Gates Insider Admits Elite Planning to Euthanise BILLIONS via Bird Flu Vaccine
The People's Voice- Help Slash Your Energy Bills Now: http://dontwastepower.com (Get up to 66% Off Now Click The Link Above ^) Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet - Visit our new community forums: https://community.thepeoplesvoice.tv A Gates Foundation insider has revealed America’s food supply will be deliberately infected with bird flu to spark the next pandemic and pave the way for Bill Gates’ next money-spinning vaccine to conquer the global market. As mainstream media reports on the fear of a mass contagion event this week after bird flu fragments were mysteriously found in grocery store milk, it just so happens that Gates has a lucrative bird flu vaccine entering trials. And it also just so happens that the Gates Foundation is already working behind the scenes to organize urgent global distribution of the bird flu vaxx.178K views 297 comments -
Epstein Victim Exposes VIPs Who 'Rape and Torture Kids for Satan'
The People's Voice- Help Slash Your Energy Bills Now: http://dontwastepower.com (Get up to 66% Off Now Click The Link Above ^) - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet - Visit our new community forums: https://community.thepeoplesvoice.tv Alandra Markman was born into a global Satanic cult and was ritually abused and tortured throughout his childhood. Markman then turned whistleblower to the Satanic ritual abuse atrocities that he experienced at the hands of some of the world’s most powerful and famous people, including Jeffrey Epstein. Rumors regarding the depraved pedophilic tastes of the elite have been circulating the world for centuries, but it takes a very brave and principled person to risk their life to speak out about what they have experienced. The global elite are determined to suppress information of this kind. Videos and blog posts are routinely scrubbed from the internet. Brave whistleblowers are often murdered in bizarre, sickening ways as a warning to others. That’s why what Alandra Markman has to say is vitally important.183K views 143 comments -
Doctors Ordered To Euthanize MILLIONS of Vaccinated Patients to Cover-Up 'Disturbing' Side Effects
The People's Voice- Save 15% off Liver Medic's Leaky Gut Repair using code 'peoplesvoice' - visit: https://livermedic.com/step/leakygutspecial/ -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet Big Pharma and the medical industry are desperately scrambling to cover up the full extent of the human tragedy caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines, according to an industry whistleblower who has blown the whistle on what is really happening in hospital corridors. People have been dying so horrifically and so quickly that doctors have been forced to euthanize them to put them out of their misery, according to the whistleblower who reveals that mainstream media is complicit in covering up the extent of the carnage. But as the body bags continue to pile up and more and more people around the world wake up to the grisly reality, the mainstream media has never been less relevant. We are the news now and the people are rising up and demanding justice for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the global elite.338K views 293 comments -
Japan To Ban mRNA As Turbo Cancers Among Vaxxed Skyrocket
The People's Voice- Save 15% off Liver Medic's Leaky Gut Repair using code 'peoplesvoice' - visit: https://livermedic.com/step/leakygutspecial/ -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet Turbo cancers are exploding among the vaccinated according to Japan’s leading oncologist who has slammed the mainstream media and Big Pharma in the West for covering up the extent of the medical crisis engulfing the world. Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima was ordered by the Japanese government to investigate why excess deaths skyrocketed in Japan in recent years. His findings were conclusive: mRNA has destroyed immune systems and opened a Pandora’s box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. The Professor has a dire warning for those in the West – do not listen to mainstream media and Big Pharma as they are not engaged in science, but rather a eugenics experiment, and they have proven themselves to be enemies of the people.523K views 150 comments -
Gates Foundation Insider Admits 'The Pandemic Was a Hoax'
The People's VoiceReceive up to $10,000 in free silver: https://colonialmetalsgroup.com/tpv or call 888-351-2043 - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv Breaking news out of the Gates Foundation as a former high-level scientist employed by Bill Gates to work on vaccines has admitted that there was no Covid pandemic. According to the virologist, the Covid mRNA vaccines rolled out by governments around the world were not needed because was no pandemic, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into rolling up their sleeves for an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences. But it gets even worse. The psy-op is still in full swing. The next phase of the plot against humanity involves rolling out the “everything vaccine” and the mainstream media machine is lurching into action to convince the masses to get juiced up to the gills with the latest generation of self-assembling nanobot mRNA technology.790K views 175 comments -
Trudeau Orders Military To Round Up 'Conspiracy Theorists' in Reeducation Camps
The People's VoiceReceive up to $10,000 in free silver: https://colonialmetalsgroup.com/tpv or call 888-351-2043 - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has ordered the Canadian military to track and trace so-called “conspiracy theorists” who disapprove of his WEF-inspired agenda as the global elite’s war against dissenters goes into overdrive. According to Canadian sources, military personnel and police officers are going door-to-door in select provinces, performing so-called “wellness checks” on behalf of the Trudeau regime. However, in reality, these wellness checks are nothing more than the Trudeau regimes latest ruse to punish those who oppose the globalist agenda and exclude them from society. Trudeau has already exposed his authoritarian nature, issuing gun confiscation orders, freezing protesters’ bank accounts, and issuing threats about “crushing the Freedom Convoy with tanks.” But if you think the panicked Trudeau government let the authoritarian WEF agenda influence government policy, you ain’t seen nothing yet.146K views 182 comments -
'100% Digital': WEF Orders Govt's To Outlaw Cash For 'Non-Licensed Individuals'
The People's Voice- Save 15% off Liver Medic's Leaky Gut Repair using code 'peoplesvoice' - visit: https://livermedic.com/step/leakygutspecial/ -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet Using cash to make anonymous purchases that are not monitored by the central bank’s invasive monitoring system will soon the reserved for VIP elites who hold licenses to use cash, if we allow Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum to roll out their carefully laid plans. The WEF hosted a summit in Saudi Arabia to quietly share the details of their disturbing plans to completely ban cash in favor of a 100 percent digital system, while admitting the Covid pandemic was part of the plan to transition consumers away from cash and into the cold embrace of central banks. Unfortunately for the global elite and their backroom negotiations in the world’s most repressive states, we are watching them like a hawk, we have insiders walking the corridors and blowing the whistle, and it is our duty to expose their diabolical plans to the world.205K views 154 comments -
Ashley Biden 'Singing Like a Canary' in Elite Pedophile Investigation
The People's VoiceReceive up to $10,000 in free silver: https://colonialmetalsgroup.com/tpv or call 888-351-2043 - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv Three years ago, Klaus Schwab bragged that the World Economic Forum and their globalist stakeholders had seized total control over global politics and entertainment and were set to achieve total dominance over the human race by the year 2030. Unfortunately for Schwab and his dystopian vision of open air prisons, reduced populations, and the decriminalization of pedophilia, the last three years have not gone to plan. In fact, they have been a disaster for the globalists. The people of the world are slowly but surely waking up to the truth and according to investigators the elite pedophile ring operating in Washington D.C. is about to be exposed. The elite pedophile ring operating in Washington D.C. and Hollywood is about to go down, according to an investigator who reveals Ashley Biden and Melinda Gates are “singing like canaries” in the high-stakes investigation that is set to shock the world.137K views 170 comments -
Covid Vaccines Have Highest ‘Kill Rate’ In Medical History – Media Blackout
The People's VoiceReceive up to $10,000 in free silver: https://colonialmetalsgroup.com/tpv or call 888-351-2043 - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv Covid mRNA vaccines are now officially the deadliest drugs in the history of Western medicine, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of people around the world as the fallout from the mass roll out continues to snowball. Big Pharma and the global elite have blood on their hands and they are using mainstream media to whitewash and cover up the greatest crime in history. World-renowned OBGYN physician Dr. James Thorp has blown the whistle on the massive cover-up, warning the public about the disturbing numbers that governments, Big Pharma and the mainstream media are working overtime to keep hidden from the public.186K views 130 comments -
BUSTED: Secret Hollywood Pharmacy Caught Selling Adrenochrome Pills to Elite Celebrities
The People's Voice- Save 15% off Liver Medic's Leaky Gut Repair using code 'peoplesvoice' - visit: https://livermedic.com/step/leakygutspecial/ -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet An elite pharmacy in Los Angeles has been busted selling adrenochrome pills to Hollywood executives and celebrities according to an LAPD source who reveals the ancient drug sourced from tortured and murdered children is booming in popularity in Tinseltown. According to law enforcement, Hollywood elites believe the more the child has suffered, the better the high. They believe the negative emotions that were coursing through the kid’s body, the adrenaline and terror, will give them health benefits and special powers. It’s a Hollywood thing influenced by old school Satanism and they believe they are untouchable because they own everything including the media.“ Unfortunately for the elite, they can’t pay for our silence and we are determined to expose their crimes against children to the masses. Buckle up, this one is going to get wild.114K views 134 comments