Truth Table News World"MEET YOUR STRAWMAN AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW". Book 1 of 3. reaction Part 3. Why everyone needs to know and understand "Common Law". In this series I will also share "40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don't Know, But NEED to Know. (this document will be PREMIUM CONTENT on https://truthtablenewsworld.locals.com In studio today we have our round table "Knights" Ghost, and From Down Under Lord G.O.D. "FAIR WARNING" This broadcast series will piss a lot of people off due to it's nature. I am not a legal expert nor claim to be. I am a freelance independent investagative journalist as stated below. Please do not email me with questions on these details, please do your own homework and draw your own conclusions and opinions, I'm just reporting on what's been verified, and Ghost with Lord G.O.D. are experts in this topic and it is of there opinion only on topic details. LETS Go!!!!! Truth Table News World channel was created to provide it's viewers with real current events that affect us all. Our mission is clear. No spin, tin foil, misinformation content. I am the editor-in-chief of Four44Media Mission, a US Press Corp. affiliate member Verification Code: 90999GON aipress.com/uspverify Our broadcasts will provide interviews/collaborations/contributive special guests, plus other freelance journalists with specialties in intel/investigative niche spaces. We will bring what the MSM won't, plain and simple, and also debunk the spin that's applied to actual "real" stories. LINKS to todays topics below: where buy the book: Amazon.com (I make no commission or royalty from any source for promoting this book.) "Book#1" MEET YOUR STRAWMAN AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW By David E. Robinson (Author) ISBN 9781492877677 "Book#2" THE UCC CONNECTION, HOW TO FREE YOURSELF FROM LEGAL TYRANNY By David E. Robinson (Author) ISBN 9781493688401 "Book#3" COMMON LAW HANDBOOK FOR JUROR'S,SHERIFF'S, BAILIFF'S AND JUSTICES'S By David E. Robinson (Author) ISBN 9781492840534 https://www.amazon.com/Meet-Your-Strawman-Whatever-Want/dp/1492877670/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2319B6UK6UOPX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AHN5woRWw_goPhRe2qo5_3rbuYnTErSCswMizn6NWWqdT46a_69WknnGHGXL1pI7bydQ4nr3t_Z2olRR5GMsLg6U4-9KeKR2myf-l9NY9-XVc3krF6az0ZKTsMSSbDVX1yz8zBogYKoDW_1yYw4tnrezUqmKkZQmZZ4Jmo_99pwNujeD7JCsHwHWkZddiuoHsfw3nmpyrYheiG2Ei9Mrt8jWX0ZjzxYAlEg8ml9kQT8.nOBjODLV8M7Thw3AliNDbGGeTRGso5jBndr7Vf2c8wM&dib_tag=se&keywords=meet+your+strawman+book&qid=1733880893&s=books&sprefix=meet+your+%2Cstripbooks%2C104&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.com/UCC-Connection-Yourself-Legal-Tyranny/dp/1493688405/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35WVQENAX9XED&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.V9qr1CMcEspX1tst_8_6JEXXE4qyxWHTHUSO4cWScL8z2LrF58AZ2hbODk8TS30b.aDUBRgzvidez2Wb6HTGrtLOPBEALyIJvDJc0Kk-jepk&dib_tag=se&keywords=ISBN+9781493688401&qid=1736541207&sprefix=isbn+9781493688401%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.com/Common-Law-Handbook-Sheriffs-Bailiffs/dp/149284053X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OO56T5DTPD0A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.l5nYn-d3oeadgBg6BZRC2yxY_Jw8k0gmuRCQEYQ-OjEz2LrF58AZ2hbODk8TS30b.CrJKNpguRCOAR7-QXsl8BkxdLEnb6IFbwDEM4cPsEsI&dib_tag=se&keywords=ISBN+9781492840534&qid=1736541293&sprefix=isbn+9781492840534%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-1 Follow Me on the Socials below: X: https://twitter.com/TheOfficialTTNW Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TruthTableNewsWorld Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truthtablenewsworld?igsh=eG1zazhyZ2lycW1h&utm_source=qr Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@whatsupUSA SHOW EMAIL: armando.truthtablenews@gmail.com SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BELOW: https://truthtablenewsworld.locals.com (JOIN TODAY AND USE PROMO CODE TTNW30 FOR 1 FREE MONTH) https://buymeacoffee.com/ttnw (BUY ME A COFFEE) $TruthTableNewsWorld (Cash app) @Armando-Gonzalez-172 (Venmo) patreon.com/TruthTableNewsWorld (Patreon)2.6K views 4 comments -
Truth Table News WorldWhy everyone needs to know and understand "Common Law". In this series I will also share "40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don't Know, But NEED to Know. (this document will be PREMIUM CONTENT on https://truthtablenewsworld.locals.com In studio today we have our round table "Knights" Ghost, and From Down Under Lord G.O.D. "FAIR WARNING" This broadcast series will piss a lot of people off due to it's nature. I am not a legal expert nor claim to be. I am a freelance independent investagative journalist as stated below. Please do not email me with questions on these details, please do your own homework and draw your own conclusions and opinions, I'm just reporting on what's been verified, and Ghost with Lord G.O.D. are experts in this topic and it is of there opinion only on topic details. LETS Go!!!!! Truth Table News World channel was created to provide it's viewers with real current events that affect us all. Our mission is clear. No spin, tin foil, misinformation content. I am the editor-in-chief of Four44Media Mission, a US Press Corp. affiliate member Verification Code: 90999GON aipress.com/uspverify Our broadcasts will provide interviews/collaborations/contributive special guests, plus other freelance journalists with specialties in intel/investigative niche spaces. We will bring what the MSM won't, plain and simple, and also debunk the spin that's applied to actual "real" stories. LINKS to todays topics below: where buy the book: Amazon.com (I make no commission or royalty from any source for promoting this book.) MEET YOUR STRAWMAN AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW By David E. Robinson (Author) ISBN 9781492877677 https://www.amazon.com/Meet-Your-Strawman-Whatever-Want/dp/1492877670/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2319B6UK6UOPX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AHN5woRWw_goPhRe2qo5_3rbuYnTErSCswMizn6NWWqdT46a_69WknnGHGXL1pI7bydQ4nr3t_Z2olRR5GMsLg6U4-9KeKR2myf-l9NY9-XVc3krF6az0ZKTsMSSbDVX1yz8zBogYKoDW_1yYw4tnrezUqmKkZQmZZ4Jmo_99pwNujeD7JCsHwHWkZddiuoHsfw3nmpyrYheiG2Ei9Mrt8jWX0ZjzxYAlEg8ml9kQT8.nOBjODLV8M7Thw3AliNDbGGeTRGso5jBndr7Vf2c8wM&dib_tag=se&keywords=meet+your+strawman+book&qid=1733880893&s=books&sprefix=meet+your+%2Cstripbooks%2C104&sr=1-1 Follow Me on the Socials below: X: https://twitter.com/TheOfficialTTNW Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TruthTableNewsWorld Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truthtablenewsworld?igsh=eG1zazhyZ2lycW1h&utm_source=qr Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@whatsupUSA SHOW EMAIL: armando.truthtablenews@gmail.com SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BELOW: https://truthtablenewsworld.locals.com (JOIN TODAY AND USE PROMO CODE TTNW30 FOR 1 FREE MONTH) https://buymeacoffee.com/ttnw (BUY ME A COFFEE) $TruthTableNewsWorld (Cash app) @Armando-Gonzalez-172 (Venmo) patreon.com/TruthTableNewsWorld (Patreon)2.59K views 1 comment -
Truth Table News WorldBook 1 of 3. reaction Part 1. Why everyone needs to know and understand "Common Law". In this series I will also share "40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don't Know, But NEED to Know. (this document will be PREMIUM CONTENT on https://truthtablenewsworld.locals.com In studio today we have our round table "Knights" Ghost,Ron Partain and From Down Under Lord G.O.D. "FAIR WARNING" This broadcast series will piss a lot of people off due to it's nature. I am not a legal expert nor claim to be. I am a freelance independent investagative journalist as stated below. Please do not email me with questions on these details, please do your own homework and draw your own conclusions and opinions, I'm just reporting on what's been verified, and Ghost with Lord G.O.D. are experts in this topic and it is of there opinion only on topic details. LETS Go!!!!! Truth Table News World channel was created to provide it's viewers with real current events that affect us all. Our mission is clear. No spin, tin foil, misinformation content. I am the editor-in-chief of Four44Media Mission, a US Press Corp. affiliate member Verification Code: 90999GON aipress.com/uspverify Our broadcasts will provide interviews/collaborations/contributive special guests, plus other freelance journalists with specialties in intel/investigative niche spaces. We will bring what the MSM won't, plain and simple, and also debunk the spin that's applied to actual "real" stories. LINKS to todays topics below: where buy the book: Amazon.com (I make no commission or royalty from any source for promoting this book.) MEET YOUR STRAWMAN AND WHATEVER YOU WANT TO KNOW By David E. Robinson (Author) ISBN 9781492877677 https://www.amazon.com/Meet-Your-Strawman-Whatever-Want/dp/1492877670/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2319B6UK6UOPX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AHN5woRWw_goPhRe2qo5_3rbuYnTErSCswMizn6NWWqdT46a_69WknnGHGXL1pI7bydQ4nr3t_Z2olRR5GMsLg6U4-9KeKR2myf-l9NY9-XVc3krF6az0ZKTsMSSbDVX1yz8zBogYKoDW_1yYw4tnrezUqmKkZQmZZ4Jmo_99pwNujeD7JCsHwHWkZddiuoHsfw3nmpyrYheiG2Ei9Mrt8jWX0ZjzxYAlEg8ml9kQT8.nOBjODLV8M7Thw3AliNDbGGeTRGso5jBndr7Vf2c8wM&dib_tag=se&keywords=meet+your+strawman+book&qid=1733880893&s=books&sprefix=meet+your+%2Cstripbooks%2C104&sr=1-1 *****THIS WILL BE THE LAST "SCHEDULED" BROADCAST FOR 2024. WE WILL RESUME PART 2 OF THE BOOK SERIES ON sUDAY 1/12/25 AT 6PM EST.***** THE CHANNEL WILL BE UNDERGOING SCHEDULED MAINT. AND I NEED A LONG AWAITED BREAK TO REFLECT,REGROUP, REFOCUS, AND PLANNING FOR 2025. ****EXCEPTION WILL BE "EMERGENCY BROADCASTS DUE TO HIGH LEVEL EVENT". Follow Me on the Socials below: X: https://twitter.com/TheOfficialTTNW Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TruthTableNewsWorld Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truthtablenewsworld?igsh=eG1zazhyZ2lycW1h&utm_source=qr Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@whatsupUSA SHOW EMAIL: armando.truthtablenews@gmail.com SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BELOW: https://truthtablenewsworld.locals.com (JOIN TODAY AND USE PROMO CODE TTNW30 FOR 1 FREE MONTH) https://buymeacoffee.com/ttnw (BUY ME A COFFEE) $TruthTableNewsWorld (Cash app) @Armando-Gonzalez-172 (Venmo) patreon.com/TruthTableNewsWorld (Patreon)4.44K views 5 comments