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Prophetic Prayer Training

8 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Prophetic Report Training w/ Stacey Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  1. SESSION #1: How can YOU Pray Prophetically? | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  2. SESSION #2: URGENT Prophetic Report | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  3. SESSION #3: The Difference between Prophetic and Revelation | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  4. SESSION #4: Urgent Call: We Need to be Praying NOW! | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  5. SESSION #5: Denying Satan Access to Your Life | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  6. SESSION #6: It’s NOT Time. America is Saved. | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  7. SESSION #7: Time for Discerning of Spirits | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler
  8. SESSION #8: How Do We Partner with God and the Prophets? | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler