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#130: Jay Valentine EXPOSES Election Fraud In Arizona - 22,000 Voters Added AFTER Oct 11th Cut Off, Mailing Of Ballots To People They Know Who Won't Vote Or Don't Exist To Use Their Ballots To Cheat & More!
Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick🖥️ SAVE MY FREEDOM TV...Your Censorship-Free, Safe Space, Sanctuary Speakeasy for Patriots 7/1/23: Jay Valentine of Omega4America & author for American Thinker joins Steve Bannon on the War Room to EXPOSE his audit results of the Arizona Voter Rolls for 1 county. He compared Oct 7th to Nov 4th. His results are SHOCKING! https://www.omega4america.com/ ✅ 22,000 new voters were added after the Oct 11th cut off. ✅ 33,000 voters had zip codes changed a week before ballots were mailed out & then changed back (Receiving NO ballots) ✅ 107,000 changes made after Oct 11th ✅ They mailed ballots to people they know won't vote or don't exist. The ballots purposely went to ineligible voters. Jay calls these the Undeliverable Ballot Database. They use this inventory to make up the #'s/votes for their preferred candidates. These actions were either done by the Election Officials or someone they allowed to make them. 🚨 Kari Lake's team hired him to do this research but they didn't use it in their case. Why? 📣 BAN THE VOTING MACHINES + TAKING BACK OUR UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTIONS = WILL END CHILD SEX SLAVE TRAFFICKING! 2 Steps & 2 Approaches (Takes Less Than 2 Minutes) 💥1 CLICK EMAIL All Arizona Counties Board of Supervisors (& soon ALL "elected" officials) 💥 SIGN The Notice/Remonstrance ✅ DO IT Once A Day, Every Day & Please Tell 10 Friends! ✅ Call Them All Out On Social Media & Go To Their Meetings ✅ JOIN US & LET'S TAKE BACK ARIZONA TOGETHER! www.AZSavesAmerica.us 💥 We NEED The "No Voting Machines & Take Back Our Elections" Crusade In Every State. We Will Help Launch In Your State. It Just Requires A Few People To Take The Lead In Each County. EMAIL: SaveMyFreedomAZ@protonmail.com 🙏 PRAY - PLAN & TAKE ACTION! 🚨 We're rounding up the Warriors & Everyone who wants to become one! When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." - Judges 6-8 (6:12) 💥 WE THE PEOPLE HOLD ALL THE CARDS & ARE THE REAL WHITE HATS! ✅ JOIN THE "SAVE MY FREEDOM" MOVEMENT TODAY & SUBSCRIBE! www.SaveMyFreedom.us "EXPOSING The Corruption To Take Back Arizona & America" 📣 Please Consider Becoming a PAID Subscriber To Support Our Work & Receive: Take Action Toolkits, Exclusive Content, Invites To Collaboration Meetings, "Ask Anything" Special Events, Promotion Of YOU & Much More! 💥 THE ARIZONA & AMERICA CORRUPTION EXPOSED TAKE ACTION TOOLKITS - Will Be Released In Multiple Toolkits Because There's New Information Every Day - All Videos Are On Rumble Now To Get Started 💥 📣 Stand Up, Speak Up, Show Up & JOIN US! FOLLOW US & JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY FEST - IT'S FUN: https://twitter.com/EverythingHomeT TWITTER WARRIORS TO FOLLOW & TAG WILL BE LISTED HERE: www.SelectionCodeAZ.com DM Me & I'll Add You To The Team! 💥 EVERY State Is A Crime Scene & Cesspool of Corruption, Fraud, Money Laundering, Child Sex Slave Trafficking & Organ + Blood Harvesting. 💥 The True Agenda Of The Tyrannical Demons Connected To The Nationwide Money Laundering Schemes Are All Held Together By Fraudulent Elections, Proven By The Timeline Of Current Events With The Only Purpose Being . . . "Sacrifice The Children!" (Mind - Body & Soul) 💥 Your Country Has Been Hijacked. You’ve Lost All Of Your Freedoms & Live In A Lawless Society . . . YOU ARE A SLAVE! ✅ Now, Let’s Join Together & Take It Back From These POSes & SOBs! 💥 That is the #1 REASON they don't want to change our "Election/Selection" system to one of free, fair & honest. They need to control the outcomes & install their chosen to office to keep the merchandise (THE CHILDREN) flowing! 📣 SOUND OF FREEDOM - JULY 4th PREMIERE The Movie Tells The Horrors of The $150 Billion Child Sex Slave Trafficking Industry Which The US Is The #1 Customer This Is Why They Need Fraudulent Elections - To Keep The Merchandise (The Children) Flowing. 💥 Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives, Destroy Our Country & Gives Them Free Reign to Rape, Sex Slave Traffick & Murder Children + Harvest Their Organs & Blood. Every LegislaTURD is to BLAME for DOING NOTHING to Stop It. The DESTRUCTION of These Childrens' SOULS ARE ON THEIR HANDS! 📣 BUY YOUR TICKET TO THE MOVIE & ONE FOR A FRIEND! The Goal is 2,000,000 People at the July 4th Premiere. This Represents The 2,000,000 Children Who Will Be Trafficked In 2023. https://www.angel.com/freedom 🖥️ WATCH & SHARE THE TRAILER & SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM ANGEL STUDIO'S CEO https://rumble.com/v2odr9w-75-arizona-corruption-exposed.html?mref=57ek9&mc=5i7vp 🚨 On 4/12/23, Arizona officially DIED when 18 Fake Republican Representatives in the House voted to Illegally & Wrongfully EXPEL Rep. Liz Harris from her LD13 seat for what they claim was an ethics violation of disorderly behavior - which there is no definition. The Final Nail In Arizona's Coffin Was On 5/5/23 When The BS (Board of Supervisors of Mari-Corruption County) Did NOT Appoint Rep. Liz Harris To Her 3 Time Duly Elected Seat of LD13. (She won the most votes of the candidates running to REPLACE her & the BOS CHOSE to not follow the WILL OF THE PEOPLE!) The People of Arizona are the REAL victims since they STOLE our Voice, Freedoms and Sacred Right To Choose Our Representatives Through Our Vote! We Officially All Became SLAVES! 📣 It's not a matter of IF, just a matter of WHEN, this will be coming to YOUR city, county & state - It's become the playbook of the Freedom Hating, Fake Grassroots & Rino Establishment. 💥 WE THE PEOPLE are the White Hats & Have the POWER - Remember, THEY work for US! 💥 Everyone We're Paying To Protect Us, Has Betrayed Us & Their Tyrannical Reign Needs To End NOW! We Want Our Freedoms Back! To Take Back Our Country, ALL Corruption MUST BE EXPOSED! 📣 "For there is nothing covered up that will not be seen. There is nothing hidden that will not be known" LUKE 12:2 ✅ WE THE PEOPLE'S JOB IS TO KEEP THEM ACCOUNTABLE! With Enough Pressure, They Will Fold Like A Cheap Suit! ✅ We have to EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE so NO ONE can say "I Didn't Know!" & then there will be NO WHERE TO HIDE! 🙏 "Take No Part In The Worthless Deeds Of Evil And Darkness; Instead, EXPOSE Them." - Ephesians 5:11 🙏 "If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” - Esther 4:14 💥 The True Agenda Of The Demons Connected To The Nationwide Money Laundering Schemes Are All Held Together By Fraudulent Elections, Proven By The Timeline Of Current Events With The Only Purpose Being . . . "Sacrifice The Children!" (Mind - Body & Soul) These Sick, Evil & Demonic Money Laundering Operations (The Merchandise Are The Children & Drugs) Are All Over The Country & Every Level Of Government, All 3 Letter Agencies, IRS, Treasury, Politicians, Government Officials, Regional Banks, Law Firms, LLCs, Trusts, Businesses, Hospitals, "Treatment Centers", Nonprofits (+ Many More) Are All A Part Of It... The Playbook For The American Cartel That We’ve Been Exposing Since 2/23/23 With Information From John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Mike Gill, Draza Smith & Lucy DiGrazia. 💥 Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives, Destroy Our Country & Gives Them Free Reign to Rape, Sex Slave Traffick & Murder Children + Harvest Their Organs & Blood. We’re At War We The People. This Is A Spiritual Battle Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Experienced & It’s Time To Start Acting Like Warriors You Know You Are, Get Real Loud, Stand In The Gap & PROTECT THE CHILDREN! It’s Always Been . . . ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN! 🙏 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed." - Proverbs 31:8 🚨 We The People DEMAND Arizona Senate Chairman Wendy Rogers begin an immediate investigation of the information presented at the EXPLOSIVE Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Meeting held on February 23, 2023. In the hearing, Jacqueline Breger, the principal investigator for the Harris/Thaler Law Corporation, exposed the $7.5 Billion Racketeering, Bribery, Corruption, Money Laundering & Election Fraud scheme orchestrated by the Sinaloa Mexican Cartel & the Mormon Church, involving Arizona's politicians, appointed officials, judges, police officers, attorneys, the city of Mesa, Runbeck, nonprofits, churches, PACs, LLCs - just to name a few. Attorney John Thaler and his firm have been investigating this for the past 3.5 years and also found that since 2010, the money laundering activities exist in 20 states & has exceeded more than $25 Billion. This meeting revealed serious election security vulnerabilities including the possibility that our tabulators and cast vote records may have been accessed remotely, large numbers of fraudulent ballots, cybersecurity risks, voting machine security, internet accessibility, and much more. There were 4 other speakers, Erich Speckin, Ivan Raiklin, Seth Keshel and Col. John Mills. (Episodes #1 thru #44) 🌟 INFORMATION Exposed Since The Hearing Has Revealed The Corruption Is Much BIGGER & DEEPER Than The 20 States Revealed By Breger. ✅ On March 6, 2023 Mike Gill Jumped back onto the battlefield to re-expose the massive 30 year corruption, racketeering, money laundering, drug & human trafficking, child sex slave & organ/blood harvesting operation that is headquartered in New Hampshire and spearheaded by Bill Shaheen and Dick Anagnost. It now permeates every state & level of government, all 3 letter agencies, IRS, Treasury, politicians, government officials, regional banks, law firms, trusts, businesses & many more. (Episodes #39 & #40) The American Cartel. Who has partnered with the Sinaloa Cartel, Israel, the CCP & others. 🚨 Power, Control, Money, Fentanyl, Weapons, Adult & Child Sex Slave Trafficking, Children's Organs & Blood. 16 years ago, Mike began exposing this information but told me he was Standing In The Gap alone and people weren't ready for the TRUTH. I asked him why he decided, NOW was the time. 📣 "I saw the brave people of Arizona were fighting for their freedoms, keeping their politicians accountable & weren't giving up. I knew those Warriors were an army I wanted to be a part of . . . The people were finally ready for the TRUTH!" - Mike Gill Mike ran the largest volume mortgage brokerage in the country worth $300+ Million. For his exposure, the government took all of his money and the criminals proposed an extortion deal. They would give him $50 Million, as long as he destroyed all of his evidence & never spoke of this again...Luckily, Mike declined! 💥 THE PANDORA PAPERS 💥 This document has all the Names, Entities, Locations & Amounts of Money involved in the largest Money Laundering Network ever created. New Hampshire has $932 Billion of cash & gold, South Dakota has $300 Billion. Delaware and Wyoming are also states that store the physical assets. The House Committee on Ways and Means was given the document on October 10, 2021. 🚨 We Must DEMAND The Congressional Committee Release The Names & Information IMMEDIATELY! We Deserve To Know Which Of Our "Elected" & Selected Elitists Are On The List! RELEASE THE PANDORA PAPERS NOW! ✅ On March 7, 2023, Draza Smith joined Brannon Howse on Lindell TV/ Frank Speech to EXPOSE yet more fraud in our Election System & Country. Her team of expert researchers have discovered there are not only Fake Voters but Fake Donors and in the past 2 years, BILLIONS OF DOLLARS have been laundered to support candidates & PACs, nationwide! (Episode #28) ✅ Lucy DiGrazia, Host of our show "Jesus Rocks" has been exposing the horrors & facts about the nationwide, extremely organized Child Sacrifice operations since the first episode July 13, 2022. We've added key episodes to the Toolkit and encourage everyone to watch all 23 to really understand the country you actually live in. (Episodes #46 thru #50) 🙏 "Connecting Current Events & REAL History With The Truth Of God" 🙏 #47: JESUS ROCKS - Where Have All The Children Gone? America's Biggest Business, CPS / Foster "Care" - CPS EXPOSED - Part 1 https://rumble.com/v2f26ei-47-arizona-corruption-exposed.html?mref=57ek9&mc=5i7vp 🙏 #48: JESUS ROCKS - Stand In The Gap. Protecting The Children From The Arms Of Molech - CPS EXPOSED - PART 2 https://rumble.com/v2f2d0k-48-arizona-corruption-exposed.html?mref=57ek9&mc=5i7vp ALL EPISODES: www.JesusRocksLive.com 💥 READ - WATCH - SHARE: THE CHILD SEX SLAVE TRAFFICKING TAKE ACTION TOOLKIT 💥 https://savemyfreedom.substack.com/p/cps-child-protective-services-and 🚨 HOW THEY STOLE THE ARIZONA 2022 ELECTION - WATCH, READ & SHARE: www.AZSavesAmerica.us 🖥️ WATCH - ARIZONA ELECTION CRIMES & FRAUD EXPOSED MARATHON: www.VotingMachineFacts.com 🖥️ WATCH - ALL ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD EPISODES: www.BanTheMachines.com ✅ JOIN The "Save My Freedom Movement" to Save Your Personal, Professional & Financial Freedoms + Your Country & Soul! It's All About . . . 💥 BUSINESS 💥 LIFE 💥 COMMUNITY Delivered Through A Personalized & Collaborative Platform! JOIN US: http://SaveMyFreedom.us ✅ SUBSCRIBE To The “Save My Freedom Movement” On STUBSTACK & LOCALS For the Full TAKE ACTION EXPERIENCE, which includes Resources, Take Action Toolkits, Live Interviews With Leaders & Experts, Jesus Rocks Show Transcripts, Exclusive Subscriber Content, TV Shows, Podcasts, Videos, Invites To Collaboration Meetings, Events, Membership In Our Interactive Community + Promotion Of YOU & Much More . . . ➕ ARIZONA ELECTION UPDATES - Learn The Facts, Truth & Fraud - Articles, Videos, Interviews, Reports, Testimonies - It's All Here! 📣 Stand Up, Speak Up, Show Up! 💥 We're rounding up the Warriors & Everyone who wants to become one! When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior." - Judges 6-8 (6:12) 🛒💲 MY PILLOW 🌟 SPECIAL SALES 🌟 UP TO 66% OFF + OVERSTOCK ITEMS (Much more than just pillows! 110 Products) "I just received the new My Pillow 2.0 and it was the BEST 3 nights of sleep I ever had. 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JOSHUA 1: 5-9 JUDGES 6-8 (6:12) ESTHER 4:14 EZEKIEL 33: 2-9 2ND CHRONICLES 7:14 LUKE 8:17 LUKE 12: 2-3 EPHESIANS 5: 11-14 JAMES 4:17 PROVERBS 31:8 LUKE 17:2 MATTHEW 19:14 MATTHEW 25:21 🤝JOIN OUR COMMUNITY ON SOCIAL MEDIA https://launchlinks.io/u/SocialMediaLinks 🚨 READ THE ARTICLE: Media Matters Hit Piece About Our Movement To "Ban The Voting Machines" https://www.mediamatters.org/voter-fraud-and-suppression/arizona-county-backtracks-hand-counting-all-ballots-urged-hate-group 🖥️ WATCH Michele Swinick Join Steve Bannon On The War Room https://rumble.com/v1lb0px-michele-swinick-discusses-precinct-strategy-in-arizona-and-how-to-get-invol.html 🛒💲 OUR MARKETPLACE - BUY PRODUCTS & SERVICES - From Patriots, Patriotic Companies & Small Businesses! Support people who SHARE your values & STOP financially supporting the enemy who hates you! https://ReviveOurAmericanDream.com/ 🚨PROTECT YOURSELF FROM "COVID-19" & "VIRUSES"🚨 🛒💲 BUY Dr. Zev Zelenko's Immune Boosting Supplements to keep you HEALTHY! 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