Game Reviews
57 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Reviewing all things gaming.
Brought to you by Arturelia Studio.
Review: Tales of Vesperia
Pop Culture TalkMy Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up #Review #Game #RPG #Arturelia #Talesof #Vesperia #Arturelia #ArtureliaReview #ArtureliaEntertainmentStudio #TalesofVesperia18 views -
Review: Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Pop Culture TalkJumping to the series that started my reviewing Journey! Will note, this one was rough, due to technical issues. The reason was because I was testing out Hitfilm Pro, messing around with the noise redcution and all. However, I was having a lot of issues with the program which made the editing process bad. In the end, the audio quality isn't great :/ Music intro: 1・2の3・4 - Famicon inst ver., by Sakagami Souichi Outro: 8 oath-nes by Sakagami Souichi (http://www.tandess.com/en/music/ ) Intro GIF are from these places. All rights belong to their owners who made them: https://giphy.com/ https://gifer.com/en Discord Server - https://discord.gg/9m6drYMQvt Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Arturelia Odysee - https://odysee.com/@ArtureliaEntertai... Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/arturelia/?... Twitter - https://twitter.com/ArtureliaStudio8 views -
Review: Tales of Zestiria
Pop Culture TalkMy Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up #Review #Game #RPG #Arturelia #Talesof #Zestiria #Arturelia #ArtureliaReview #ArtureliaEntertainmentStudio9 views -
Review: Tales of Xillia
Pop Culture TalkMy Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up #Review #Game #RPG #Arturelia #Talesof #Xillia #Arturelia #ArtureliaReview #ArtureliaEntertainmentStudio #TalesofXillia28 views -
Review: Tales of Xillia 2
Pop Culture TalkMy Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up #Review #Game #RPG #Arturelia #Talesof #Xillia #Arturelia #ArtureliaReview #ArtureliaEntertainmentStudio #TalesofXilliaTwo13 views -
Review: Super Mario Bros (NES)
Pop Culture TalkMusic intro: 1・2の3・4 - Famicon inst ver., by Sakagami Souichi (http://www.tandess.com/en/music/) Outro: fighter-nes, by Sakagami Souichi Intro GIF are from these places. All rights belong to their owners who made them: https://giphy.com/ https://gifer.com/en Discord Server - https://discord.gg/9m6drYMQvt Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/arturelia/?hl=en Twitter - https://twitter.com/ArtureliaStudio6 views -
Review: Mario Kart 64
Pop Culture TalkCorey Michaels Movies joins me again for another review. This time it's Mario Kart 64! My Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up9 views -
Review: Luigi's Mansion
Pop Culture TalkMy Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up Luigi art work from JamesTheReggie, I believe.36 views -
Review: Super Mario 3D Land
Pop Culture TalkSorry for my shirt being invincible, and error with the with my green screen work. (Original upload Aug 20, 2015) The game is available here http://amzn.to/2kIBguF My Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up #Review #Game #Platform #SuperMario #SuperMarioBros #Mario #Arturelia #ArtureliaReview #ArtureliaEntertainmentStudio14 views -
Review: Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
Pop Culture TalkMusic intro: Day Dream, by Sakagami Souichi (http://www.tandess.com/en/music/) Discord Server - https://discord.gg/9m6drYMQvt Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Arturelia Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/arturelia/?hl=en Twitter - https://twitter.com/ArtureliaStudio Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-360305 Steemit - https://steemit.com/@arturelia My Video Game Rating System: 1/10 - Do not get this game 2/10 - Awful 3/10 - Bad 4/10 - Not good at all 5/10 - Meh 6/10 - Okay 7/10 - Good 8/10 - Great 9/10 - Awesome 10/10 - Excelente Bonus Rating System - F***** Up #Review #Game #Platform #SuperMario #SuperMarioBros #Mario #Arturelia #ArtureliaReview #ArtureliaEntertainmentStudio #SuperMario3DWorld17 views