💥 Jul 4 2024 - Juan O Savin w/ Navy SEAL Michael Jaco > We're In The Zone Expect The Unexpected
Juan O Savin SITREP* Democrat Meltdown * Trump Says Biden Is Quitting And Kamala Is On Deck * Lawsuits Against Kamala's Eligibility Already Set To Go * Putin Can Only Hold Out On Hitting U.S. Back For So Long * There Is A Nuclear Threat Coming * We Need To Be Ready To Fend For Ourselves For A Week Or Two * We're In The Zone Right Now > Don't Be Thinking It's Further Out Than It Is * Trump's Coming Back * -------------------------------------------------- Juan O Savin & Jennifer Mac www.worldaccordingtojuan.com www.TheJenniferMac.com Michael Jaco https://michaelkjaco.com/about-michael-jaco66.1K views 224 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- The Confusion in our Reality- Part One Jaco 7 4 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSTwo Parts here. In the first part he starts with the JFK speech of the Declaration of Independence that he praises. Those were times past where honor and dignity and a real man of significance came forward during hard times. This time it is different. Make sure to see this speech today. Greatly respected as a man then Senator John F. Kennedy ..here it is: https://rumble.com/v55fxo6-john-f.-kennedy-declaration-of-independence-speech-to-congress-july-4-1957.html Jaco and Juan have done the deep dive we all need to process. Our Reality is very different from "their" reality. The two sides have a real psychological block that is a mental "difficulty" that when challenged they have one course. A blank stare or a meltdown. These are the "mentally retarded". https://rumble.com/v50bbvt-the-mentally-retarded-survey-alex-jones-2024.html Kind of funny in a way but are we "really" dealing with? Is this a real event or maybe just simulated reality? That gets all of us to thinking. Flexibility is Key. Don't get lost in the Moment. https://rumble.com/v55itiq-juan-o-savin-on-who-the-real-worldwide-enemy-is-and-will-the-us-election-be.html Part Two goes down the Rabbit Hole.19.7K views 28 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Expect the Unexpected- Part Two Jaco 7 4 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSPart Two are War Stories that in our memories become our Guiding light. At times it kept us alive. Even in circumstances that seem impossible by clearing your mind and listening to the "Quiet Voice". You will hear and react at the same time. This is called Perception and is aligned with GOD. Divine Providence. Full program here: https://rumble.com/v55itiq-juan-o-savin-on-who-the-real-worldwide-enemy-is-and-will-the-us-election-be.html Juan talks about what is coming up and it can't be frivolous. It must be guided by God. One must be calculated not to force the topic because you want ego or to be seen as "first one to reveal or last one in". Expect the Unexpected means not "driving" every single ACT. We are getting very close and if you come out too soon you may be countered. That is Wisdom. To know today what will be the result of your current actions. Juan knows this exceedingly well. Much to think about here. And do defeat your "thinking" when you are in the FIELD. THEN you go on INSTINCT, PERCEPTION and then you will be where you need to be.. at the right place at the right time. Every time. This is great advice. WE will be the ones that will convey the stories to the Future Generations. To get the coin: https://allpatriots.gumroad.com/19.7K views 19 comments