Street Talk with Stiletto 11-21-2024
Street Talk with StilettoJoin guest host Shepherd Andrew Serafini and his guest Ron Bouchard. You can find Stiletto on social media here... https://x.com/i/status/1840865892831474109 You can find Jocelyn on social media here... https://x.com/i/status/1846661523072037344 Help support the show by donating monthly on Patreon.com at https://www.patreon.com/freedomwarriors or make a one-time donation on www.gimmawear.com Check out Stiletto's merchandise @ https://www.gimmawear.com/collections/street-talk/ All of our other merchandise is available on www.GimmaWear.com and also on Gearbubble.com at https://bit.ly/streettalk Stiletto's new album, "Without a Sound", is available on Bandcamp @ https://bit.ly/stilettomusic It is also available on Spotify, iTunes and Amazon Music @ Stiletto Healz. Her other music and videos are available on Patreon @ https://bit.ly/streettalkpatreon1.55K views 51 comments -
Kryst Code Undersea meditation
TerryH57Today I am posting a New Underwater Meditation, this one is different in that I have put it together in a very special way, you will hear in the audio track in the beginning very subtle water and wave sounds, then graduate to more volume and whale singing. then trail off again at the end to just water and waves. In the visual sections I have added a very special image and again for the last 4 minutes. This image represents the Kryst Code and both the image and the music is encoded with the Krystal Spiral Ratio Algorithm that contains over 50 different codes from the Absolute Harmonic Universe & Primal Rays of Creation, Water of Love energy intention is set by different masters and healers and Quantum Signatures. The intentions of this meditation are "Infinite Love, Peace, Balance, Health, Connectiveness, Care, Wellbeing, Security, Durability, Abundance, Purity, Joy, Integrity and Cooperation, Real Truth so we will all be one and back to our original blueprint and Source." If you do not enjoy the visuals used, simply download the audio file as an MP3 and meditate on that track.You can also help support my work by making a tax deductible donation here https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=M42XYRUUMBTKC138 views -
Second Chakra - Feeling Stuck
TerryH57using 417 Hz. Solfeggio Frequency to balance and release Eemergy in your Second Chakra "The Sacral" The color is Orange and is tied to passions and much more. using this tone or frequency helps to clear tramatic experiences and the pain or cellular memory of past events, when it is limiting in the present. 417 Hz is also known as the frequency that puts you in touchwith the infinite energy within you. You can find me and more on what I do in these links: https://goodvibrations-soundtherapy.my.canva.site/ and also on Telegram here: https://t.me/+q2w5YVBfrdhlYzUx129 views -
1 Hr meditation using 174Hz + 285 Hz
TerryH57This 1 hr video is a meditatioanl clip using Solfeggio 174 Hz (Pain Management) and additional use of 285 Hz. Enjoy and learn more about me here: https://goodvibrations-soundtherapy.my.canva.site222 views 2 comments -
Healing with the Violet Flame from St. Germain
TerryH57This meditational video is in honor of a sick feline friend of some of my clients in Ohio. I wished to honor the cat with the healing flame of Saint Germain as the main item, but followed that up with Solfeggio 417Hz and 136.1 Hz for grounding. Since there are three audio tracks present I recommend the use of Headphones or ear buds to get the full benefit of this meditation. So obviously it is not just for the cat. Anyone with Karmic issues, or needs healing of any kind. Enjoy. I can also be found on Telegram only through this private invite link. https://t.me/+q2w5YVBfrdhlYzUx100 views