playlist thumnail

The Guessing Game (Series 1)

5 videos
Updated 18 days ago
In this playlist will be all the episodes from series 1 for you to enjoy and guess along with us. Subscribe for more videos
  1. The Guessing Game - Episode 5. Who's The Real Virgin? Who Does Not Have Autism? Who Is The Sociopath?
  2. The Guessing Game - Episode 4. Who is not a Millennial? Guess The Implants? Who's The Fake Grandma?
  3. The Guessing Game - Episode 3 Who is not married? Who is not a comedian? Who is not in the military?
  4. The Guessing Game - Episode 2. Who's the flat earther? Who is not a virgin? Who is not rich?
  5. The Guesing Game - Episode 1. Who is not British? Did you cheat on me? Who is not the anti vaxxer?