FLASHBACK TO REALITY - This is worth reposting it might help explain this movie
QspecialForcesFLASHBACK TO REALITY >>>>>> TAKING DOWN THE PUR EVIL CABAL > DeepState from A to Z - And from Z TO A >> DRAINING THE SWAMP - 26.000 YEARS OF PUR EVIL... - TO CONNECT THE DOTS - Americans have witnessed a massive, controlled military operation that strategically and critically planned and successfully trapped the Washington establishment.... They had to confess all their crimes and play a role in this operation piece by piece.... Americans had to visually see and witness a "continuation of government" in the form of a "presidential administration" where these corrupt and evil people will destroy their system from within, have, and will continue to spend all their dirty money on it until it is time for the military to visually intervene. - The timelines all come together to prove the military operation and occupation: > 1st snake poem read by candidate Donald Trump - January 2016. > 2. presidential election 2016 - November 2016 > 3. President-elect Trump and Putin on Fox News = "ready for 'reset'.... I will work with Trump" - Nov. 9, 2016 > 4. martial law manual (military occupation and negotiations, etc.) - December 2016 > 5. military justice act (Supreme Court clarifies that military law is separate from civil law; strong emphasis on terms "military court") - 2016 > 6. military gets behind CIC Trump at inauguration (military intelligence and JAG headbands; optics) - January 2017 > 7. Saudi Arabia crowns Trump king - May 2017 > 8. declares Jerusalem the capital of Israel - December 2017 > 9. executive order 13818 - declares national emergency to combat human rights abuses - december 2017 > 10. CIC Trump walks in front of the Queen - July 14, 2018 > 11. Putin gives CIC Trump a soccer ball ("the ball is in your court"; did not participate in the 2022 World Cup) - July 16, 2018 > 12. executive order 13848 - September 2018 > 13th CIC Trump makes history; enters North Korea - June 2019. > 14th National Quantum Initiative - Executive Order 13885 - August 2019. > 15. space force established as military branch - December 2019 > 16. corona sars virus is first introduced to the American public as a threat from China - February 2020 > 17. two more national emergencies are declared - March 13 and 27, 2020 > 18. executive order 13912 to transfer 1,000,000 National Guardsmen to active duty - March 27, 2020 > 19. citing CIC Trump about an attack worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined - May 2020 > 20. National Guard troops erect fence around Capitol building (47 U.S. Code 606) - January 2021 > 21st CIC Trump receives full constitutional and military rank at inauguration ceremony - Jan. 20, 2021 > 22. "Joe Biden" breaks the 20th Amendment among many other violations - Jan. 20, 2021 > 23. planes continually fly over and through the 33-mile no-fly zone around D.C. - Jan. 2021 to date > 24. "Biden" extends Executive Order 13848 (for the first time) - September 2021 > 25. quantum. gov is launched - September 2021 > 26. New York Times reports military courts will come in mid-2023 - December 2021 > 27. army and branches transfer all communications to Space Force under ONE command (Biden did not mention Space Force once; zero news articles with his name associated with Space Force) - August 2022 > 28. main theme of optics and communications in Trump's CIC speech - Nov. 15, 2022 > 29. more news articles on establishment of Space Force Command Centers with no mention of Biden - December 2022 > These few timelines and time stamps prove nothing but a military operation and occupation along with many more laws, codes, orders, statutes, laws, optics and communications. > The National Guard has left its state militia status and has been on active duty every day since its federalization in March 2020. > Inauguration of the 45th president of the United States of America Donald J. Trump > FLASHBACK January 20th 2017. ✨💫DARK TO LIGHT✨💫 >> Watch this speech again and again until you get everything of it. - This is probably the best and MOST IMPORTANT speech in the history of humanity. - If you lost faith, this will give you back the faith until the plan will be entirely accomplished. - Everything is there, nothing is missing. Love to you and your families ❤❤❤ Watch closely at 2 minutes, all different corps of the Army get down stairs, and stand behind President Trump exactly when he says:' WE ARE TRANFERING THE POWER FROM WASHINGTON D.C. TO YOU THE PEOPLE'. the WE actually means President Trump, and the US Army are transfering the power from to you the people. >>> As soon as he finished to say so, all the Army corps representatives left. > Searh DEVOLUTION PROCESS, and you will understand the thing. - 💫❤️GOD ALWAYS WINS💫 KING LIONHEART TRUMP, QUOTE: 🤜🏻❤️NEVER EVER GIVE UP❤️🤛🏻 - ✊🏻HOLD THE LINE 🇺🇲 - DRAINING THE SWAMP > WORLDWIDE - WWG1WGA- IN IT TOGETHER --->>> https://rumble.com/v5bvgid-inauguration-of-the-45th-president-of-the-united-states-of-america-donald-j.html > https://rumble.com/v5bvgid-inauguration-of-the-45th-president-of-the-united-states-of-america-donald-j.html5.86K views 18 comments -
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