SPLINTERING BABYLON. The Documentary. The Most Banned Movie in America
TheWarAgainstYouSPLINTERING BABYLON. The Documentary. The Most Banned Movie in America - THE MOST BANNED MOVIE IN AMERICA - 9,660 views October 6, 2024 SplinterBabylon 261 followers - "Splintering Babylon" documentary film exposes the truth about the United States and Western governments' infiltration post-WWII by the fifth and final kingdom in the Book of Daniel 2:35, and the MK-Ultra Monarch mind control program to usher in the transhuman agenda for the global elites. - In an unprecedented moment in cinematic history, The Most Banned Movie in America, “Splintering Babylon,” the film the critics won’t watch and politicians will avoid for its radioactive content, has become the first movie to receive the highly controversial ‘T’ for Truth rating from the newly-formed FEMA Rumor Response unit. - The Verdict: SEE IT (If You Can). Limited screenings of The Most Banned Movie in America will be held in undisclosed locations, with showtimes posted in invisible ink. For those unable to attend, worry not—bootlegged digital files are circulating on the black market (but be careful, it’s rumored they’re being tracked). - DON'T WORRY. THIS IS A LEGITIMATE RELEASE DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE * James Grundvig On-location with the film crew at the Rockefeller Cottage on Jekyll https://rumble.com/v51qxx8-jekyll-island-interviews.html * PSA Targeted Censorship - https://rumble.com/v5a81ql-psa-targeted-censorship.html - Dr. Lee Merritt explains how the Censorship Industrial Complex is targeting--not shadow banning--patriot voices and researchers with the spiking of channels that are removed from them, but their neighbors can pull. * FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://rumble.com/user/SplinterBabylon11.9K views 32 comments