UFO Chronicles Podcast (2022)
64 videos
Updated 10 months ago
Episodes 145-208
Ep.145 Uncle Chickie's Grave
UFOChroniclesPodcast2 January 2022 To kick off the first episode of 2022 we are going to be in the company of Brian from New Jersey, and Brian will be sharing he's paranormal encounters that began in the fall of 1988. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-145-uncle-chickies-grave/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email:UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.32 views -
Ep.146 Come And Play
UFOChroniclesPodcast9 January 2022 We meet Brandie from Iowa in the US, about her encounters that began at the age of 5 years old. Experiences involving children coming to her window followed by missing time, and a craft in her backyard. Sightings of UFO's and her own child recalling memories of a past-life he has had, and many more strange occurrences Brandie with be sharing with us this episode. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-146-come-and-play/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email:UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.33 views -
Ep.147 More Than Just A Dream
UFOChroniclesPodcast17 January 2022 The first of a couple of guests tonight is Ramon in Canada, sharing a recurring dream he has had since childhood involving UFO's. Then we make our way across the pond to speak to Charlie from the UK, about some of the many strange dreams she has experienced with one in particular that can be classed as 'Precognition' that was also a lifesaver. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-147-more-than-just-a-dream/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.23 views -
Ep.148 Journeys Out Of The Body
UFOChroniclesPodcast23 January 2022 We will be joined by Tyler from Ontario in Canada, sharing unexplained occurrences with Waking Dreams, visits from beings and premonitions. And our witness submission this episode is from Tekam from Cameroon and his experience with Astral projection. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-148-journeys-out-of-the-body/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.22 views -
Ep.149 Iowa Falls
UFOChroniclesPodcast30 January 2022 Brent, from the state of Florida, will be taking us through a couple of his paranormal and UFO encounters. While at college in 2007 studying at Iowa Falls, he witnessed an apparition of a girl, that appeared to glide instead of walk then would simply vanish. Several years later, Brent would witness a strange light in the sky that would change direction and turn up in different parts of the sky. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-149-iowa-falls/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.14 views -
Ep.150 Shawsville UFO
UFOChroniclesPodcast7 February 2022 We are going to be starting off this episode with Ian in California, and his family's strange paranormal occurrences and lights in the sky that Ian had seen. Then we head out East to hear from Cavaja in Virginia, about a 75-100ft saucer shaped object witnessed on a hunting trip. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-150-shawsville-ufo/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.36 views -
Ep.151 A Flash Of Light
UFOChroniclesPodcast13 February 2022 We are joined tonight by Justin from Southern California, sharing multiple experiences that started in the mid-80's. Justin would have regular visits from a little being in his bedroom when he was a child, flashes of light would be seen that came from an unknown origin that would leave the family confused as to why they would be in a different part of the house directly afterwards. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-151-a-flash-of-light/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.38 views -
Ep.152 Shelter Island Discs
UFOChroniclesPodcast21 February 2022 Tonight's guest is Trent from Long Island, New York, and he will be sharing his experiences beginning with the Paranormal when he would see Cats and a Lady in his house when he was young. And then on to a disc-shaped object that appeared to be following the car he was travelling in at 9-years-old, and a sighting of a UFO in 2019. These events that Trent believed led him on a path to a spiritual awakening using the practice of meditation. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-152-shelter-island-discs/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email:UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.29 views -
Ep.153 Flutes And Spirits
UFOChroniclesPodcast27 February 2022 The first guest we have joining us tonight is Ken from California and his UFO sighting in Saratoga back in 1998. Ken witnessed a large and unusual shaped object, moving silently overhead, with no visible signs of propulsion. Then we head to the State of Michigan to speak to Ethan about a couple of his paranormal encounters, one from his home state and another in Ghana, West Africa. While, he was attending a traditional festival that involved a procession of participants that would be possessed by the spirits of their ancestors. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-153-flutes-and-spirits/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email:UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.22 views -
Ep.154 Strange Light Over Imperial
UFOChroniclesPodcast7 March 2022 Tonight's guest is Aleisha from the State of Texas, and in the early hours of Saturday, October 17th of 2021, she was woken up at 3am to the sounds of her dogs barking, and saw a strange orange light coming through the bedroom shutters. Thinking it was a fire on her property, she went out to investigate the light, and witnessed a large orange ball as large as her barn coming in and landing behind the treeline of her property. More information on this episode on the podcast website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.com/ep-154-strange-light-over-imperial/ Want to share your encounter on the show? Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Or Fill out Guest Form: https://forms.gle/uGQ8PTVRkcjy4nxS7 Podcast Merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/user/ufo-chronicles-podcast Help Support UFO CHRONICLES by becoming a Patron: https://patreon.com/UFOChroniclespodcast X: https://twitter.com/UFOchronpodcast Thank you for listening! Please leave a review if you enjoy the show. Like share and subscribe it really helps me when people share the show on social media, it means we can reach more people and more witnesses and without your amazing support, it wouldn't be possible.19 views