down. I contacted the contractor and said I want an opportunity to look for those tunnels. The authorities had looked in 1987 and said there were no tunnels. Along with some of the parents we hired Garry Stickler, archeologist, he hired his crew and sent them in and in 34 days Dr. Stickler said there had been tunnels under that school they had been covered up and covered in. mcmartin An informant told me there was an abandoned Satanic site in Crestline California up in the mountains. I went up into the mountains and took photographs of the site. I have done lectures where these pictures were made available. From there I became involved in another case, very frightening case because it established that we had in this country today, a covert, military criminal enterprise, government enterprise, primarily by U.S. military intelligence that is operating full throttle, and everybody is refusing to investigate it. in the Nebraska case it’s called The Franklin Cover-Up. In that particular instance they were taking children out of foster homes, orphanages, placing them in private jets and flying them to Washington DC for sex orgies, with prominent people including congressman, senators and certain people in the White House. It’s well documented. I have personally talked to Paul Bonacci, I had a five hour interview he gave me in 1993. He told how he was used to as part of the kidnapping crew. Used as a decoy when he 10-11 years old in parks and shopping malls. To attract the children over near where the adults were waiting in a car to chloroform and make off in the backseat with them. Paul also told me that many of these children became sex slaves, these degenerate sick people are more interested in the boys then girls for some reason. But it’s all well documented. Paul drew the inside living quarters of the White House. This information broke in 1987. I replaced a fellow named Garry Caradori. Garry met the official photographer of the group who had split from the group, defected. Garry agreed to take the pictures that this man gave him back to Chicago. On the way the plane exploded in midair and his briefcase has never been found. The rear seat of the airplane has never be found. I made every attempt to examine the plane. I wanted to examine for bomb chemicals. Garry, when he was a civilian was taken to a military base for examination. He happened to see the pictures, he started picking up the pictures. An FBI agent came along, saw him looking at the pictures, and told him to keep his mouth shut. He started talking to a few people, a year later his wife was murdered. No longer talking. 718918 This international child kidnapping ring I later learned was operating out of Washington DC. It was very active and the organization is known as The Finders. The Finders have been operating through the 60’s up the present time. It was exposed in 1987, and moved to Wichita Kansas. And they are operating there today. I have demanded investigation and have yet to be interviewed. So we have The Finders, the Franklin Cover-Up, “Pawns in the Game”, the last thing I’m going to mention in the way of a book, is “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home.” Johnny Gosch was on Sept. the 5th, 1982, a newspaper boy. On a Sunday he about to deliver his newspapers to Wes Demoines Ohio. He never came home. He never delivered any newspapers. He disappeared. The mother was dumbfounded, didn’t know what had happened, demanded investigation. The chief of police from Wes Demoines said even though he disappeared we have no witnesses saying that they saw him being grabbed, placed into a car, or being taken control of. So we won’t investigate it. The FBI used the same premise. I’ve been involved in cases with the FBI and it was required, in my day (the 50’s-70’s) that we had to go in if someone went missing for over 72 hours. Today, the children are disappearing at a rate of 83 per hour, that’s over 700,00 children a year. I can go back to July 1982, The Readers Digest said over 100,000 children a year, it is estimated. And the FBI refuses to investigate it. So then we have the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, I personally made two trips there, investigated it. Because of my report the defense attorney for Timothy McVeigh sent two investigators to interview me. I got a lot of information out of them, they told me they were allowed to tour the remains of the building in the presence of a US marshall but could not take soil samples or pick up any evidence. I heard they were gonna tear down the building. Now you can trace bombs through the chemicals. The bomb in the truck that blew the building, that was allegedly a fertilizer bomb. But it destroyed half the building. A 4800 ammonium nitrate fertilizer bomb dissipates, and does not have the potential to destroy that much of the building. I called DeCamp and said, We got to keep that building from coming down. John called McVeigh’s attorney, Jones, and Jones said We will prevent it from coming down. Next we heard it was coming down. John called Jones said What was going on? He had no good reason. That was a huge cover-up. McVeigh wrote a letter to his sister. McVeigh was in special forces, military says he flunked out. No he didn’t, he was recruited from special forces, according to his letter, he was trained to be a CIA assassin, and also to work for the CIA international drug operation, both against the competition and for the CIA pro-drug people. McVeigh was in my opinion an MK Ultra mind control victim. He was visited in prison in Oklahoma and Colorado by Dr Jolyon West, this was secret by the way, I found out by making some phone calls to the right people. West was one of the foremost leaders along with Sydney Gottleib, in the CIA MK Ultra mind control operation. Why would somebody like West interview McVeigh? Because he was a mind control victim. It was reported in US News World Report that McVeigh had a microchip in his buttocks. Our government had been using microchips to keep track of their soldiers. Paraphrase from: https://truthscrambler.com/2014/12/23/retired-head-of-fbi-ted-gunderson-tells-all-illuminati-satanism-pedophilia/14.3K views 20 comments -
AJ on Ted Gunderson | Ex FBI Head Las Angeles | Check Description
RedPillAnonsTed Gunderson | Ex FBI Head (Las Angeles) We’ve shared many videos of Ted the last few years & here’s some below. 👉https://rumble.com/v1yoe66-ted-gunderson-ex-fbi-talks-about-the-children-rip.html 👉https://rumble.com/v2a7ene-former-fbi-chief-whistleblower-ted-gunderson.html 👉https://rumble.com/v2ck910-ted-gunderson-ex-head-of-fbi-chemtrails.html The Clip AJ is referring 👉 https://rumble.com/v26myzu-ted-gunderson-ex-head-of-fbi.html1.97K views -
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes horror inflicted on many men, women & children. (disturbing content)
Truths UnlimitedThis video is not for the timid. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson exposes the horror that has been inflicted upon so many men, women, and children. Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI and then the head of the Dallas FBI in 1975. Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977. In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders. He also investigated a child molestation trial in Manhattan Beach, California. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the supposed proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, an alleged shadow government that would be controlling the US government. He also claimed that a "slave auction" in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government. Gunderson believed that in the US there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. Gunderson had an association with music producer and conspiracy theorist Anthony J. Hilder and was interviewed by him on various occasions. The two men appeared at numerous conferences together. They both said that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a result of FBI agent provocateurs. Gunderson was a member of the Constitution Party. On July 31, 2011 Gunderson's son reported that his father had died from cancer. Subscribe to this channel - / propergander Fatal Vision controversy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_V... Top Ten Conspiracy Theories - http://www.theweek.co.uk/conspiracy-t... Pawns in the Game - http://www.michaeljournal.org/pawns.asp Allegations of CIA drug trafficking - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegat... Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10... Oklahoma City Bombing - http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/20... Adam Weishaupt - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_We... Freemasonry - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemas... Satanic Ritual Abuse - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanic... Aleister Crowley - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleiste... Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn - • Video Satanism and the CIA - https://tobefree.wordpress.com/2013/0... Illuminati News - Satanism and the CIA - http://www.illuminati-news.com/070706... As always, use this info to gather more info. This video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqjNa-Jpsf019.3K views 18 comments