Free Grace
6 videos
Updated 9 days ago
This playlist will deal with the main streams of "Free Grace" which are antinomian and shallow and reject the saving power of Jesus Christ and restrict it to a ticket to heaven and the offer of sanctification.
If you don't have perfect love of God, you are worshipping the devil
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου ΧριστουGod requires us to love Him with all our heart and mind and soul and strength. That is His standard. If you are not doing that, you are worshipping the devil because there are only two kingdoms. Anything not done in worship, love, service and trust of God, serves the kingdom of darkness and therefore the devil. However, we cannot do that perfectly, so God accepts imperfect, incomplete faith Jesus Christ as being sufficient for Him to gift us with the imputed righteousness of Christ which covers our sins. Clip from https://rumble.com/v6qidh2-reviewing-the-anti-calvinist-side-of-youtube-is-so-cringe.html12 views -
Discussion with Kurt Ressler, Free Gracer
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου ΧριστουI want to hear Kurt's testimony, not just of how he came to Jesus Christ and but what God has taught him since. What is the good news (gospel) that moves someone from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light but also the good news of how to live in the kingdom of light. I'd also like to question Kurt on his misuse of "heretic" as though it is a joke and the apparent justification of division in how he uses it https://www.youtube.com/live/YKDRow53uF0?si=fxGKVIkblR5kVr0w&t=254 And also his variable definition of free grace - https://www.youtube.com/live/YKDRow53uF0?si=xq69pbLZCyAdru7l&t=614 (and then gets in to the history of opposition to his or Ryrie's strawman of "Lordship Salvation") - then not repent of sin at salvation, opposite Acts 17, and conflating "repent of all SINS" with "repent of SIN" and accusing jmac of saying you have to "MAKE Jesus Christ Lord" - I like to hear quotes of Jmac saying those words. I've never heard them. Then he accuses Matthew of being Old Testament instead of Jesus's words for HIS constitution for HIS kingdom. So I shouldn't follow Jesus??? Then accuses jmac of adding works to salvation. Repentance is a work?? then a redefinition of Free Grace - https://www.youtube.com/live/YKDRow53uF0?si=kDZDeXxcGOlLtU5z&t=851 rejection of any guarantee of works (illogically calls it "irresistible grace"99 views -
Reviewing Charles Jennings' claims about Philippians 1:6
Grahame Gould δουλος Κυριου Ιησου ΧριστουCharles Jennings says that the work God has begun in us is to share the gospel. How is sharing the gospel a work IN us? What work did God begin in us?? I will refute Charles' eisegesis with exegesis. He runs away from Philippians 1.6 to defend his heresy. He does nothing to establish his claims logically or exegetically. From https://www.youtube.com/live/SvWbUogArHA?si=jrFQO4B42xZFTwjq&t=320665 views 5 comments -
A discussion with Jamie Short
GrahameGouldJamie is a good friend who I knew in Kununurra, Western Australia where I used to live for 20 years. He is an elder of People's church in Kununurra and does the job of Pastor since they don't have one. He is also a Free Gracer and I am not but we might not get into that much on this stream. I want to hear his testimony of coming to Christ and what God has taught him since.68 views -
The transforming power of the Holy Spirit
GrahameGouldWill the Holy Spirit change you? There are many "Free Gracers" who reject the sanctifying power and work of the Holy Spirit and they call it "backloading works" onto the gospel. They hate righteousness and submission to God and His law. They are rebels who want to freedom to serve the flesh. In this video, Kevin and I show that scripture guarantees that the Holy Spirit will be at work in and on you and will change you into the image of Jesus Christ if you are His. And not just in glory, but you will be changing in this life, unless you do not belong to Him.60 views 2 comments -
Reviewing "Does Free Grace Represent God Accurately?" by Maximus
GrahameGouldhttps://www.youtube.com/live/gfreeA5QFI878 views