1984 Communofascism spreading across Orwell's "Oceania"
15 videos
Updated 3 days ago
VP JD Vance SLAMS Soviet-style censorship in Europe - "I worry about the threat from within"
Asher PressFULL SPEECH - https://rumble.com/v6ktwgs-vice-president-jd-vance-speaks-at-munich-security-conference-full-feb-14-20.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3 Vice President JD Vance speaks at the Munich Security Conference: “For years, we’ve been told U.S. funding supports ‘democracy.’ But when European courts cancel elections and officials threaten to do the same, we should ask: Are we holding ourselves to the right standard?” "In this single passage, JD Vance makes manifest the core lie driving US/EU foreign policy for decades: we claim everything we do is for "advancing democracy" when the goal is often the exact opposite." Never imagined a senior US official saying this - Glenn Greenwald In a speech to European leaders, Vice President JD Vance said the continent's recent censorship activities were a bigger threat to its existence than Russia. "The threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia, it's not China. It's not any other external actor," he said in an address at the Munich Security Conference. "What I worry about is the threat from within the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values, values shared with the United States of America." Vance called out former European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who said in January that if the right wing German AfD party were to win elections in Germany, the results could go the way of Romania. "These cavalier statements are shocking to American ears," said Vance. "For years we've been told that everything we fund and support is in the name of our shared democratic values. Everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defense of democracy. But when we see European courts canceling elections and senior officials threatening to cancel others, we ought to ask whether we're holding ourselves to an appropriately high standard." Romania annulled the results of its December presidential election, because President Klaus Iohannis declassified intelligence reports alleging a Russian influence campaign on social media to the benefit of Calin Georgescu, the dark horse candidate who won the most votes. "You can believe it's wrong for Russia to buy social media advertisements to influence your elections. We certainly do. You can condemn it on the world stage, even. But if your democracy can be destroyed with a few hundred thousand dollars of digital advertising from a foreign country, then it wasn't very strong to begin with." The vice president even called out the organizers of the Munich conference, who he said had "banned lawmakers representing populist parties on both the left and the right from participating in these conversations." "To many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet-era words like 'misinformation' and ‘disinformation,’ who simply don't like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion or, God forbid, vote a different way, or even worse, win an election." He then said Europe had forgotten the lessons of the Cold War and the Soviet Union's censorship policies. "Within living memory of many of you in this room, the Cold War positioned defenders of democracy against much more tyrannical forces on this continent. And consider the side in that fight that censored dissidents, that closed churches, that canceled elections," Vance said. "Unfortunately, when I look at Europe today, it's sometimes not so clear what happened to some of the Cold War's winners. I look to Brussels, where EU commissars warn citizens that they intend to shut down social media during times of civil unrest the moment they spot what they've judged to be ‘hateful content’ or to this very country where police have carried out raids against citizens suspected of posting anti-feminist comments online as part of ‘combating misogyny on the internet.’" "Most concerning," according to Vance, is the United Kingdom. "The backslide away from conscience rights has placed the basic liberties of religious Britons, in particular, in the crosshairs."528 views -
The Downfall of Europe: An Oligarchy in Democracy's Clothing
The Charlie Kirk ShowFor more exclusive interviews, insight, and analysis like this, SUBSCRIBE to The Charlie Kirk Show TODAY: https://apple.co/2VCxGsh And for EVEN MORE—tune in to The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE on Salem Radio Network affiliates across the country, 5 days a week from 12—3 PM ET To listen live, turn on post notifications on YouTube, check your local affiliates, or head to https://charliekirk.com For Exclusive Charlie Kirk content, head to members.charliekirk.com TODAY to sign up!34.5K views 11 comments -
Stakeholder Capitalism: The WEF plan for global Communism by 2030
Right ThinkThe David Kurten Show with Richard Jeffs Watch the film on Stakeholder Capitalism on Yellow Forum: https://yellow.forum/t/stakeholder-capitalism-episode-1-40-mins/145463 views 2 comments -
"Bitcoin Jesus" Roger Ver Documentary - A Brief Summary of the Lawfare
vivafrei*Shared in its entirety with permission.16.6K views 13 comments -
So They Knew All Along And Did Nothing
Russell BrandGo to https://www.RuffGreens.com and use promo code RUSSELL and get a Trial Bag FREE!63.2K views 236 comments -
“Utterly Incompetent” - Secret Service Sniper Lead’s Shocking Confession
USAFrontlineDoctors“Utterly Incompetent” - Secret Service Sniper Lead’s Shocking Confession Watch the :The Art of The Surge Series Episode “One: The Art of the Surge" on X - Episode One: We'll Make It Happen! 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Donald Trump FULL SPEECH at Madison Square Garden in NYC- 10/27/24 https://rumble.com/v5kg004-pres.-donald-trump-full-speech-at-madison-square-garden-in-nyc-102724.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop WATCH: Sen. Johnson Roundtable: “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion” https://rumble.com/v5gh9zx-sen.-johnson-roundtable-american-health-and-nutrition-a-second-opinion.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop REMEMBER: SEPTEMBER 15, 2024 ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT JULY 13, 2024 6:11:33-REMEMBER THIS DAY! Former President Donald Trump was the target of an apparent assassination attempt Saturday at a Pennsylvania rally, days before he was to accept the Republican nomination for a third time. A barrage of gunfire set off panic, and a bloodied Trump, who said he was shot in the ear, was surrounded by Secret Service and hurried to his SUV as he pumped his fist in a show of defiance WATCH: ALTERNATE ANGLE: ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT FORCES TRUMP OFF STAGE AT RALLY IN BUTLER, PA - 7/13/24 https://rumble.com/v56zhh1-alternate-angle-assassination-attempt-forces-trump-off-stage-at-rally-in-bu.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop WATCH:Oversight Of The Biden Covid-19 Administrative State Response https://rumble.com/v54bcw2-follow-the-science-oversight-of-the-biden-covid-19-administrative-state-res.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Study SHOWS 74% Causal Link Between COVID What? & Death! BRUTAL:Sen. Ron Johnson Confronts Doctor He Claims 'Engaged In A Cover-Up' With Fauci https://rumble.com/v52cwto-brutalsen.-ron-johnson-confronts-doctor-he-claims-engaged-in-a-cover-up-wit.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop MORE DEATHS IN VACCINATED(21 Deaths) THAN UNVACCINATED(17 Deaths) IN PFIZER TRIALS PFIZER TRIALS S: 21 DEAD FROM VAX AND 17 FROM COVID-19 https://rumble.com/v52h9p0-more-deaths-in-vaccinated21-deaths-than-unvaccinated17-deaths-in-pfizer-tri.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop IS A CLIMATE LOCKDOWN ON THE HORIZON? https://rumble.com/v4t6z96-is-a-climate-lockdown-on-the-horizon.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop “A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.” This includes, but is not limited to: • COVID came from a lab • Ivermectin worked • Masks offered no benefit and were harmful • Should have never kept kids out of school • Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity • Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax • Hospitals murdered COVID patients • COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated • Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots • Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine” • Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public • Vaccine mandates are wrong • More shots = more risk of infection • COVID shots are neither safe nor effective BREAKING: “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Roundtable https://rumble.com/v4fw6qu-breaking-federal-health-agencies-and-the-covid-cartel-what-are-they-hiding-.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Tucker and Putin(Full Interview) https://rumble.com/v4cd0xl-exclusive-tucker-carlson-interviews-vladimir-putin.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Their Real Plan for Illegal Immigrants: https://rumble.com/v49wgzc-their-real-plan-for-those-illegal-immigrants.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Watch Tucker on USA Invasion: https://rumble.com/v49vudr-tucker-carlson-reports-on-texas-border-crisis-includes-greg-abbott-ken-paxt.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Watch Tucker Carlson and Dr Joseph Ladapo Florida Surgeon Speaks Out Why the Covid-19 mRNA Jabs MUST Be Stopped https://rumble.com/v47f1q6-tucker-carlson-and-dr-joseph-ladapo-florida-surgeon-speaks-out.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Watch: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing On Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries (11/13/23)PART 1: https://rumble.com/v46rsz9-congresswoman-marjorie-taylor-greene-holds-hearing-on-covid-19-vaccine-inju.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Congressional Hearing: Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines:Full, Unedited Hearing)(1-12-24) PART 2: https://rumble.com/v46s1bo-congressional-hearing-injuries-caused-by-covid-19-vaccines-part-2-full-uned.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING-COVID LOCKDOWN TRUTH:GLOBAL WARNING 2023 and BEYOND: https://rumble.com/v3zevqq-this-is-really-happening-covid-lockdown-truthglobal-warning-2023-and-beyond.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See also: Denis Rancourt Sounds The All-Cause Mortality Alarm At International Crisis Summit 4 https://rumble.com/v3xoina-denis-rancourt-sounds-the-all-cause-mortality-alarm-at-international-crisis.html Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination https://react19.org/science War On Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions And Could Have Ended The COVID Pandemic https://amzn.to/3Jn9QZX ............. Dr. Pierre Kory Website: https://drpierrekory.com/ Dr. Pierre Kory On Substack: https://pierrekory.substack.com/ Dr. Pierre Kory on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PierreKory Get help from Dr. Pierre Kory: https://drpierrekory.com/pricing FLCCC Website: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ FLCCC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Covid19Critical FLCCC Alliance on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/FLCCCALLIANCE Dr. Pierre Kory videos featured on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow%20-%20Pierre%20Kory ............. Ivermectin: Wonderdrug https://drturner.substack.com/p/ivermectin-wonderdrug Everything They Don't Want You to Know About Ivermectin https://vigilantnews.com/post/miracle-drug-everything-they-dont-want-you-to-know-about-ivermectin Ivermectin: The Untold Story Of A "Miracle Drug" https://rumble.com/v2ciuvm-ivermectin-the-untold-story-of-a-miracle-drug.html https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-untold-story-of-a-miracle-drug_4952578.html All About Ivermectin: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/ LINKS TO INSTANTLY SHOW PEOPLE THE DANGERS OF VACCINES DR. RYAN COLE & DR. RICHARD URSO TESTIFY BEFORE TENNESSEE HOUSE HEALTH SUBCOMMITTEE https://www.bitchute.com/video/GvdTIhQMYaD6/ https://www.brighteon.com/a02b1413-704d-4131-829f-1e8f2c1af2e2 - eternal life inside a computer AI!!!! The resulting study, recently published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences—“Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues”—builds on key questions that the team probed as part of anearlier preprintposted onbioRxiv, in their attempts to find a solution to this mystery. Using three independent sequencing approaches, Jaenisch and his team showed the presence of human–viral chimeric transcripts in infected human HEK293T cells in culture and patient-derived tissues to demonstrate that DNA copies of fragments of SARS-CoV-2’s genomic RNA sequences can integrate into the human genome and can be transcribed into RNA. Are hospitals making thousands off this dangerous and ineffective COVID drug https://cqrcengage.com/causeaction/app/document/36607798;jsessionid=node051ivfp0xcv6ully311azxtho1121342.node0 Mike Adams: ISO Labs find Vaccines Full of Toxic Heavy Metals: https://rumble.com/v1lf52h-mike-adams-laboratory-analysis-of-one-of-the-death-shots-full-of-toxic-heav.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpo Tucker Carlson and Mattias Desmet: Mass Formation Psychosis: https://rumble.com/v1jicxa-must-watch-mattias-desmet-and-tucker-carlson-discuss-mass-formation-psychos.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop Dr. Mike Yeadon https://rumble.com/v1bui3t-dr-michael-yeadon-former-pfizer-vp-and-chief-scientist-a-final-warning-to-h.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See Tucker Carlson and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: https://rumble.com/v1a2ma5-tucker-carlsons-explosive-interview-with-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See Tess Lawrie: https://rumble.com/v1958mp-a-letter-to-dr-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie.html?mref=15ngam&mc=dmpop See Plandemic Part 1 here: https://rumble.com/v16gbht-plandemic-part-1-documentary.html?mref=ckuol&mrefc=14 See Plandemic Part 2 here: https://rumble.com/v16ga0h-plandemic-2-indoctrination-documentary-covid-19.html?mref=ckuol&mrefc=12 Please view these MUST SEE DOCUMENTS: Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30. There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The "Vaccines" For "Covid-19" https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf FULL Report:https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇 Court ordered documents can be seen here, https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M1_cover.pdf Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 20, 2022 https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/20/gov-canada-data-triple-vaccinated-have-a-i-d-s/ Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 "Vaccination" Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature! https://rumble.com/vy9fmn-march-23-2022.html Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests March 1, 2022 https://healthnewshub.org/poison-control-cautions-about-toxic-substance-in-many-rapid-at-home-antigen-covid-tests/ Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all. On the link below, there's a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge. Source: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:https://search.nih.gov/search?affiliate=nih&query=ivermecton+and+cancer Please view these MUST SEE videos: Pfizer release list of adverse side effects link: (go to page 30-38) https://t.co/b23dEPrAzh Link to FDA’s List of Pfizer’s 1,290+ Known Adverse Side Effects for Its Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine”: https://granitegrok.com/blog/2022/03/fdas-list-of-1290-known-adverse-side-effects-from-the-pfizer-covid-vaccine Pfizer FDA’s list of known side effects: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ Face Masks: https://www.aier.org/article/medical-journal-warns-about-maskss-potentially-devastating-consequences/556 views 2 comments -
How FBI Leaks to CNN Compromised the Trump Shooter Investigation
Tucker Carlson NewsPlease follow our new channel Tucker & Trump News: https://rumble.com/c/TUCKERANDTRUMPNEWS2.99K views 2 comments -
WOW! MUST WATCH! When House Speaker Mike Johnson Knew Joe Biden Was Not In Charge!
Sunfellow On COVID-19WATCH: When Mike Johnson Knew Joe Biden Was Not In Charge By Eli Lake The Free Press In D.C. January 17, 2025 https://www.thefp.com/p/when-mike-johnson-knew-joe-biden-not-in-charge “Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe?” the speaker asked. “I didn’t do that,” Biden replied. He had, three weeks earlier—but he wasn’t aware of what he’d signed. The Republican speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has had a front-row seat to the intellectual decline of Joe Biden. On Friday, in an interview with Bari Weiss for Honestly, Johnson shared an anecdote that demonstrated just how checked out the outgoing president has been. During the third week of January 2024, Johnson was invited to a meeting at the Oval Office with several of Biden’s top national security advisers and cabinet chiefs. The ostensible purpose of the meeting was to persuade Johnson to support the latest aid package for Ukraine (which he ended up doing). But Johnson also wanted to talk with the president about a recent executive order that paused the approval of new permits to export American liquefied natural gas (LNG) to our European allies—an important issue for his Louisiana constituents. In the course of a one-on-one with Biden, Johnson learned the president was unaware of his own executive order. The outlines of this anecdote were previously reported by The Wall Street Journal, but the Journal relied on anonymous sources. On Friday, Johnson put the tale on the record. “Can I ask you a question? I cannot answer this from my constituents in Louisiana,” Johnson recalled telling Biden. “Sir, why did you pause LNG exports to Europe? Liquefied natural gas is in great demand by our allies. Why would you do that? Cause you understand we just talked about Ukraine, you understand you are fueling Vladimir Putin’s war machine, because they gotta get their gas from him.” Biden, according to Johnson, was stunned. “I didn’t do that,” Biden said. Johnson responded, “Mr. President, yes you did. It was an executive order like three weeks ago.” Biden continued to deny that he paused the LNG exports. At that point, Johnson suggested that the president ask the president’s secretary to print out the executive order, so the two could read it together. Biden then recalled that he had signed an executive order, but it only called for a study on the effects of LNG. Johnson was firm. “Sir, you paused it, I know. I have the export terminals in my state. I talked to those people in my state, I’ve talked to those people this morning, this is doing massive damage to our economy, national security.” In this exchange, Johnson said he realized that Biden was not lying to him. “He genuinely did not know what he had signed,” Johnson said. “And I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, “We are in serious trouble—who is running the country?” Like, I don't know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.” Johnson said in a follow-up answer that he did not know who was really running the country. His theory is that Biden agreed to place more leftist progressives in key positions in exchange for his primary rivals dropping out of the race. See also: Corruption, Incompetence, The Law (The Good & The Bad) https://rumble.com/playlists/Q14z6fxyaBU8K views 17 comments -
💉 Molecular Biologist Gina Gold Sounds the Alarm on the mRNA Covid "Vaccines" and How the Nuremberg Code Still Applies
Real Truth Real News✅ Please Click the THUMBS UP Button 👍 and SUBSCRIBE! 💚 . September 2nd, 2021 - Molecular Biologist Speaks at Dawson Creek, British Columbia City Council Meeting - VERY Relevant Today! . 👹 Everything You Need To Know About the Deep State Globalist Cabal, CIA, FBI, UN, WEF, WHO, The Great Reset, Agenda2030, NWO, The Covid SCAMdemic, Killer Vaccines, Climate Change Scam, Cancer Cures and More: www.DeepStateTruth.com . ༻❁✿❀༺ ˎˊ 🔴 ˋˏ ༻❁✿❀༺ . 💊 Covid Vaccine Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com 💜 Order Ivermectin/Mebendazole/Hydroxychloroquine/Z-Pack and More: www.BodywisePharmacy.com 🇨🇦 Email For Canadian Ivermectin/HCQ Order Instructions: realtruthrealnews@gmail.com 💜 Wellness Contagion Kits Contain Ivermectin, HCQ, Z-Pak, Budesonide and More: http://tinyurl.com/4nyb5evz ☀️ Purchase Fenbendazole: https://tinyurl.com/4r368rnv 🪱 ParaGon (Parasite Cleanse) Contains Both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole Together: https://tinyurl.com/bde8v443 ✅ If I Had Cancer or Knew Someone Who Did I Would Check This Out: https://tinyurl.com/mpzepraz 📋 Dr. Makis: Ivermectin, Febendazole, Mebendazole Now Peer-Reviewed For Cancer Treatment! https://tinyurl.com/bdhmm5m3 🧬 The Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol 🎗️ Fenbendazole/Ivermectin For Cancer Treatment: https://tinyurl.com/3w48er2u ✅ Ivermectin, Febendazole, Mebendazole Now Peer-Reviewed For Cancer Treatment! https://tinyurl.com/y3x3vwau . ༻❁✿❀༺ ˎˊ Detox Your Body At a Cellular Level ˋˏ ༻❁✿❀༺ . ☮️ MasterPeace Nutraceutical With Zeolite Removes Graphene, Heavy Metals, Plastics: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk ✅ Detox Nanotech, Graphine, Heavy Metals: https://tinyurl.com/36f559ne 💜 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends "Spike Support" With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Proteins: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv 💦 ASEA Redox For Cellular Detox/Chelation. Article and Purchase Link: https://tinyurl.com/mvzxxsm6 🦋 ROOT Brands Products Detox Heavy Metals, Toxins, Parasites and More: https://therootbrands.com/bodywisecbd 🧬 Protandim For Optimal Mitochondrial/Cellular Health: https://amzn.to/44rd7jr 💦 Chlorine Dioxide Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Nasal Sprays, Skin Care: https://tinyurl.com/29b4j3c9 🧬 Chlorine Dioxide Drops For Drinking Water: https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3 ⏱️ WAVwatch Frequency Healing - Even Has a Detox Setting! https://tinyurl.com/2auhz27p Use Code "Bodywise: for $100 Off ... Article: https://tinyurl.com/y58ja48p . 🍉🍓🍌🍑 Visit My New Alternative Health Store For More Amazing Products! www.DiamondzHealth.com . ▶️ Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com ▶️ RealTruthRealNews Website: www.RealTruthRealNews.com ▶️ Follow Me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/Diamondz ▶️ Follow Me on Telegram For World and Health News: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews9.36K views 15 comments