Dead Space Game-play | Part 1 | Chapter 1 | Arrivals ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 1 is about chapter 1 'Arrivals'. Dead Space is like one of the favorite games of mine all time :D I can't forget the thrill, the excitement, the horror :) That's why decided to play this awesome game once again & share the 'Dead Space' journey with U guys ;) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart1 #DeadSpaceChapter1 #Chapter1Arrival5 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 2 | Chapter 2 | Intensive Care ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 2 is about chapter 2 'Intensive Care'. It was much more horrifying then the previous one :O new enemies, more jump scares, more frightening :O If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart2 #DeadSpaceChapter2 #Chapter2IntensiveCare5 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 3 | Chapter 3 | Course Correction ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 3 is about chapter 3 'Course Correction'. This part was really awesome :O So frightening, so intense, so exciting :D don't miss the experience ;) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart3 #DeadSpaceChapter3 #Chapter3CourseCorrection3 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 4 | Chapter 4 | Obliteration Imminent ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 4 is about chapter 4 'Obliteration Imminent'. It is crazy as hell :O It's much more tense & frightening then the previous chapters ;) What's gonna happen next??? :D If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart4 #DeadSpaceChapter4 #Chapter4ObliterationImminent3 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 5 | Chapter 5 | Lethal Devotion ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 5 is about chapter 5 'Lethal Devotion'. It is so horrifying that I was scared & running for my life almost all the time :( you will be introduced to to a new enemy that U can't kill with anything :O If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart5 #DeadSpaceChapter5 #Chapter5LethalDevotion3 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 6 | Chapter 6 | Environmental Hazard ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 6 is about chapter 6 'Environmental Hazard'. It was really long coz I had to do so many stuff in this chapter. it was intense & ended with a awful boss fight :O If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart6 #DeadSpaceChapter6 #Chapter6EnvironmentalHazard3 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 7 | Chapter 7 | Into The Void ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Game-play Part 7 is about chapter 7 'Into The Void'. It was also long & horrifying :O Had so many jumpscares :O It's creepy & scary. If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart7 #DeadSpaceChapter7 #Chapter7IntoTheVoid9 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 8 | Chapter 8 | Search And Rescue ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Part 8 is about chapter 8 'Search And Rescue'. This is quite short comparing to previous two chapters. but the intense pressure & scare is not less :P Shortage of bullets :O Had to die several times :/ If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart8 #DeadSpaceChapter8 #Chapter8SearchAndRescue7 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 9 | Chapter 9 | Dead On Arrival ✔
iamcgbdDead Space part 9 is about chapter 9 'Dead On Arrival'. It had a great punch ;) It's a full package :) Fear, Death, Drama, Excitement :O It has everything :O If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart9 #DeadSpaceChapter9 #Chapter9DeadOnArrival3 views -
Dead Space Game-play | Part 10 | Chapter 10 | End Of Days ✔
iamcgbdDead Space Part 10 is about Chapter 10 'End Of Days'. It was fascinating & irritating :/ Had to die many times but it was an excellent experience :D If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] My YouTube Channel_[https://www.youtube.com/c/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #DeadSpaceGameplay #DeadSpacePart10 #DeadSpaceChapter10 #Chapter10EndOfDays5 views