Dragon Quest Rocket Slime (complete)
20 videos
Updated 8 months ago
My let's play of the GBA classic Rocket Slime.
Game rated E and suitable for everyone.
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 1
Nightbloom GamingMy very first let's play and my first time playing Rocket Slime. I hope you enjoy. 0:00 Intro 10:00 Forewood Forest begins 10:52 Swotsy 14:43 Stony 17:30 Mother Glooperier 21:31 Day 2 27:30 Wrap Up28 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 2
Nightbloom GamingLet's play of the classic GBA game. This is my first time playing and so far it's been one of the most charming games I've ever seen. 0:00 - Intro and first combat 2:06 - Baron Blubba 7:51 - Peewee and Bubbilly 10:42 - Boss: Bough Beater 12:29 - His Royal Wobbliness 16:27 - Town Visits15 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 3
Nightbloom GamingWe got the big guns now! Episode 3 sees us acquire the tank! 0:00 welcome back 0:33 Tootinschleimen's Tomb 1:15 Namby and Perry 3:43 Strange Duck needs help 5:38 Bud 8:30 Gootrude 12:50 Meet Ducktor Cid 14:10 The tank revealed 15:55 Tank Tutorial 21:10 Back to town and outro16 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 4
Nightbloom GamingMore Tanks! More Explosions! Welcome back for Rocket Slime episode 4. 0:00 Intro 0:16 Platypanzer tank fight! 7:07 Flantenna 8:29 Arming our tank 13:00 Back to Forewood 14:35 Speckles 16:57 Purrrsecuter tank fight! 29:23 Sheala 31:32 Back to town wrap up33 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 5
Nightbloom GamingEat your heart out Lara! We go tomb raiding and meet an evil cactus and have a couple of tank fights chasing him down. Lots of rescues this time around. 0:00 Intro 1:03 Spine Les 2:27 Goolia 3:26 Poxie 4:24 Bunny 5:55 Platypanzer tank fight 9:13 Curate Rollo 11:45 Short Shooter tank fight 15:12 Winkles 16:50 Town Talk with new friends17 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 6
Nightbloom GamingWe finish off the Tomb of Tootinschliemen and finally save Hooly! I got sucked in and this one is bit longer than usual. 0:00 Intro 1:31 Goodith 3:55 Purrrsecutor tank fight 8:29 Slimemechanic 9:18 Town Talk with new friends 15:03 Back at the Tomb 16:28 Rustle Sprout 17:19 Startist 19:54 Curedon Bleu, Prince Pigummy, and Shelby 23:40 Golemator tank fight 34:42 Hooly 35:22 Town Talk with new friends10 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 7
Nightbloom GamingAnother venture out to Foreword Forest. We find a hidden tank fight. Here we see the effect of our troops for the first time and the enemy have a super weapon that I couldn't seem to counter. 0:00 Intro 4:26 Mine cart rollercoaster 5:45 Jumpy 10:50 Totem Pole puzzle 11:37 Carrot Top tank fight 20:45 Tickled Pink 22:00 Town Talk with new friends5 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 8
Nightbloom GamingThis time we clear out Forewood Forest. Final five friends found. Fast and fun tank fight. Flipping flapjacks featured elsewhere! 0:00 Intro 1:40 Plopstar 2:53 George 7:45 Goozana 9:50 Chrono Twigger tank fight 12:55 Earl Luminum 14:14 Starthur 16:15 Town Talk with new friends9 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 9
Nightbloom GamingOur first foray into Mt. Krakatroda. Spooky music and new enemies await! Things get heavy as we find quite a few friends in short order. 0:00 Intro 2:24 Kworry 3:24 Itsy 6:15 Dragory 7:08 Crystal Chronicler 10:38 The Cyclown tank fight 14:33 Anjello 16:00 Goopid 20:18 Dummy 23:27 Splatrick 25:50 Bitsy 26:50 Rocky 29:31 Schwarzman tank fight 35:26 Flanpa 37:42 Town Talk with new friends3 views -
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime ep. 10
Nightbloom GamingWhat's behind the giant green door? Join me and find out as we return to Mt. Krakatroda. We finally unlock crafting in this one. 0:00 Intro 0:43 Mag Max 2:36 Behind the Green Door 3:05 Count Dragoola 4:39 Merc 7:32 Lady Poly 11:03 Fort Knight tank fight 16:20 Diablob 19:25 Pot Belly Boss Fight! 24:13 Alchemy tutorial 28:40 Town Talk with new friends4 views