The Second Watch with Matt & Gary - Livestream
8 videos
Updated 6 days ago
The Second Watch Episode 7 "West Marches and Campaign Management"
Gaming with LordmatteusGary has to get something off his chest: West Marches and how to manage the campaign. West Marches has been popping up a lot in social media lately. Gary and I are thinking about running something on the Discord server. It's time we chat about it! intro: Am Stram Gram -- Louis Lingg And The Bombs Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @glewis1732 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/35 views -
The Second Watch Episode 5: "Griff Morgan, The Secrets of Blackmoor, and Rule Zero"
Gaming with LordmatteusToday we have a chat with Griff Morgan, the man who holds the Secrets of Blackmoor, to discuss gaming the imagination: Rule Zero and the GM's role at the table. intro: Am Stram Gram -- Louis Lingg And The Bombs Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @glewis1732 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/28 views -
The Second Watch, Episode 6 "You're a Game Master. Start acting like it."
Gaming with LordmatteusOur old friend Brian joins us to discuss a topic I've been thinking about for some time: The Game Master as Game Designer. intro: Am Stram Gram -- Louis Lingg And The Bombs Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @glewis1732 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/12 views -
The Second Watch - Dude, Is this thing even on?
Gaming with LordmatteusEpisode One - Matt & Gary start a live stream...Join the conversation. The truth is we hate writing scripts. We'd rather sit around the fire, shoot the shit, and discuss whatever comes to our minds. Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @glewis1732 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/30 views -
The Second Watch Ep 2: "Matt & Gary try Blood, Chocolate, & Stanic Panic""
Gaming with LordmatteusJoin us to discuss Blood in the Chocolate by Kiel Chenier, stupid controversies, the role free speech and expression play in the TTRPG industry, and your creations as a Game Master.10 views -
The Second Watch Episode 4 "Consequences, Railroading, and 5 Room Dungeons"
Gaming with LordmatteusJoin us while we discuss railroading, the consequences of player action, and why Matt hates five-room dungeons. Wretched Folklore: https://moordereht.com/product/wretched-folklore/ Together, to the Beyond: https://moordereht.com/product/together-to-the-beyond/ intro: Am Stram Gram -- Louis Lingg And The Bombs Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @glewis1732 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/7 views -
The Second Watch Episode 3 - "Matt & Gary welcome Robert Alderman & The Gods of the Forbidden North
Gaming with LordmatteusJoin us in welcoming Robert Alderman, Author, Editor, and Lead Designer of Pulp Hummock Press's campaign trilogy, Gods of the Forbidden North. Pulp Hummock Press: https://pulphummock.com/ Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pulphummock/gotfn-trilogy?ref=profile_saved_projects_prelaunch&category_id=Q2F0ZWdvcnktMzQ= Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @glewis1732 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/14 views -
Test Stream...ludites assemble!
Gaming with LordmatteusStarted to test my restream subscription just to see how things worked (and if it would work). Apparently, we were joined by a few people! Gary and I just talked about the stream and our plans for the premiere: January 17th @10PM Central/11PmEST https://giantslayergames.com/ https://lordmatteus.itch.io/ https://moordereht.com/product/isle-of-the-sapphire-god/ #osr #lotfp #dnd #dnd5e #dnd4e #dnddm #ttrpgfamily #ttrpgcommunity #ttrpgs #lotfp #FASERIP #Heroic #marvel #DC Twitter: @lordmatteus23 @Glewis2317 https://linktr.ee/lordmatteus Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/24 views