4 videos
Updated 1 month ago
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS GAME? - SIGNALIS LIVE! NIGHT 2 #signalis #live #livestream #shootingriser
ShootingRiser#survivalhorror #livestream #signalis #horrorgaming #gamingnight THIS IS NIGHT 2 Hello everyone, I will be live streaming what I believe to be the most profound survival horror game to ever have been created. SIGNALS is pretty new and full of mysterious lore, characters that appear and disappear and so many unanswered questions. Even to this day, the game has been hard to grasp even for me. So feel free to join me to talk, and theorize about this awesome game! After what appears to be a crash landing in the middle of a blizzard. Our protagonist heads towards a strange hole. After that, we somehow ended up in some awesome first-person view moments! However, we now are in an unknown facility trying to find a special someone? DIFFICULTY: NORMAL ENDING: UNKNOWN LOW NUMBER OF SAVES LOW ATTEMPTED DAMAGE ATTEMPTED NO DEATH LATEST YOUTUBE SHORT: CREEPY-SMALL TOWN LOCATIONS 1# P1 LINK: https://youtube.com/shorts/NuP4MbfocjA?si=fjMnwbH1zo6txeZR "A classic survival horror experience set in a dystopian future where humanity has uncovered a dark secret. Unravel a cosmic mystery, escape terrifying creatures, and scavenge an off-world government facility as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams." - Official website Come to watch me fail? No problem, even better:) SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: YouTube: @shootingriser Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingR... FACEBOOK OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?ty... If you would like to support me and my gaming channels, it is not necessary but I would really appreciate it, please consider donating or tipping me by going to the link below, thank you in advance! https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip48 views -
THE MOST PROFOUND HORROR GAME EVER! - SIGNALIS LIVE! #singnalis #live #livestream #shootingriser
ShootingRiser#survivalhorror #livestream #signalis #horrorgaming #gamingnight Hello everyone, I will be live streaming what I believe to be the most profound survival horror game to ever have been created. SIGNALIS is pretty new and full of mysterious lore, characters that appear and disappear and so many unanswered questions. Even to this day, the game has been hard to grasp even for me. So feel free to join me to talk, and theorize about this awesome game! DIFFICULTY: NORMAL ENDING: UNKNOWN LOW NUMBER OF SAVES LOW ATTEMPTED DAMAGE ATTEMPTED NO DEATH "A classic survival horror experience set in a dystopian future where humanity has uncovered a dark secret. Unravel a cosmic mystery, escape terrifying creatures, and scavenge an off-world government facility as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams." - Official website Come to watch me fail? No problem, even better:) SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: YouTube: @shootingriser Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingR... FACEBOOK OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?ty... If you would like to support me and my gaming channels, it is not necessary but I would really appreciate it, please consider donating or tipping me by going to the link below, thank you in advance! https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip77 views 4 comments -
HORROR GAME ABOUT ROBOT GIRLS! - Signalis Live! Night 4 #signalis #survivalhorror #livestream
ShootingRiser#livestream #shootingriserlive #signalis #survivalhorror #gamingnights #halloween #silenthilllikegames #scarygames LATEST SIGNALS YOUTUBE SHORT: https://youtube.com/shorts/JzBs1C58uFM?si=TgXqm27nSQ6JSMwe THIS IS NIGHT 4 Hello everyone, I will be live streaming what I believe to be the most profound survival horror game ever to have been created. SIGNALS is pretty new and full of mysterious lore, characters that appear and disappear and so many unanswered questions. Even to this day, the game has been hard to grasp even for me. So feel free to join me to talk, and theorize about this awesome game! After a lot of strange and unfortunate events, our main character finds herself in some strange sequences that involve many of the mysteries and many of the characters so far. From what I understood, the real events are about to unfold in this mysterious game after our apparent death and the fake ending of the game. After starting the game again, Elster awakes one more time to complete her "Promise" DIFFICULTY: NORMAL ENDING: UNKNOWN LOW NUMBER OF SAVES LOW ATTEMPTED DAMAGE ATTEMPTED NO DEATH LATEST YOUTUBE SHORT: CREEPY-SMALL TOWN LOCATIONS 1# P1 LINK: https://youtube.com/shorts/NuP4MbfocjA?si=fjMnwbH1zo6txeZR PART 2 OF THE 610 FACTORY SHORT ON YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/shorts/wW37hkwFTOw?si=6_3N95ABAzRu7Bgq "A classic survival horror experience set in a dystopian future where humanity has uncovered a dark secret. Unravel a cosmic mystery, escape terrifying creatures, and scavenge an off-world government facility as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams." - Official website Come to watch me fail? No problem, even better:) SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: YouTube: @shootingriser PERSONAL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer FACEBOOK OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553543711781 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?ty... If you would like to support me and my gaming channels, it is not necessary but I would really appreciate it, please consider donating or tipping me by going to the link below, thank you in advance! https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip ESPANOL: ESTA ES LA NOCHE 4 Hola a todos, transmitiré en vivo lo que creo que es el juego de terror de supervivencia más profundo jamás creado. SIGNALS es bastante nuevo y está lleno de historias misteriosas, personajes que aparecen y desaparecen y muchas preguntas sin respuesta. Incluso hasta el día de hoy, el juego ha sido difícil de entender incluso para mí. ¡Así que siéntete libre de unirte a mí para hablar y teorizar sobre este increíble juego! Después de muchos eventos extraños y desafortunados, nuestro personaje principal se encuentra en algunas secuencias extrañas que involucran muchos de los misterios y muchos de los personajes hasta el momento. Por lo que tengo entendido, los acontecimientos reales están a punto de desarrollarse en este misterioso juego después de nuestra muerte aparente y el final falso del juego. Después de comenzar el juego nuevamente, Elster se despierta una vez más para completar su "Promesa". DIFICULTAD: NORMAL FINAL: DESCONOCIDO BAJO NÚMERO DE GUARDACIONES DAÑO BAJO INTENTO INTENTÓ NO MUERTE ÚLTIMO CORTO DE YOUTUBE: UBICACIONES DE PUEBLOS PEQUEÑOS Y ESPELORES 1# P1 ENLACE: https://youtube.com/shorts/NuP4MbfocjA?si=fjMnwbH1zo6txeZR PARTE 2 DE MI NUEVO CORTO EN YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/shorts/wW37hkwFTOw?si=6_3N95ABAzRu7Bgq "Una experiencia clásica de terror de supervivencia ambientada en un futuro distópico donde la humanidad ha descubierto un oscuro secreto. Desentraña un misterio cósmico, escapa de criaturas aterradoras y hurga en una instalación gubernamental fuera del mundo como Elster, una técnica de Replika que busca sus sueños perdidos". - Página web official ¿Vienes a verme fallar? No hay problema, incluso mejor 🙂 ENLACES DE REDES SOCIALES: YouTube: @shootingriser PAGINA PERSONAL DE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer FACEBOOK PAGINA OFFICIAL: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553543711781 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?ty... Si desea apoyarme a mí y a mis canales de juegos, no es necesario, pero realmente lo agradecería. Considere hacer una donación o darme una propina en el siguiente enlace. ¡Gracias de antemano! https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip92 views -
THIS HORROR GAME IS UNDERRATED - SIGNALIS LIVE! Night 3 #singnalis #livestream
ShootingRiser#livestream #shootingriserlive #signalis #survivalhorror #gamingnights #halloween #silenthilllikegames #scarygames THIS IS NIGHT 3 Hello everyone, I will be live streaming what I believe to be the most profound survival horror game ever to have been created. SIGNALS is pretty new and full of mysterious lore, characters that appear and disappear and so many unanswered questions. Even to this day, the game has been hard to grasp even for me. So feel free to join me to talk, and theorize about this awesome game! After what appears to be a crash landing in the middle of a blizzard. We finally get out of that strange facility and now find our selves inside some kind of underground cave. We also meet a girl named Isolde itou whom seems to be also looking for a special someone. We meet the "Director" of the facility named Adler who seems to be the main antagonist of the story. However, we now find our selves inside this creepy dungeon, what on earth is going on now? DIFFICULTY: NORMAL ENDING: UNKNOWN LOW NUMBER OF SAVES LOW ATTEMPTED DAMAGE ATTEMPTED NO DEATH LATEST YOUTUBE SHORT: CREEPY-SMALL TOWN LOCATIONS 1# P1 LINK: https://youtube.com/shorts/NuP4MbfocjA?si=fjMnwbH1zo6txeZR PART 2 OF THE 610 FACTORY SHORT ON YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/shorts/wW37hkwFTOw?si=6_3N95ABAzRu7Bgq "A classic survival horror experience set in a dystopian future where humanity has uncovered a dark secret. Unravel a cosmic mystery, escape terrifying creatures, and scavenge an off-world government facility as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams." - Official website Come to watch me fail? No problem, even better:) SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: YouTube: @shootingriser PERSONAL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer FACEBOOK OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?ty... If you would like to support me and my gaming channels, it is not necessary but I would really appreciate it, please consider donating or tipping me by going to the link below, thank you in advance! https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip ESPANOL: ESTA ES LA NOCHE 3 Hola a todos, transmitiré en vivo lo que creo que es el juego de terror de supervivencia más profundo jamás creado. SIGNALS es bastante nuevo y está lleno de historias misteriosas, personajes que aparecen y desaparecen y muchas preguntas sin respuesta. Incluso hasta el día de hoy, el juego ha sido difícil de entender incluso para mí. ¡Así que siéntete libre de unirte a mí para hablar y teorizar sobre este increíble juego! Después de lo que parece ser un aterrizaje forzoso en medio de una tormenta de nieve. Finalmente salimos de esa extraña instalación y ahora nos encontramos dentro de una especie de cueva subterránea. También conocemos a una chica llamada Isolde Itou que parece estar buscando a alguien especial. Conocemos al "Director" de la instalación llamado Adler, quien parece ser el principal antagonista de la historia. Sin embargo, sabemos que nos encontramos dentro de esta espeluznante mazmorra, ¿qué diablos está pasando ahora? DIFICULTAD: NORMAL FINAL: DESCONOCIDO BAJO NÚMERO DE GUARDACIONES DAÑO BAJO INTENTO INTENTÓ NO MUERTE ÚLTIMO CORTO DE YOUTUBE: UBICACIONES DE PUEBLOS PEQUEÑOS Y ESPELORES 1# P1 ENLACE: https://youtube.com/shorts/NuP4MbfocjA?si=fjMnwbH1zo6txeZR PARTE 2 DE MI NUEVO CORTO EN YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/shorts/wW37hkwFTOw?si=6_3N95ABAzRu7Bgq "Una experiencia clásica de terror de supervivencia ambientada en un futuro distópico donde la humanidad ha descubierto un oscuro secreto. Desentraña un misterio cósmico, escapa de criaturas aterradoras y hurga en una instalación gubernamental fuera del mundo como Elster, una técnica de Replika que busca sus sueños perdidos". - Página web official ¿Vienes a verme fallar? No hay problema, incluso mejor 🙂 ENLACES DE REDES SOCIALES: YouTube: @shootingriser PAGINA PERSONAL DE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer FACEBOOK PAGINA OFFICIAL: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?ty... Si desea apoyarme a mí y a mis canales de juegos, no es necesario, pero realmente lo agradecería. Considere hacer una donación o darme una propina en el siguiente enlace. ¡Gracias de antemano! https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip120 views