Angel Wallace ProductionsDonations appreciated, in humble appreciation Hugs with Love, Thank You, Angel https://cash.app/$angelwallace777 OR EMAIL ME FOR MY ADDRESS: ANGEL.WALLACE1777@GMAIL.COM ******************** Follow Me: Telegram: https://t.me/RealAngelWallace Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@angelwallaceshero God's Grace on The https://youtu.be/WiZyLqRJXEI ***************** All Angels books are now available on Amazon 1. Modern Day Joan of Arc, 2. God Is Our New Normal Through the Great Awakening, 3 .Epic Story Ever Told Our World of Illusion 4. Yerba Lindo's ( Beautiful Herbs is a compilation of how natural herbs, roots, fruits, and vegetables are all natural foods that aid in our natural way of maintaining good health. Thank you for your purchases. Hugs with love, Angel ********************** https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2024/08/dr-bryan-ardis-david-nino-rodriguez-breaking-exposing-the-vaccine-agenda-cancer-covid-cure-revealed-in-this-podcast-video-3819894.html ****************************************** https://youtu.be/65_-vNtWLLs SMOKE THAT CIGARETTE1.37K views 17 comments