2 Thessalonians
3 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Expositional study through Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians 2:6-12, Pastor Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearSermon given at Calvary Chapel on September 10, 2023. Pastor Scott teaches about the mystery of lawlessness and revelation of the Antichrist. Paul explains why the Antichrist has not been revealed and the conditions of those who must make a decision to love or hate God in the tribulation period.9 views -
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, Pastor Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearSermon given at Calvary Chapel on September 3, 2023. Pastor Scott teaches about the rapture, the Day of the Lord and the Antichrist. Paul gives conditions to know if the Tribulation period has begun. Since that time has not started, the Thessalonians should ignore any written letter pretending to be from Paul that would teach them to the contrary.17 views 1 comment -
2 Thess. 1:3-10, Christian Persecution, Pastor Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearPastor Scott taught at Calvary Chapel in Rockland on June 25th, 2023. He taught on Christian Persecution. Sunday, June 25, 2023.7 views