Critical Race Theory Lesson for All, from a Father & Daughter!
Uncensored StormFather and daughter want to STOP critical race theory. Listen and share! **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #treamtrump #crt #sayNOtocrt #sayNOtoracism #sayNOtomarxism25 views 1 comment -
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi : Do Not Give Your Child the Covid Vaccine
Uncensored StormAn urgent appeal from microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. We are not anti vax, we are anti covid vax. There's a difference. Follow the science. Please listen carefully. >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com https://t.me/PlanetLockdown https://planetlockdownfilm.com/ #covidvax #followthescience #firefauci **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **270 views 4 comments -
Madyson Marquette Talks Child Trafficking & Testifying over 100x at the Military Tribunals
Uncensored Storm**PLEASE WATCH & SHARE EVERYWHERE** ❤❤ . Clare Okell aka The Great British Bird talks to Madyson Marquette . Madyson Marquette has testified in these military tribunals over 100x as a survivor of sex trafficking, bought and sold by many "elites", now saves children from being trafficked with her team. This is her story from a recent extraction at the US/Mexican border. . ❤ Rest in Peace Angel ❤ . Madyson testified against Joe Biden, as well. She had to testify via pictures and video of her torture, in order to name the real Joe Biden- not the fake, masked actor playing Joe Biden. . Madyson Marquette is a huge part of this storm and deserves so much gratitude. She is my hero. . Follow and support these ladies who are IN THIS FIGHT! . https://t.me/madysonmarquetterrealnews https://t.me/greatbritishbird >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** . #savethechildren #bordercrisis #endchildtrafficking #fakejoebiden1.35K views 2 comments -
⚠ Adrenochrome Harvesting Documents ⚠
Uncensored StormActual confidential documents from CYM Corporation, Human Adrenochrome Harvesting Company. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** DISGUST BEYOND DISGUST! #SAVETHECHILDREN SHARE SHARE SHARE200 views 5 comments -
WTF! Child Grooming, Normalizing Pedophilia
Uncensored StormDefinitely NOT what children need to see!! #stoptheinsanity Child grooming and normalizing pedophilia - “The truth won’t be for everyone, it had to be this way so people can SEE” Dismantle the cabal before they destroy us!!! https://linktr.ee/uncensoredstorm84 views 3 comments -
Jim Caviezel: Celebrity Involvement in Adrenochrome, Child Farming & Trafficking
Uncensored StormFull interview with Jim Caviezel on bitchute discussing his newest movie The Sound Of Freedom and Tim Ballard. Movie will be released 4Q 2021 only, by Tim Ballard and his organization. The movie will not be released in Hollywood theaters. Caviezel also discusses Adrenochrome, children being killed for farming, and famous celebrities being involved the horrible industry we know as child trafficking. SHARE EVERYWHERE • U.S. Site & Socials • https://UncensoredStorm.com https://givesendgo.com/jbfamily https://truthsocial.com/@jessicaus https://rumble.com/uncensoredstorm https://instagram.com/uncensoredstorm https://facebook.com/uncensoredstorm2.0992 views 1 comment -
Remember What We're Fighting For...
Uncensored StormRemember What We're Fighting For... the children, our freedom, our country, mankind.. JFK to DJT. The Starter. The Finisher. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #saveamerica #savethechildren #ncswic #trusttheplan #50yearplan119 views 1 comment -
Jim Caviezel Talks Adrenochrome
Uncensored StormJim Caviezel is talking about adrenochrome to a livestream of at least 500,000 people 🤯 • U.S. Site & Socials • https://UncensoredStorm.com https://givesendgo.com/jbfamily https://truthsocial.com/@jessicaus https://rumble.com/uncensoredstorm https://instagram.com/uncensoredstorm https://facebook.com/uncensoredstorm2.0131 views 2 comments -
Hunger Games Producer Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia
Uncensored StormJohn Paul Rice, film producer (Remember the Titans, The Hunger Games, more..) of independent movie, A Child's Voice, exposing Hollywood pedophilia, was recently removed from Amazon. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **3.06K views 5 comments -
Chasing Ghislaine Doc Reveals Maxwell's Daddy Issues with Epstein
Uncensored StormChasing Ghislaine Doc Reveals Maxwell's Daddy Issues with Epstein ‘Chasing Ghislaine’ doc reveals Maxwell’s daddy issues with Jeffrey Epstein. “She wanted to be like her father,” journalist Vicky Ward told The Post, referring to media tycoon Robert Maxwell. “It’s critical in understanding why a man like Jeffrey Epstein would have been so extraordinarily compelling to her.” Ward’s new three-part docuseries, “Chasing Ghislaine,” premiering Monday on Discovery+, explores the eerie parallels between Maxwell’s blind allegiance to her “ruthless” father and her unflinching devotion to convicted pedophile Epstein. When former boyfriend Epstein once walked into his East Side office at the posh Villard Houses with a young woman and the two ducked into a separate room, Maxwell looked the other way. “You really don’t have to put up with this,” a friend said to Maxwell afterwards, according to Ward. Maxwell’s response? “Yes, I do. My father taught me you do whatever it takes to keep your man.” -Qtah 👉 New York Post Article https://bit.ly/30K3JLK ⭐Support Patriot-Owned Businesses here: https://www.UncensoredStorm.com/ShopAF 🍿Follow [US] on FB: https://www.Facebook.com/UncensoredStorm https://www.Facebook.com/UncensoredStorm2.0 🎯 Super Full Facebook [US] Post! https://www.Facebook.com/111182881241436/posts/121874373505620/ 📽 Follow [US] on Rumble! https://www.Rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm 🌐 [US] website: https://www.UncensoredStorm.com1.16K views 3 comments