9/10/22 Scott Horton Defend the Guard Speech Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Scott Horton ShowScott Horton joins Jesse Ventura and a great group of antiwar veterans to support Defend the Guard legislation in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 10, 2022. Thanks very much to Kowala Media for the video! Check out the interview page here: Check out the interview page here: https://scotthorton.org/interviews/ For more on Scott's work: Check out The Libertarian Institute: https://libertarianinstitute.org Read Scott's latest book, Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism: https://amzn.to/3tgMCdw Read Scott's first book, Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan: https://foolserrand.us Follow Scott on Twitter using the handle @scotthortonshow: https://twitter.com/scotthortonshow Like Scott's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/scotthortonshow And check out Scott's full interview archives: https://scotthorton.org/archives You can also support Scott's work by making a one-time or recurring donation at https://scotthorton.org/donate/ Or you can donate per interview at Patreon: https://patreon.com/scotthortonshow141 views -
Episode 7 Foreign Policy, Vets, Defend the Guard
AricHermann4ks53In this video I will discuss foreign policy, veteran issues, and Defend the Guard legislation and how I would like to see that play out in the Kansas House of Representatives7 views -
Maine Senator Eric Brakey on "Defend the Guard" Bill
MaineWireSen. Eric Brakey (R-Androscoggin) advocates for his "Defend the Guard" bill which would prevent Maine's national guardsmen from being deployed abroad without a formal declaration of war by the U.S. Congress.414 views -
Meghan Walsh, Defend the Guard, and Montana “Officials” Commit 1st Amendment Error – Live 3.30.23
NorthWest Liberty NewsPlease join host James White as he welcomes truth warrior and children’s advocate Meghan Walsh to discuss her plight against evil in the show’s 1st hour. In the second hour, Darin Gaub joins the show to discuss Defend the Guard legislation upcoming in the Montana legislature, and rounding out the show will be Montana Public Service Commissioner Randy Pinocci to discuss the Gestapo tactics being implemented by the State of Montana to squelch free speech on private property - Live on NorthWest Liberty News Website: https://northwestlibertynews.com Storable, Water Filters, and More: https://patriotprepared.com Check out the Solution Series Podcast w/Me and Corey Lynn: https://www.coreysdigs.com/the-solution-series Show Links and More: https://libertylinks.io/jimslinks E-mail: NWLNews@protonmail.com Music Provided by: https://purple-planet.com Foxhole: (Livestream Video) https://share-link.pilled.net/topic-detail/496955674 views 2 comments -
The Gun Grabber Argument Against Defend the Guard
Tenth Amendment CenterIt’s a trap! - tacitly accepting a collectivist gun grabber view of the 2nd Amendment to oppose the Defend the Guard Act. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: March 22, 2024309 views 8 comments -
Status Report: Defend the Guard, Support the Constitution
TenthAmendmentCenterThe imperial government in Washington D.C. has been using and abusing the National Guard - and violating the Constitution while doing it - for decades. The Defend the Guard Act - the most difficult and one of the most important 10th Amendment-based bills to pass - would help turn that around. It has been filed in 13 states, so far. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: January 28, 2022 JOIN TAC: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/members/ Show Archives: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/pathtoliberty/ Subscribe and Review on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/path-to-liberty/id144054921124 views -
Defend the Guard - FGP#78
Official Libertarian Party of GeorgiaToday's guests are part of an initiative called "Defend the Guard." Their primary goal is to pass legislation that will keep our Georgia National Guard on Georgia soil with the only exception being if Congress declares war. The National Guard are meant to help with natural disaster response, as a defense force upon invasion, and many other services within the state of Georgia. Marc Douglas and Gretchen Brocard are ensuring that the GNG is there for all Georgians. Official Podcast of the Libertarian Party of Georgia, airing Mondays @ 8PM Eastern A weekly podcast hosted by Jake Green and focusing on the state of Georgia. From politics, to news, to business, to culture, Jake and his guests highlight stories from around the state to shed light on little-known issues, small businesses, and the fight for freedom. Subscribe on RUMBLE before our YouTube channel gets removed! Get Your Annual LPGeorgia Membership: https://lpgeorgia.com/annual/?source=FreeGeorgiaPodcast Get Your Monthly LPGeorgia Membership: https://lpgeorgia.com/monthly/?source=FreeGeorgiaPodcast Donate to the cause and this show: https://lpgeorgia.com/donate/?source=FreeGeorgiaPodcast Brought to you by The Libertarian Party of Georgia Website: LPGeorgia.com Twitter: @LPGeorgia Instagram: @LibertarianPartyofGeorgia Facebook: LPGeorgia Produced by Peaceful Sea Productions Website: PeacefulSeaProductions.com Instagram: @PeacefulSeaProductions Twitter: @PeacefulSeaProd Rumble: Peaceful Sea Productions YouTube: @PeacefulSea Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6127624710258688171 views 1 comment -
'Defend The Guard' With Darin Gaub
CDMAFP Host L Todd Wood speaks with LTC Darin Gaub (USA, Ret) speaks about his efforts to 'Defend the Guard' and www.restore-liberty.org.1.26K views -
Defend the Guard: Support the Constitution, Resist the Empire
Tenth Amendment CenterDefend the Guard is a state-level bill that would stop the deployment of a state’s National Guard units unless specific constitutional criteria are met. Learn more about the bill - and what action steps you can take in support in your state today. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: Nov 18, 2022 JOIN TAC: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/members/ Show Archives: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/pathtoliberty/ Subscribe and Review on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/path-to-liberty/id144054921145 views