JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: First Song - One With Christ by Autumn Summers Second Song - Happy Sunday by LNDO COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Jan. 24, 2025-A Governmental Shaking Is Coming Words of Encouragement Scriptures: Isa. 54:17 Isa.40:29-31 Isa. 41:10, 13 2 Tim. 1:7 Jer. 31:13 Jer. 29:11 Wait on the Lord and He will renew your strength. Do not fear. There’s nothing to fear. God will hold you up above your enemies. Do not quit! Hold on. You are on the verge of a breakthrough. Trust and rely on God. He will take care of everything you're facing. Defeat is not for you. God turns your mourning into joy. Prophecy Scriptures: Matt. 12:25 2 Cor. 2:14 Hag. 2:6-9, 22 Heb. 12:26-28 Ps. 103:19 Dan. 2:21-22 Isa. 41:11-12 Ps. 105:5-8, 24 Ps. 106:7 1 Sam. 17 (Story of David and Goliath) The Body of Christ must stand against those who have stolen and cheated to get to their positions of power. Pray that they are removed. God is going to shake everything and will shake His children free. God's Glory is going to pour out on this Earth. Those who are against you are nothing at all. Don't lose hope in what God is doing. He will not change and He will not forsake you. God is still the same God in the book of Exodus and He is faithful and will do for you what He did for the Israelites. God is faithful. He won't let you down. Get into the Word of God daily. See what He has to say about everything. God will give you that hope in the final outcome. God is warning you about the shakings that are to come, but do not fear. It is to shake you free and bring down your enemies. God is saving you from your enemies. He is your refuge. Pray that President Trump relies on God only and has faith in the power of Almighty God. Hold on because God is not done! He's doing a mighty work.295K views 712 comments -
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
His Glory TVJulie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe Socials: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries – Rumble https://juliegreen.locals.com/ – Locals https://odysee.com/@JULIEGREENMINISTRIES:5 – Odysee https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries –Truth Social https://t.me/s/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES –Telegram Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. Put everything else in God’s hands by faith. Beverly Hills Precious Metal Exchange: https://bh-pm.com/ Mac Bear & Cheese Healthy Kids Vitamins: https://hisglory.me/kidsvitamins/ Kingdom Fuel: https://hisglory.me/kingdomfuel ROOT: https://therootbrands.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY My Pillow: https://www.mypillow.com/ Promo Code: HISGLORY Estate Planning Inc: https://www.estateplanninginc.net/read-me-bedford For A Full List Of His Glory Family Partners Click This Link: https://hisglory.me/partners/119K views 313 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 MUSIC: In the Quiet By Abel Soto COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ JGM RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/JulieGreenMinistries JGM TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES JGM FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ JGM TWITTER: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry JGM TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries JGM LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com JGM TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled JGM MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Give: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=7542122e-6865-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11 Words of Encouragement Scriptures: Ps. 46:1 Ps. 37:39 Ps. 91:15 Ps. 56:9 God is the One that helps you in times of trouble. He's your safe place, prince of peace, advocate. Your enemy has been defeated and he is not stronger than God. Prophecy Scriptures: Isa. 8:10 Job 5:12 Ps. 14:4-6 Ps. 37:12-13 Isa. 54:15, 17 Ps. 21:11 2 Chron. 7:14 Ps. 33:10 Ps. 27:1 John 16:33 2 Cor. 5:7 Gal. 5:1 Luke 8:17 Luke 12:2 Ps. 18:48 Eph. 6:13 Ps. 21:11 God keeps warning the enemies of Almighty God that their plans will not succeed. God is with you, so who can be against you? God is your safe place, refuge and your defense. God is with you in times of trouble. God is standing between you and your enemies. Nothing is stronger than God's power that dwells on the inside of you. Jesus has overcome the world and all the power that the enemy has. The enemy has already lost and been defeated. Jesus has deprived the enemy of the power to harm you. These are the days of God's Glory and His will to be done. The victory is yours. Hold on and don't quit. God is your safe place. He protects you from your enemy.334K views 692 comments -
Secret Service Whistleblower SOUNDS ALARM: 'There WILL Be ANOTHER Trump Assassination in 30 Days'🚨
Benny JohnsonGo to https://ground.news/benny to get 40% off unlimited access to all the world's news in one place. Compare coverage, see through biased media reporting and stay better informed. Blackout Coffee: http://www.blackoutcoffee.com/benny and use coupon code BENNY for 20% OFF your first order136K views 367 comments -
Leftists Protesting RNC Want Trump Dead (Ep. 02) - 07/17/24
BonginoReportIn this episode, Evita covers leftist protesters at the RNC who openly wish Trump had been murdered in cold blood.82.9K views 173 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN TWITTER PAGE: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/5174498 PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/PROPHECY FULFILLED TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ OFFICIAL TRUTH SOCIAL:https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries OFFICIAL TIK TOK:https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen?_r=1&_t=8ZY4kqL11OF JULIE GREEN MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com Today’s Scriptures: 1 Tim. 6:12 (fight the good fight of faith) Eph. 6:17 (sword of the Spirit) God is going to reverse court cases and elections. Heb. 10:30 Prov. 11:21 (CEV, AMPC) Ps. 33:10 Jer. 33:11 (CEV, AMPC) 2 Chron. 20:22 Ezekiel 29:14-16 (CEV, AMPC) Ps. 126:1-4 Job 22:28 (If you decree a thing it shall be established) Josh. 1:5 1 John 4:4 (greater is He in you than he in the world) Isa. 54:17 2 Cor. 4:16-18 Ex. 14:13 Isa. 33:22 Rom. 12:19 James 4:7 Book of Esther (these are the days of Haman) You need to know the power and authority of the Word of God. Pray and ask God what He wants you to do. Do not get in to fear-He's given you power, authority, dominion, and the words to say. God is going to take us out of captivity and reverse it onto those trying to keep us in captivity and bondage. Everything that's been done against you, God is going to reverse everything-all cases, indictments. Stop relying on man. Go to God for everything and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Without God, nothing will be right. We need Him. He is the only One that can save us. Vengeance is God's. He is the judge over all the Earth and He is the one to restore everything. Retribution: punishment imposed on as on a convicted criminal for purpose of repayment or revenge for the wrong committed. Vengeance: punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. illegitimate: not authorized by the law; not in accordance with accepted standards or rules. Compensation: something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. Prophecy mentioned in today’s live stream: https://www.jgminternational.org/prophecies/a-great-cleanup-has-begun-to-remove-dirty-politicians-from-their-positions296K views 948 comments -
JULIE GREEN MINISTRIESJULIE GREEN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 4620 E 53RD STREET SUITE 200 DAVENPORT IA 52807 COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International JGMI WEBSITE: https://www.jgminternational.org/ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/JULIEGREENMINISTRIES LOCALS: https://juliegreen.locals.com OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN TWITTER PAGE: https://twitter.com/julieGMinistry tithe.ly: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/5174498 PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org https://prophecyindex.org/prophets/view/julie_green/PROPHECY FULFILLED TELEGRAM: https://t.me/PropheciesFulfilled OFFICIAL JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/people/Julie-Green-Ministries-International/100087483502629/ OFFICIAL TRUTH SOCIAL:https://truthsocial.com/@juliegreenministries OFFICIAL TIK TOK:https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjuliegreen?_r=1&_t=8ZY4kqL11OF JULIE GREEN MERCHANDISE: https://www.threesonsthreads.com TODAY’S SCRIPTURES: 1. Acts 16:25-31 2. Neh. 8:10 (The joy of the Lord is your strength) 3. 2 Peter 3:9 (God wills no man should perish) 4. Haggai 2:6-9 5. Job 22:28 6. Prov. 29:16 7. Prov. 28:28 (The Message) 8. Prov. 28:1-2 (The Message) 9. James 4:7 (Resist the devil and he must flee) 10. 1 John 4:4 (Great is He that’s in you) 11. Ex. 3:14 (I AM) 12. Ps. 91 13. Deut. 28:15-68 (the curse) 14. Gal. 3:13-14 (Redeemed from the curse) 15. Heb. 13:8 (God is the same yesterday, today, and forever) 16. Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12 (The Word of God (Sword of the Spirit) is a weapon) Go to God with your questions God’s justice is more powerful than anything opposing justice Degenerate: having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline Prevail – prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious God’s justice is more powerful than anything opposing justice290K views 945 comments