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That All 50 State Gun Laws We Will Not Comply Dishonest U.S. Administration

25 videos
Updated 8 months ago
The AR-15/M-16 Is a regular rifle. Is it because it’s black and scary looking? Is it because it’s a semi-automatic? Is it because the leftist media says so. What’s the difference between these two rifles. The top is the AR-15/M-16. The one under it is the Ruger Mini-14/ Etc.# Guns. One is black, the other has a normal looking wooden stock. Guess what? They both shoot the same 5.56x45/.223 cartridge. They are both semi-automatic. both will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. So, if you’re afraid of the AR-15 because it’s black and scary looking, it’s time you grew up and act like an adult. If it’s because the leftist media says so, then it’s time you start thinking for yourself. The AR-15/M-16 has the same sporting purpose as the Mini-14 / Other Guns. Hell, it has the same home defenses or sporting purpose as any rifle. Every day the news media appears to revel in upping the fear index by showing pictures of mobile clinics and morgues being erected in cities like New York. We’re shown “leaked” pictures of body bags with what appears to be corpses inside stacked up in said morgues. I think it’s important to bear in mind that the government and media have been lying to the American people for many decades. This is a fact, not a conspiracy theory. To drive the point home our current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently joked about the fact that government agents are indoctrinated in techniques to lie, cheat and steal. They are trying to destroy our Constitution, the very document they all swore to uphold. We the people must stand up to this blatant attack on our rights. It’s time to get some backbone and push back against those who claim to want to protect us but really want to enslave us. New World Order Says That All 50 State Will Not Comply Dishonest and Lying about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World Order Administration.
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