The Guessing Game (Series 1)
5 videos
Updated 18 days ago
In this playlist will be all the episodes from series 1 for you to enjoy and guess along with us.
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The Guessing Game - Episode 5. Who's The Real Virgin? Who Does Not Have Autism? Who Is The Sociopath?
DannyTurner07You are now tuned into Episode 5 of The Guessing Game, where we guess who is who and there is no point scoring here but if you do get those right give yourself 10 points! good Luck. MONDAY’S TOPICS ARE: Who's The Sociopath? Who Does Not Have Autism? Who Is Not A Hooters Girl? DISCORD VC LINK - https://discord.gg/snDFmzCK?event=1336037431883075705 For all those across the world here are the times for this upcoming stream at 10pm GMT - Time zone Information 5pm (EST) / 2pm (PST) / 4pm (CST) / 3pm (MST) / 9am (AEDT)685 views -
The Guessing Game - Episode 4. Who is not a Millennial? Guess The Implants? Who's The Fake Grandma?
DannyTurner07Join me and the panel as we try and guess who's who. if you wish to join the panel then click this link - https://discordapp.com/channels/1317103231641452586/1336036813671890964 EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Hope you all enjoy the stream and as always your support means everything to me.951 views -
The Guessing Game - Episode 3 Who is not married? Who is not a comedian? Who is not in the military?
DannyTurner07Join me and the panel as we try and guess who's who and have some banter along the way. JOIN ME ON DISCORD https://discord.com/channels/1317103231641452586/1336036813671890964948 views 1 comment -
The Guessing Game - Episode 2. Who's the flat earther? Who is not a virgin? Who is not rich?
DannyTurner07You are now tuned into Episode 2 of The Guessing Game, where we guess who who and there is no point scoring here but if you do get those right give yourself 10 points! good Luck. Tonight's Topics Are: Who's The Flat Earther? Who Is Rich? Who Is Not A Virgin? DISCORD VC LINK - https://discord.gg/snDFmzCK?event=1336037431883075705797 views 1 comment -
The Guesing Game - Episode 1. Who is not British? Did you cheat on me? Who is not the anti vaxxer?
DannyTurner07Tonight we will be going through 3 different videos to find the odd ones out and to find out who cheated on who. If you like what you see and you havent subscribed then go ahead and give it a click as you're support means the world to me. Also give it a like while your there, why not eh' Enjoy the show! *THIS IS PRE-RECORDED*836 views 1 comment