The Axis Unseen Part II -Demo -WARNING! very slow paced gameplay
kk0's Games channelI play it like a real experience, in a very very slow paced rate Also, I changed mouse to left hand, to not alter the realism of the play with my 3d shooter skills. Watch if you like slow gameplay, and want to get bored (not for lovers of fast action games) Rules: difficulty chosen at random each time I start playing, since you can change it ingame. Expect even slower game, when the random will give me 4 or 5 difficulty level.2 views -
The Axis Unseen -Demo -WARNING! very slow paced walkthrough
kk0's Games channelI play it like a real experience, in a very very slow paced rate. on top of this, I changed mouse to left hand, to not alter the realism of the play with my 3d shooter talent. Watch if you like slow gameplay, and want to get bored. (not for the fast action games lover)2 views -
Hlaf-Life Alyx Part 15
k0parsh3u-movement intentionally low quality, by moving the mouse with left hand, to avoid skill based actions -random maps -dmgx3 4 realism -random ammo and hp limit to make gameplay non-repetitive on a step by step basis -Alyx accent speech fixed5 views -
Half-Life Housecleaner Alyx no VR no UI
k0parsh3u-F_ery around, lots of silly deaths -Damage dmgx3 -mouse on left7 views -
k0parsh3uWe men warriors supposed to play in the role of female characters. Like imagine John Wayne playing a western movie in the role of some wife. At least I don't have to hear her annoying voice. -random maps -binary random for SMG -damage x3 -mouse on left to remove unrealistic shooting skill -and a bit of planetary education -no UI12 views 2 comments -
Half-Life Alyx Play 11.2
k0parsh3u-intentionally played with UI Off and other rudimentary settings + mouse switched to left to make fps skill matter even less -headshots ie with the pistol made versus uber armed soldiers who have superior firepower should never happen in this Universe; yet the Internet is full of unrealistic gameplay of mouse+keyboard aiming, thanks to easier and easier setup and crosshair, all seem more put there to mock the idea of armed fighting -plus the beauty of encountering monsters with inferior setup is that it makes the gameplay closer to older Resident Evil games15 views -
Half Life Alyx random map Play 9
kk0's Games channelRULES: -random chapter plus random level -bad movement and shooting is by design, I am using mouse for left hand because I don't want my shooting skills to make unrealistic gameplay -limited ammo to 30 for pistol and 60 for smg -smg equipped only if random 0/1 returns 1 -damage taken and received x3 -jump key is on space which is hard to reach if I use mouse on the left and arrow keys for movement -changing map after death I f_edup again. Using exploding barrels while there is shooting around was vey stupid idea on my part. Had no idea how to avoid the antlion in the door at the end, while out of bullets. CHOSING RANDOM MAPS FOR REPLAYABILITY PURPOSE, SO THAT I DONT LEARN THE HEAVILY SCRIPTED CAMPAIGN and of course Alyx's annoying talk got improved1 view -
Half Life Alyx random map = a3_hotel_lobby_basement; Play 8.3
k0parsh3u-lots of fuckery, movement crippled on purpose not to trump everything with absurd shooting skills -did not see the Barnacle at the end -damage scale 3, game difficulty 36 views -
Half Life Alyx play 7
kk0's Games channel-Alyx dialogues massively improved -Random maps -a small movie from last time that Germany was free -LMouse4 views