Stop the War on Farmers!
4 videos
Updated 7 months ago
No Farmers , No Food!
UK bolsheviks Shocking Plan to Pay Farmers NOT to Grow Food - $2,500 Per Acre
Free Humanity*Important to Know: You think that the One World Government (acting as though they don’t exist) are not deliberately creating a food crisis? They are. It’s a plan and has been a long-term plan. I would imagine that every farmer has already been profiled, the gov knows their financial situation, they know their psychological profile and are likely graded in some way. If the grade is high enough and they believe they will take the confidential deal, they will offer. As in one farmer was offered $2,500 per acre not to plant Food Products but planting other non-food plants like wild bird seed and even earn additional payments under the SFI – Sustainable Farming Incentive. The SFI is just like welfare, but is for the farmers. When the farmers become dependent on it – they become CONTROLLABLE. That is what is gradually occurring around the world. Control the farmers control the Food. As Henry Kissinger said: “Control the Food, control the people.” Now they are doing the Listeria b.s. and considering the Bird Flu plandemic to even further deplete the supply. Farmers need to be aware that these payments are “SUCKER” payments and are only to destroy them and everyone else and when when those payments end – many will have become dependent on them and will lose their farms. It’s not even farming when your fields are just left to rot and you are being paid to do absolutely nothing and paid much more than you would make by planting food supply crops. It is a TRAP. They are trying to align farming with the UN Sustainability Goals – which are nothing to do with humanity, it is about destroying and controlling humanity. Too many people are stupid enough to believe that these 17 sustainable goals are for humanity as they just lack the critical thinking and foresight to comprehend. That’s the kind of people they are putting in leadership positions all over the world. So we are being led by a bunch of non-critical thinkers or dummies. When farmers are incentivized to reduce the food supply, that should be the red flag of red flags that something is amiss here, something is going on. What better way to make people comply than by offering them free money for doing nothing? It worked with our wonderful “healthcare” field for Covid. Greed clouded the minds and they didn’t even know that these were $5.5 Trillion worth of BRIBES. Free money can really make people look the other way and not focus on what is right. They will do this (reduce Ag Production) gradually. Time to realize what is going on right now. UK bolsheviks Shocking Plan to Pay Farmers NOT to Grow Food - $2,500 Per Acre, communism , bolsheviks, jews, zionists, genocide, save the farmers, war on food supply, plandemic, planned famine, holodomor, Europa, depopulation , agenda 21/30, Omar Samson, Free Humanity259 views -
No farmers, no food, no future!" - Dutch MEP, Rob Roos, exposes the war on our food supply
Free HumanityNo farmers, no food, no future!" - Dutch MEP, Rob Roos, exposes the globalist war on farmers, in the EU parliament.,stop the war on farmers! , cow farts not the problem! , unite against cultural and agricultural genocide,Netherlands globally biggest exporter of agricultural products trumping rhe u.s.a. And china,save the bees,save the trees,save the farmers!,omar samson, free humanity62 views -
Globalist bodies like the UN and WEF and Bill gates ,Monsanto are waging war against farmers
Free HumanityGlobalist bodies like the UN and WEF and Bill gates ,Monsanto are waging war against farmers,wef,bill gates,klaus schwab, communism by the backdoor,bolshevik,jew,monopoly,engineering famine,cultural genocide,great replacement,you shal eat za bugs,stop the war on farmers,farmers,war,2024,war on food,global depopulation agenda, agenda 21/30, sustainability goals,satanic,war on humanity,omar samson,free humanity78 views -
Farm Quarantining – Beef & Chicken Lockdown – The War on Food is Beginning –Alex Jones & Kirk Elliot
Free HumanityFarm Quarantining – Beef & Chicken Lockdown – The War on Food is Beginning –Alex Jones & Kirk Elliot,war on good,covid-19,Alex Jones,Truth,conspiracy,stop the war on farmers!, sorry for the many posts today i am on a roll, sow much information to share, sow little time!, immigration,great replacement,inflation,kirk eliot,power grab,great reset,great awakening,make earth great again, free humanity,infowars,omar samson,nwo,un,wef109 views