The Universal Antidote - Chlorine Dioxide on Sat. Night RP78 Stream
Red Pill NewsProtect Your Retirement W/ A Gold IRA https://tinyurl.com/cxuyuyj5 Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE CHANNEL: http://www.redpill78news.com/donate The Universal Antidote is a groundbreaking documentary about what may be the best kept secret of the health and wellness industry, Chlorine Dioxide. The director and created joins me tonight in an hour long conversation, what may be his first and only interview. https://theuniversalantidote.com Support My Pillow & RedPill78: Use Promo code - RP78 , or call 800-890-4893 https://www.mypillow.com PROTECT YOURSELF! Get Dr. Z’s Z Stack today and support this show: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=azbl62h8hd USE CODE REDPILL78 FOR 10% OFF! Thrivetime Show Tickets:https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/reawaken-america-tour/ PATRIOT DOUBLE DOWN! Oct. 23-25th http://www.thepatriotvoice.us CLICK HERE STOP SUPPORTING COMPANIES THAT WANT TO DESTROY YOU: https://form.jotform.com/211438329723153 HOW NOT TO DIE FROM CV19: https://redpill78news.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/How-to-Not-Die-from-COVID-19-Google-Docs.pdf https://linktr.ee/RedPill78 https://linktr.ee/reasonabletv NEW LINK FOR Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/WRzNRkDAeg1hUkVP NEW MAILING ADDRESS: Zak Paine - RedPill78 NEW PO Box COMING IN FLORIDA, HOLD MAIL TILL NOVEMBER MAKE DONATIONS PAYABLE TO CASH OR REDPILL78 Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/redpill78 Donate:http://www.redpill78news.com/donate Podbean Crowdfunding: https://patron.podbean.com/redpill78 Crypto Donations: Bitcoin Donations - bc1qdrqqu60vsrvhmvg33w25e88k55qufvvp8phzsk BitcoinCash Donations - 1E6gkUsSTaPy8brdtK9sN1sgcnPBVaN68S Ethereum Donations - 0xC62373cf88f9bE61e8c37e14B048a7cf611456e2 LiteCoin Donations - ltc1q0scc0sfqpjzdxs04gpnscqez2vnflf5wghuy67 BSV Wallet - 15YaEBSvywRENaWPX4iuAab2pmZSB35y9q LBRY Coin: bJTUi5NSYPMsSxnLDFidR9AKmFkrbtrnH561.6K views 260 comments -
RRyrobertFrontier Pharmaceuticals' mouthwash, nail fungus solution, and Snoot nasal spray chlorine are dioxide products that safely improve your health.3.67K views 36 comments