film & Film fan Edit
3 videos
Updated 3 months ago
this playlist has films, some full length and fan film re-mix content
How To SPOT Propergander 1946 school educational film
WelshmanstudiosPost war in American schools and the UK school education "used to really educate students about life and the world they REALLY lived in, this is why when you even go back to young boys sometimes 12 years old, their vocabulary and handwriting was like poetry, now we see the result of the globalist agendas, and how they've tried to dumb down children and parents, luckily people have woken up, and not only re-learning what was once was, but are now educating themselves, "did you know ALL educational books, science, history even the frequency of music is all from not only once source, but from one elite globalist family? LOOK that one up, but please floor, in 2025 I'll be putting more out there,5 views -
Xmen Dark Phoenix remade ending Xmen Last stand Xmen franchise remade
WelshmanstudiosXmen Dark Phoenix alternative ending including deleted scenes and a really good remade ending with original ending off Sophia from and acted as Jean Grey. Fan-made professional ending. With audio restored original ending with Wolverine going back in time to help Jean make the right decision, with Xmen 3 last stand and Other Xmen films 🍿131 views 1 comment -
Dark Phoenix remixed alternative ending reimagined film #xmen
WelshmanstudiosXmen Dark Phoenix alternative ending reimagined ending, including deleted scenes alternative ending. What it should have been, a bigger tighter film, I wish I could have done a whole 90 mins to 2hour film but I was hoping to bypass the copyright which I did thank all parties but lately for me it’s gone so hard to publish anything, yet others can show an unedited Star Wars film without problems. Hope you enjoy please like follow and sub, also share anywhere you can Love ya welshmanStudios (Lee Lewis)17 views 1 comment