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Andrew Genovese: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 110]

8 videos
Updated 7 months ago
No one therapy or medicine is going to cure every illness or disease. Healing must be comprehensive and account for the physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of ourselves. This was the case for our guest today who dedicated his life journey to healing trauma and sharing his methods with others. He is a breathwork teacher, healer, and nutritionist who specializes in helping people move toward wholeness. This is the Story of Dimensional Breathwork with Andrew Genovese.
  1. The Story of Dimensional Breathwork with Andrew Genovese
  2. Into the Wilderness with Andrew Genovese
  3. The Importance of Cellular Health for Clarity and Spirituality
  4. Reclaiming Masculinity Through Reconnection with Nature
  5. The Selfless Act of Facing Your Own Shadow
  6. How Pain and Discomfort Leads to Transformation and Growth
  7. A Look at the In Service to Union Workshop
  8. The Ancient Human Practice of Rites of Passage Journeys